Vitamin D3N


Vitamin D3


Here is what I’ve learned about vitamin D3.


Vitamin D3 is a hormone we appear to need at levels above 75ng/ml.

Vitamin D3 appears far more effective than vitamin D2. Taking vitamin D3 (as with most meds & supplements) under the tongue appears at least 2x more effective than swallowing, gets converted into the final form we use many times faster, lasts twice as long in the bloodstream.

Taking once a week 1.25mg (50K IU) vitamin D3 under the tongue appears to get most people above 75 ng/ml. The other best option appears to be to take the liquid or powder form at 125mcg (5K IU) under the tongue daily.  The powder form can be under 5 cents for 1.25mg (50K IU), far cheaper than most capsules except Nusapure at 7 cents a capsule for 1.25mg (30K IU).

Getting blood levels above 75ng/ml appears to reduce most viral infections by 90%, many cancers by 80%, & many other health conditions by over 70% including chronic pain & reduce doctor visits by 75%.

Getting blood levels above 75 ng/ml from below 20 ng/ml appears to increase longevity greater than any other factor in a 47 year study on longevity.

Getting blood levels above 150 ng/ml by following the below protocol appears to reduce autoimmune disorders (vitamin D resistance) & their symptoms by 95% by selectively inhibiting the Th17 autoimmune reaction while greatly enhancing some normal immune reaction to infections.  Parathyroid hormone measurement can prevent calcium buildup to increase vitamin D3 supplementation safely as well as 90oz/2.5L of water intake.

Cofactors make vitamin D3 many times more effective by helping move calcium from the blood for people with high calcium levels & into the bones.  Taking spirulina, the source in fish oil of EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids, with a vegetable makes vitamin D3 work far better.  Eating dark leafy greens like organic kale that have all the calcium needed to avoid supplementation, magnesium, vitamin K1 (our bodies make into K2), methylfolate (if uncooked),  zinc & boron make vitamin D3 safer & far more effective including against osteoporosis by moving calcium to the bones & away from the heart & improve mood.  Or magnesium chloride PA supplements should be taken at least an hour before a meal.  Vitamin K2 supplements (fat soluble) should be taken with a meal with fat or gotten through a small amount of fermented natto (kept frozen) daily.  A high dose sustained release vitamin B complex (with methylfolate) appears essential for vitamin D3 to be it’s most effective.


If levels are low taking high loading doses of vitamin D3 (like 125mg under the tongue for a few days) may reverse disease symptoms quickly.

Many health conditions including cancer & viral infections & heart problems appear to be greatly reduced with high dosage vitamin D3 taken as a preventative or when symptomatic.



Topical vitamin D3 appears to increase the effectiveness of oral/sublingual vitamin D3 for skin autoimmune disorders like eczema, psoriasis, & vitiligo.

cholecalciferol meta-analysis

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.