Restless legs


To Jesus:


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Restless legs



Organic kale has magnesium, iron, potassium & calcium that together may stop most restless legs symptoms.


Pickle juice stops cramping within one minute


What people have reported to work, many at


Magnesium oil on legs


Limonene (also effective for GERD/reflux)


Benfotiamine-150 to 300mg 2x/day


Selenium (brazilnut) 125mg


(50k) vitamin D3 under tongue every other day w daily vitamin k2 until symptoms gone then reduce intake frequency to find maintenance level


Bar soap on or next to leg


CBD oil under tongue


Tonic water has quinine




B vitamin sustained release after breakfast




EFT tapping (acupressure)


Leg Exercise to exhaustion




Pneumatic compression


Near infrared red light therapy


Red lights & pink noise help sleep


Aspercreme w lidocaine




Legs straight up


Apple cider vinegar 3x/day


Hylands restless legs


Lots of water all day


Support socks


Tyrosine, phenylalanine, DL phenylananine, mucuna dopa


VitE mixed tocopherols


Lecithin liposomal vitC every half hour

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.