
If you have a friend who seems paranoid, what do you do?


Here’s what I would do:


Ask them if they are taking the drugs that can have a side effect of paranoia-


Marijuana- THC, marinol, Delta-9


Stimulants- Amphetamines, meth, cocaine


Bath salts or other designer drugs





If they are using marijuana, are they taking it in part to treat their anxiety?


It is the cannabidiol (CBD) in the marijuana that helps the anxiety.  The THC in marijuana increases anxiety in most of us.  People who are using marijuana to lessen anxiety see a big relief when they start taking CBD & reduce their marijuana use & THC exposure.  CBD is legal where THC is not in a lot of states.


CBD may be much more effective taken as a few drops under the tongue rather than whole droppers swallowed.





Spirulina is an algae that when taken with a vegetable (a necessity for the enzymes to help digest the spirulina) helps to increase mood, concentration, & lower anxiety, especially in people taking marijuana.  It appears to counteract the hallucinatory effects of THC, paranoia, & schizophrenic episodes.  It is the original source of all EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids so good for the heart & mood & concentration.


Many people who took marijuana for anxiety have eliminated their anxiety by taking CBD oil & spirulina (with a vegetable).


If they are taking a stimulant, the amino acids DLPA (phenylalamine) or L-phenylalamine or L-tyrosine or macuna dopa (from fava beans) may helps someone withdrawing from amphetamines to normalize their dopamine levels & reduce cravings.  The prescription drug selegiline can as well as raise mood.  Selegililine may be best taken under the tongue for enhanced effectiveness & to prevent the tyramine food interaction effects.



About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.