Traffic May 5, 2022 Traffic In one study, signs stating traffic deaths increased traffic crashes & fatalities on complex highways & when totals were high, decreased crashes… Continue Reading
Farming April 12, 2022 Farming Copper (& brass) vs iron Winding a copper (or brass) wire around a 6 ft stick in the ground (from… Continue Reading
Chelation April 1, 2022 chelation.txt You can use or other trusted health websites to look up the latest information on prescription drugs, herbs, foods or other treatments… Continue Reading
Brain recovery & enhancement March 30, 2022 May we all have compassion & gratitude for all beings, help all beings to best help all beings help life, health, love, happiness, freedom… Continue Reading
Inflation March 17, 2022 This is not about cornering the stock market or going all in on any one investment. This is a 10% or more hedge… Continue Reading
EMF radiation March 3, 2022 Starting with cognitive deficits, ending in cancer & death, the higher frequency radiation disables & kills faster than ever before. … Continue Reading
Hydrogen water February 13, 2022 hydrogenwater.txt Saving this to a “Health” email folder can make it easier to access. You can use this as an aide… Continue Reading
Pain control January 25, 2022 To Jesus: You can save this to a “Health” folder for easy access later. Use this as a starting point for your… Continue Reading
Alpha lipoic acid January 2, 2022 ————————————————– You may wish to save this to a “Health” email folder for easy reference. Use this as an aide to your own research… Continue Reading
PTSD, anxiety, depression & almost all physical, emotional, & mental problems? January 2, 2022 My experience: EFT- First use it helped to practice the taps first then focus on the problem, use the words “I accept the anxiety/pain/injury… Continue Reading