Women’s health

Women’s health



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Read & reread (because relationships change over time) the books, alone or together with your partner:


Love by Leo Buscaglia

It can happen to you: the practical guide to romatic love  by Roger Callahan

The Romance Factor by Alan Loy McGuinness

7 Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman & Nan Silver

The Five Love Languages  by Gary Chapman

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

Read the online essay by Mandy Len Catron “To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This,”



Sexual attraction & the birth control pill & pregnancy


Immune genes appear to play an important role in sexual attraction.  Heterosexual women & men are sexually attracted to the smell of the opposite gender that have three immune genes- major histocompatibility complex (MHC)- that are different than their own.  There is speculation that this makes a child’s immune system stronger, or that it increases the likelihood that one parent will survive a plague.


The birth control pill simulates pregnancy.  When women are on the birth control pill or pregnant they are more attracted to men with the same MHC genes.  This is suspected this is a throwback to when women who were pregnant prefer the company of male relatives, especially back when the men in the women’s family helped raise the child, not her sexual partner.


This can provide a problem when a woman dating a man she finds sexually attractive starts taking the pill, or when a woman has a partner she met when on the pill stops taking the pill to get pregnant or for health reasons.  In both situations she may find herself less physically attracted to her partner, which can lead to the relationship ending or her seeking other sexual partners.


In pregnancy this explains why women who have three different MHC genes than their partners may have little desire for sex during the pregnancy.  Knowing that the lack of sexual desire is purely biological and that it will likely come back in full may help partners to endure the temporary lack of chemistry.  The chemistry often comes back the day after delivery, even if the physical ability may take a few weeks.


This is all relative to strength of relationship and other factors.  But it may help the relationship to understand the biological basis for attraction.



When is it useful?


When a woman is in a relationship with someone whose abusive and it’s the physical relationship that is keeping her tied to the abusive partner (assuming they have two or three different immune factors), sometimes the abusive partner notices that his/her hold on the relationship starts to slip when the woman starts taking birth control & s/he throws them out.   Taking birth control surreptitiously may allow her to leave her partner earlier and before the abuse continues or gets worse because the physical attraction may lessen.  It would be a conscious decision by her to make it easier to leave.



Hormonal birth control may also lower levels of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium & zinc.





MHC-correlated odour preferences in humans and the use of oral contraceptives

S. Craig Roberts et al. Proc. R. Soc. B (2008) 275, 2715–2722  doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0825


Partner Choice, Relationship Satisfaction, and Oral Contraception   The Congruency Hypothesis S. Craig Roberts et al. Psychological Science Volume: 25 issue: 7, page(s): 1497-1503  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797614532295



Maternal health


Here’s why women who want to get pregnant, are pregnant, are breastfeeding take 1.25mg/50K IU vitamin D3 w 1 cup of organic kale or baby greens or 500mcg vitK2 or powdered natto weekly, biweekly or to reduce an autoimmune disease by 95%, daily.

Here’s what happens when vitamin D3 levels are low:  ideal appears to be above 70ng/ml vitamin D levels in the blood.


Summary of Healthy pregnancies need lots of vitamin D

Reduces Evidence
0. Chance of not conceiving 3.4 times Observe
1. Miscarriage 2.5 times Observe
2. Pre-eclampsia 3.6 times RCT
3. Gestational Diabetes 3 times RCT
4. Good 2nd trimester sleep quality 3.5 times Observe
5. Premature birth 2 times RCT
6. C-section – unplanned 1.6 times Observe
     Stillbirth – OMEGA-3 4 times RCT – Omega-3
7. Depression AFTER pregnancy 1.4 times RCT
8. Small for Gestational Age 1.6 times meta-analysis
9. Infant height, weight, head size
within normal limits
10. Childhood Wheezing 1.3 times RCT
11. Additional child is Autistic 4 times Intervention
12.Young adult Multiple Sclerosis 1.9 times Observe
13. Preeclampsia in young adult 3.5 times RCT
14. Good motor skills @ age 3 1.4 times Observe
15. Childhood Mite allergy 5 times RCT
16. Childhood Respiratory Tract visits 2.5 times RCT

RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial

Here are the 200 most recent Pregnancy articles





Maternal mortality in childbirth


In 2014 in the Netherlands, maternal mortality was 2.9 women per 100,000.  In the United States in 1987 maternal mortality in childhood was only 7.2 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.   In DC and all other states besides Texas and California, it rose to 23.8 in 2014, 300% higher.  In Texas, it rose to 35.8 in 2014- 500% higher than the US rate in 1987 and 1200% higher (12x) than in the Netherlands.  What has happened in the United States (and especially Texas) that has made maternal mortality so much higher than 25 years ago in the US, and so much higher currently than other industrialized nations?


One possibility is that women in the US are having children older, which increases maternal deaths, but so are women in other industrialized countries.


The rest of the industrialized world has universal healthcare which results in significantly more standardized prenatal and postnatal care, which have both been shown to improve maternal health and reduce maternal deaths.


Good prenatal care, skilled doctors/nurses/midwives, emergency care to deal with hemorrhage, sepsis, hypertensive disorders and obstructed labour, the availability of safe abortion, and postnatal care for the vulnerable new infant and the mothers’ postbirth bleeding, sepsis and hypertensive disorders have all been found to reduce maternal & infant deaths around the world.  Even safer is making birth physically, emotionally, & economically safe for women & babies.


Women on medicaid in the US get fewer prenatal services, are more likely to have health problems before pregnancy, and have greater maternal health problems.  Women without health insurance get far less care than even women on medicaid.  Women in almost all of the rest of the industrialized world get free or very inexpensive pre and postnatal services, medical care, and hospital care if needed during and after childbirth.



Caesarian sections


Doctors have been performing caesarian sections in record numbers, now 1/3rd of all births in the US, up from 1/5th twenty years ago.  Unnecessary surgery increases mortality risks for the mother & the baby.  Because total payouts to hospitals and doctors are 50% higher with cesarean than with vaginal birth, paying hospitals a set rate for all births & doctors a salary would stop the monetary incentive for more caesarian sections.



Medicalization of childbirth


A very delicate balance of hormones-estrogen and progesterone, oxytocin, vasosupressin,  beta-endorphins, prolactin, epinephrine/adrenaline, norepinephrine/noradrenaline identified so far-are used to send up to a 10lb infant out of the uterus, down the birth canal, & out the vagina where the baby breathes for the first time & is dependent on nonplacental nourishment for the rest of her/his life.  We are as far from understanding or replicating that sequence, timing, & levels of hormone & biological feedback as we are from intergalactic travel.  We also beginning to understand how medications given during childbirth adversely affect the levels of this delicate balance of hormones.


Natural Childbirth IV: The Hormones of Birth





The use of pitocin to induce labor increases risk of autism & infant injury, increases signs of brain damage by 500%, asphyxia by 300%, reduces breast feeding after labor, and doubles caesarean sections.  Giving pitocin to induce labor may signal the infant’s brain to stop the maturation of his/her own hormonal system and significantly reduce the infant’s own oxytocin levels throughout their lifetime.  Oxytocin (along with vasosuppressin) is an essential hormone for friendship, love, and basic social interactions.


Healthy Birth Practice #1: Let Labor Begin on Its Own

Amis, Debby

The Journal of Perinatal Education, Volume 23, Number 4, 2014, pp. 178-187(10)


Association of Autism With Induced or Augmented Childbirth in North Carolina Birth Record (1990-1998) and Education Research (1997-2007) Databases

Simon G. Gregory et al.

JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(10):959-966. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.2904


Routine induction of labour at 41 weeks gestation: nonsensus consensus

Savas M. Menticoglou and Philip F. Hall

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Volume 109, Issue 5, pages 485–491, May 2002

DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2002.01004.x


Influence of maternal, obstetric and fetal risk factors on the prevalence of birth asphyxia at term in a Swedish urban population.

Milsom I et al.

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2002 Oct;81(10):909-17.


Risk factors for neonatal encephalopathy in Kathmandu, Nepal, a developing country: unmatched case-control study

Matthew Ellis et al.

BMJ. 2000 May 6; 320(7244): 1229–1236.






Epidurals (used for pain during childbirth)


Epidurals lower the levels of most of the birth hormones.

They lengthen labor.

They triple the risk of severe perineal tear.

They may increase the risk of cesarean section by 2.5 times.

They triple the occurrence of induction with synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin).

They quadruple the chances a baby will be persistently posterior (POP, face up) in the final stages of labor, which in turn decreases the chances of spontaneous vaginal birth (see below).

They decrease the chances of spontaneous vaginal delivery. In 6 of 9 studies reviewed in one analysis, less than half of women who received an epidural had a spontaneous vaginal delivery.

They increase the chances of complications from instrumental delivery. When women with an epidural had a forceps delivery, the amount of force used by the clinician was almost double that used when an epidural was not in place. This is significant because instrumental deliveries can increase the short-term risks of bruising, facial injuries, displacement of skull bones and blood clots in the scalp for babies, and of episiotomy and tears to the vagina and perineum in mothers.

They increase the risk of pelvic floor problems (urinary, anal and sexual disorders) in mothers after birth, which rarely resolve spontaneously


Epidurals travel to the infants bloodstream, where they can take three times longer to eliminate than in the mother.  They cause significant negative physical & mental effects, lasting for months afterwards.  Epidurals significantly lower both breastfeeding rates immediately & in the future & reduce the bond between the mother & infant.


Natural Childbirth V: Epidural Side Effects and Risks



The usage of pitocin and/or epidurals may increase the memory of pain


When giving birth, mothers experience what they say at the moment is the greatest pain in their lives.  But upon birth women experience a surge of hormones when they start to bond with their infants that stops their short term memory of the pain from being encoded into long term memory.  They instead remember the overwhelming feelings of love for their child (when things go right).  Pitocin & epidural usage can interfere with the bonding process (which can be traumatic for the mother) and can increase the memory of pain from the childbirth, causing PTSD in some women.  Having this enhanced memory of pain in childbirth and reduced feelings of bonding makes medical intervention much more likely in subsequent births like caesarian section, pitocin to induce labor, and epidural usage and their attendant complications.



Midwife births


The least complicated labor around the world is when the woman goes to a familiar safe place for her, alone, with someone available in the next room if she needs.  She often gives birth quickly & near effortlessly.  As this cuts down significantly on complications, labor time, & pain it should be the gold standard of labor & delivery everywhere.


Natural Childbirth III: Why Undisturbed Birth?

Natural Childbirth IV: The Hormones of Birth


Michael Odent, in his book “Do we need midwives?”, agrees.  He has studied what he believes improves all births that don’t need medical intervention at a hospital.  He believes that the woman needs to be familiar with the room, so it’s good if she’s used the room for quiet time at least once.  The midwife should be the only other person, sitting calmly in the corner (knitting is recommended, repetitive motion).  Once the birth starts, if a partner is to join they are to be there in touch only, no talking.  The room should be dark, with only red for lighting as melatonin levels may be important for birth, and all other color lights have blue in them which suppresses melatonin.  Quite frequently the pattern is for very fast and uncomplicated births this way.  It mimicks what women who give birth alone around the world do.




Eliminating epidurals & pitocin


The usage of a midwife and a quiet & dark room can speed up birthing times & reduce the experience of pain, reducing the usage of pitocin, epidurals, and caesarian sections.  Hypnosis used for relaxation & pain relief has been shown to reduce the experience of pain without affecting the delicate balance of hormones in pregnancy, and without the harmful effects of epidurals.  A posthypnotic suggestion can be used with just an unspoken signal from the midwife when the labor starts to reduce discomfort.





Baby formula


Baby formula, even organic, can contain a lot of toxic mercury & arsenic, lead & cadmium. Beech-Nut Nutrition Company, Campbell Soup Company (which sells Plum Organics), Gerber, Hain Celestial Group (which sells Earth’s Best organic products), Nurture (which sells Happy Family Organics and Happy Baby products), Sprout organic foods, and Walmart (which sells Parent’s Choice) were all asked to test their products.

Nurture, Beech-Nut, Hain, and Gerber had arsenic, lead, and cadmium, Nurture was the only one that tested themselves for mercury & had it.

Three companies (Walmart, Sprout, and Campbell’s Soup) wouldn’t disclose their toxic heavy metal levels.

Hain is being sued because even after those heavy metal levels were disclosed, they continued selling for babies knowingly & didn’t issue a recall.

Eat whole organic foods from farmers that test their soil, breastfeed, make your own baby food.







Oils in baby formula


Polyunsaturated fats turn to formaldehyde when heated.  The only fats that don’t have polunsatured are coconut, palm, (grassfed) butter/ghee or lard.  Baby formulas with grain oils (corn & soy are grains) have the most polyunsaturated fats.  Refined oils have mercury added the majority of the time in processing.


Autism & diet


Eating processed foods, anything other than organic whole foods, can increase autism symptoms by adding a lot of mercury, lead, cadmium & arsenic.

Renee Dufault in the FDA found mercury & lead added in processing FD&C food colorings (blue#, red#, yellow#), mercury in refined oils-GMO soy & corn worst for health (formaldehyde is in heated polyunsaturated fat), mercury in high fructose corn syrup (may be hidden ingredient in any nonorganic corn product like corns starch or dextrose), refined (white) wheat & rice.



Unsafe at any Meal Renee Dufault


Genetically modified food


Americans, including American women have been getting heart disease (which used to be negligible in pregnant women), hypertension, obesity, and diabetes at record numbers, which are all implicated in increased maternal mortality.  They appear to be responsible for most of the deaths- cardiovascular diseases, 14.7%, infection and/or sepsis (worse in diabetes), 12.7%, hemorrhage, 11.3%, cardiomyopathy, 10.8%, thrombotic pulmonary embolism, 9.0%, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, 7.6%, cerebrovascular accidents, 6.5%, and amniotic fluid embolism, 5.7%.


Seven years after GM foods were introduced, the CDC increased their estimate of the percentage of people who developed a chronic disease from the foods they eat from 7% to 14%.  Since GMO foods were introduced in the US, maternal mortality has tripled while it has gone down in all other industrialized countries around the world.  FDA scientists warned in the late 1980s & early 1990s that GM foods could cause serious chronic diseases, based on animal studies.  During the end of GHW Bush’s administration a Monsanto lawyer was brought into the FDA, declared that no human studies on GM foods were needed, and then left to become Monsanto’s vice president.  Now, the only studies required for the safety of new GM foods are done by the corporations.


GMOs vegetables appear to have greatly increased lectins that activate insulin receptors, perhaps causing significant weight gain & muscle loss, increased diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.


Dr. Steven Gundry, Center for Restorative Medicine




Allergies to soy increased over 50% in Britain after GM soy was introduced.  Some GM foods appear to thin the lining of the gut, and drastically reduce digestive enzymes, allowing allergens & toxins to enter into the bloodstream in a manner called “leaky gut syndrome”.  Some GM foods are made immune to the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup), which is now used at 10,000% higher rates than before GMOs were introduced.  Glyphosate and the other ingredients in Roundup appear to kill the good bacteria in the gut.  This thinning of the gut lining, reduction of digestive enzymes, increased allergen & toxin levels in the bloodstream, and reduction in probiotic bacteria in the gut appears to trigger heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.


The supposedly “inert” ingredients in Roundup that is used heavily in GMO corn & soy, whose main ingredient is glyphosate, appear to cause illness all by themselves.


Over 90% of corn, soy, canola (from Canada), and cotton is GM in the US.  Sugar beets, papaya, and yellow and zucchini squash can be GM.  80% of all foods in the US contain GM ingredients.  38 countries have banned the cultivation of GM crops, and most countries around the world require them to be labeled as genetically modified.


International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Article Co-Formulants in Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Disrupt Aromatase Activity in Human Cells below Toxic Levels

Nicolas Defarge et al.

26 February 2016


New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup



Glyphosate and infants


A preliminary study found the higher the glyphosate levels in women, the lower the birth weights in their children.  Food, not water, was found to by the primary source of high glyphosate blood levels, and caffeine levels had the greatest correlation with glyphosate, likely from coffee cultivation.  Pregnant women in rural areas had higher glyphosate levels.


Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) and Glyphosate Exposure in Pregnant Women and Their Association with Adverse Birth Outcomes

Shahid Parvez, Phd 3/9/17 as presented IU Bloomington Spea A201 IUB 4pm

Disinfection Byproducts



GM milk


Monsanto’s genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) is injected into many dairy cows in the US.  This raises IGF-1 levels up to 1000% in the cow’s milk, a hormone considered to be a high risk factor for breast, prostate, colon, lung, and other cancers.


FDA scientist have been fired, pushed out, or reassigned for expressing their concerns about it’s safety.  Six Canadian scientists testified to their Senate that Monsanto bribed them to approve their genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth hormone (Monsanto was subsequently fined for bribes in Indonesia over GM food approvals).


Genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth hormone is suspected of causing more fraternal twin births which leads to and increase in premature, low birth weight, cerebral palsy, and stillbirths.






Infants & GMO foods


Studies with mice and GMO corn & soy appear to show the greatest reductions in fertility, infant survival, and infant health.





Childbirth and antidepressants


After controlling for other factors, antidepressant (over 80% of which are serotonin reuptake inhibitors SRIs) usage in the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a 30% increase in premature births.


Associations of Maternal Antidepressant Use During the First Trimester of Pregnancy With Preterm Birth, Small for Gestational Age, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Offspring

Ayesha C. Sujan, MA et al.

JAMA. 2017;317(15):1553-1562. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.3413




Other effects


Hundreds of thousands of farmers in India have committed suicide when their GM crops failed, and farmers growing GM crops have seen an increase in health problems, birth defects, and infant mortality in part from the up to 100X increase in herbides used in herbicide resistant GM crops.





Genetically modified foods appear to be responsible for a large increase in diabetes, obesity, and heart disease through thinning the lining of the gut, reducing digestive enzymes, reducing the good bacteria in the gut, & allowing allergens & toxins into the bloodstream, which has compromised maternal & infant mortality, especially in the US. Eating organic and taking a multiple (the more the better in some studies) probiotic & prebiotic mix may have a large positive effect in decreasing maternal mortality.


Foods that may have GM ingredients:





GM Crops Now Banned in 39 Countries Worldwide – Sustainable Pulse Research






Water filtration


Water in the USA is full of drug residues and poisonous chemicals like polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFASs), lead, and/or perchlorate.





Gravity filters


For gravity filters (not built into the water system), ZeroWater & Big Berkey are by far the best tested below.  The Big Berkey wins in price,  $250 up front then costing only $60 filters every year for flouride, and $110 filters every ten years, for 2 cents a gallon.  Zerowater is only $15 to start, but needs new filters every three weeks, dependent on how much debris in the water.   Zerowater may be easier for travel.


Consumer Reports (available at most libraries, including sometimes through their website with a library card) gives Clear2O CWS100A by far its best rating.






Countertop, undersink, reverse osmosis water filters







Reducing or eliminating poverty would stop 2/3rds of abortions.  Seven of ten women who have abortions already have children.  rnal mortaPresidents who follow policies that increase poverty (increase taxes on people who are poor, reduce them on people who are rich) see an increase in abortions- Reagan, GHW Bush- and presidents who decrease poverty (increase taxes on people who are rich, decrease taxes on people who are poor) see a decrease in abortions(Bill Clinton by 40%) lity and black women


Maternal mortality is currently and has been in the past 300% higher for black women, even as maternal mortality overall has gone up or down.  Preec

lampsia, eclampsia, obstetric hemorrhage, placental abruption and placenta previa account for more than 25% of all maternal deaths, yet black women don’t have a higher prevalence.  Instead, they are 200-300% more likely to die from these complications when they do get them than other women.


Treating these complications like life threatening illnesses for black women who are pregnant may help significantly.


Black men & women are less likely to get medical care, and are less likely to get aggressive intervention even when diagnosed with a chronic disease.  But even when black women & men get exactly equivalent aggressive care, they still die at higher rates than men & women of other ethnicities.



Pregabalin (Lyrica)


One study of 164 women who took pregabalin during their first trimester found their babies had a 600% higher rate of a major central nervous system birth defect.


Pregnancy outcome following maternal exposure to pregabalin may call for concern

Ursula Winterfeld et al.

doi: http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000002767

Neurology June 14, 2016 vol. 86 no. 24 2251-2257



What foods may be problematic in pregnancy?



Hydrogenated vegetable oils (HVOs)


HVOs appear to significantly increase miscarriage rates.





Caffeine intake appears to significantly increase miscarriage rates.





Liver has a lot of vitamin A.  Too much vitamin A has been associated with increased birth defects.



Raw eggs


Uncooked eggs may have salmonella, which could hurt the baby.





Any alcohol intake appears to reduce a baby’s eventual intelligence level, even moreso during periods of especially increased vulnerability.



Unripe papaya


Unripe/semiripe papaya contains latex, which can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage.  Papain, a papaya extract, should also be avoided during pregancy.



Fish (mercury)


The fish that have the most mercury in rough order are shark, king mackerel, swordfish, Spanish mackerel, walleye, marlin, Chilean bass, shrimp, catfish, tilapia, wild salmon, and tuna.



Soft cheeses


Soft cheeses like Mexican style cheese, feta, Gorgonzola, brie, Camembert and Roquefort may contain listeria which can cause miscarriage or severe illness in newborns.



Uncooked or cold meat


Uncooked meat can have toxoplasmosis, as can cat feces.  Toxoplasmosis can affect an unborn child.



Raw sprouts


Raw sprouts can have bacteria that unborn babies are vulnerable to.


10 Foods That Can Endanger Your Pregnancy



Vitamin D3


The darker the skin the less amount of vitamin D3 can be made from the sunlight.  For most of the US, black women cannot get enough sun exposure to bring vitamin D3 to health levels, even in the summer.  Heart disease, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes are all much higher in all women with low levels of vitamin D3 (less than 30mg/dl).  Getting levels between 50-70 ng/dl may reverse many of the diseases and the increased maternal deaths in black women by taking vitamin D3 daily with a meal (fat soluble).  Vitamin D3 & calcium supplementation may prevent gestational diabetes, and getting vitamin D3 to sufficient levels during pregnancy appears to help prevent type I diabetes during childhood.



Vitamin D3 in pregnancy


When women who are pregnant take 4000 IU they have half of the pregnancy complications like gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and infection as well as less c-sections.


Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Gordon CM, Hanley DA, Heaney RP, Murad MH, Weaver CM; Endocrine Society. Evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency: an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Jul;96(7):1911-30.


Women who are pregnant need blood levels above 40 ng/ml to protect against serious complications like premature delivery and preeclampsia.  And having high enough levels of vitamin D3 during pregnancy and then supplementing the children after birth (4000 IU per day in the winter taken with a meal) can help prevent allergies, asthma, colds and flu, dental cavities, diabetes, strokes and cardiovascular disease in children.




J Bone Miner Res. 2011 Oct; 26(10): 2341–2357.

doi:  10.1002/jbmr.463

Vitamin D Supplementation during Pregnancy: Double Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial of Safety and Effectiveness

Bruce W. Hollis et al.


Low Serum Vitamin D Levels Are Associated With Increased Arterial Stiffness in Youth With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Pranati Jha et al.

doi: 10.2337/dc15-0111

Diabetes Care May 26, 2015


Maternal vitamin D and E intakes during pregnancy are associated with asthma in children

Keith M. Allan, Nanda Prabhu, Leone C.A. Craig, Geraldine McNeill, Bradley Kirby, James McLay, Peter J. Helms, Jon G. Ayres, Anthony Seaton, Stephen W. Turner, Graham Devereux

European Respiratory Journal ol 45 Issue 4


Clinical & Experimental Allergy Volume 45, Issue 5 May 2015 Pages 920–927

Maternal vitamin D and E intakes during early pregnancy are associated with airway epithelial cell responses in neonates

D. R. Miller et al.

DOI: 10.1111/cea.12490



Vitamin D3 and viral infections


4000 IU of vitamin D3 taken with a meal or vegetable oil (fat soluble) reduces viral infections by 90%.  The reason we get most viral infections in the winter appears to be because of the antiviral effects of vitamin D3 in the summer made from our skin protects us, at least when we are young & spend enough time in the sun near enough to the equator.


Aloia JF, Li-Ng M. Re: epidemic influenza and vitamin D. Epidemiol Infect 2007;135:1095 – 6; author reply 1097-8




In one study people who had vitamin D3 levels above 38ng/mL in their blood recovered from the flu in two days vs nine days for people under 38ng/mL.


Sabetta J, Depetrillo P, Cipriani R, et al.

Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and the Incidence of Acute Viral Respiratory Tract Infections in Healthy Adults.


PLoS One 2010;5(6):e11088.


Vitamin D status has a linear association with seasonal infections and lung function in British adults.

Berry D, Hesketh K, Power C, et al.

British Journal of Nutrition 2011;106:1433-1440.





Infants and vitamin D3


Infants with low vitamin D3 levels have double the number of hospitalizations for respiratory infections.


Camargo CA Jr, Ingham T, Wickens K, Thadhani R, Silvers KM, Epton MJ, Town GI, Pattemore PK, Espinola JA, Crane J; New Zealand Asthma and Allergy Cohort Study Group. Cord-blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and risk of respiratory infection, wheezing, and asthma. Pediatrics. 2011 Jan;127(1):e180-7. doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-0442. Epub 2010 Dec 27.



Another benefit of vitamin D3 is to severe viral infections where our bodies can have a deadly overreaction, killing us with the side effects of an overactive cytokine response.  This can happen with pneumonia, as well as with the Ebola virus.  Vitamin D supplementation during a viral infection may reduce levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which may help improve survivability independent of vitamin D’s antiviral benefits.


Cannell JJ, Vieth R, Umhau JC, et al. Epidemic influenza and vitamin D. Epidemiolo Infect 2006;134:1129-1140.


Sundaram MA, Talbot HK, Zhu Y, et al. Vitamin D is not associated with serologic response to influenza vaccine in adults over 50 years old. Vaccine 2013;31:2057-61.





Vitamin D3 levels of 50-70ng/ml


When we are sick and the vitamin D3 is fighting off viral infections, we may need more than normal.  Doctors can test our blood to make sure we are over 50ng/mL.



Vitamin D3 increases lifespan


Vitamin D3 supplementation helps prevent all cause mortality and cancer deaths as well as the vast majority of viral infections.


Vitamin D Supplementation and Total Mortality: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials FREE

Philippe Autier, MD; Sara Gandini, PhD

Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(16):1730-1737. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.16.1730.










Vitamin D3 is a hormone that affects multiple body systems


Vitamin D3 works like a hormone affecting systems throughout the body.  Taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 lowers endometriosis, gestational diabetes (with calcium), childhood type I diabetes by at least 44%, breast cancer, hepatitus B&C viral load, cirrhosis by 65%, lung cancer by 63% in smokers (at just 800IU), and fatigue.


Vitamin D3 supplementation seems to help a large variety of disorders including phosphate deficiency, kidney disease (causing low phosphate levels), osteomalacia (bone softening in adults), psoriasis (disorder causing skin redness and irritation), rickets (bone weakening in children), thyroid conditions (causing low calcium levels), thyroid conditions (due to low vitamin D levels), dental cavities, fall prevention, muscle weakness/pain, osteoporosis (general), renal osteodystrophy (bone problems due to chronic kidney failure), and vitamin D deficiency which causes bone loss, kidney disease, lung disorders, diabetes, stomach and intestine problems, and heart disease.



People with vitamin D deficiency have been found to have an increased risk of Addison’s disease, ankylosing spondylitis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, chronic active hepatitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, type 1 diabetes, pemphigoid, pernicious anemia, primary biliary cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and thyrotoxicosis.



Ramagopalan SV et al. Hospital admissions for vitamin D related conditions and subsequent immune-mediated disease: record-linkage studies. BMC Med, 2013.



“Adequate vitamin D status is necessary and beneficial for health, although deficiency plagues much of the world’s population. In addition to good levels of vitamin D3 reduces the risk for bone disease, falls, decreases pain, autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart disease, mortality, and improves cognitive function.”


Vitamin D: Bone and Beyond, Rationale and Recommendations for Supplementation

Sarah A. Stechschulte, Robert S. Kirsner, Daniel G. Federman

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2009.02.029






“We found that daily intakes of vitamin D by adults in the range of 4000-8000 IU are needed to maintain blood levels of vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce by about half the risk of several diseases – breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes,”


“Most scientists who are actively working with vitamin D now believe that 40 to 60 ng/mL is the appropriate target concentration of 25-vitamin D in the blood for preventing the major vitamin D-deficiency related diseases, and have joined in a letter on this topic,” said Garland.  “Unfortunately, according a recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, only 10 percent of the US population has levels in this range, mainly people who work outdoors.”


Interest in larger doses was spurred in December of last year, when a National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine committee identified 4000 IU/day of vitamin D as safe for every day use by adults and children nine years and older, with intakes in the range of 1000-3000 IU/day for infants and children through age eight years old.

While the IOM committee states that 4000 IU/day is a safe dosage, the recommended minimum daily intake is only 600 IU/day.


EPA/DHA fatty acids and pttp://www.iiar-anticancer.org/openAR/journals/index.php/anticancer/article/view/215


CEDRIC F. GARLAND, CHRISTINE B. FRENCH, LEO L. BAGGERLY, ROBERT P. HEANEY Vitamin D Supplement Doses and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in the Range Associated with Cancer Prevention International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment Vol 31, No 2 (2011)





Holick MF (2004) Vitamin D: Importance in the prevention of cancers, type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Am J Clin Nutr 79(3):362–371




B vitamins and pregnancy


Having low thiamine (B1), folate (B9), & B12 during pregnancy for the mother & after childbirth for the baby appears to cause significant physical, emotional, social, & mental health problems in children when they are older.  Supplementation of the mother & child appears to significantly improve physical and mental health above the health of a nonsupplemented child.  A B vitamin complex considered safe for pregancy & one later for infants may help.



Fertility & parasites


In one study of Tsimane women in Bolivi, women who were infected with a type of hookworm had three fewer children on average (in a norm of 10), but those infected with roundworm continually had two more children on average.


Helminth infection, fecundity, and age of first pregnancy in women

Aaron D. Blackwell et al.

Science  20 Nov 2015: Vol. 350, Issue 6263, pp. 970-972

DOI: 10.1126/science.aac7902



Spirulina- source of EPA & DHA fatty acids in fish oil


Spirulina is put into all baby formulas because its EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids are believed to be a why children who are breastfed do better in cognitive & development tests, school, college, & lifetime achievement.  The benefits of fish oils are from spirulina & are only found in fish who eat spirulina or eat fish who eat spirulina. Organic spirulina is safest as with all supplements to avoid contamination with toxic metals or toxic mycrocystins.  Spirulina may need to be taken with a meal with a vegetable for the enzymes to use it more fully.



EPA/DHA fatty acids and asthma


In one investigation of EPA & DHA fatty acids taken by women who were pregnant, their children had 31% less asthma in their first five years studied.


Fish Oil–Derived Fatty Acids in Pregnancy and Wheeze and Asthma in Offspring

Hans Bisgaard et al.

N Engl J Med 2016; 375:2530-2539December 29, 2016DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1503734



EPA/DHA fatty acids and pregnancy health


EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids appear to halve heart disease deaths by lowering corornary artery disease/hypertension/heart attacks/smoker’s blood vessel damage, reduce diabetes, lower the risk of preeclampsia, premature delivery.  They may reduce postpartum depression by 66%.



EPA/DHA fatty acids and infants


EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids appear to help at risk babies, and improve babies eye hand coordination if the mother took them during pregnancy.



EPA/DHA fatty acids and breast milk


DHA is so essential for development the mother’s breast milk may contain 30 times more DHA than formula.



EPA/DHA fatty acids and children


higher IQ

less allergies

less behavior probs

better sleep

better social interaction

helps autism

w/vitE helps improve speech in child with autism

boys 27% less depression

10EPA/DHA fatty acids and i12lbs thinner


They appear reduce anxiety, depression, bipolar depression, ADHD, and schizophrenia (2x as well as antipsychotic prescription drugs).


Omega 3/6 fatty acids for reading in children: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in 9-year-old mainstream schoolchildren in Sweden, Mats Johnson et al., The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12614, published online 22 August 2016,


Holman, Ralph T., Johnson, Susan, Ogburn, Paul, ÒDeficiency of essential fatty acids and membrane fluidity during pregnancy and lactation,Ó Biochemistry, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 88: 4835-4839, June 1991.


Innis, Sheila M., and Kuhnlein, Harriet V., ÒLong-chain n-3 fatty adds in breast milk of Inuit women consuming traditional foods,Ó Early Human Development, Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd., 18: 185-189, 1988.


Simopoulos, Artemis, M.D., Nutrition Today, March/April 1988 & May/June 1988


Children from low income families who get the most DHA and the least omega6 fatty acids from corn & soybean oil had better academic achievement than even children of wealthy parents.


Lassek, W. D. & S. J. C. Gaulin (in press) “Breast milk DHA content predicts cognitive performance in a sample of 28 nations.”  Maternal & Child Nutrition:


Many of the disorders that EPA & DHA fatty acids treat appear to be from an inability to retain enough in the brain, making extra supplementation essential for people with mental illness.






EPA/DHA fatty acids and memory


Alzheimers Dement. 2010 Nov;6(6):456-64. doi: 10.1016/j.jalz.2010.01.013.

Beneficial effects of docosahexaenoic acid on cognition in age-related cognitive decline.

Yurko-Mauro K, McCarthy D, Rom D, Nelson EB, Ryan AS, Blackwell A, Salem N Jr, Stedman M; MIDAS Investigators.



EPA/DHA fatty acids and depression


A meta-analysis of 15 different studies showed that EPA & DHA supplementaton reduces depression.


J Clin Psychiatry. 2011 Dec;72(12):1577-84. doi: 10.4088/JCP.10m06634. Epub 2011 Sep 6.

Meta-analysis of the effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in clinical trials in depression.

Sublette ME, Ellis SP, Geant AL, Mann JJ.


Here’s a great study showing  EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids improves mood:




Omega-3 Fatty Acid Augmentation of Citalopram Treatment for Patients With Major Depressive Disorder

Gertsik, Lev et al.

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology:

February 2012 – Volume 32 – Issue 1 – p 61–64

doi: 10.1097/JCP.0b013e31823f3b5f


improves concentration & reduces ADHD:





EPA/DHA fatty acids and violence


lowered violence in prisoners:




EPA/DHA fatty acids and bipolar depression (and mania)


reduces bipolar symptoms of depression and mania and increased mood:










EPA/DHA fatty acids and schizophrenia


reduces schizophrenic episodes more than twice as much as any of the prescription antipsychotic medicines:









EPA/DHA fatty acids and autism


Helps people with autism:

http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223%2806%2900591-9/abstract G. Paul Ammingeremail, Gregor E. Berger, Miriam R. Schäfer, Claudia Klier, Max H. Friedrich, Martha Feuchtemail Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation in Children with Autism: A Double-blind Randomized, Placebo-controlled Pilot Study Biological Psychiatry Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 551–553, February 15, 2007

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2006.05.007



On last two references- look for “fatty acids” on the chart at a 31 to 1 and 28 to 1 favorable effect.



Spirulina has low/little/no side effects for most people. It is important to get it from a trusted source like Now Foods or Source Naturals.




EPA/DHA fatty acids and flaxseed (ALA omega3 fatty acid)


Freshly ground organic flaxseed or organic flaxseed oil has the more ALA than any other food, which may improve milk production when low and help with breast engorgement.  ALA can be converted in small amounts to DHA & EPA when needed.




The Facts About Fats, by John Finnegan, published by Celestial Arts, 1993







Probiotics are the good bacteria in the gut that we evolved to have help us.  There are 10 times more bacterial cells in our bodies than are human cells.  Antibiotics often kill the good bacteria (probiotics) along with the bad.  So does eating a poor diet, refined sugar, chlorinated/flouridated water, obesity, liver problems, NSAID pain drugs, and steroids (including birth control pills).  Fermented foods on the other hand often have active probiotic cultures.


The bacteria in our body affects almost every disease system known.  Taking probiotics reportedly lowers viral/bacterial/fungal infections (sometimes killing them altogether), cancer, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, stress, IBS, IBD, gingivitis, tooth decay, diarrhea, colitis, eczema, skin, vaginal & other infections, triglycerides & LDL by 20%, post-operative complication, bood pressure, organ rejection, inflammation, cavities, radiation therapy, diverticulitis, Crohn’s, bowel diseases, acne, osteoporosis, ulcers, babies necrotizing enterocolitis, chronic pain, blood sugar and diabetes, obesity, heart disease, lower viral infections, cholesterol, anxiety, allergies, heavy levels, and improves mood, immune response & many more problems.


Infants who get antibiotics (especially two courses) before two years old in one nearly 40 year meta-analysis had 15-41% higher eczema and 14-56% higher hayfever, both autoimmune disorders, later in life.

Utrecht University, the Netherlands researchers presented at European Respiratory Society


Pregnant women have high concentrations of good probiotics in the birth canal right before delivery, unless they have taken certain antibiotics during their pregnancy.  These get imparted to the baby through her/his mouth and migrate to their gut.  During caesarian sections women have recently been transferring some of these good probiotics manually.  Mother’s milk has good probiotics as well that grow in diversity as the baby grows.


Babies born by cesarian section appear to have higher rates of asthma, celiac disease, allergic rhinitis, and Type I diabetes.


Cesarean versus Vaginal Delivery: Long term infant outcomes and the Hygiene Hypothesis

Josef Neu, MD and Jona Rushing, MD

Clin Perinatol. 2011 Jun; 38(2): 321–331.

doi:  10.1016/j.clp.2011.03.008



Maternal probiotics may be absolutely essential during and after taking antibiotics, for babies after caesarian section and/or when not breastfeed, and when eating foods treated with the herbicide glyphosate (most nonorganic foods).  They are contraindicated for people with pancreatitus or pancreatic cancer.  Research appears to show the largest number of multiple probiotics and probiotics used with prebiotic foods or supplements work best. Best to use a company that guarantees live cultures during the shipping process, and store the bottle in the freezer.  More expensive formulations may survive longer outside of the refridgerator after opening.


Biasucci G, Rubini M, Riboni S, et al (2010). Mode of delivery affects the bacterial community in the newborn gut. Early Human Development 86:S13-S15


Penders J, Tjhijs C, Vink C, et al (2006). Factors influencing the composition of the intestinal microbiota in early infancy. Pediatrics 118(2):511-521.


Salimen S, Gibson GR, McCartney AL (2004). Influence of mode of delivery on gut microbiota in seven year old children. Gut 53:1388-1389.


Huurre A, et al (2008). Mode of delivery: Effects on gut microbiota and humoral immunity.Neonatology 93:236-240.


Johnson C, Versalovic J (2012). The human microbiome and its potential importance to pediatrics. Pediatrics (published online April 2, 2012; DOI: 10.1542/peds2011-2736).


Vael C, Desager, K (2009). The importance of the development of the intestinal microbiota in infancy. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 21(6):794-800




Fewer types of good gut bacteria have been associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and anorexia.  Supplementing with multiple strains of probiotics may help mood.  The probiotics bifidobacterium longum, lactobacillus helveticus, lactobacillus reuteri and lactobacillus rhamnosus reduce anxiety, stress, and depression and improve cognition in animal and human studies, as well as having very beneficial health effects.


Probiotics should be taken daily an hour after a meal & 2 hours before the next.  The best way may be two hours after the last meal of the day with a full glass of water then no food until morning.  The longer the probiotics have to grow in number the more effective they appear to be.






Dr. Richard Becker and Cindy Becker, Your Health television program


Psychosom Med. 2015 Nov-Dec;77(9):969-81. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000247.

The Intestinal Microbiota in Acute Anorexia Nervosa and During Renourishment: Relationship to Depression, Anxiety, and Eating Disorder Psychopathology.

Kleiman SC1, Watson HJ, Bulik-Sullivan EC, Huh EY, Tarantino LM, Bulik CM, Carroll IM.


Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2011 Dec;23(12):1132-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2982.2011.01796.x. Epub 2011 Oct 11.

The anxiolytic effect of Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 involves vagal pathways for gut-brain communication.

Bercik P. et al.


Michaël Messaoudi, Robert Lalonde, Nicolas Violle, Hervé Javelot, Didier Desor, Amine Nejdi, Jean-François Bisson, Catherine Rougeot, Matthieu Pichelin, Murielle Cazaubiel and Jean-Marc Cazaubiel (2011).

Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in rats and human subjects.

British Journal of Nutrition, 105, pp 755-764. doi:10.1017/S0007114510004319.


Jessica Arseneault-Bréard, Isabelle Rondeau, Kim Gilbert, Stéphanie-Anne Girard, Thomas A. Tompkins, Roger Godbout and Guy Rousseau (2012).

Combination of Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 reduces post-myocardial infarction depression symptoms and restores intestinal permeability in a rat model.

British Journal of Nutrition, 107, pp 1793-1799. doi:10.1017/S0007114511005137.


A comprehensive post-market review of studies on a probiotic product containing Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011

L. Foster et al.

Beneficial Microbes, 2011, 2(4) Pages: 319 – 334

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3920/BM2011.0032


Science China Life Sciences

March 2014, Volume 57, Issue 3, pp 327-335

Ingestion of Lactobacillus strain reduces anxiety and improves cognitive function in the hyperammonemia rat

Jia Luo, Tao Wang, Shan Liang, Xu Hu, Wei Li, Feng Jin


Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2013 Jul;25(7):e478-84. doi: 10.1111/nmo.12147. Epub 2013 May 12.

Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 inhibits AH neuron excitability.

Khoshdel A, Verdu EF, Kunze W, McLean P, Bergonzelli G, Huizinga JD.


Gut Microbes

Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011

Beneficial psychological effects of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in healthy human volunteers

DOI: 10.4161/gmic.2.4.16108


The microbiome-gut-brain axis: from bowel to behavior

J. F. Cryan and S. M. O’Mahony

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2982.2010.01664.x

Neurogastroenterology & Motility Volume 23, Issue 3, pages 187–192, March 2011


Microbes and the gut-brain axis

P.  BERCIK et al.

Neurogastroenterol Motil (2012) 24, 405–413 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2982.2012.01906.x


Melancholic microbes: a link between gut microbiota and depression?

T. G. Dinan and J. F. Cryan

DOI: 10.1111/nmo.12198

Neurogastroenterology & Motility Volume 25, Issue 9, pages 713–719, September 2013


Probiotics in the Treatment of Depression: Science or Science Fiction?

Timothy G. Dinan and Eamonn M. Quigley

doi: 10.3109/00048674.2011.613766

Aust N Z J Psychiatry December 2011 vol. 45 no. 12 1023-1025



Zinc & vitamin B6 and postpartum depression


Lab testing for low plasma zinc & subsequent zinc supplementation as well as eating a diet low in copper may normalize behavior in people prone to ADHD & postpartum depression.  A transaminase stimulation blood test can be done, or first an inexpensive urine test for pyrroles may be preferrable.


High dose vitamin B6 supplementation (both PH & PLP together) may help people with clinical depression and with memory if levels are low to bring them up to normal.  If levels are low high supplementation is often needed to bring levels up upon retesting.

William J. Walsh, Nutrient Power, 2012


Taking a vitamin B100 complex (methyl or coenzyme may be most effective) may increase concentration and mood.




You may wish to save this to a “Health” email folder for easy reference.

Use this as an aide to your own research and share with your doctor as appropriate.

You can use drugs.com or other trusted health websites to look up the latest information on prescription & herbal drugs possible side & interaction effects.  Typing in the name of two medications or a medication & an herb in a search bar of most browsers will bring up results with their interaction effects.

Herbs/supplements  (vitamins, minerals & body chemicals like melatonin) that are independently tested- USP (best), GMP (sport), NSF, UL, or Consumerlab.com are likely better, as well as ones manufactured to pharmaceutical grade.


Lipoic acid

As you will read below, alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is the best supplement I’ve found against migraines (85% reduction so far), sciatica, neuropathy, obesity, pain & inflammation, diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and cancer (replicates the effects of a low carb/ketogenic/intermittent fasting), in part because we already make it in our own bodies it appears to be able to be used by almost everyone

R lipoic acid (RLA) is a lot more expensive than ALA but if expense is no matter stabilized RLA (often Na RLA) might have even less side effects than ALA’s mild ones.

Our bodies get lipoic acid from food & also make lipoic acid to turn sugars in our diet into ATP energy.  We make less as we get older.  When synthesizing RLA to make as a supplement, S lipoic acid is created & bound to the RLA.  The combination is called alpha lipoic acid.

R lipoic acid = 2x alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid supplements may say they have 300-600 mg of total lipoic acid but half of that is the mildly negative S lipoic acid.   Only 150-300 mg of it is the effective chemical, R lipoic acid.  So an easy calculation is R lipoic acid is twice as effective as alpha lipoic acid with mildly lower side effects.

But if you try alpha lipoic acid first & the R lipoic acid isn’t effective at half the dose then it may not be R lipoic acid.






It is searchable under alpha lipoic acid stabilized or R lipoic acid stabilized.

The plasma pharmacokinetics of R-(+)-lipoic acid administered as sodium R-(+)-lipoate to healthy human subjects.Altern Med Rev. 2007 Dec;12(4):343-51.Carlson DA, Smith AR, Fischer SJ, Young KL, Packer L.GeroNova Research, Inc., 4677 Meade St, Richmond, California 94804, USA.

Cameron M, Taylor C, Lapidus J, Ramsey K, Koop D, Spain R. Gastrointestinal Tolerability and Absorption of R- Versus R,S-Lipoic Acid in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Crossover Trial. J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Aug;60(8):1099-1106. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1605. Epub 2020 Mar 25. PMID: 32212340.  pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32212340/
Fiedler SE, Spain RI, Kim E, Salinthone S. Lipoic acid modulates inflammatory responses of monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages from healthy and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Immunol Cell Biol. 2021 Jan;99(1):107-115. doi: 10.1111/imcb.12392. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32762092.



Side effects

There are 4000 studies on Pubmed & NIH and hundreds of thousands around the world on ALA.  Humans make alpha lipoic acid to turn carbohydrates/sugars into ATP energy, but less and less as we get older.  Its in leafy greens, potatoes, & organ meats.

Perhaps because it’s a natural chemical in our body and our foods, ALA has not been found to have any significant side effects or interaction effects in studies, and according to the review by the Mayo clinic who have done studies confirming it’s efficacy against neuropathy (on their website).  Vitamin B7 (biotin) alone or in B complex can be taken once a day halfway in between ALA doses if taking over 3000 mg per day.  If people have very low blood sugar they often take it after a meal when their blood sugars the highest. It is used topically to treat eczema & is in hundreds of skin creams.

ALA appears to help cognition & walking in MS.



Waslo C, Bourdette D, Gray N, Wright K, Spain R. Lipoic Acid and Other Antioxidants as Therapies for Multiple Sclerosis. Curr Treat Options Neurol. 2019 May 6;21(6):26. doi: 10.1007/s11940-019-0566-1. PMID: 31056714.

Fiedler SE, Yadav V, Kerns AR, Tsang C, Markwardt S, Kim E, Spain R, Bourdette D, Salinthone S. Lipoic Acid Stimulates cAMP Production in Healthy Control and Secondary Progressive MS Subjects. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jul;55(7):6037-6049. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0813-y. Epub 2017 Nov 15. PMID: 29143287; PMCID: PMC5953756.

The plasma pharmacokinetics of R-(+)-lipoic acid administered as sodium R-(+)-lipoate to healthy human subjects.Altern Med Rev. 2007 Dec;12(4):343-51.Carlson DA, Smith AR, Fischer SJ, Young KL, Packer L.GeroNova Research, Inc., 4677 Meade St, Richmond, California 94804, USA.

Cameron M, Taylor C, Lapidus J, Ramsey K, Koop D, Spain R. Gastrointestinal Tolerability and Absorption of R- Versus R,S-Lipoic Acid in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Crossover Trial. J Clin Pharmacol. 2020 Aug;60(8):1099-1106. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1605. Epub 2020 Mar 25. PMID: 32212340.  pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32212340/
Fiedler SE, Spain RI, Kim E, Salinthone S. Lipoic acid modulates inflammatory responses of monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages from healthy and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Immunol Cell Biol. 2021 Jan;99(1):107-115. doi: 10.1111/imcb.12392. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32762092.



ALA appears to reduce inflammation and chronic pain and migraines/headaches within an hour, lumbar disk disease spinal injury nerve entrapment, sciatica in a day, burning mouth syndrome (chemotherapy), neuropathy & nerve pain.

ALA may reduce weight by 8-9% (when taken at 2400mg/day) by six months, sugar cravings, diabetic high blood sugar, triglycerides, insulin resistance, diabetes, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, polycystic ovarian syndrome and increase insulin efficiency, blood capillary flow, and wound healing.  

ALA appears to improve heart output, exercise tolerance, heart surgery outcomes and reduce heart disease, left ventricular dysfunction, heart failure, hypertension, atherosclerosisarteriosclerosis, reduce vLDL & triglycerides, and second heart attack risk.  


ALA appears to help normalize hormone levels & reduce hormone induced weight gain.


ALA appears to reverse damage from brain injury.


ALA appears to help schizophrenia symptoms in multiple studies.

ALA may reduce cirrhosis and fatty liver andmay help people wake from hepatic coma from liver damage. It may reduce kidney damage and end stage kidney disease/inflammation/nerve dysfunction.


ALA appears to fight & prevent multiple types of cancer, likely because of cancer’s dependence on using excess blood sugar to grow.  One review found it more effective than chemotherapy without the side effects.

ALA can be used topically to reduce signs of skin aging and used internally reduce macular degeneration & cataracts.


ALA may help against hearing loss (age, noise) and restore lost sense of smell (like after sinus infection).


ALA may reduce elevation sickness and vitiligo.

ALA appears to chelate heavy metals in copper/lead/mercury/arsenic/antimony/cadmium/iron overload.  It is used throughout the world for poisonings and/or overdoses- cyanide, streptomycin, mushroom, radiation, and acetaminophen.   ALA helps protect against environmental hormone disruption and organ damage and mitochondrial dysfunction.  

ALA may be an immune modulator and help against chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia.ALA appears to drastically slow neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s, and Lewy Body dementia.


ALA appears to help memory, mental clarity, and alertness and to prevent age related cognitive decline.

The PDR for dietary supplements says ALA has no significant side effects with no known drug interactions (has sulfur).  Studies have used 300mg-2400mg per day.  Taking vitamin B6, vitamin E (mixed), vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids (spirulina with a meal) concurrently may help ALAs effectiveness.



ALA and pregnancy


ALA appears to help against four different pregnancy complications


Gestational diabetes





Premature uterine contractions

In women who had premature uterine contractions, the combination of magnesium & ALA in one study reduced contractions by 300%, and hospitalizations by 200% over the placebo group.


Cervical shortening & ALA

In another study women were given ALA when they had symptoms of cervical shortening that can lead to premature birth.  37 of 40 mothers showing symptoms had them disappear with ALA, while all of the control group became symptomatic by the end of the study.


Premature rupture of fetal membranes & ALA

ALA appears to prevent preterm premature rupture of fetal membranes.

In a retrospective study of 610 pregnant women taking ALA, the only health indices differences between the control group and the women taking alpha lipoic acid became better in the ALA group.

Expectant mothers often start at 100mg a day & only increase to the point where symptoms are ameliorated.

How to take?

The studies for weight loss used up to 2400mg/day.  The people I know who take it for migraines/neuropathy/sciatica/diabetes/pain&inflammation/heart disease&failure&high blood pressure/cancer start it in the morning upon wakening (300-600mg capsule).  Then they take it before or after breakfast, lunch, & dinner & big snacks because it helps moderate blood sugar.  And they take another at night before bed.  Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Oct;167(4):465-71. doi: 10.1530/EJE-12-0555. Epub 2012 Jul 25.

Oral plus vaginal alpha-lipoic acid in women at risk for preterm delivery G. Vitrano, G. Mocera, M. Guardino, V. Giallombardo, R. Venezia

Parente, E. , Colannino, G. and Ferrara, P. (2014) Efficacy of Magnesium and Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplementation in Reducing Premature Uterine Contractions. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4, 578-583. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2014.49082.

Moore R, et al. “Alpha-Lipoic Acid Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor-Induced Remodeling and Weakening of Human Fetal Membranes.” Biology of Reproduction, 2009;(80)4, 781–787. Accessed 4 Jan. 2018

Robert M. Moore, Jillian B. Novak, Deepak Kumar, Joseph M. Mansour, Brian M. Mercer, John J. Moore; Alpha-Lipoic Acid Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor-Induced Remodeling and Weakening of Human Fetal Membranes, Biology of Reproduction, Volume 80, Issue 4, 1 April 2009, Pages 781–787, https://doi.org/10.1095/biolreprod.108.073205

Volume 87, August 2015, Pages 85-91




ALA appears to help reverse gestational diabetes symptoms

A systematic review and meta-analysis of α-lipoic acid in the treatmAslfalah H, Jamilian M, Ansarihadipour H, Abdollahi M, Khosrowbeygi A. Effect of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on the lipid profile and lipid ratios in women with gestational diabetes mellitus: A clinical trial study. Int J Reprod Biomed. 2020 Dec 21;18(12):1029-1038. doi: 10.18502/ijrm.v18i12.8024. PMID: 33426413; PMCID: PMC7778749.ent of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Effect of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on lipid profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials.

Nutrition. 2019 Mar;59:121-130. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2018.08.004. Epub 2018 Aug 23.

Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Jan 8;847:1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2019.01.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Does alpha-lipoic acid affect lipid profile? A meta-analysis and systematic review on randomized controlled trials.

The effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on glucose control and lipid profiles among patients with metabolic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Akbari, Maryam et al.

Metabolism – Clinical and Experimental , Volume 87 , 56 – 69

Akbari M, Ostadmohammadi V, Tabrizi R, et al. The effects of alpha-lipoic acid supplementation on inflammatory markers among patients with metabolic syndrome and related disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2018;15:39. Published 2018 Jun 5. doi:10.1186/s12986-018-0274-y

Kucukgoncu S, Zhou E, Lucas KB, Tek C. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) as a supplementation for weight loss: results from a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obes Rev. 2017;18(5):594-601.

Dr. Richard Becker with Cindy Becker “Your Health” 01/27/17 #1557 The Many Uses of ALA

IJMDAT 2018; 1(1):e104


ALA & traumatic brain injury (TBI), dementia


ALA appears to help people recover from dementia, strokes & TBI


Alpha lipoic acid inhibits neural apoptosis via a mitochondrial pathway in rats following traumatic brain injury

Volume 108, September 2017, Pages 436-447

Alpha-lipoic acid attenuates acute neuroinflammation and long-term cognitive impairment after polymicrobial sepsis

Amanda Dell et al.

Cognitive decline associated with aging is prevented by taking tocopheral (a type of vitamin E), N-acetylcysteine, & α-lipoic acid.

Effects of alpha-lipoic acid on spatial learning and memory, oxidative stress, and central cholinergic system in a rat model of vascular dementia

Ran-ranZhao et al.

Choi K-H, Park M-S, Kim H-S, et al. Alpha-lipoic acid treatment is neurorestorative and promotes functional recovery after stroke in rats. Molecular Brain. 2015;8:9. doi:10.1186/s13041-015-0101-6.

Choi K-H, Park M-S, Kim J-T, et al. Lipoic Acid Use and Functional Outcomes after Thrombolysis in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke and Diabetes. Wang X, ed. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0163484. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163484.

Free Radic Res. 2009 Jul;43(7):658-67. doi: 10.1080/10715760902988843.

The protective effect of alpha lipoic acid against traumatic brain injury in rats.

Molz P, Schröder N. Potential Therapeutic Effects of Lipoic Acid on Memory Deficits Related to Aging and Neurodegeneration. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2017;8:849. doi:10.3389/fphar.2017.00849.

Alpha-lipoic acid as a new treatment option for Alzheimer’s disease–a 48 months follow-up analysis.

Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2008 Oct-Nov;60(13-14):1463-70. doi: 10.1016/j.addr.2008.04.015. Epub 2008 Jul 4.

Lipoic acid as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.






While the studies Cochrane reviewed didn’t find excess harm when the flu shot was given to pregnant women over the years, in 2009-2010 a 4,250% increase in fetal deaths was reported to VAERS after the mercury/thimerosal flu shot was given to pregnant women.  What makes this so remarkable is that the CDC tried to cover up their own data.  They actually published a study in 2010 praising the safety of flu shots for pregnant women that included 1990-2009, but didn’t include the 2009-2010 season where scores of miscarriages occured after the flu shot.


Influenza Vaccine Safety Monitoring (slide 20).

CDC’s Dr. Tom Shimabukuro confirms NCOW data , Oct. 28, 2010 ACIP



Letter from March of Dimes, included in this article.


Dr Gary Goldman Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons: Was there a synergistic fetal toxicity associated with the two-vaccine 2009/2010 season?

http://het.sagepub.com/content/early/2012/09/12/0960327112455067.abstract?rss=1 (abstract only)


4,250% Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu Shot Given to Pregnant Women



California reforms


Texas is one of 19 states that haven’t expanded medicaid under the ACA, so poor maternal health for many is an expected result.    California has formed a brain trust of doctors, public interest groups, hospitals and insurance companies to focus on maternal mortality & learned how to better avoid death from hemorrhages and pre-eclampsia.  Their efforts have been so effective that they have cut maternal deaths from over 17 per 100,000 to 7.3 in seven years even though they have the same caesarian section rate as the rest of the US.  Britain at 6.7 maternal deaths per 100,000 conducts a private review of every maternal, newborn & infant deaths to see what could have gone wrong.


Dixon-Mueller, Ruth; Germain, Adrienne (1 January 2007). “Fertility Regulation and Reproductive Health in the Millennium Development Goals: The Search for a Perfect Indicator”. Am J Public Health. 97 (1): 45–51. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2005.068056. PMC 1716248 PMID 16571693



Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2015

Estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division






























Globally, 13% of maternal deaths are from unsafe abortion procedures, making it the #1 cause of maternal death.  That means that when abortion is not available legally & safely, women are still seeking out dangerous abortions at high rates.


Haddad, L. B. & Nour, N. M. (2009). “Unsafe abortion: unnecessary maternal mortality”. Reviews in obstetrics and gynecology. 2 (2): 122. PMC 2709326 PMID 19609407.



Reducing abortions



Reducing or eliminating poverty would stop 2/3rds of abortions.  Seven of ten women who have abortions already have children.  75% of women having abortions make less than $23,000 per year, and 50% less than $11,000 per year.

Presidents who follow policies that increase poverty (increase taxes on people who are poor, reduce them on people who are rich) see an increase in abortions- Reagan, GHW Bush- and presidents who decrease poverty (increase taxes on people who are rich, decrease taxes on people who are poor) see a decrease in abortions(under Bill Clinton abortions dropped by 40%, under Barack Obama abortions dropped to the lowest in 40 years).  Under GWBush abortions stayed steady & started dropping again with a democratic Congress in the last two years.




Fifty percent of pregnancies are unintended, and 43% of those end in abortion.


Increasing the availability of free contraception, implementing paid family leave for both women & men, and universal free prenatal, birth care, and postnatal care would reduce abortions by 50%.  A woman without insurance is looking at over $30,000 just for the birth alone.




Universal healthcare, minimum one year paid leave for both parents, universal daycare and a global minimum wage are all essential for reducing abortions.



Drug usage


Many women fear that their drug use (especially alcohol) before they knew they were pregnant has harmed their fetus/baby.  So reducing drug usage may reduce abortion rates.  Portugal decriminalized possession of small amounts of drugs (replaced by fines or treatment recommendations) & has seen a large drop in addiction, teen & adult drug usage, drug usage deaths (80%), new HIV diagnoses among drug users (95%).  Eliminating ladies nights (free drinks) may significantly reduce alcohol usage by women, and less alcohol usage may reduce abortions.  Usage of personal breathalyzers has worked in some studies to reduce binge drinking by allowing people to find just how many drinks in what amount of time leads to what blood alcohol level, and they chart just how much fun they have at what BAC, and whether they felt buzzed vs groggy, which moderates their drinking.  The usage of naltrexone (an opiate agonist) only before drinking (not daily) results in moderate drinking or drinking cessation in 80% of people addicted to alcohol.






Evidence about the use of naltrexone and for different ways of using it in the treatment of alcoholism

John David Sinclair

Alcohol and Alcoholism Volume 36, Issue 1 Pp. 2 – 10

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/36.1.2


J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2001 Jun;21(3):287-92.

Targeted use of naltrexone without prior detoxification in the treatment of alcohol dependence: a factorial double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Heinälä P, Alho H, Kiianmaa K, Lönnqvist J, Kuoppasalmi K, Sinclair JD.





Zika virus




The Zika virus is spread by two different types of mosquitos and most frequently causes a maculopapular rash with small red circles (less than 1cm) often raised (less than 1cm) and pruritus (itching).  Zika appears to cause less microencephaly, infants with shrunken heads, than originally reported, but in adults, children, infants, & fetuses appears to stop or slow the growth of new brain cells, causing cognitive problems.  Niclosamide, a tapeworm treatment already approved for use in pregnant women, appears to help slow or stop replication of the Zika virus, according to researchers from Florida State University, Johns Hopkins University and the National Institutes of Health.  Due to the possibility that Zika affects the cognitive development of people of all ages, perhaps all Zika infections may be treated by this drug.


FSU research team makes Zika drug breakthrough




Medications to avoid during pregnancy


13 medications you should NEVER use while pregnant

Herald-Times (Bloomington, IN) – January 6, 2018


Ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin)

Naproxen (Aleve)


Accutane and similar retinoid drugsRibavirin


Too much iron & calcium


tetracycline antibiotics




Pepto Bismol


Emily Cummings ercummings.blogspot.com.





Maternal mortality may be best reduced with universal healthcare and free prenatal, birth, & postnatal services; using a midwife for uncomplicated labor in a quiet, dark room and using hypnosis;  avoiding inducing labor, using epidurals, and/or having a caesarian section unless absolutely necessary; avoiding genetically modified foods; getting blood levels of vitamin D3 to 50-70ng/ml; taking spirulina with a meal with a vegetable daily; taking maternal probiotics; implementing the safety reforms developed in California throughout the nation; filtering drinking & cooking water for the mother of the drugs & chemicals contaminating drinking water; and providing safe and legal abortion; and by making abortion unnecessary with easing the availability of free contraception, universal healthcare, minimum one year paid leave for both parents, universal daycare a global minimum wage and a global minimum income; and decriminalizing drugs, eliminating “women’s nights” at bars, and using naltrexone right before alcohol use to help people who are addicted.




Uterine fibroids



What to avoid:


Avoiding sugar, caffeine, saturated fat, & dairy may help reduce fibroids.



What may help stop fibroids:



Vitamin D3


African American women are between 3 & 4 times more likely to have fibroids, and are ten times more likely to have low vitamin D3 levels in one study.  Women of all ethnicities who have fibroids are more likely to have low vitamin D3 levels in two studies, and also African American women with the lowest vitamin D3 levels had the largest fibroid tumors & vice versa in one of those.   Giving vitamin D3 to rats appears to shrink fibroids & fibroid tumors in a third study.


Baird DD, Hill MC, Schectman JM, Hollis BW. Vitamin D and the risk of uterine fibroids. Epidemiology. 2013 May;24(3):447-53. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0b013e31828acca0.

Halder SK, Sharan C, Al-Hendy A. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 treatment shrinks uterine leiomyoma tumors in the Eker rat model. Biol Reprod. 2012 Apr 19;86(4):116. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.111.098145. Print 2012 Apr.

Office of Dietary Supplements, U.S. National Institutes of Health (ODS). Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D. June 24, 2011. Accessed at http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-QuickFacts/

Office on Women’s Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (OWH/HHS). Uterine fibroids fact sheet. Accessed at http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/uterine-fibroids.cfm

Sabry M, Halder SK, Allah AS, Roshdy E, Rajaratnam V, Al-Hendy A. Serum vitamin D3 level inversely correlates with uterine fibroid volume in different ethnic groups: a cross-sectional observational study. Int J Womens Health. 2013;5:93-100. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S38800. Epub 2013 Feb 27.







Endometriosis is endometrial tissue not shed during menstruation that escapes the uterus & attaches & grows in other parts of the body.  It can cause severe cramping, bleeding, & infertility.



Excess or sensitivity to estrogen (often disappears after menopause)

Hormonal contraception

X-ray radiation

Red meat

Caffeine from coffee, chocolate, colas (green tea may be ok)




Endometriosis appears to increase the chances of melanoma by 64% in women who have had it in three studies totallin over 100,000 women.


What may help:


N-acetylcysteine (NAC)


In one study of 97 women who had given up on hormonal treatment & were about to have surgery, 47 got 600mg of NAC 3X per day for 90 days.  24 cancelled the surgery (more than half), 8 had all their cysts dissappear, 14 saw a drop in cysts, 21 had pain reductions, and one woman got pregnant during the trial, and another 8 soon after.  NAC has far fewer & milder side effects than hormonal treatment or surgery.


Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 240702, 7 pageshttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/240702

A Promise in the Treatment of Endometriosis: An Observational Cohort Study on Ovarian Endometrioma Reduction by N-Acetylcysteine

Maria Grazia Porpora et al.



Vitamin D3


Getting vitamin D3 levels up to 60-80ng/ml by taking 5000-10,000 IU with a meal (fat soluble) may help to relieve endometriosis symptoms.



Pycnogenol (Pine bark extract)


Pycnogenol in one study was given to 32 women for 48 weeks at 60mg & saw a 33% drop in pain that persisted (regression was found in the hormonal treatment group).


J Reprod Med. 2007 Aug;52(8):703-8.
Effect of French maritime pine bark extract on endometriosis as compared with leuprorelin acetate.
Kohama T1, Herai K, Inoue M.




Drinking four cups of coffee may help to prevent endometrial cancer.



Lots of vegetables & fiber

Vitamins C, E (mixed tocopherals-4 types), and B complex

EFAs in olive oil, dark leafy greens, & avocados




Dr. Richard Becker and Cindy Becker on “Your Health” 01/12/17



Turmeric (curcumin)


Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb in curry that may help reduce fibroids.  Turmeric needs to be taken with a little black pepper to get at the curcumin in the turmeric.

What else may help:


Vegetable fiber


Milk thistle


Yellow dock




Mixed vitamin Es






I3C or DIM


Bioidentical progesterone




Douching and toxic chemicals


Women who had douched in the last 30 days had 52% higher phthalate levels


Vaginal douching and racial/ethnic disparities in phthalates exposures among reproductive-aged women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2001–2004

Francesca Branch et al.

Environmental Health 2015, 14:57  doi:10.1186/s12940-015-0043-6



Urinary tract infections (UTIs)



Cranberries & UTIs


Taking cranberry extract at first may help stop a UTI, but doesn’t appear to help prevent them.



D-mannose & UTIs


D-mannose is an inexpensive simple sugar that e coli stick to.  It is not metabolized & may be safe for people with diabetes.  It can be bought in a powder (cheapest) & may both treat & if taken regularly may reduce urinary tract infections by up to 85%.  During a UTI some people take it every three hours at 500mg for five days (shorter may not be as effective) with a half glass of water, then lots of water at the hour & two hour mark.


BJU Int. 2014 Jan;113(1):9-10. doi: 10.1111/bju.12492.

Use of D-mannose in prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women.

Altarac S, Papeš D.

PMID: 24215164 DOI: 10.1111/bju.12492







Probiotics & UTIs


Up to 98% of urinary tract infections come from bacteria in the colon, so taking a multiple strain probiotic may help bring the gut bacteria back to health.  Probiotics may be most effective when taken an hour after the last food of the day with a full glass of water then no food or drink except water until the morning to give the probiotics the best chance to flourish.



World J Urol. 2014 Feb;32(1):79-84. doi: 10.1007/s00345-013-1091-6. Epub 2013 Apr 30.

D-mannose powder for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections in women: a randomized clinical trial.

Kranjčec B, Papeš D, Altarac S.



Liposomal vitamin C & UTIs


Taking liposomal vitamin C (regular may not be enough) may help to acidify the urine to prevent UTIs as well.


Daily intake of 100 mg ascorbic acid as urinary tract infection prophylactic agent during pregnancy.

Ochoa-Brust GJ, Fernández AR, Villanueva-Ruiz GJ, Velasco R, Trujillo-Hernández B, Vásquez C

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2007; 86(7):783-7.


In vitro evaluation of a new treatment for urinary tract infections caused by nitrate-reducing bacteria.

Carlsson S, Govoni M, Wiklund NP, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO

Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2003 Dec; 47(12):3713-8.


Effects of pH, nitrite, and ascorbic acid on nonenzymatic nitric oxide generation and bacterial growth in urine.

Carlsson S, Wiklund NP, Engstrand L, Weitzberg E, Lundberg JO

Nitric Oxide. 2001 Dec; 5(6):580-6.


Health behavior and urinary tract infection in college-aged women.

Foxman B, Chi JW

J Clin Epidemiol. 1990; 43(4):329-37.


Bioidentical hormones & UTIs


Bioidentical hormones may be safer than the other alternatives for UTIs, and vaginal estrogens appear to reduce UTIs vs oral.



Vitamin A, Zinc & UTIs


Having sufficient vitamin A & zinc levels may help prevent UTIs.



World J Urol. 2014 Feb;32(1):79-84. doi: 10.1007/s00345-013-1091-6. Epub 2013 Apr 30.

D-mannose powder for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections in women: a randomized clinical trial.

Kranjčec B, Papeš D, Altarac S.


Pathogens. 2016 Jun; 5(2): 36.

doi:  10.3390/pathogens5020036

Non-Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Urinary Tract Infections

Mariëlle Beerepoot, Suzanne Geerlings, Lawrence S. Young, and Catharina Svanborg


Jepson RG, Craig JC. Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD001321. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001321.pub4.



Your Health with Dr. Richard Becker with Cindy Becker #1576 Cranberry Extract 03/07/17





Here’s a list by https://www.stoputiforever.com/prevention/review-bladder-health-supplements-uti-2017/


Active infection:



N-acetylcysteine (NAC)


uva ursi (Bearberry)


Salvia officinalis (Common Sage)


Replace good bacteria:



Prebiotics- Vegetables


Help heal the bladder lining:


Hyaluronic acid

Chondroitin sulfate (animal derived)

Aloe vera

Quercetin- bromelain (from pineapples) & papain (from papayas) are anti-inflammatories & food enzymes & may enhance absorbtion

Marshmallow root




N-acetylcysteine as powerful molecule to destroy bacterial biofilms. A systematic review


European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2014; 18: 2942-2948



The Kresser Institute recommends:


InterFase Plus from Klaire Labs

Biofilm Defense from Kirkman







Prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections by intravesical administration of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate: a placebo-controlled randomised trial.

Damiano R, Quarto G, Bava I, Ucciero G, De Domenico R, Palumbo MI, Autorino R

Eur Urol. 2011 Apr; 59(4):645-51

Rev Urol. 2013; 15(2): 41–48.

PMCID: PMC3784967

Management of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Healthy Adult Women

Duane R Hickling, and Victor W Nitti





Hormone replacement


Perimenopausal (still getting periods) or menopausal (no periods) symptoms can include brain fog, hot flashes, emotional lability, weight gain, loss of interest in sex, diabetes, cataracts, tooth loss, osteoporosis & heart disease, skin aging, wrinkles, & early death from increased heart disease risk and osteoporosis.  Early menopause


Early menopause appears to increase osteoporosis, heart disease, dementia/Alzheimer’s, and mortality (early death) by a number of years.  Doctors can test to see if thyroid dysfunction is causing the symptoms, and if follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is still working.



Removing ovaries


Removing ovaries & treating uterine cancer with radiation & chemotherapy may cause premature menopause and is associated with 33% overall mental decline.



Traditional hormone replacement


To treat the symptoms of menopause traditional hormone replacement used large doses of horse urine and synthetic hormones which have been found in some studies to increase the risk of breast cancer, strokes, & blood clots.  They may reduce magnesium & B vitamin levels, increase the risk of breast cancer after 5+ years of treatment by 35%, double gallstones, and make liver disease worse.


Premarine- made from horse urine- appears to increase stroke, heart attack and uterine cancer.



Bioidentical hormone replacement


Biodentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is estrogen-beta-estradiol (Vivelle, Climara, Estraderm, Estrace), estrone (Aquest, Kestrone), and estriol (compounding pharmacy prescription)-, progesterone, & more rarely testosterone, usually derived from plant estrogens and are nearly identical (more than the traditional) to women’s self produced hormones.


Bioidentical estrogens have been thought to but have not been proven to be less dangerous than traditional estrogens. BHRT progesterone does have evidence it may more likely be safer than traditional artificial progesterones.


Taking bioidentical estrogen appears to help painful urination,  painful intercourse, may help stabilize emotions & improve lubrication during sex.  When used to improve the lubrication response & vaginal muscle tone a drop on the vulva may be enough before sex, and may keep the effect localized for women who don’t want estrogen circulating through their body.


Taking bioidentical progesterone appears to improve memory, relieve hot flashes, night sweats, reduce osteoporosis and may help to stabilize emotions.



Does HRT reduce heart disease and heart attacks?


Heart disease is uncommon in women under 60, but is the leading cause of death for women over 60 (after menopause). HRT may lower low-density cholesterol, increase high density cholesterol, inhibit oxidation, and keep arteries supple.  Women supplementing with HRT during & after menopause appear to reduce their heart attack risks by 50%.



What else does HRT help?


HRT appears to reduce colon cancer by up to 45% in three ACS studies of 420,000 women.


HRT may help prevent Alzheimers disease.



Does HRT  help women live longer?


In one study of 165,000 women, there was a 20-60% reduction in overall mortality with HRT.



Just estrogen or estrogen & progesterone?


Overian & cervical cancer may be 900% higher if estrogen is taken alone, vs no increase if estrogen is taken with progesterone.


Using estrogen & progesterone together appears to prevent the increase in endometrial cancer when supplementing with estrogen alone.



Benefits of progesterone replacement therapy





Heart disease vs breast cancer


Women are 6 times more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer. Breast cancer is more of a threat in premenopausal women.



Compounding pharmacies


BHRT estrogens are FDA approved medications.  They are sometimes ordered by the doctor to be mixed rather than taken separately by a custom compounding pharmacy.  This compounding may or may not be as effective as taking the BHRT medications separately. Insurance may not cover medications mixed in the compounding pharmacy.


BHRT progesterone can be bought online without prescription.  Independent lab certification is important for reliability.



Progesterone only supplementation



Make sure bioidentical hormones are used in any studies or reviews you research.  Soy derived GMO free or organic may be more effective than wild yam.


Here is a good guide on progesterone cream supplementation-





Here’s a study on cognitive benefits-




Now foods is independently certified




Internal V absorption may be more complete than skin unless pharmaceutical grade DMSO with aloe (essential) is sprayed on skin first & cream applied immediately after.  Skin sites should be varied daily to prevent saturation.  The aloe in the DMSO prevents irritation of the skin.


Rollon or spray or gell doesn’t got stale like bottle from exposure to the humidity in the air.




Menopause & bleeding


If a woman is not on hormones, bleeding after menopause may signify uterine cancer.



Hormone testing


Blood & saliva tests during menopause may fluctuate greatly hour by hour, so the best way to treat menopause safely may be to start with the lowest effective dosage and increase until symptoms are controlled.  Using low doses of BHRT (only just enough to eliminate symptoms) may ameliorate side effects seen in higher dose traditional hormone therapy.  Many women incrementally increase their BHRT if menopausal symptoms come back to the level that symptoms subside again.





Gynecologists that specialize in menopause may be most familiar with all of the options for hormone replacement.


This link leads to a list of all the different traditional & bioidentical medications:





HRT & cognition


HRT helps cognition the most if started before the last menstruation.



Does taking bioidentical hormones help women live longer?


Late menopause (51 yrs is average) extends life- A 2005 study of 12,134 postmenopausal Dutch women who were followed for 17 years found that age-adjusted mortality was reduced 2 percent with each increasing year of age at menopause. Though the risk of dying from uterine or ovarian cancer was 5 percent higher, ischemic heart disease mortality was 2 percent lower for those with later menopause, and the net effect was an increased life span, according to the study, published in the journal Epidemiology.



Estrogen & cholesterol











Low estrogen = higher pain




Researchers find more evidence of estrogen’s role in female pain


How do estrogen levels affect a woman’s pain threshold? | Estrogen





Vaginal symptoms


For vaginal dryness or urinary incontinence, using bioidentical estrogen cream one drop at a time on the vagina appears to provide the most benefit for lubrication & strengthening of the vaginal walls per dose of estrogen absorbed and may not contribute significantly to estrogen levels throughout the body.


Glycerin suppositories may also help with vaginal dryness.



Bioidentical hormones & UTIs


Bioidentical hormones may be safer than the other alternatives for UTIs, and vaginal estrogens appear to reduce UTIs better than oral estrogens.



Chemotherapy symptoms


BHRT may reduce some of the symtoms of chemotherapy when it shuts off hormones temporarily.









Spirulina (EPA & DHA)


Taking spirulina with a vegetable for the EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) reduces the frequency of hot flashes for many and increases concentration & mood.



Soy isoflavones for menopause


Non GMO soy isoflavones or fermented soy- miso, natto (has vitamin K2), tamari, tempeh- appear to relieve menopausal symptoms by at least 40% & reduce heart disease, prevent breast cancer & strengthen bones.


They are not recommended if a woman has had breast cancer or thyroid problems, or is pregnant.



What may also help menopausal symptoms:


Weight bearing exercise helps


Vegetable based diet helps balance estrogens^or\/ levels as needed, low animal protein

Reduce alcohol, caffeine, sugar, soda, smoking, dairy, wheat (except perhaps spelt or older versions of triticale)

Drink extra water


Vitamin D3

Magnesium & magnesium gel

Probiotics (ten strain mix)

Turmeric with a little black pepper or curcumin (helps hormone levels)

Freshly ground organic flaxseed

Adaptogens- ashwaganda, American & Asian & Siberian (eluthero) ginseng, rhodiola, maca, schisandra, rhaponticum, jiaogulan, aralia mandshurica/elata, spikenard root, Holy Basil (Tulsi), spikenard root

Calcium in leafy greens (not supplements)

Olive leaf and organic extra virgin olive oil from one country (not a blend)

Black cohosh

DGL licorice

Red clover

Chaste berry (vitex)

Rice bran oil

Endol3 carbinol


Wild yam



Gotu kola





Doing Kegel exercises appears to reduce urinary incontinence and improve orgasms.  Kegels are done by squeezing the same internal muscles when trying to stop peeing.  They can be done multiple times a day & anywhere. It may be best to squeeze & release multiple times, rather than holding the squeeze.  If doing Kegels doesn’t completely stop the incontinence, using vaginal weights (attached to an inserted “egg”) may help.  It may be best to hold the weight only for a short period, then relax, then hold again.  Kegels can be done anytime, vaginal weights before & during showering for greatest convenience.



Osteoporosis and menopause


Taking vitamin 8000 IU of D3 w meal (fat soluble), vitamin K2, magnesium, & zinc and doing weight bearing exercise appears to reverse osteoporosis and build bone.



Hot flashes in menopause


Women who experience hot flashes have a decreased risk of breast cancer & an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, both likely due to a lowering of estrogen.


Menopausal hot flushes and night sweats: where are we now?

October 2011, Vol. 14, No. 5 , Pages 515-528 (doi:10.3109/13697137.2011.608596)

D. F. Archer, D. W. Sturdee, R. Baber, T. J. de Villiers, A. Pines, R. R. Freedman, A. Gompel, M. Hickey, M. S. Hunter, R. A. Lobo, M. A. Lumsden, A. H. MacLennan, P. Maki, S. Palacios, D. Shah, P. Villaseca, and M. Warren




Mediterranean diet & hot flashes


Eating the mediterranean diet appears to prevent hot flashes.  That is a lot of vegetables, fruits, & nuts and uncooked organic extra virgin olive oil from one country.



Black cohosh

Evening primrose

Red clover






Methyldopa, a prescription drug which lowers blood pressure, may help reduce hot flashes.





Clonidine, a prescription drug that lowers blood pressure, may help reduce hot flashes.



Nerve blocks for hot flashes


Nerve blocks help lower the frequency & intensity of severe hot flashes in multiple studies with no control group.


Medical Hypotheses
Volume 72, Issue 6, Pages 657–661, June 2009
A unifying theory linking the prolonged efficacy of the stellate ganglion block for the treatment of chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS), hot flashes, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Eugene G. Lipovemail, Jaydeep R. Joshi, Sarah Sanders, Konstantin V. Slavin

The Lancet Oncology
Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2008, Pages 523–532
Effects of stellate-ganglion block on hot flushes and night awakenings in survivors of breast cancer: a pilot study
Eugene G Lipov, MDa, , , Jaydeep R Joshi, MDa, Sarah Sanders, PA-Ca, Kris Wilcox, EMTa, Sergei Lipov, MDb, Hui Xie, PhDc, Robert Maganini, MDd, Konstantin Slavin, MDe

Stellate ganglion block for the management of hot flashes and sleep disturbances in breast cancer survivors: an uncontrolled experimental study with 24 weeks of follow-up
K. Haest1, A. Kumar2, B. Van Calster1,3,4, K. Leunen1,4,5, A. Smeets4,5, F. Amant1,4,5, P. Berteloot1,4,5, H. Wildiers4,5, R. Paridaens4,5, E. Van Limbergen4,5, C. Weltens4,5, H. Janssen4,5, S. Peeters4,5, J. Menten5, I. Vergote1,4,5, B. Morlion2, J. Verhaeghe1, M. R. Christiaens4,5 and P. Neven1,4,5,*
Ann Oncol (2012) 23 (6): 1449-1454.
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdr478

Stellate-ganglion block as a treatment for severe postmenopausal flushing
February 2013, Vol. 16, No. 1 , Pages 41-47 (doi:10.3109/13697137.2012.709889)
P. van Gastel, J-W. Kallewaard, M. van der Zanden, and H. de Boer

Volume 76, Issue 3, November 2013, Pages 221–224
Stellate ganglion block for treating hot flashes: A viable treatment option or sham procedure? ☆

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.