Gastrointestinal&stomach issues


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What helps gastrointestinal problems best?


Sea buckthorn/palmitoleic acid/omega 7

Black licorice root







Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)





Probiotics (taken with last meal of evening), peppermint oil & organic frozen ground flaxseed appear to help IBS most.


Gastroentorology & Hepatology Volume 9, Issue 6p507-520June 2024

A low FODMAP diet plus traditional dietary advice versus a low-carbohydrate diet versus pharmacological treatment in irritable bowel syndrome (CARIBS): a single-centre, single-blind, randomised controlled trial


Sleeping left


Sleeping on the LEFT side can help digestion & gastrointestinal problems.


Nonorganic foods


Over 100 nonorganic crops, especially grains, are reported to be sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate that appears to cause leaky gut & kill good bacteria in the gut & increase diabetes, cancer, heart disease & obesity.


Corn & soy

GMO corn & soy sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate appear to increase leaky gut, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, & obesity.


Gluten & dairy


Stopping gluten (like in wheat & rye), soy, corn, dairy, caffeine, carrageenans, aspartame (Nutrasweet) & sucralose (Splenda) often relieves or eliminates IBS symptoms, sometimes the next day.


Leaky gut


Leaky gut is sometimes when the lining of the gut is thinned by glyphosate (Roundup) sprayed on most non organic crops, most on corn & soy (GMO unless organic).  Then eating wheat & pasteurized dairy often intensifies symptoms.



The Restore supplement may work to improve gut function in people affected by gluten and/or glyphosate who have leaky gut syndrome.



Sea buckthorne/palmitoleic acid/Omega 7 (PAO7)



PAO7 appears to help the health of mucus membranes to help heal ulcers & other gastrointestinal problems including liver disorders.


PAO7 appears to help internal hemorrhaging & wound healing.


PAO7 makes up a lot of fat in skin & appears to improve skin, hair & nail health noticeably including treating wounds, burns, radiation, skin grafts & skin disorders.


PAO7 appears to help the body reboot the immune system after damage from chemotherapy & radiation including helping against cancer.


PAO7 appears to help mucus membranes stay moist & prevent vaginal, mouth & eye dryness.


PAO7 appears to reduce blood sugar & triglycerides & help artery wall health to prevent diabetes & heart disease.


PAO7 appears safe & is used in a lot of topical cremes and in Finland is used in baby food.




Black licorice root (red is the spice anise)


Black licorice root may help stop gastrointestinal problems like peptic ulcers, heartburn, reflux, mouth sores, throat pain & infections,  functional dyspepsia (FD) abdominal discomfort, candida, leaky gut, & nausea.

Black licorice root also appears to help upper respiratory bacterial & viral infections, coughing, asthma & COPD, eczema & acne when used topically, diabetes, menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, constipation, stress, & weightloss.





Asafoetida (hing)


Hing is a spice that may taste better cooked than it smells raw, like garlic & onions but without the difficult digestibility.  It appears to be effective in the amounts used as a spice.

Asafoetida appears to help indigestion by increasing digestive enzymes, killing SIBO or candida, working as an anti-inflammatory, & also appears to help nerve growth, lower blood pressure & sugar, & reduce cancer.



Motility of the stomach



Small capsule in digestive tract helped motility-

All body vibration reduced motility-

Perhaps spot vibration on the skin for a brief period near the slow spot may kickstart motility?


Saccharomyces boulardi  probiotic-


In studies S. boulardi seemed to help weight loss, acne, gut problems like IBS, SIBO, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, c. diff., Blastocystis Hominis & diarrhea.


For IBS, S. boullardi alone is often taken first then if needed an antibiotic added.



Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)


In one study more than 75% of IBS was actually SIBO (from the colon), diagnosable with a lactulose hydrogen breath test, or LHBT, and treatable with antibiotics (including rifaximin/Xifaxan).

Inside Tract® newsletter issue 129 – January/February 2002
American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000;95:3503-3506
“Rifaximin”. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Retrieved 8 January 2017.




Antibiotic safety


Antibiotics often kill the good bacteria in the gut.  Taking probiotics with/right after the last meal of the day can help replenish the good bacteria & avoid future health problems.





Atrantil with quebracho colorado (not blanco), horse chestnut, & peppermint leaf may help IBS and perhaps carb cravings.





Iberogast is a product with 9 different herbs- angelica, caraway, clown’s mustard plant, German chamomile, greater celandine, lemon balm, licorice, milk thistle, peppermint that may help indigestion & IBS.





The FODMAP diet is intended to avoid special types of carbohydrates that may trigger IBS
symptoms. Here is an explanation & a list of foods to avoid.




Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)


H. pylori is a bacteria in the stomach that may increase ulcers & stomach cancer while decreasing GERD, asthma, & weight gain.


It is treatable with antibiotics.





Turmeric, with a little black pepper (0.3%) to increase curcumin levels up to 200X, appears to reduce gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancers.


Pharmacogn Rev. 2013 Jan;7(13):42-6. doi: 10.4103/0973-7847.112843.

Turmeric (curcumin) remedies gastroprotective action.
Yadav SK, Sah AK, Jha RK, Sah P, Shah DK.
Sci Pharm. 2013 Apr-Jun;81(2):549-58. doi: 10.3797/scipharm.1207-17. Epub 2013 Jan 7.

Preventive effects of curcumin against drug- and starvation-induced gastric erosions in rats.
Haider S, Naqvi F, Tabassum S, Saleem S, Batool Z, Sadir S, Rasheed S, Saleem D, Nawaz A,
Ahmad S.




Ginger, Peppermint & Spearmint may help nausea best, as well as  Basil, bee balm, Black Pepper, Bupleurum, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Gentian, Ginger, Holy Basil, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Marsh Mallow Root, Peppermint, Pimento, Prickly Ash & Rhodiola.


THC in marijuana also help nausea.





Gastroparesis is a slowing of stomach emptying due to muscles in the stomach not working properly, often as a effect of diabetes. Reglan (metoclopramide) may help speed digestion & reduce nausea but have side effects.


Iberogast (an herbal mix) may help a little.


Rikkunshito, a Japanese herbal mix, may help.







Foods with high oxylate content often cause stomach upset, and some kidney stones.


Fruits: Highest concentration oxylate foods include avocados and many citrus fruits such as lemon or grapefruit. Lower levels found in most berries, apples, plantains, watermelon, and cantaloupe.


Vegetables: Very high oxalate concentration is found in beets, olives, rhubarb, spinach, turnip, and yams. Other food sources are mustard greens, most beans, and artichokes. Little to no oxalate concentration is found in broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, iceberg lettuce, mushrooms, zucchini, or scallions.


Grains: A concentration of oxalates is measured in all grains such as whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, corn grits, couscous, soy flour and buckwheat. Little to no oxalates are concentrated in flaxseed, barley malt flour, corn bran and oat bran.


Nuts and seeds: All nuts are high in oxalate concentration; the concentration in almonds is quadrupled that of a single serving of mixed nuts. Flaxseed contains little to no oxalates.


Other: Oxalates are available in processed snacks and beverages including potato chips and hot chocolate.


Side effects of high oxylates- inflammatory conditions, autoimmune issues, mineral deficiency, and perhaps even autism



What may also help IBS:

Most people try one thing and if it works increase it daily until the problem is gone or they notice too much side effects.  Then they cut the dose in half & go on to try the next thing one at a time. Eventually they have a group of things that help enough taken in rotation or in combination.


Nigella sativa (black seed oil)

Green leaf stevia


Coconut oil (lauric acid turns into monolaurin in body)

aloe vera (internal)


Oregano oil

Vitamin B complex

Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin D3

Olive leaf

Bee propolis


D-mannose sugar for UTIs



Horse chestnut

artichoke leaf extract

ground flaxseed (soluble fiber best)

steamed parsnips & squashes

cooked pears & apples

congee- rice porridge

Peppermint leaf or oil (unless GERD)

anti-spasmodic drugs good

Papaya or its extract papain


topical castor oil

tumeric w/ a little black pepper or ginger





pancreatic enzymes

melatonin (also helps sleep)

green tea

papaya or papain



slippery elm


peppermint (often in oil form, no if GERD)

fennel seeds (gas)

caraway seeds

carom seeds





anise tea

apple cider vinegar

baking soda

digestive enzymes

almonds (also lower blood sugar)





red pepper



Anti-inflammatories may help with stomach problems or IBS

Turmeric (with a little black pepper)





Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)

Nigella sativa (black seed oil)

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil



Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

Glucosamine & Chondroitin





Cat’s Claw



Noni fruit


Alpha lipoic acid & β-alanine

Lemon verbena



Other therapies:


Cognitive therapy

Hypnosis for control of GI tract


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.