Fatloss & nutrition




To Jesus:


You can use drugs.com or other trusted health sites to look up the latest information on prescription & herbal drugs possible side & interaction effects. Typing in the name of two medications or a medication & an herb in a search bar of most browsers will bring up results with their interaction effects.





Fatloss & Nutrition




Weight loss drugs-


The new weight loss drugs like Ozempic/Wegovy (semiglutide), Mounjaro & Retatrutide cause vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, nausea & nightmares. They can trigger permanently slow & painful digestion.  They also appear to increase muscle loss 200% greater than just calorie restriction.  Loss of muscle reduces metabolism & increases early death & can cause people to gain all the weight back & more after stopping these drugs for cost, loss of insurance reimbursement, & adverse effects.






Semiglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) also appears to increase blindness by 400% in people with diabetes, and 700% in people with obesity.


Risk of Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in Patients Prescribed Semaglutide
Jimena Tatiana Hathaway et al., JAMA Ophthalmol. Published online July 3, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2024.2296  jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaophthalmology/fullarticle/2820255




Weight loss vs fat loss



Weight loss decreases metabolism & increases muscle loss & early death. In obesity, fat loss & muscle retention retains metabolism & extends life.





What helps fat loss?



Daily drink smoothie #1


This is #1 because if we don’t have the energy, we won’t exercise.


Mixing a drink consisting of apple cider vinegar, juices of grapefruit (may increase medication levels),  lemon, lime, onions, garlic, mustard, hot peppers, ginger, cardamom, & grains of paradise with 1/4ts MCT oil &/or adding to meals all increase energy burning greater than the calories taken in, & can cause fat loss & energy increase without dieting.  Best to start with one ingredient then after a few days add another to make sure it works for each person’s body until all have been tried.  As with all food, finding the foods & supplements that work well with little adverse effects for us individually makes all the difference.


Organic ground flaxseed eaten like a cereal before a meal decreases the amount of food eaten & improves blood sugar, lowers heart disease & especially cancer.


Nutrasweet or sucralose/Splenda artificial sweeteners appear to kill the good bacteria of the stomach & cause obesity & fat gain. Stevia/monk fruit/allulose appear to be the safest noncaloric sweeteners, with raw honey, maple syrup, & molasses the safest full caloric sweeteners. 


Colas are so acidic we get stomaches without it that may be relieved by taking HCL when stopping drinking cola.  People who stop drinking full sugar or diet pop, or any caloric drink, report losing a pound a week with no extra hunger for months.



Weight bearing exercise #2


Weight bearing exercise (not aerobic, surprisingly) causes at first slimming as muscle strength increase reduces fat & then helps fat loss & keeping fat off.


Doing weight bearing exercise immediately after eating carbohydrates increases exercise performance, reduces blood sugar & type II diabetes.  Adding MCT oil in the food or ketone esters increases exercise performance even greater than after carbohydrate intake alone, often helping athletes shatter their personal athletic records.



Enough protein- #3


Eating 1g protein for each pound of the targeted ideal weight significantly reduces hunger & also improves strength, athletic performance & weight bearing exercise.  Meat, preferrably from grassfed animals, has the complete protein needed.  Organic beans (nonorganic beans & lentils have high levels of Roundup/glyphosate an antibiotic used as an herbicide that kills the good bacteria in the gut & appears to increase obesity, heart disease, cancer & diabetes) soaked for 12-24 hours then (sprouted also helps) pressure cooked then refrigerated before eating can be paired with a little organic brown rice to make a complete protein like meat- at least kidney, black, navy, white northern & pinto.  Organic spelt or triticale (both 10x less inflammatory type of wheat) can also be paired with organic peanut butter (especially topped with organic mixed nuts) to provide the protein combination so satisfying in meat.



Alpha lipoic acid #1 fatloss supplement


We make alpha lipoic acid in our bodies to turn sugar into energy, reverse nerve & other pain fast & grow new nerve cells & neurons. Alpha lipoic acid at 600mg at wakeup & with every meal (2400mg) or 1200mg every 12 hours if 250lbs reverses migraines in one hour, sciatica in a day, neuropathy & all pain in half a week (Mayo clinic recommends), opiate or pain pill addiction in a week, diabetes II symptoms in a month, cancer in two months (starves cancer of sugar), heart disease (including congestive heart failure & afib) within three.  It is the strongest anti-inflammatory & painkiller at high dosages. At higher doses used for weight loss people need to take vitamin B7 biotin once a day in between doses, best in sustained release methyl B vitamin complex.


Alpha lipoic acid is the #1 fatloss supplement because anyone taking more than 2400mg a day in divided doses for weight loss likely has no pain or opiate addiction, diabetes II, heart disease or cancer & recovers from injuries & workouts very fast because low inflammation allows the body’s stem cells to regrow tissue.



Chromium #1 supplement while dieting


In one study, people dieting lost 10x more fat & retained over 5x more muscle when supplementing with chromium while dieting.



T2 (#2 fatloss supplement)

3,5 diiodo-l-thyronine, or T2, is a bioidentical thyroid hormone that appears to cause fatloss, reduce blood sugar, & increase energy (metabolism). According to Dr Westin Childs noting thousands of people’s experience, dosage shouldn’t be over 300mcg per day.






A good mix of supplements for increased energy & fat loss, especially if paired with exercise:

yohimbine 1.5mg

Forskolin 50mg (if 100%)

green tea extract if can’t have caffeine, or matcha tea if can

fucoxanthin or brown seaweed

grains of paradise- paradoxine 15% aframols, 12.5% 6-paradol

hesperidin & naringin over 90%, 300mg per day








L-glutamine (#1 for carb cravings)


Taking l-glutamine, an amino acid in our foods, under the tongue can quickly curb carb/sugar cravings.  It also appears to lower alcohol cravings, improve cognition, reduce anxiety/depression/insomnia, detox the liver, increase fat loss, repair leaky gut & help the immune system.



Ashwagandha, ginseng & other adaptogens mix (#1 for lowering stress eating)


Adaptogens lower cortisol when to high from stress, lack of sleep, illness or emotional pain & increase cortisol when low from exercising.  Using a mix of adaptogens like ashwagandha (strongest), rhodiola, the ginsengs, maca, schisandra, reishi, holy basil, jiaogulan etc. has higher effectiveness & less adverse effects on average than any one adaptogen alone.



Spirulina (#1 for increasing self control)


Spirulina is the source of all EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids in fish oil.  Like fish oil it needs to be taken in a meal with a vegetable to use the enzymes to break it down.  It increases concentration, mood, helps revive the liver & helps against cancer & improves higher cognitive function, also by chelating heavy metals like mercury, lead & aluminum.



Broccoli & other sprouts


Soak for four hours, rinse morning & evening & in five days come sprouts with up to 200x the sulforafane & other nutrients as the grown plant.



Elderberry to prevent backsliding


1/2 ts of elderberry (tea or cooked) or elderflower appears to prevent most all viral & bacterial respiratory infections, avoiding half a week to two weeks of no exercise & reversion to less healthy comfort foods



Neural growth & intelligence


Blueberry, lion’s mane mushroom, alpha lipoic acid, red wine vinegar, 1-5mg OTC lithium chloride/orotate, dark chocolate or nondutched/nonalkalyzed cocoa with honey or noncaloric allulose/stevia/monk fruit all appear to increase neural growth & help us make healthier food choices.





Green matcha tea


Has caffeine, theanine, & theobromine for heart & brain health, make better food & exercise choices




What foods can we eat until stuffed & lose fat?


Carnivore diet- Meat & fat from ruminant animals (cows, deer, bison) at least 50% & as desired other meats, butter & eggs with 50% of calories from fat (essential to fat loss)- can eat till stuffed every meal & lose all excess body fat


Organic beans & lentils (nonorganic have Roundup/glyphosate, a antibiotic/herbicide that increases obesity) with butter or coconut oil (fat is essential) because they are so filling- can eat till stuffed as people eat least amount of calories after eating beans


Any mix of organic potatoes/sweet potatoes with organic butter or coconut oil (fat is essential to fat loss) when cooking or other organic unrefined oils added after cooking right before serving. Potatoes seem to have high carbs, but fat loss studies show people eat less calories after eating potatoes than any other foods (except beans & meat), & people on the potatoes/sweet potatoes only diet usually lose a half to a full pound of fat (if they are weightlifting) per day.  Cooking the potatoes & refridgerating them before reheating & eating reduces their carbohydrates & increases their resistant starch content (prebiotic like fiber). This works for many high carbohydrate foods like rice as well.


The ketogenic diet’s low carbohydrate organic vegetables like leafy greens (with uncooked organic unrefined oil added before serving), especially in soups, can be eaten until stuffed & increase fat loss.


Smells (out of sight) that lower hunger:


extra virgin olive oil



green apples






Time tested


These have all been shown individually to cause excess fat loss even while eaten to completely full (stuffed).  It is likely they can be eaten together with the same fat loss.

The ketogenic diet, also successful in getting people to their greatest fat loss, also includes some higher carbohydrate fruits & vegetables, but in moderation





It is often much easier to fast (only water) for 2-3 days than to change the diet.  Fasting for 2-3 days can change how the body feels so dramatically, that people can immediately after break the fast with only the foods (like a ketogenic diet) planned for the new diet.  It is also a good way to treat cancer as cancer symptoms & cancer spread can immediately be reduced with a water fast as cancer needs a lot of sugar to grow & survive.



Daily intermittent fasting/time restricted eating


Daily fasting is ending eating at like 7pm & not eating in the morning until after 7a.  Every hour after 12hours fasting increases benefits- fat loss, blood sugar, blood pressure & cancer.  They way to increase is to go longer each day from the last food or caloric drink of the day/night to the next time eating, increasing by a half hour each morning  Every hour after 12 hours of fasting increases longevity, reduces inflammation, diabetes, cancer & heart disease.



Organic for fat loss


Eating organic to avoid toxins that make concentration harder & cause diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, depression & anxiety is essential to fat loss.


Dark chocolate/cocoa w no sugar #1 dessert for fatloss


Cocoa or bakers no sugar chocolate melted with noncaloric allulose/stevia/monk fruit added all help fat loss by satisfying “treat” cravings with much fewer calories.  No sugar chocolate/cocoa reverses heart disease faster than uncooked olive oil, much better than other desserts which often increase heart disease.






Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)


Alpha lipoic acid 600mg before or with every meal\snack for fatloss, diabetes II (esp. w\Alzheimers), heart disease, cancer, migraines (1hr), sciatica (1 day), neuropathy (Mayo Clinic recommends), brain injury recovery.

Lipoic acid helps fat loss, especially at high doses used in fat loss studies- 1200mg 2x daily or 600mg at wakeup & with every meal.






Berberine 500mg w\two largest meals of day (200lbs), also stronger than antidepressants\antianxiety meds, helps addiction withdrawal, diabetes (esp. w/dementia), heart disease, HBP, cancer, fatty liver, gastrointestinal problems, inflammation, bacterial infections, diarhea.



Turmeric w/black pepper

Antiinflammatory & mood boost



Now Foods sustained release VitB complex after breakfast helps metabolism & willpower



Mct oil 1/8th ts or more under tongue every 4 hours or w/every meal

Whenever hungry people drink coffee or tea with MCT oil (for physical & mental energy).  The caffeine & MCT oil both make fasting easier by reducing hunger.

If occasionally still hungry people add unsalted (organic grass fed) butter/ghee &/or a prebiotic as they can both significantly increase fullness on an occasional basis.

The MCT oil increases metabolism & energy, as it’s the only fat that is easier to burn as energy than store as fat.



Organic raw honey


Organic raw honey as a substitute for corn syrup (high fructose) appears to help fatloss, diabetes II, sleep, coughs, bacterial infections (topical wounds) & burn pain.


Allulose, stevia & monk fruit mix has no calories & sweetens without the Nutrasweet/Equal/aspartame/Neo neurological problems like seizures, also along with Splenda/sucralose & Ace K kills the good bacteria in gut & appears to increase diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, depression & anxiety.


Organic ground flaxseed (keep in freezer) tb before or in every meal (no cook) significantly increases fat loss & is a major cancer treatment & preventative






Cold exposure



Wim hof breathing-

Let air out of lungs, hold empty breath while walking or exercising, when finally breathe take one deep breath then hold until stop gasping, repeat seven times for large increase in energy & decrease in cold




Fasting 12-18+ hours daily extending by a half hour at a time water ev 2 hours



Organic raw honey may lower fat & diabetes in place of high fructose corn syrup



Antibiotics can lower good bacteria in gut to cause fat gain, probiotics w last meal of night may replenish.



Avoiding white wheat (best is spelt or farrow) may help lose 30lbs




Avoiding corn&soy oils for gmos, polyunsaturated fats when heated become formaldehyde, glyphosate/Roundup kilLs good bacteria in gut, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)



Only cooking w unrefined coconut oil, grassfed butter/ghee



Red light, pink noise, magnesium glycinate, insitol, Gaba, theanine, chamomile, valerian help deepen sleep at night which helps fat loss


Eat lots of low calorie veges w MCT oil at beginning of meal, protein next & carbs last & exercise/walk right after



Vegetable soups



Pureed vegetables in meals add fiber & satiation



Refrigeration of potatoes & rice after cooking reduces calories absorbed



Antibiotics can lower good bacteria in gut to cause fat gain, probiotics w last meal of night may replenish



Avoiding white wheat (best is spelt or farrow) to lose 30lbs



Avoiding corn&soy oils for gmos, polyunsaturated fats when heated become formaldehyde, glyphosate/Roundup kilks good bacteria in gut



Only cook w unrefined coconut oil, grassfed butter/ghee



Eat lots of low calorie veges w MCT oil at beginnibg of meal, protein next & carbs last & exercise/walk right after



Vegetable soups



Pureed vegetables in meals add fiber & satiation



Refrigeration of potatoes & rice after cooking reduces calories absorbed



Cooking & mixing mashed potato & sweet potato together- any mix of potatoes & sweet potatoes alone eaten to satiation may cause 1/2 to 1 lb fat loss daily


Adding lots of spices improves satiation



Cocoa or unsweetened chocolate w/honey or allulose/stevia/monk fruit mix increases satiation


Mineral salts- light grey Celtic best, Real salt from Utah, Himalayan salt increase satiation


add mineral salt, sweet (honey or allulose/stevia/monk fruit mix), bitter-black pepper, sour- vinegar or lemon or grapefruit, savory (mushrooms), fat to every meal for increased satiation


MCT oil increases energy & fat loss in place of other oils, start 1/8ts then increase daily


High vitD3 (50K IU/2x/wk under tongue) w/5000mgX2 (10 to 1) vitK2 good autoimmune reduction, fat loss & bone density increase



Cissus quadrangularis 2.4g 3x/day also bone growth, menstrual/menopause/libido issues, joint pain, ulcers, hemhorroids, inflammation



Smells (but not sight) \/ hunger, /\ fatloss

Green apples







Swimming best calorie burn, colder water more fatloss



Smallest, greenest plates



Keep food out of sight, dirty plates in sight



Tall & skinny glass caloric drinks


Wide glass water



Blue, dim dining room



Eat before shopping



Soup before main entree or as main entree



Cash for groceries



Spirulina w a vegetable increases willpower



Noncaloric drinks only may cause 10-30lbs fatloss



If exercising chromium increases fat lost vs muscle






Use this information as a supplement to your own research and share with your doctor as appropriate.

You can use drugs.com or other trusted health websites to look up the latest information on prescription drugs, herbs, foods or other treatments possible side & interaction effects.




Nutrition and Fat Loss






Water where fluoride is filtered out (Big Berkey-stainless- cheapest over time, Zero Water-plastic- cheaper up front) gives a cognitive boost (that increases over time) as the brain is no longer exposed to flouride.

Drinking out of protected glass or stainless steel avoids the taste & contaminants of plastic and the brain damage of aluminum.

Drinking 16-32oz of water right upon waking up (a staple in Japan) appears to significantly boost energy (reduce fatigue) & boost mood, may prevent headaches, reflux throughout the day and UTIs, smooth wrinkles, significantly lower heart problems, aide fat loss, and help you feel less hot or cold during temperature extremes.

Drinking water when or after visiting people who are sick may boost immunity.

The number one way to lose fat is to drink at least a half a glass of water (up to 30 minutes) before every snack or meal, not during.  As we get older, we often lose some of our sense of thirst and feel hungry instead when we are thirsty.  Drinking a glass of water before eating fills the thirst we are mistaking for hunger.  Without this, if we eat low water foods we just keep eating until our thirst is satisfied by the food, up to thousands of calories in one sitting.

Drinking liquids before eating food increases satiation- drinking during a meal can increase the amount of food eaten because drinks can temporarily lower blood sugar, and people then eat more to bring their blood sugar back up.  Drinking the water before the meal prevents this.  Drinking during or right after a meal also washes away the taste of the food.  Drinking water before the meal delays the time before drinking after the meal & as the taste of the food lingers it also increases the time between eating.

Drinking water the instant we feel hunger pains can help prevent eating when we are really thirsty.

Drinking cold water increases our metabolism & helps fat loss even more.  Drinking just 1-3 cups more water than the average helps fat loss by lowering calorie consumption from 68-205 calories, sodium by 235mg, sugar by 18 grams per day

Drinking water before bedtime may decrease heart attacks at night & in the morning and improve sleep depth by reducing nighttime dehydration, after the body adjusts.


An R. & ‎McCaffrey J. (2016) Plain water consumption in relation to energy intake and diet quality among US adults, 2005–2012. J Hum Nutr Diet. 29, 624–632 doi: 10.1111/jhn.12368


Carbonated soda often leaves us more thirsty than before we drank it, from the carbonation, the intense acidity, and the high sugar content.  The high acidity is very addicting, because to prevent it from making our stomach acid to high our body lowers stomach acid just on the thought or sight of pop, which then makes our body crave the pop to get back to the right acidity.  That’s why drinking pop often settles the stomach, a problem that goes away after withdrawing from pop.


The easiest way to get off pop is to drink a half glass of water before opening the pop.  The body gets its thirst quenched so people then often nurse a can of pop for half a day, rather than drink one after another in a futile attempt to quench their thirst with just the pop.  After a while the body recognizes its the water they crave, not the pop.


Drinking 3 quarts of water a day for a person of 150 lbs, 4 quarts for 200lbs appears to improve energy & endurance and flexibility.


Eating organic


To find what foods to avoid and the research on the health effects of GMO foods, visit responsibletechnology.org


Eating organic foods appears to reduce cancer by at least 25% in one study.  The largest benefits appear to be for postmenopausal breast cancer (21%), lymphomas, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (73%) in the study.


Baudry J, Assmann KE, Touvier M, et al. Association of Frequency of Organic Food Consumption With Cancer Risk: Findings From the NutriNet-Santé Prospective Cohort Study. JAMA Intern Med. 2018;178(12):1597–1606. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2018.4357


Eating organic avoids the large amounts of the herbicide glyphosate that causes obesity, as well as lowering exposure to countless other herbicides & pesticides in conventional foods.  Glyphosate appears to kill the good bacteria in the stomach via the shikamate pathway, including the bacteria that keep us slim.  Cattle & animals killed for meat have been injected with antibiotics for many decades because it causes them to fatten up heavily, as the antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut like glyphosate & other chemicals do.  Many imported foods are grown in countries that use pesticides, herbicides & fungicides that are banned for use by farmers in the USA for toxicity.  Some of these can cause fat gain and cancer, diabetes, and heart disease like glyphosate does.


The nonorganic foods often sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup):


Lentils Peas Non-GE soybeans
Non-GE corn Flax Rye and buckwheat
Triticale Canola Millet
Sugar beets Potatoes Sunflowers

Over 100 different crops, most all grains & legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts) are sprayed with glyphosate/Roundup before harvesting, having high amounts when ingested.

According to Monsanto’s own research glyphosate is associated with adenoma cancer in the pituitary gland, glioma tumors in the brain, reticular cell sarcomas in the heart, malignant tumors in the lungs, salivary mandibular reticular cell carcinoma, metastatic sarcomas of the lymph gland, prostate carcinoma, cancer of the bladder, thyroid carcinoma, adrenal reticulum cell sarcomas, cortical adenomas, and basal cell squamous skin tumors.(20)


According to a review in Ecowatch glyphosate is linked to ADHD, Alzheimer’s, birth defects, autism, brain/breast/prostate/lung cancer, celiac disease, chronic kidney disease, colitus, depression, heart disease, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, Lou Gerigh’s disease, MS, nonHodgkins lymphoma, Parkinson’s, infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, reproductive problems, and respiratory disease.(21)


Glyphosate applications in one review were highly correlated with hypertension, stroke, diabetes prevalence, diabetes incidence, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism disorder, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, autism, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, end stage renal disease, acute kidney failure, cancers of the thyroid, liver, bladder,0 pancreas, kidney and myeloid leukemia. GE corn and soy planted in the US were correlated with hypertension, stroke, diabetes prevalence, diabetes incidence, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism disorder, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, end stage renal disease, acute kidney failure, cancers of the thyroid, liver, bladder, pancreas, kidney and myeloid leukaemia.(22)


Genetically modified foods are also linked with obesity, digestive problems, elevate antibodies & T cells that trigger allergies and asthma, cancers, thyroid disorders, lower IQ, ADHD, autism, behavior problems, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, IBS, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other autoimmune reactions in animal studies.



In a study of 168 pigs, with half fed GMO soy & GMO corn and the other half an equivalent nonGMO diet, the GMO fed pigs uterus was 25% heavier and their stomachs had much more severe inflammation (females 220%, males 400%).


Some genetically modified foods appear to cause a thinning of the gut lining, allowing undigested particles into the bloodstream apparently increasing food sensitivities like to gluten, intense food allergies like anaphylactic shock, and autism.


Fares NH, El-Sayed AK. “Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on delta-endotoxin-treated potatoes and transgenic potatoes.” Journal of Natural Toxins. 1998;6(6):219-33.


11 Scientific Reasons to Avoid GMO Food


Sex-dependent impact of Roundup on the rat gut microbiome

Veronica L. Lozano, Nicolas Defarge, Louis-Marie Rocque, Robin Mesnage, Didier Hennequin, Renaud Cassier, Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, Jean-Michel Panoff, Gilles-Eric Seralini, Caroline Amiel

PII: S2214-7500(17)30112-9

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2017.12.005

Reference: TOXREP 498




Dessicants and Parkinson’s


The two other dessicants sprayed on nonorganic food-paraquat and diquat, themselves appear to cause Parkinson’s.


37 references:



Even the supposedly “inert” ingredients in Roundup appear to cause illness all by themselves.


Farmers are using 100X (10,000%) more herbicides than before GMO’s were introduced.  Pesticides that normally would be on small amounts in our food are now produced in the food genetically.  Our exposure eating nonorganic foods to herbicides & pesticides is magnitudes higher than before GMOs.


Monsanto used to claim that their PCB’s, DDT, and Agent Orange were safe.  Now they are saying glyphosate, GMO corn & soy are just as safe as they said PCBs, DDT, and Agent Orange are.





Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice.

J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Dec 10;56(23):11533-9. doi: 10.1021/jf802059w.

Finamore A, Roselli M, Britti S, Monastra G, Ambra R, Turrini A, Mengheri E.



Monsanto’s Sealed Documents Reveal the Truth Behind Roundup’s Toxicological Dangers

Organic Consumers Association

Progressive Radio Network by Richard Gale and Gary Null  September 14, 2015




Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America

Nancy L. et al.

Journal of Organic Systems

Vol.9 No.2 (2014)








A long-term toxicology study on pigs fed a combined genetically modified (GM) soy and GM maize diet

Judy A. Carman et al.



New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup










Here are some links to farmers experience who are neighbors of glyphosate/Roundup usage-













Costas-Ferreira C, Durán R, Faro LRF. Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 21;23(9):4605. doi: 10.3390/ijms23094605. PMID: 35562999; PMCID: PMC9101768.



Singh S, Kumar V, Gill JPK, Datta S, Singh S, Dhaka V, Kapoor D, Wani AB, Dhanjal DS, Kumar M, Harikumar SL, Singh J. Herbicide Glyphosate: Toxicity and Microbial Degradation. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 15;17(20):7519. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17207519. PMID: 33076575; PMCID: PMC7602795. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7602795/


Puigbò P, Leino LI, Rainio MJ, Saikkonen K, Saloniemi I, Helander M. Does Glyphosate Affect the Human Microbiota? Life (Basel). 2022 May 9;12(5):707. doi: 10.3390/life12050707. PMID: 35629374; PMCID: PMC9145961.  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9145961/


Barbosa da Costa N, Hébert MP, Fugère V, Terrat Y, Fussmann GF, Gonzalez A, Shapiro BJ. A Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Cross-Selects for Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Bacterioplankton Communities. mSystems. 2022 Apr 26;7(2):e0148221. doi: 10.1128/msystems.01482-21. Epub 2022 Mar 10. PMID: 35266795; PMCID: PMC9040730. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9040730/


Singh S, Kumar V, Gill JPK, Datta S, Singh S, Dhaka V, Kapoor D, Wani AB, Dhanjal DS, Kumar M, Harikumar SL, Singh J. Herbicide Glyphosate: Toxicity and Microbial Degradation. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Oct 15;17(20):7519. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17207519. PMID: 33076575; PMCID: PMC7602795.  ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7602795/





Altered Genes, Twisted Truth – How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public by Steven Druker


FDA covered up own scientists warnings, lied, broke the law to allow still illegal GMO’s to hit the market.

Massive false information campaign claiming GMO safety

Mainstream media owners have killed GMO stories

The first ingestible GMO caused a deadly epidemic, covered up.

GMO’s have found to cause intestinal, liver, & immune problems.

Expert scientists who publish this research are fired, smeared, denied tenure.

GMO’s have never had a consensus of scientists agree they’re safe.

GMO’s are unsound in theory- changes of that magnitude are bad nutrition & bad science, the process makes a lot of errors, & the danger often undetectible

Thomas J. McCabe, developer of the cyclomatic complexity software metric has suggested gene editing wrecks food safety like hacking wrecks complex software systems


Top ten reasons to label GMO’s





How GMOs cause fat gain, muscle loss, diabetes, heart disease, cancer


GMO plants appear to have greatly increased leptins, which in those amounts act like insulin in our body, storing blood sugar as fat instead of feeding our muscles, making them shrink. This increases heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.


Going lectin free has lowered fat in animal studies by 22%, excess fat by 43%, and inflammation by 82%- helping people with arthritis & autoimmune disorders.


Dr. Steven Gundry, Center for Restorative Medicine



After three years, organic farms outproduce GMO farms because of weed & insect resistance.


Foods with the most pesticide/herbicide/fungicide residue


If someone wants to ease into eating organic, they can look up the 15 foods with the least pesticide/herbicide/fungicide residues, and the 15 that have the most to know which ones they should definitely avoid unless they buy organic.


Toxic fertilizer


Food grown with compost that has milorganite on the label, or that has biosolids, likely has chemical factory sewage in it.  When we buy local we can ask our farmers what they use for compost.




Organic to avoid fake food


I exclude all processed grains- anything already cooked.  Food companies not only use a hard to follow cornicopia of new, untested chemicals in foods but are also using fillers that have no nutritional benefit because they aren’t food, including wood.  Goo is a better word.


Glyphosate/roundup in high levels in almost all nonorganic grains & legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts) is an antibiotic used as an herbicide that kills the good bacteria of the stomach, an antiprobiotic, & appears to cause caner, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression & anxiety.



Ketogenic diet


The ketogenic diet removes the Roundup/glyphosate soaked beans, lentils & grains & appears to reduce diabetes, heart disease, cancer, seizures, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar mania, & autism symptoms near 80%.

Organic grains, beans & lentils can be added back in & retain most all the benefits.  The grains should be eaten at the end of the last meal of the day & people have to walk or exercise immediately after the meal to prevent the blood sugar rise from the carbohydrates.



Ozempic/semiglutude- feelings of nausea, fullness, & less blood sugar carb cravings

If dietary changes & exercise isn’t implemented then people gain 2/3rds back quickly

Can cause suicidality, pancreatitis, gastro-intestinal issues, and vision damage, kidney & gall bladder problems & possibly thyroid cancer.

Wegovy- 3% of people alopecia- permanent hair loss

Mounjaro- 6% of people alopecia- permanent hair loss

They all only work temporarily until people start gaining fat after a year & a half, & pounds come back fast if stopped.






Inflammatory foods



Wheat flour (inflammation from wheat gluten & processed flour acts like sugar)



Processed meats

Grain fed animals’ meat


Heated polyunsaturated fats (unless uncooked & cold pressed) become aldehydes



Artificial sweeteners (aspartame/Nutrasweet)

Artificial food additives

BPA in cans & phalates in fast food containers








Avoid high fructose corn syrup & sugar


High fructose corn syrup appears in multiple studies to cause increased fat gain, obesity, diabetes and cancer compared to table sugar.


Eating processed foods, anything other than organic whole foods, can increase autism & ADHD symptoms by adding a lot of mercury, lead, cadmium & arsenic.

Renee Dufault in the FDA found mercury & lead added in processing FD&C food colorings (blue#, red#, yellow#), mercury in refined oils-GMO soy & corn worst for health (formaldehyde is in heated polyunsaturated fat), mercury in high fructose corn syrup (may be hidden ingredient in any nonorganic corn product like corns starch or dextrose), refined (white) wheat & rice.



Unsafe at any Meal Renee Dufault





Raw organic honey lowers fat, blood sugar, & diabetes.  It also helps sleep & reduces coughing. Topically it appears to speed healing of wounds, acne, eczema & psoriasis & helps stop bacterial infections in the body like UTIs.  Local organic raw honey can reduce pollen sensitivity.   Honey is the healthiest sweetener by far.  Processed honey has been heated & filtered & may not have the benefits of unfiltered & unheated honey.





Honey and Diabetes: The Importance of Natural Simple Sugars in Diet for Preventing and Treating Different Type of Diabetes Das, Bobiş, Otilia, Dezmirean, Daniel S., Moise, Adela Ramona Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2018/02/04
4757893 1942-0900  doi.org/10.1155/2018/4757893 10.1155/2018/4757893 Academic editor Undurti N.,   Hindawi




Honey can be made from sugar & flavoring so it is best if it is raw & organic to be real.


To get real honey from bees:


Look for organic, raw, local

Rub between fingers- if absorb is real, if sticky is sugar

Microwave or cooktop-carmelize if honey, foam/bubble if sugar

Put on paper-sugar water will soak through

Ants avoid honey, flock to sugar

In water honey lumps & goes to bottom, water melts

Honey causes tingling on toungue

Honey makes bread hard

Honey crystalizes over time








Cinnamon (Ceylon may be best) reduces blood sugar, blood pressure, free radicals, oxidation, inflammation, osteoporosis, ulcers, liver damage, pain, Alzheimer’s & bacterial & parasitic infection & speeds up wound healing &  is often paired with honey for fat loss.

Ranasinghe, P., Pigera, S., Premakumara, G.S. et al. Medicinal properties of ‘true’ cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): a systematic review. BMC Complement Altern Med 13, 275 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6882-13-275



Apple cider vinegar & honey

Using apple cider vinegar with honey in meals with vegetables at the beginning of meal may also help fat loss by stopping an chemical that digests sugar.




Stevia, allulose and monk fruit (lo han)


Stevia is a sweetener that has no calories and has been used for centuries with no reported side effects in humans.  Stevia appears to be very healthy, preventing diabetes & cancer.  It’s best tasting form may be the white powder concentrate.  The brown leafy form tastes more earthy.


Stevia helps with diabetes, cancer prevention, fat control, and reduces insulin resistance.






Allulose is a sugar with little calories that at low to moderate doses has little gastrointestinal problems.  It is not as sweet as sugar so needs stevia & monk fruit in combination to be sweeter than sugar.



Monk fruit


Monk fruit is a natural sweetener that also has no calories and has been used for centuries safely in southeast Asia.  It may help symptoms of both types of diabetes, cancer, respiratory infections, & neuroinflammation.









Stevia, monk fruit & allulose are often blended together to make them even sweeter.  The combination of all has been said to be sweeter than sugar.


Unfortunately sometimes the sweeteners are mixed with dextrose, corn sugar, to add bulk- which is usually GMO.  Fortunately they can be found without GMO additives.




Kobus-Moryson M, and Gramza-Micha?owska A. Directions on the use of stevia leaves (Stevia Rebauidana) as an additive in food products. Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment. 2015 Jan;14 (1), 5-13 DOI: 10.17306/J.AFS.2015.1.1


Salvador RR, Sotelo MH, Paucar LM. Study of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) ad a natural sweetener and its use in health benefit. Scientia Agricultural. 2014 Sep;5(3):157-163. ISSN: 2077-9917


Chatsudthipong V, and Muanprasat C. Stevioside and related compounds: therapeutic benefits beyond sweetness. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2009 Jan;121(1):41-54. PMID: 19000919


Anton SD, Martin CK, Han H, et al. Effects of stevia, aspartame, and sucrose on food intake, satiety, and postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Appetite2010;55(1):37-43. PMCID: 2900484


Holvoet P, et al. Stevia-derived compounds attenuate the toxic effects of ectopic lipid accumulation in the liver of obese mice: A transcriptomic and metabolomics study. Food Chem Toxicol. 2015 Mar;77:22-33. PMID: 25554529



Not erythritol


Erythritol is a sugar alcohol (fermented sugar) with no calories that has little of the laxative or stomach cramping side effects of the other sugar alcohols like sorbitol, mannitol, & xylitol.  It bakes like sugar, has the volume of sugar, preserves like sugar, and tastes like sugar, but is 30% less sweet.

A new study associates erythritol with increased blood clotting, heart attacks & strokes.  A followup study showed increased clotting with increased erythritol ingestion.


Ingestion of the Non-Nutritive Sweetener Erythritol, but Not Glucose, Enhances Platelet Reactivity and Thrombosis Potential in Healthy Volunteers—Brief Report

Marco Witkowski https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6952-5038, Jennifer Wilcox https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6277-1079, Valesha Province, Zeneng Wang https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6455-8228, Ina Nemet https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0657-7121, W.H. Wilson Tang https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8335-735X, and Stanley L. Hazen hazens@ccf.orgAuthor Info & Affiliations

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Volume 44, Number 9 doi.org/10.1161/ATVBAHA.124.32101





Switching from sugar


The way to get used to any new sweetener is to eat a couple bites of food unsweetened before every meal.  It will immediately resensitize taste to the new amount & type of sweetener used as the freshest memory will be of the contrast between the unsweetened food and the new sweetener, not between the old sweetener & the new sweetener.



Nutritional deficiencies


Deficiencies of basic vitamins like Bs, C, D3, zinc, magnesium can increase the incidence of violent behavior.


“Violent behavior linked to nutritional deficiencies.”

Silvia Onmusic




Aspartame (Nutrasweet)


Aspartame is a sweetener in many diet pops & foods that breaks down to formaldehyde in the brain, a very toxic substance.  Aspartame may trigger seizures along with it’s other neurological effects including migraines, depression, anxiety, anger & behavior problems.


Monsanto bought the company who owned apartame & worked with their chairman (yes, that Donald Rumsfeld) to get it approved despite a 1980 board of inquiry of three independent scientists vote against approval.  Ronald Reagan’s brand new head of the FDA in 1981 approved it.  He left the FDA under allegations of impropriety and went to work for Monsanto.




Nutrasweet (aspartame) has had a dizzying list of dangerous neurological side effects reported to the FDA






Aspartame has the most side effects reported to the FDA of any substance, and that was before the FDA stopped taking reports of side effects starting in 1995.


Environ Health Perspect. 1987 Nov; 75: 53–57.

Possible neurologic effects of aspartame, a widely used food additive.

T J Maher and R J Wurtman





Humphries, P., Pretorius, E. & Naudé, H. Direct and indirect cellular effects of aspartame on the brain. Eur J Clin Nutr 62, 451–462 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602866







3x strokes, 3x dementia






In 1996, the FDA’s own toxicologist told Congress that aspartame (Nutrasweet) can cause brain cancer.



I stopped using it after getting nausea & motion sickness on a repeated basis.  It only came back once in the last 15 years, and when I checked all of my new foods, I found one had aspartame as an ingredient, unknown to me.





Nutrasweet (aspartame), Splenda (sucralose), and Sweet N Low (saccharin) appear to alter the gut microbiome & increase type II diabetes by making people less sensitive to insulin & increasing blood sugar levels & doubling obesity.  By contrast organic raw honey lowers blood sugar, diabetes, & fat & is very effective against infections.


Suez, Jotham & Korem, Tal & Zeevi, David & Zilberman-Schapira, Gili & A Thaiss, Christoph & Maza, Ori & Israeli, David & Zmora, Niv & Gilad, Shlomit & Weinberger, Adina & Kuperman, Yael & Harmelin, Alon & Kolodkin-Gal, Ilana & Shapiro, Hagit & Halpern, Zamir & Segal, Eran & Elinav, Eran. (2014). Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance by Altering the Gut Microbiota. Nature. 70. 10.1038/nature13793.


A Bitter Aftertaste: Unintended Effects of Artificial Sweeteners on the Gut Microbiome

Bokulich, Nicholas A. et al.

Cell Metabolism , Volume 20 , Issue 5 , 701 – 703

Sucralose may cause DNA damage, epigenetic effects, autoimmune problems, thymus shrinkage, liver & kidney enlargement, kidney calcification, migraines, and at high doses anemia, male infertility, miscarriages, increased mortality, and a number of unwanted physical symptoms.


Sucralose metabolites are fat soluble & may persist for weeks in the body.


Some medications may contain sucralose unlabeled.


24 references


New Splenda Studies Confirm Its Dangers  September 05, 2018 by Dr. Joseph Mercola




Sucralose (Splenda)


Sucralose (Splenda) may reduce good bacteria in our gut, reducing insulin sensitivity, increasing blood sugar & type II diabetes, fat, seizures, and interfere with the metabolism of many drugs.


Splenda alters gut microflora and increases intestinal p-glycoprotein and cytochrome p-450 in male rats.J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2008;71(21):1415-29. doi: 10.1080/15287390802328630




Foods that are healthy in smaller amounts


Tiger nuts may help fat loss by their resistant starch content.


Pine nuts eaten before a meal may help fat loss by suppressing appetite.  They also have lutein to protect against macular degeneration & non-Hodgkins lymphoma. They need to be put in the freezer & eaten soon after shelling.  Avoid eating them if you experience a metallic taste (it goes away after a few days for people who experience it).




One brazil nut may provide enough selenium for the entire day.


All nuts should be uncooked to prevent their healthy uncooked polyunsaturated fat from turning into aldehydes (like formaldehyde) that increase cancer & heart disease.


Spinach, beets, & swiss chard are very healthy but have oxylates, which in high amounts may interfere with mineral absorption & may increase kidney stones.


Shark, tilefish (Mexico gulf), swordfish, mackerel (King), orange roughy, marlin, lobster, & tuna contain the most mercury (in that order).


Seaweed has a lot of iodine.




Diet & longevity


In an 18 country study of 135,000 adults, eating fruits, seeds, beans, and vegetables were associated with longer life (in that order), as was eating more fats than less and eating less carbohydrates than more and more raw vegetables (cooked vegetables showed a smaller benefit).  Eating more than 4 servings of fruits & vegetables didn’t show a further benefit for longevity.


The types, quality, & status of the fats (cooked or not) & the type of carbohydrate (whole grain non-wheat vs sugar/high fructose corn syrup HFCS) were not reported.


Fruit, vegetable, and legume intake, and cardiovascular disease and deaths in 18 countries (PURE): a prospective cohort study

Miller, VictoriaDiaz, R et al.

The Lancet

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32253-5


Huge new study casts doubt on conventional wisdom about fat and carbs


Eggs & lethal prostate cancer


Eating 2.5 eggs per week may raise lethal prostate cancer risk by over 80% in a study of over 27,000 men.


Am J Epidemiol. 1984 Aug;120(2):244-50.

Diet, obesity, and risk of fatal prostate cancer.

Snowdon DA, Phillips RL, Choi W.


Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2011 Dec;4(12):2110-21. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-11-0354. Epub 2011 Sep 19.

Egg, red meat, and poultry intake and risk of lethal prostate cancer in the prostate-specific antigen-era: incidence and survival.

Richman EL, Kenfield SA, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci EL, Chan JM.


Eggs & gastrointestinal (esophagus, stomach, colon & rectal) cancers


Fourty-four studies of over 400,000 people found cancers of the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectal cancers increased the more eggs eaten, with colon cancer the most at 42% higher risk at 5+ eggs per week.


Eur J Nutr. 2014 Oct;53(7):1581-90. doi: 10.1007/s00394-014-0664-5. Epub 2014 Feb 6.

Egg consumption and risk of GI neoplasms: dose-response meta-analysis and systematic review.

Tse G, Eslick GD.


Eggs & mortality


The Physicians’ Health Study of 21,000 people in 2008 found those who eat more than one egg a day had a 23% increase in risk of death from all causes, findings supported by subsequent studies.  People with diabetes appear to be at greater risk with even lower consumption.


Egg consumption in relation to cardiovascular disease and mortality: the Physicians’ Health Study

Luc Djoussé and J Michael Gaziano

Am J Clin Nutr April 2008 vol. 87 no. 4 964-969




In this review of studies, egg consumption was not associated with a change in overall mortality, good or bad.


Egg Consumption and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality

Mazidi M, Katsiki N, Mikhailidis DP, Pencina MJ, Banach M. . J Am Coll Nutr. 2019 Aug;38(6):552-563. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2018.1534620. Epub 2019 Jun 7. PMID: 31173548.



Vegetable oils- Polyunsaturated fats (PUFs) & Monounsaturated fats (MUFs) & Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)


Polyunsaturated fats (PUFs) in vegetable oils (in especially large amounts in safflower, corn, & soy oils) may reduce heart disease deaths by 30% over animal fats if unrefined & uncooked/added after cooking.  PUFs appear to produce aldehydes that are poisonous (formaldehyde) and also neurodegenerative when PUFs are cooked/refined (uses heating).  Formaldehyde is a strong poison that appears to increase heart disease (increasing deadly vLDL), cancer, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative diseases.  Refined oils (like canola) have often not only usually been heated but the oil may be extracted with toxic chemicals like hexane.


Triglycerides make up 80% of dense small particle vLDL that clogs the arteries.  More large particle LDL is associated with an increase in life span in studies, not a decrease- the opposite of what we hear of in the mainstream press.  Only vLDL is bad that we know of, & since triglycerides make up most of it lowering triglycerides is the most efficient way to decrease heart disease deaths.  HDL cleans out arteries of vLDL so raising HDL is the other way of reducing heart disease deaths.  Getting the ratio of triglycerides to HDL lower than 1.5 to 1 appears to reduce heart disease deaths.


Monounsaturated fats (MUFs) in vegetable oils (in large amounts in macademia nut oil, 70% oleic sunflower oil, & extra virgin olive oil) don’t appear to break down as quickly in cooking unless using high heat (above the smoke point for each oil), frying, or repeated heating which makes oils more & more toxic each time heated.


Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) in vegetable oils (coconut oil 65% MCTs & palm oil 52% MCTs) also appear to reduce heart disease in part by raising HDL which cleans out arteries.  MCT oil used uncooked & 1/8 to 1/4th teaspoon under the tongue every four hours gives a lot of physical & mental energy because it is the only fat easier to burn as energy than store as fat.  Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) have a very low point where it breaks down when cooked.  It can be used to add fats to foods but only right before serving.


Organic, unrefined, uncooked oils may be safest if they have any PUFs.  Oils with polyunsaturated fats (PUFs) appear to reduce heart disease deaths by 30% vs animal fats and be quite healthy if uncooked, unrefined & organic.  PUFs become deadly formaldehyde when cooked/refined/GMO/have glyphosate/Roundup.  Almost all crops that aren’t organic are sprayed with glyphosate/Roundup at least before harvesting.   medium chain triglycerides MCTs appear to also reduce heart disease deaths if uncooked.  To the degree that any oils also have PUFs the PUFs turn into deadly formaldehyde when cooked/refined.


Oils with monounsaturaed fats MUFs can be cooked up to their smoking point as long as they don’t have PUFs.  The oils with almost no polunsaturated fats (PUFs) which may be the safest for cooking are grassfed butter/ghee, coconut oil (only 2% PUFs), macademia nut oil (only 2% PUFs), 70% oleic sunflower oil (if it has only 4% PUFs).  Extra virgin olive oil has 11% PUFs that become formaldehyde when cooked, but when not cooked has a lot of very healthy phenols that appear to unclog the heart & extend life like when served unheated in a salad.  Since olive oil is often cut with cheaper & refined deadly oils, only organic extra virgin olive oil from one country appears to be most consistently all olive oil & uncut with oils with a lot of PUFs & often already refined.


Hydrogenated/Partially hydrogenated oils


Hydrogenated vegetable oils appear to cause a significant increase in heart disease deaths as well as cause miscarriages and other health problems.  They are being phased out of foods, but may still show up on some processed foods on their label.  Too often a company will keep serving sizes small so they can put a zero under transfat/hydrogenated on their label, but real life servings can have a significant amount of deadly hydrogenated oil if it is in the ingredient list.



Animal saturated fats (ASFs)


Animal Saturated fats (ASFs) hold up under cooking, but saturated fat in animal products is so thick it appears to slow thinking for a time after ingestion.  Animal saturated fats like in butter, lard, & ghee appear to significantly increase cancer rates unless animals are raised organically & grassfed.  Animal saturated fats from animals that eat GMO corn & soy also appear to increase heart disease deaths by 30%.







Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association

Frank M. Sacks, Alice H. Lichtenstein, Jason H.Y. Wu, Lawrence J. Appel, Mark A. Creager, Penny M. Kris-Etherton, Michael Miller, Eric B. Rimm, Lawrence L. Rudel, Jennifer G. Robinson, Neil J. Stone, Linda V. Van Horn, On behalf of the American Heart Association

Download PDF




Plant vs animal saturated fats


Saturated fats in plants appear to often be good for people.  Stearic acid in chocolate is saturated and cleans out the arteries, preventing heart disease & heart attacks.  Organic oconut oil (virgin tested best) has a lot of saturated fat in MCT oil & increases HDL cholesterol significantly, which cleans out arteries and reduces vLDL, the only type of cholesterol known to increase deaths (LDL only increases deaths significantly when under 129).  High triglycerides & high vLDL (which is 80% triglycerides & only estimated from triglycerides not measured directly) are the only measures that increase deaths.  Since vLDL is 80% triglycerides & not measured directly, the only thing that matters is triglycerides not being more than 1.5x HDL to avoid coronary artery deaths.


Teng M, Zhao YJ, Khoo AL, Yeo TC, Yong QW, Lim BP. Impact of coconut oil consumption on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutr Rev. 2020 Mar 1;78(3):249-259. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuz074. PMID: 31769848.

Ranil Jayawardena, Hasinthi Swarnamali, Priyanga Ranasinghe, Anoop Misra, Health effects of coconut oil: Summary of evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analysis of interventional studies,
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2021,Pages 549-555, ISSN 1871-4021, doi.org/10.1016/j.dsx.2021.02.032. sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187140212100062X)



Coconut oil/MCT oil


MCT oil, an extract of coconut oil, doesn’t appear to increase fat gain like other fats.  MCT oil increases energy, is available at health food stores, & is used by weightlifters & athletes because unlike all other fats it is easier to burn as energy than to store as fat.  It appears to be one of the best oils to prevent heart disease especially because it increases exercise & when used in place of all other fats (& is uncooked) helps fat loss.


Organic coconut oil has a lot of MCTs (about 65%) and may be the healthiest oil for preventing fat gain & heart disease & cancer if cooked instead of cooking with other oils.  Like cocoa’s stearic acid its saturated fats are good for the heart & prevent heart disease.  Because it has very little PUFs (2%) it breaks down less & may be among the least toxic after cooking.  It has 6% MUFs, and 92% SFs, with around 65% being MCTs.


Coconut oil has been a recent target of articles saying that because it has saturated fat, it isn’t as good as polyunsaturated oils.  Uncooked & unrefined polyunsaturated oils are healthy, but are the studies comparing cooked oils?  Because coconut oil doesn’t break down under normal cooking, while polyunsaturated oils become formaldehyde.


Coconut oil has caprylic acid at 8% (may help against yeast), capric acid at 7% (may help the liver & gallbladder), lauric acid 49% (converts to monolaurin in the body, a potent antibacterial against lyme disease), myristic acid 18%, palmitic acid 8-9%, stearic acid 2-3%, oleic acid 5-6%, linoleic acid 2%.

It’s traditional uses include treating intestinal worms and it is believed to have antihemorrhagic, antibronchitis, febrifugal, and antigingivitic properties.

7.7-15g of coconut oil daily appears to have the most positive benefits.


Coconut oil-


May help reduce fat if it completely substitutes for other oils in the diet in the same or lesser amounts because if it’s high MCT content.

Appears to have mild to moderate anti-inflammatory effects.

Appears to reduce pain.

Appears to increase good HDL-C by over 17% and reduce vLDL by 14% in a high fat (38%) diet.  It also increases the good large LDL fat that we make vitamin D & bile from.

Appears to be far more stable than polyunsaturated fats during cooking, releasing few polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) unless cooked repeatedly, over 350 degrees F or 175 degrees C, or fried.

Appears to temporarily increase the metabolic rate for a week.

Appears to help retain muscle & increase fat loss during fat loss.

May have an anti-infective effect if swished around in the mouth to prevent cavities.

Appears help reverse liver damage when taken in large amounts-10ml/kg (as does coconut water).

Appears to protect against hair follicle loss above other oils (topical).

Appears to be safe for sensitive or reactive skin above other oils, and may help atopic dermatitis and lower bacteria, including in a hand soap.  As it doesn’t break down as easily as PUF containing oils under heat it appears best for the skin when out in the sun.

Appears to increase infant growth when used as a massage oil above other oils.

Appears to increase topical vitamin E absorption above other oils.



MCT oil


MCT oil appears to increase energy expenditure vs other oils, reduce Alzheimer’s, improve digestion & reduce gastrointestinal problems (including candida), bacterial/viral/fungal infections.  Unlike almost all other oils MCT, coconut, & macademia nut oils have almost no polyunsaturated fat that becomes poisonous when heated at all (like formaldehyde) and appear safe for cooking


J Nutr. 2001 Nov;131(11):2853-9.

Dietary medium-chain triacylglycerols suppress accumulation of body fat in a double-blind, controlled trial in healthy men and women.

Tsuji H, Kasai M, Takeuchi H, Nakamura M, Okazaki M, Kondo K.


J Nutr. 2002 Mar;132(3):329-32.

Physiological effects of medium-chain triglycerides: potential agents in the prevention of obesity.

St-Onge MP, Jones PJ.


Pharmacological Research

Volume 61, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 208-212

Medium-chain fatty acids: Functional lipids for the prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndrome

Author links open overlay panelKojiNagaoTeruyoshiYanagita


Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Jan;27(1):95-102.

Medium- versus long-chain triglycerides for 27 days increases fat oxidation and energy expenditure without resulting in changes in body composition in overweight women.

St-Onge MP1, Bourque C, Jones PJ, Ross R, Parsons WE.


Neurodegener Dis Manag. 2012 Jun; 2(3): 291–304.

doi:  10.2217/nmt.12.21


James E. Galvin


Ghana Med J. 2016 Sep; 50(3): 189–196.

Coconut oil and palm oil’s role in nutrition, health and national development: A review

Laurene Boateng, Richard Ansong, William B Owusu, and Matilda Steiner-Asiedu


J Invest Dermatol. 2009 Oct;129(10):2480-8. doi: 10.1038/jid.2009.93. Epub 2009 Apr 23.

Antimicrobial property of lauric acid against Propionibacterium acnes: its therapeutic potential for inflammatory acne vulgaris.

Nakatsuji T, Kao MC, Fang JY, Zouboulis CC, Zhang L, Gallo RL, Huang CM.


The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

Volume 6, Issue 7, July 1995, Pages 362-366

Antimicrobial activity of lipids added to human milk, infant formula, and bovine milk

Charles E.Isaacs, Richard E.Litov, Halldor Thormar


Beta-hydroxybutyrates (BHB)


BHB salts are often used before workouts for the same benefits in producing keytones for energy as MCT oil.


MUF, PUF, & SF content of oils



Macademia nut oil (tastes like butter to me) has only 2% PUFs, 78% MUFs, 14.5% SFs, possibly making it as safe as organic coconut oil for cooking.


70% oleic sunflower oil  that has only 4% PUFs, 10% MUFs, 86% SFs & especially high stearic acid like cocoa may be next safest for cooking if not allergic to daisies, marigolds and chrysanthemums.



Hard margarine has 6% PUFs, 14% MUFs, 80% ASFs but may increase cancer rates if not organically raised and appears to increase heart disease vs MUFs or uncooked PUFs oils.


Palm oil has 10% PUFs, 39% MUFs, 52% SFs but is responsible for massive destruction of rainforests, so I work to avoid it.  If it is the only oil a person can take, getting it from the most sustainable source may reduce the impact somewhat.


Extra virgin olive oil has 11% PUFs, 75% MUFs, 14% SFs.  Extra virgin olive oil has phenols that help prevent heart disease & inflammation.  Olive oil has been traded internationally for millenia & tests find that 70% may be cut with less healthy oils.  Research shows the most likely genuine types may be extra virgin, organic, and coming from only one country & not a “blend”.  Australia enforces very strict extra virgin standards, so any oil from there that is also sold domestically may be a good bet.  Look for independent testing of each year’s olive oils to see which are pure.


Safflower (high oleic) has 13% PUFs, 75% MUFs, 8% SFs.


Avocado oil has 14% PUFs, 74% MUFs, 12% SFs.


Almond oil has 18% PUFs, 73% MUFs, 9% SFs.


Mustard oil has 23% PUFs, 64% MUFs, 13% SFs.


Soft margarine has 33% PUFs, 47% MUFs, 20% SFs.


Peanut oil has 34% PUFs, 49% MUFs, 18% SFs.


Rice bran oil has 37% PUFs, 42% MUFs, 21% SFs.


Dark/light sesame oil has 44% PUFs, 42% MUFs, 15% SFs.


Cottonseed oil has 54% PUFs, 19% MUFs, 27% SFs. If not organic it may contain high pesticide residue, be genetically modified, and induce a peanut allergy response.


Corn oil has 57% PUFs, 29% MUFs, 14% SFs.  GMO corn may cause gastrointestinal problems and cancer (especially if soaked with glyphosate) & it is already refined & heated turning the PUFs into formaldehyde.


Soybean oil has 60% PUFs, 24% MUFs, 16% SFs.  Soybeans have chemicals that mimick estrogen, so may not be as healthy for men.  Fermented soy may be the healthiest version.  GMO soy may cause gastrointestinal problems and cancer (especially if soaked with glyphosate/Roundup) & it is already refined & heated turning the PUFs into formaldehyde.  GMO corn & soy oil is often called vegetable oil.  These are the worst foods for health that exist because of the genetic modification causing “allergies”, the deadly glyphosate/Roundup drenched on it throughout its growing history, the refining process which heats the PUFs into formaldehyde, & the added mercury in the processing chemicals used in refining oils.


Walnut oil has 66% PUFs, 24% MUFs, 10% SFs.


Flaxseed oil has 66% PUFs, 20% MUFs, 9% SFs. Flaxseed oil may be the largest source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).  Organic freshly ground flaxseeds appear to help fight colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer.


Borage oil has 69% PUFs, 17% MUFs, 15% SFs.  Borage oil has 23% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which may be a potent anticancer.


Grapeseed oil has 73% PUFs, 17% MUFs, 10% SFs.


Safflower oil (linoleic) has 78% PUF, 15% MUF, 7% SFs.


Hemp oil has 79% PUFs, 12% MUFs, 9% SFs.  Hemp oil has 1.7% gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and is the second largest source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).  Hemp oil may contain other beneficial compounds against cancer, and may be the best oil along with flaxseed oil to fight cancer, but only if it is uncooked, because of it’s high percentage of PUFs.





Hydrogenated fats


I avoid anything with partially/hydrogenated fats in the ingredients at all, as it appears to cause a multitude of health problems, including increasing miscarriages by 80%.  I avoid MSG & food additives & colorings as they appear to trigger neurological problems, including headaches & ADHD.


Canola (rapeseed) oil


Canola oil appears to have a poison in it that takes a poisonous chemical-hexane- to (mostly) extract during refinement.  It is called rapeseed oil & is used as an industrial oil, but because of the heat (making the polyunsaturated oil bad for the heart & cancerous) & another poison used during the refinement process there are much safer oils.  Rapeseed oil is used as an industrial lubricant and may have a much better smell & outgassing for indoor use than petroleum-based lubricants.  Canola oil has been associated with fat gain, cancer, dementia, muscular disorders, and fatty degeneration of the heart, kidneys, adrenals and thyroid gland.


Agricultural Research Service (ARS) 2011, Types of oils and their characteristics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC, viewed 17th July, 2011, <http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/index.html>.

Canola Council of Canada 2011, Food Oil Smoke Points, Canola Council of Canada, Online, viewed 17th Jul.org/food_oil_smo% PUFke.aspx>.

Wikipedia 2011, Cooking oil, Wikipedia, Online, viewed 17th July, 2011, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cg_oil>.



ChartsBin statistics collector team 2011, Fat Composition in different Cooking Oils, ChartsBin.com, viewed 31st May, 2016, <http://chartsbin.com/view/1961>.




Eating a handful of organic mixed, raw, unsalted nuts daily appears to improve heart health, longevity, & surprisingly reduces fat.  They may lower blood sugar if eaten at the end of a meal.  Because nuts have a lot of polyunsaturated fats they may be healthiest when raw/uncooked to avoid heart disease and cancer.  One tasty way to eat them is to find out what nut butter a person likes best liked then spread a thin layer on bread & put the mixed nuts on top.  The nut butter will dominate the taste.




If eating vegan for reasons of health or animal empathy (or taking metformin), it may be good to supplement with vitamin B12 liquid methylcobalamin (not ethycobalamin) spray under the toungue.  As we get older, its harder to absorb B12 from food.  For people doing a lot of exercise, creatine and beta-alanine appear useful & safe and especially effective for vegans.  Most doctors don’t know that the heart & especially mood & concentration benefits from EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids in fish oil come from spirulina, an algae.  Fish, especially now that less than 5% of fishstocks are left, is often of dubious sourcing.  There is no way to be sure it isn’t contaminated with mercury, pesticides, industrial pollution, plastic particles or radiation.  Spirulina needs to be taken with a meal that has a vegetable (cooked or uncooked), possibly because vegetables often contain the enzymes to help digestion.   Iron is an oxidant that ages us faster, and is usually only needed in supplements by women under 40 years who regularly menstruate or people with anemia.  I try to keep mine borderline low to reduce the oxidative effects on the body.  Taurine is an amino acid abundant in meat that may be good to take weekly as a supplement.




Introducing food to children


What may help is allowing a child to help growing the food, shopping for the food, buying the food, and giving a small taste the first time & asking what it tastes like, feels like, and reminds them of.  It may also help to rotate foods the kids like & only occasionally add new ones.  Smaller portions may be less intimidating.  Preparing the same new foods differently with different spices may work.  It can take twelve times before a new food is accepted & liked.



Tea and coffee


Tea or coffee without sugar or creme appears to help fatloss.  Green tea has theanine, which appears to decrease anxiety & improve mood.  Green tea & coffee appear to both prevent heart disease unless grains get in the drink, as can happen with percolation, expresso, or metal tea balls.  Both tea & coffee grains have the same chemical that if swallowed, appears to increase heart disease deaths.  Pouring the expresso/percolation/tea ball through a paper filter fixes the problem.




EGCG is found in green tea and available in supplements.  It appears to reduce cognitive deficits and fat in mice fed a high fructose diet.


Yashi Mi, Guoyuan Qi, Rong Fan, Qinglian Qiao, Yali Sun, Yuqi Gao, Xuebo Liu. EGCG ameliorates high-fat– and high-fructose–induced cognitive defects by regulating the IRS/AKT and ERK/CREB/BDNF. The FASEB Journal, 2017; fj.201700400RR DOI: 10.1096/fj.201700400RR


Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. “Green tea ingredient may ameliorate memory impairment, brain insulin resistance, and obesity: New research identifies potential therapeutic intervention for memory impairment, neuroinflammation, and brain insulin resistance induced by high-fat, high-fructose diet.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 July 2017. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170728100933.htm>.




Oxalates are salts in some foods that appear to reduce mineral absorbtion (making bones more fragile), cause irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), reduce kidney function, and cause cramps. They may exacerbate celiac & Crohn’s disease, and fungal & yeast infections.   Avoiding them may help our digestion & may reduce medical problems in many.  The highest oxyalate foods are potatoes & tomatoes (nightshades that also increase autoimmune disorders), soy, spinach, Swiss chard, nuts, seeds, wheat bran, beans, dried fruit, chocolate, buckwheat, carrots, celery.  Other leafy greens like kale are available that aren’t high in oxalates.




The fish that have the most mercury in rough order are shark, king mackerel, swordfish, Spanish mackerel, walleye, marlin, Chilean bass, shrimp, catfish, tilapia, wild salmon, and tuna.


The foods that appear to bind up mercury the best-

Clean Chlorella: 99%

Hemp Protein: 98%

Peanut Butter: 96%

Strawberries: 95%

Cilantro Leaf: 95%

Raspberries: 92%

Cacao Powder: 91%

Wheat Grass: 90%

Coconut Granola Cereal: 89%

Barley Grass: 89%

Acai Berries: 88%

Wheat Flour: 86%

Nori Powder: 85%

Hawaiian Spirulina: 83%

Blueberries: 83%

Mangos: 73%

Ground Mustard: 72%

Tropicana Orange Juice: 54%

Corn Pops Cereal: 53%

Brown Rice: 53%

Suja Carrot Orange Juice: 34%

Beets: 20%

Sunny D: 20%

Suja Apple Cucumber Juice: 10%

Zeolites: 9%

Sucralose: 3%


10 Foods That Can Endanger Your Pregnancy





Milk appears to be one of the worst sources of calcium because it’s high acidity and possibly galactose sugars may increase bone fractures and mortality.  In the largest & longest study on milk and osteoporosis, over 100,000 people followed for over 20 years found the more milk drank, the more frequent bone fractures and the earlier people died.


Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies

BMJ 2014; 349 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g6015

BMJ 2014;349:g6015

Karl Michaëlsson et al.




Calcium absorbtion


64% of the calcium in brussels sprouts is absorbable; 58% mustard greens; 53% broccoli; 52% turnip greens; 50% kale; but only 32% of cow’s milk calcium is absorbable.


Calcium absorption from kale.

Heaney RP, Weaver CM

Am J Clin Nutr. 1990 Apr;51(4):656-7.




Acidity and osteoporosis


Far more important than calcium, as long as we get 350mg a day, is how acidic the protein of the food we eat & how much.  The higher the acidity of the food we eat, the greater the acidity of the blood.  Our bodies then leach calcium from the bones to balance the ph (make it less acid).  That calcium then gets excreted.


This explains why African Bantu women living on 350mg a day who bear an average of nine children & breastfeed them for two years each appear to have no calcium deficiencies, & nearly no bone fractures or tooth loss.  They eat a low amount of protein.  This also explains why Eskimos eat the most protein calcium on the planet from fish bones, 2000mg a day, but appear to have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.  They eat the most protein in the world- 250-400 grams a day from animal sources, highly acidic.  Eating more than 75 grams a day increases the risk of osteoporosis.


Meat eaters appear to have more than double the osteoporosis of vegetarians, who still consume milk & fish.  Vegans appear to have the lowest rate of osteoporosis, who don’t eat meat, fish, or drink milk.


Food acidity


Acidic foods:



Corn flakes

White rice

Rye bread

White bread

Whole milk





The foods with the greatest acidity:


Parmesan cheese

Processed (soft) cheeses

Hard cheeses

Gouda cheese

Cottage cheese

Brown rice

Rolled oats

Whole wheat bread




Luncheon meat

Liver sausage







Alkaline foods:









Lemon juice











Green peppers




Green beans



Mineral water


The foods with the greatest alkalinity:










Eat alkaline foods, especially those with the greatest alkalinity.  Avoid acidic foods, especially those with the greatest acidity.  Get calcium from leafy greens like kale, avoid calcium from milk.  Even the greatest calcium supplementation can’t make up for eating too much highly acidic protein.


Robbins, J 1987, Diet for a new America. HJ Kramer & New World Library, California



Milk and obesity, cancer, and diabetes


Cows in the USA are allowed to get recombinant growth hormone, which produces milk with higher insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) that can increase cancer, diabetes, and obesity.  It also stimulates an increase in our own body’s IGF-1 levels.  Cow’s milk is also intended to turn a small calf into a 300+ lb cow, even without the growth hormone & IGF-1.  Cow’s milk can trigger an allergic reaction, and because the chemical trigger is similar to cells that regulate our immune system, their death can cause a chain reaction that kills our insulin producing cells and trigger type 1 diabetes.


Removal of Bovine Insulin From Cow’s Milk Formula and Early Initiation of Beta-Cell Autoimmunity in the FINDIA Pilot Study.

Vaarala O et al.

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Jul 1;166(7):608-14. doi: 10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.1559.


Relation of Time of Introduction of Cow Milk Protein to an Infant and Risk of Type-1 Diabetes Mellitus

Marcia F. Goldfarb

J, Proteome Res., 2008, 7 (5), pp 2165–2167

DOI: 10.1021/pr800041d


Gone off

Linda Geddes

New Scientist

Volume 227, Issue 3031, 25 July 2015, Pages 33–37


Type 1 Diabetes Causes

What leads to the development of type 1 diabetes?

Daphne E. Smith-Marsh PharmD, CDE | Reviewed by W. Patrick Zeller MD




The beta-casein A1 protein variant of cow’s milk may contribute to increased risk of diabetes type 1.

Diabetologia. 1999 Mar;42(3):292-6. PMID: 10096780


The consumption of cow milk A1 beta-casein is associated with increased risk of ischaemic heart disease and type 1 diabets.

N Z Med J. 2003 Jan 24;116(1168):U295. Epub 2003 Jan 24. PMID: 12601419


Cow’s milk protein antibodies are a risk factor for childhood insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Diabetologia. 1998 Jan;41(1):72-8. PMID: 9498633


Insulin-free whey-based cow’s milk formula is associated with lower incidence of beta cell autoimmunity in infants and young children

Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Mar 5. Epub 2012 Mar 5. PMID: 22393174


Lower consumption of cow milk protein A1 beta-casein at 2 years of age, rather than consumption among 11- to 14-year-old adolescents, may explain the lower incidence of type 1 diabetes in Iceland than in Scandinavia.

Ann Nutr Metab. 2006;50(3):177-83. Epub 2006 Jan 10. PMID: 16407643




Environmental and genetic factors could both be responsible for type 1 diabetes

Fri, 01 Oct 2010



Problems with processed foods (that you buy read to eat instead instead of made from scratch)


Swallow This: Serving Up the Food Industry’s Darkest Secrets


150 enzymes are added to make dull processed food taste better, & tons of food colorings- otherwise much of the food would look grey.

Much of processed food is cheap substitutes that mimic real food (sometimes not any real, nutritive food)

Only safe sounding names are put on the label- not toxic hexane solvent

Now using synthetic biology


Berberine at 5-10mg/kg in



Reverses depression & anxiety via MAOI better than current antidepressants, addiction withdrawal, diabetes, heart disease, HBP, cancer, fatty liver dementia, gastrointestinal problems, inflammation, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antidiarrheal, antineoplastic, antidiabetic, neuroprotective and immune-enhancing properties



Berberine May Ease Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression



Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked. May 18, 2023







Sources and References



1 Supplements in Review, July 18, 2017



2 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Berberine Purported Benefits



3, 10, 21, 22 Doctormurray.com Berberine



4 Self Hacked, Berberine Benefits



5 Diabetes 2006 Aug; 55(8): 2256-2264

6 Am J Physiol. 1999 Jul;277(1 Pt 1):E1-10

7 Natural Medicine Journal December 2012; 4(12)

8 Journal of Neurochemistry 2009 May; 109(Suppl 1): 17–23

9 European Journal of Pharmacology 2008 Jul 28;589(1-3):163-72

11 Newsmax.com January 25, 2017

12 Blog.muscle-zone.com, Berberine: A Natural Antidepressant

13 Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2012 Dec; 16(6): 379–386

14 Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 1994 Dec;14(12):718-20

15 Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011 Jun 1;203(11):1602-12

16 PLOS One 2015 Jul 30;10(7):e0134044

17 PLOS One 2013 May 3;8(5):e61944

18 Scientific Reports 2015 Sep 23;5:14405

19, 20 Archives of Iranian Medicine 2016 Mar;19(3):197-203






Magnesium supplementation may help migraines, heart problems, constipation, muscle cramps/restless legs, and insomnia.


What type of magnesium?


Magnesium citrate may help constipation.

Magnesium taurate may help blood pressure, cholesterol, and arrhythmias.

Magnesium malate & magnesium chloride may help fibromyalgia.

Magnesium glycinate may help anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

Magnesium carbonate may help heartburn, reflux, constipation, & dyspepsia.

Magnesium L-threonate may help memory & learning.

Magnesium sulfate may be very highly absorbed.

Magnesium oxide may be poorly absorbed.

Magnesium glutamate & aspartate may increase blood sugar & type II diabetes.







Mushrooms have beta glucans and help against cancers. They have the savory/umami flavor that enriches the taste of dishes they are added to and much healthier than MSG, a neurotoxin.

Many mushrooms have a mild toxin, agaratine, that is reduced in cooking.  Studies have not found that eating these raw mushrooms cause any health problems.

Roupas, Peter, et al. “Mushrooms and agaritine: A mini-review.” Journal of Functional Foods 2.2 (2010): 91-98.

Schulzová V, Hajslová J, Peroutka R, Gry J, Andersson HC. Influence of storage and household processing on the agaritine content of the cultivated Agaricus mushroom. Food Addit Contam. 2002 Sep;19(9):853-62.


How to get kids to eat new foods


  1. Get kids cooking! Children who help cook healthy meals are likelier to eat them. Get kids tearing up lettuce or spinach for a salad. Help them bake a sweet potato in the oven (45 minutes at 450°F) or microwave (several minutes). Or steam chopped carrots, broccoli, or green beans.


  1. Serve fresh vegetables whenever possible, with frozen as your backup. Fresh (and some frozen) vegetables taste much better than canned ones, look prettier, and have better texture. Would you want to eat mushy, gray lumps that taste like metal?


  1. Take your children grocery shopping and let them pick whichever fresh vegetables interest them. That gives your children some ownership in the vegetables, making them more likely to eat it.


  1. Serve vegetables (including green salads) as a first course. Children are hungriest at the beginning of the meal. If you serve all the meal together, your child may fill up on other foods before getting to the vegetables.


  1. Cook vegetables lightly. The best methods are blanching, steaming, microwaving, and stir-frying. All these methods preserve both nutrients and taste.


  1. Perk up vegetables with seasonings other than salt, butter, or cheese. Experiment a little – a wide range of spices and juices can add some flavor and zest to veggies. For example, try lemon juice, pepper, dry mustard, nutmeg, basil, curry, oregano, or garlic on cooked broccoli. With steamed carrots, try parsley, cinnamon, lemon juice, allspice, nutmeg, mint, caraway seeds, dill seeds, ginger, mace, thyme, marjoram, honey, or pepper.


  1. Make a colorful plate. Be creative in presenting vegetables – naturally vibrant colors will grab a child’s eye. For example, add bits of sweet red pepper to green beans or broccoli to spark your child’s interest.


  1. Serve lots of raw vegetables. Don’t ask kids if they want a vegetable plate, just put out a platter. Include such things as carrot and celery sticks with a low-fat dip or dressing. Some kids who hate cooked carrots, for example, will gobble them down raw. For children under age 4, cut raw veggies into small pieces to avoid choking hazards.


  1. Gardening is fun! Like cooking, it’s fun to plants vegetables in a backyard garden or large pot and then watch them grow. Most kids enjoy gardening, harvesting…and eating.


Making Vegetables a Hit with Kids

9 Tips for Getting Kids to Eat Veggies

Michael F. Jacobson • January 26, 2016

Posted in How to Diet.



Boys gain much less fat with more meals/day.


fat gain


Antibiotic usage


Antibiotic use in 2nd & 3rd trimester is associated with 84% higher obesity in the child after birth. C-sections are associated with a 46% increase in obesity in the child after birth.  It’s been found that a woman’s birth canal is replete with the bacteria that she imparts to her baby, and if antibiotics have killed most of the good bacteria or a woman has a C-section, the baby has much less of the good bacteria & that they are much more likely to grow up obese.




As antibiotics are used to fatten up animals for meat, it is believed that the antibiotics kill off good bacteria in the stomach that prevent obesity.  So if anyone, including a woman who is pregnant, is taking an antibiotic s/he should take a probiotic to replenesh her good bacteria daily.  If a child is born by C-section then the child should get a probiotic to give her/him the good bacteria the mother would have in the birth canal.




Our older wheats like spelt were eaten safely for centuries.  Then to make it easier to knead without falling apart, modern wheat was bred to have more gluten and a harder one that has enzyme inhibitors & is highly inflammatory & undigestible. It’s amylopectin A also raises & drops blood sugar fast, increasing people’s hunger along with gliadin for a calorie intake increase by 400 a day vs people who don’t eat wheat.  It appears to increases diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia, heart disease, arthritis, autism (in some), schizophrenia and obesity.





Humans can’t digest & break down this much gluten of this type, and it appears to cause major inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.  There are a lot of substances in wheat that cause inflammation, irritability, & overeating.  When people get off of all wheat products, they often lose over ten pounds, lower their inflammation levels significantly, and their irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) gets better or goes away.



Spelt is wheat with a softer type of & less gluten, up to 10x less inflammatory useful for people who like the taste of wheat product but don’t want the ultrahigh inflammation of wheat or the fat gain.  Many people like the taste of spelt over modern wheat.  Spelt flour & recipes (it’s more delicate) are widely available.


There are a lot of gluten free products to experiment with, including gluten free breads.





Corn & soy


Not only do people often have problems with corn & soy digestion, that can be exacerbated by the fact that the vast majority of corn & soy is GMO & often heavily drenched with herbicides/pesticides/fungicides.  Soy can mimic estrogen & is not good for men.  Only organic fermented soy appears to be healthy for women & men overall considering its estrogen like effects.  Some GMO corn has severe gastrointestinal effects.


GMO corn has been found to have 91 metabolites & 117 proteins altered from regular corn, as well as toxins that may cause cancer & allergic reactions, kidney & liver damage.




Microwave popcorn


Microwave popcorn often has an unlisted ingredient in “butter flavor” called diacetyl that is known to cause cancer & lung damage to factory workers packaging the popcorn.  If not labeled organic or nonGMO it is usually GMO corn which causes a lot of health problems including being loaded with glyphosate/Roundup which appears to significantly reduce the good bacteria in the gut (an antiprobiotic) that leads to diabetes, cancer, heart disease & obesity.  Monsanto is responsible for tens of billions in damages for people who have died from just one type of cancer it appears to cause (non-Hodgkin’s lyphoma).  The bag usually is lined with PFOA, another cancer causing & hormone disrupting chemical.


Organic air popped popcorn or stovetop with organic unrefined coconut oil or grassfed ghee/butter avoids these cancer causing & lung damaging chemicals.




Alcohol significantly reduces the amount of fat burned as fuel, causing significant fat gain in many.


Fruit juices


Fruit juices increase obesity like orange, sweetened lemon juice, apple juice, and grape juice.  All but dark grape juice increase diabetes (the resveratrol is protective.  Almost all fruits, when eaten moderately, cause fat loss.  Fruit juice is highly concentrated sugars with little fiber, where fruit has a lot of fiber that helps people feel full.  The exception is unsweetened (with sugar) lemon juice and grapefruit juice, which can help fat loss.




Smoking during pregnancy leads to lower weight babies during birth & overweight children.




Sleeping less than six hours (with naps) or more than nine is associated with fat gain & increased mortality.




Watching more than 2 hours of television a day is associated with obesity.


fat loss aides


Phone coaching


In one study of 940 people, personalized health advice on the phone helped them lose 10lbs in a year.  They set a goal with the coach during their first call, then had brief chats as needed to stay on track.


Obesity, 2/2017 as reported in Consumer Reports On Health 5/17 p3




Breakfast should have the most carbohydrates of the day.  Eating carbs in the morning signals the body there is plenty of food & to use it for energy & not conserve it as fat- causing fat loss instead.  Nearly every study shows people who eat the same foods & calories but don’t eat breakfast gain a lot more fat than people eating the exact same food that do eat breakfast.  Lunch should have the most protein, and dinner should have the lightest carbs & the most vegetables.




A potent antioxidant, resveratrol is touted for anti-aging, increasing metabolism, and decreasing body fat, including liver fat. It is found in red grapes/red wine/red wine vinegar, and in its greatest amounts in a plant called the Japanese knotwood, or Hu Zhang (the name under which it is cheapest online). If you take it with quercetin or dark grapes/raisins/red wine vinegar (they have some quercetin) it lasts a lot longer in the bloodstream.


The best source of resveratrol in the diet for fat loss is red wine vinegar.  Vinegar contains acetic acid which reduces the amount of carbohydrates digested by interfering with carbohydrate digesting enzymes, and increases feelings of satiety.  Red wine vinegar also has resveratrol, which has been shown to cause fat loss & prevent diabetes.


Akeredolu A. & Kashaf, S. Does vinegar have health benefits? Clinical Advisor for Nurse Practitioners 14(2): 102-107.

Cunningham E. & Marcason W. Is it possible to burn calories by eating vinegar? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2001; 101(10): 1198-2010.

Kondo, T. et al. Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects. Biosci, Biotechnol, Biochem, 2009; 73: 1837-1843.

Kondo, T et al. Acetic acid upregulates the expression of genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes in liver to suppress body fat accumulation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009; 57 (13): 5982–5986.

Ostman E, Granfeldt Y, Persson L, et al. Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2005; 59: 983-988.

Tomoo K., Mikiya K., Takashi F. & Takayuki K. Acetic acid upregulates the expression of genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes to suppress body fat accumulation. Journal of Agricultural. Food Chemistry, 2009; 57 (13): 5982–5986.






Glucomannan is a fiber that comes from the root of a plant.  It had no calories, and in numerous studies has been shown to help lower blood sugar, systolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides (far more important to lower than cholesterol), constipation and fat.  The capsule (tablets are unsafe) can be taken up to an hour before a meal or the powder can be used as a thickener (like corn starch).  The strongest benefit appears to be taking 1g (two 500mg capsules) up to an hour before a meal.  Glucomannan must be taken with a full glass of water (to avoid intestinal obstruction).  It may cause an increase in gas (infrequently) the first couple of uses before the body gets used to it.


Shirataki noodles are made from glucomannan and have no calories.  They are often rinsed to get rid of a fishy smell and mixed with tofu (tofu shirataki noodles) to better simulate noodles taste.


Arvill A, Bodin L. Effect of short-term ingestion of konjac glucomannan on serum cholesterol in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995;61:585-589.


Chua M, Baldwin TC, Hocking TJ, Chan K. “Traditional uses and potential health benefits of Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch ex N.E.Br.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Mar 24;128(2):268-78.


Chen HL, Cheng HC, Wu WT, et al. Supplementation of konjac glucomannan into a low-fiber Chinese diet promoted bowel movement and improved colonic ecology in constipated adults: a placebo-controlled, diet-controlled trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008;27:102-108


Chen HL, Sheu WH, Tai TS, et al. Konjac supplement alleviated hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetic subjects-a randomized double-blind trial. J Am Coll Nutr . 2003;22:36-42


Doi K. Effect of konjac fibre (glucomannan) on glucose and lipids. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995;(suppl 3):190-197.


Gallaher, DD, et al. A Glucomannan and Chitosan Fiber Supplement Decreases Plasma Cholesterol and Increases Cholesterol Excretion in Overweight Normocholesterolemic Humans. Journal of the American College of Nutrition Volume 21, Issue 5, 2002 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2002.10719246


Gallaher, CM. et al. Cholesterol Reduction by Glucomannan and Chitosan Is Mediated by Changes in Cholesterol Absorption and Bile Acid and Fat Excretion in Rats. J. Nutr. November 1, 2000

vol. 130 no. 11 2753-2759


González Canga A, Fernández Martínez N, Sahagún AM, García Vieitez JJ, Díez Liébana MJ, Calle Pardo AP, Castro Robles LJ, Sierra Vega M. “Glucomannan: properties and therapeutic applications.” Nutr Hosp. 2004 Jan-Feb;19(1):45-50.


Keithley J, Swanson B. “Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review.” Altern Ther Health Med. 2005 Nov-Dec;11(6):30-4.


Loening-Baucke V, Miele E, Staiano A. “Fiber (glucomannan) is beneficial in the treatment of childhood constipation.” Pediatrics. 2004 Mar;113(3 Pt 1):e259-64.


McCarty MF. Glucomannan minimizes the postprandial insulin surge: a potential adjuvant for hepatothermic therapy. Med Hypotheses. 2002 Jun;58(6):487-90.


Reffo GC. Glucomannan in hypertensive outpatients: pilot clinical trial. Curr Ther Res . 1988;44:22-27.


Reffo GC, Ghirardi PE, Forattani C. Double-blind evaluation of glucomannan versus placebo in postinfarcted patients after cardiac rehabilitation. Curr Ther Res. 1990;47:753-758.


Signorelli P, Croce P, Dede A. Clinical study on the use of a glucomannan and lactulose association in pregnancy constipation [in Italian; English abstract]. Minerva Ginecol. 1996;48:577-582.


Sood N, Baker WL, Coleman CI. Effect of glucomannan on plasma lipid and glucose concentrations, body weight, and blood pressure: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;88:1167-1175.


Staiano A, Simeone D, Del Giudice E, et al. Effect of the dietary fiber glucomannan on chronic constipation in neurologically impaired children. J Pediatr . 2000;136:41-45.


Vita PM, Restelli A, Caspani P, Klinger R.  Chronic use of glucomannan in the dietary treatment of severe obesity. Minerva Medica [1992, 83(3):135-139]


Vuksan, V et al. Beneficial effects of viscous dietary fiber from Konjac-mannan in subjects with the insulin resistance syndrome: results of a controlled metabolic trial. Diabetes Care January 2000 vol. 23 no. 1 9-14  doi: 10.2337/diacare.23.1.9


Vuksan V, Jenkins DJ, Spadafora P, et al. Konjac-mannan (glucomannan) improves glycemia and other associated risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes. A randomized controlled metabolic trial. Diabetes Care . 1999;22:913-919.


Venter CS, Kruger HS, Vorster HH, et al. The effects of dietary fiber component konjac-glucomannan on serum cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemic subjects. Hum Nutr Food Sci Nutr. 1987;41F:55-61


Walsh DE, Yaghoubian V, Behforooz A. Effect of glucomannan on obese patients: a clinical study. Int J Obes . 1984;8:289-293


Yoshida, M et al. Effect of plant sterols and glucomannan on lipids in individuals with and without type II diabetes European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006) 60, 529–537. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602347; published online 4 January 2006




Eat more organic vegetables per day, especially added to sauces & soups, to increase fat loss.  Vegetables have higher water & fiber content as well as vitamins & minerals that increase satiation.  So when we eat the same volume of food as before but it has a higher water & fiber content, we end up eating 400 less calories daily with the same satisfaction.


A very easy way to add vegetables is to put them into a blender then add them to any sauce, casserole, or soup.  People should make sure that they are not sensitive to any vegetable in the mix first.  A lot of the reason people sometimes say they don’t eat vegetables is because they are sensitive to some.  Eat only one vegetable twice a day to see if you are sensitive, and you’ll build up a list of ones you like that don’t cause you problems.


Put high calorie food away out of sight.  Put vegetables & fruit in sight at all times, & on the main levels of the refrigerator.  Often the first foods we see are the ones we’ll eat the most.


What type of cooking preserves vitamins the most? What increases digestibility?


Pressure cooking appears to retain more vitamins (90-95%) than steaming (75-90%), roasting (53-90%), or boiling (40-75%) because the higher pressure allows faster cooking, which is the most important factor in nutrient retention.  The vitamins stay in the food (especially artichokes, beets, onion & asparagus) or the liquid (especially the bell peppers) so the liquid must be used.  Green beans, carrots & celery increase their antioxidants with cooking.

Pressure cooking also appears to deactivate the phytic acid in beans & lentils & also lectins that interfere with nutrient absorbtion.  And acrylomides and other carcinogens are almost nonexistent after cooking potatoes in a pressure cooker.  Pressure cooking apparently increases the digestibility of foods like peas, beans, rice & meat more than any other cooking method, moreso if presoaked.  Pressure cooking appears to also destroy lectins that may cause digestive problems.  Pressure cooking in one study preserved sulforaphane from broccoli while boiling & steaming destroyed it.


Is Pressure Cooking Healthy?


Srivastava, S. and Khokhar, S. (1996), Effects of Processing on the Reduction of β-ODAP (β-N-Oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid) and Anti-Nutrients of Khesari Dhal, Lathyrus sativus. J. Sci. Food Agric., 71: 50–58. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0010(199605)71:1<50::AID-JSFA545>3.0.CO;2-J


Bishnoi, S., Khetarpaul, N. & Yadav, R.K. Plant Food Hum Nutr (1994) 45: 381. doi:10.1007/BF01088088


Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 1995 Feb;47(2):125-31.

Effect of home processing on ascorbic acid and beta-carotene content of spinach (Spinacia oleracia) and amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) leaves.

Yadav SK, Sehgal S.


Galgano, F., Favati, F., Caruso, M., Pietrafesa, A. and Natella, S. (2007), The Influence of Processing and Preservation on the Retention of Health-Promoting Compounds in Broccoli. Journal of Food Science, 72: S130–S135. doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2006.00258.x


Bishnoi, S. & Khetarpaul, N. Plant Food Hum Nutr (1994) 46: 71. doi:10.1007/BF01088463


Food Chemistry Volume 32, Issue 1, 1989, Pages 9-17

Antinutrients and protein digestibility (in vitro) of mungbean as affected by domestic processing and cooking

Anita Kataria, B.M. Chauhan, Darshan Punia



Food Chemistry Volume 70, Issue 1, July 2000, Pages 107–111

Effect of domestic processing methods on the starch, non-starch polysaccharides and in vitro starch and protein digestibility of three varieties of rice with varying levels of amylose

Rosario Sagum, Jayashree Arcot,



Meat Science Volume 37, Issue 1, 1994, Pages 103-113

Observations on some chemical and physical characteristics of buffalo meat☆

  1. Syed Ziauddin



How To Eat Grains





What foods help against the most types of cancers?


Kale has the most nutrients, double most others & 50% more than spinach.


In a head to head test of Boston, endive, radicchio, romaine, or spinach, spinach was #1 & radicchio #2 against most types of cancer.  Organic kale & organic spring greens might be the best combination for health.

Garlic also tested very high against cancers.  Garlic & onions & leeks are part of the allum family.  If to be cooked, garlic should be crushed & set aside for at least 10 minutes for allicin & other nutrients to form.

D. Boivin, S. Lamy, S. Lord-Dufour, J. Jackson, E. Beaulieu, M. Côté, A. Moghrabi, S. Barrette, D. Gingras, and R. Beliveau. Antiproliferative and antioxidant activities of common vegetables: A comparative study. Food Chem., 112(2):374{380, 2009.






Wheat, oats & grains


Soaking whole grain flour or oats in acidic medium (yogurt, buttermilk, maybe vinegar) helps to neutralize phytic acid, and fermenting even more so.  Sprouting grainss (flour is available online) increases niacing by 400%, vitamin B6 and folate by 200%, vitamin C by 500%, and increases protein and reduces starches and sugars.


How To Eat Grains




Exercise (like walking) immediately before or after eating helps to prevent diabetes and fat gain as the body uses the blood sugar for exercise rather than storing it as fat.  The reason to start immediately is that if we exercise right after eating we can prevent the big insulin surge that makes us sleepy.  If we use the blood sugar rush for exercise, we increase insulin sensitivity & help reverse diabetes.  I use the blood sugar rush to do sprints or kicks or punches then to do work around the house.  Lifting weights significantly increases the resting metabolic rate to cause fat loss, especially if after the last rep the weight is lifted and/or lowered very slowly, which significantly improves strength gains.  Burning out or doing an intense “interval” for one minute at a very high pace significantly increases resting metabolism as well.



How to eat


If the carb foods are eaten first, insulin kicks in halfway through the meal & people get sleepy by the end.  Eating the salads/low caloric vegetables first then proteins then carb heavy foods last allows time to walk right after or save physical work to after the meal & the body uses up the blood sugar rather than relying on insulin & burns the calories rather than storing them.



Organic brown rice for carbo-loading


Eating organic cooked brown rice can increase athletic performance significantly.  Eating a cup (dry measure) of rice cooked then using the increase in blood sugar to exercise then eating the beans after works far better than eating meat before lifting weights or running.  When I started to eat rice before lifting weights I increased my maximums by 20-30lbs on every lift.  But I always exercise after eating rice, even just walking, to avoid allowing blood sugar too high.  Eating the beans quickly afterward also helps lower the blood sugar rush from eating the rice naturally without insulin having to work hard.


Rice and longevity


Eating brown rice appears to increase longevity, likely from the oil in the rice bran which appears to lower LDL cholesterol & another chemical in the bran that appears to lower blood pressure.  White rice has the bran removed and appears to cause early death. (decrease longevity).


Reducing arsenic by 80%


Rice can have arsenic in it.  Brown basmati from California, India, or Pakistan may have 1/3rd less.  And by soaking the rice for 12-24 hours (makes it more fluffy), emptying the water, cooking the rice in a pressure cooker with as much water as it safely holds & can boil until it gets to pressure then emptying the water and adding a cup or 2 of filtered water & getting it to pressure again can cook the rice fully while eliminating 80% of the arsenic.  The other option is to add as much water as possible to a cooking pan, cook the rice until right before the rice becomes mushy, empty the water & let the rice cook for a couple more minutes to dry out.




Stimulating all of the taste buds


The first thing to do is to cook without any spices.  This will cut down immensely on the sugar and salt, as when they are added during cooking they don’t change the taste of the nearly as much as after.  Then taste the food before spicing it.  This resensitizes the taste buds & allows people to use much less spices.


Then adding a little bit of sour (vinegar), sweet (stevia and/or erythritol have no calories and are the safest), bitter (pepper), salt (50/50 salt has potassium that avoids rise in blood pressure), fat (organic coconut or MCT oil increases metabolism), and umami/savory (cooked tomatoes, porcellini or shittake mushrooms, tamari sauce, nutritional yeast-MSG can cause neurological symptoms) flavors to each meal, especially with vegetables, makes even the healthiest meal taste gourmet.  We have taste buds for savory (glutamate receptors) & fat as well as the commonly know first four.  Stimulating all of the taste buds can get people to love eating the healthiest foods.  People end up using much less salt & sugar when they use spices that stimulate ALL of the taste buds.




Vegetable, bean, and lentil based soups without cream or sugar or crackers eaten before a meal increases feelings of fullness and is the basis of many fat loss plans.  It fills the same role as drinking water before eating, with a lot more vitamins and fiber.


Soup alternative


When soup is not used, adding pureed vegetables to almost any casserole dish or sauce doesn’t change the taste but increases the fiber and satiation & decreases the total calories eaten.


Meat alternatives


The reason we crave meat is because it has three amino acids we use in exercise in large amounts- leucine, isoleucine, and valine (LIV)- as well as some amount of the umami/savory flavor.  Anyone wanting to eat less meat can get LIV aminos we crave by eating beans & rice, which also have them in abundance when eaten within six hours of each other, and then add an umami flavor to it, like with tamari or shiitaki/porcellini powder.


Rice and bean have LIV in large amounts like meat does.  White rice is stripped of the fiber & many nutrients and eating it increases mortality in studies.  Brown rice has its fiber and has a chemical that lowers LDL cholesterol and a chemical that lowers blood pressure, and helps people live longer in studies.  Organic brown rice, when added to most beans (like organic black, red, pinto, navy, and northern) has the same LIV in large amounts that we crave in meat.  So to get the most benefit of rice, put some in any meal that has these beans.


Eating cooked rice can increase athletic performance significantly.  Eating a cup (dry measure) of rice cooked then using the increase in blood sugar to exercise then eating the beans after works far better than eating meat before lifting weights or running.  When I started to eat rice before lifting weights I increased my maximums by 20-30lbs on every lift because of the extra carbohydrate boost.  I always exercise after eating rice, even just walking, to avoid getting your blood sugar too high.  Eating the beans quickly afterward also may help lower the blood sugar increase from eating the rice, especially when ginger or cinnamon is added.




Taking probiotics daily if you don’t eat all organic (glyphosate used to kill weeds in GMO foods kills good stomach bacteria) or if you are on antibiotics reduces obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.  If you eat organic and aren’t taking antibiotics, once a week may be fine.  Antibiotics cause fat gain, which is why they are given to farm animals regardless of health status to fatten them up.


The wrong bacterial in the gut appears to prevent fat loss.  The probiotics that may help weight loss are lactobacillus gasseri, plantarum, & paracasei.


Gut Microbial Carbohydrate Metabolism Hinders Weight Loss in Overweight Adults Undergoing Lifestyle Intervention With a Volumetric Diet

Muñiz Pedrogo, David A. et al.

Mayo Clinic Proceedings , Volume 93 , Issue 8 , 1104 – 1110




Babies who are breastfed have lower hospitalization, obesity, and mortality rates and do better on intelligence tests, delayed gratification tests, achieve more in school all the way through college & earn more throughout their lifetimes & have better relationships.


Hot peppers


People who put added 1/4 teaspoon of chili pepper to each meal ate 25% fewer daily calories overall.  People who ate spicy food (chili pepper most common ingredient) 3 or more days per week had a 14% lower mortality over seven years and lower ischemic heart disease, respiratory diseases and cancers.


Consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality: population based cohort study

Jun Lv et al.

BMJ 2015; 351 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.h3942 (Published 04 August 2015)


Foods that increase metabolism and may make you feel warmer


Pepper, onions, and mustard (sugar free recommended) all increase metabolism, very useful when you are in the upper deck of a baseball stadium in the evening 🙂


Lemon juice- many people swear by adding a little unsweetened lemon to their water in the morning as increasing their metabolism


Matsumoto, T., Miyawaki, C., Ue, H., YUASA, T., MIYATSUJI, A., & MORITANI, T. (2000). Effects of capsaicin-containing yellow curry sauce on sympathetic nervous system activity and diet-induced thermogenesis in lean and obese young women. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology,46(6), 309-315.

Janssens, P. L., Hursel, R., Martens, E. A., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2013). Acute effects of capsaicin on energy expenditure and fat oxidation in negative energy balance. PloS One, 8(7), e67786.

Lejeune, M. P., Kovacs, E. M., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2003). Effect of capsaicin on substrate oxidation and weight maintenance after modest body-weight loss in human subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 90(03), 651-659.





Cold potatoes or rice


When potatoes or rice have been cooked, then allowed to cool, they form resistant (less digestible) starches & work like fiber to increase feelings of fullness.


Beans & lentils


Beans and lentils are high in fiber & some beans can partially prevent the digestion of carbohydrates.  When eaten daily they cause fat loss.





Freshly ground organic flaxseed, glucomannan, psyllium and other types of fiber help digestion and the feeling of fullness when added to every meal.  They have been shown to increase fat loss and decrease diabetes & heart disease.  Flaxseed also protects against many types of cancer as well.


October 2013 Volume 37, Supplement 4, Page S71

The Impact of Flaxseed Lignan Complex Consumption on Waist to Height and Hip Ratios, Body Weight, BMI, Insulin Resistance, Percent Pancreatic Beta-Cell Function, Free Fatty Acids, HDL2- HDL3- and Non-HDL-Cholesterol and Lp(a) in Older Human Type 2 Diabetics

Douglas E. Barre

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjd.2013.08.218




Eating chokeberries is associated with fat loss.




Cocoa  & the heart


Organic cocoa has theobromine and has been found in multiple studies over the last 15 years to clean the arteries, reduce blood pressure, lower insulin resistance, reduce heart disease and lower mortality.  The greatest flavenols are with organic cocoa, and dark chocolate from Endangered Species, Ghirardelli, and Lindt.




Cocoa flavanol consumption improves cognitive function, blood pressure control, and metabolic profile in elderly subjects: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Study—a randomized controlled trial

Daniela Mastroiacovo et al.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 101, Issue 3, 1 March 2015, Pages 538–548,https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.114.092189


Cocoa and the brain


Eating dark or sugar free chocolate appears to increase visual spatial memory & organization, working memory, scanning, tracking, abstract reasoning, & performance in the mini-mental state examination in one study over five years and nearly 1000 people independent of age, education, heart health, & diet.  Eating chocolate appears to improve cognitive performance (even in Alzheimer’s & dementia), reduce mental fatigue, and improve mood.



Volume 100, 1 May 2016, Pages 126-132

Chocolate intake associated with better cognitive function: The Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study

Georgina E.Crichton, Merrill F.Elias, Ala’aAlkerwi



J Psychopharmacol. 2010 Oct;24(10):1505-14. doi: 10.1177/0269881109106923. Epub 2009 Nov 26.

Consumption of cocoa flavanols results in acute improvements in mood and cognitive performance during sustained mental effort.

Scholey AB, French SJ, Morris PJ, Kennedy DO, Milne AL, Haskell CF.


Smit, H.J., Gaffan, E.A. & Rogers, P.J. Psychopharmacology (2004) 176: 412. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-004-1898-3

Methylxanthines are the psycho-pharmacologically active constituents of chocolate




Non Dutch/nonalkalyzed cocoa & chocolate only


Dutching/alkalyzing cocoa can reduce its health & heart improving phenol content by 92%.  Organic, nonDutch/nonalkalyzed cocoa has the highest phenol content.


When mixing cocoa for a chocolate drink, avoid milk & sugar to get the greatest heart benefit.  Stevia, monk fruit, & erythritol appear to be the safest noncaloric sweeteners.


Cocoa increases hdl, slows LDL oxidation, cleans arteries, prevents cardiac deaths, stops aging skin, skin cancer & prevents sunburns, reverses chronic fatigue, & prevents diabetes & extends life.  Two studies, one by Harvard med school dark chocolate improved blood flow & mental performance in elderly, another study helped people with mild cognitive impairment.


Besides cocoa sweetened with your choice of stevia, erythritol, and/or monk fruit (all zero calories) alone or in combination, there are companies that make sugar free chocolate with erythritol.  Most people find it doesn’t have the laxative or stomach cramping effect of sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol.  Best may be chocolate chips stored in the freezer- they last much longer in the mouth.  Not only does cocoa & sugar free chocolate (as long as they are not Dutch or alkalyzed) apparently clear the arteries, they substitute successfully for cakes & cookies for most people.


Making your own chocolate


Organic cocoa powder (nondutch/nonalkalized is healthiest) can be mixed with water & sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and/or erythritol, a sugar alcohol that has no calories & may not cause the problems of xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol.  When using water use the exact amount in the recipe (look online)- too much or too little doesn’t taste good.


Sugar free chocolate bars can be made far cheaper by melting Baker’s brand baking chocolate (in the baking section) and adding the right amount of stevia, monk fruit, and/or erithritol.


Chocolate can help fat loss


A small piece of dark and especially sugar free chocolate can be taken every one to three hours for it’s cognitive benefits, and eating chocolate throughout the day can help to substitute for/eliminate cravings for cakes & cookies that cause obesity, inflammation (wheat), and diabetes (sugar and highly processed wheat flour).


Supplements that help fat loss


Vitamin D3


When people are low in vitamin D3 (below 50ng/ml), taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 with a meal or vegetable oil (fat soluble) can cause fat loss.  4000 IU of vitamin D3 will also prevent 90% of viral infections (why we rarely get them in the summer), 90% of Alzheimer’s, 70% of cancers, 70% of diabetes, & 50% of cardiac deaths.


Kidney Bean Extract (KBE)


KBE stops some starch (carbohydrate) absorption in the digestive tract and helps lose fat & fat.  I’ve used it & it resensitized me to carbs & permanently lowered my carb cravings.  The best research is in a version called Phase 2.


Celleno L, Tolaini MV, D’Amore A, Perricone NV, Preuss HG. A Dietary Supplement Containing Standardized Phaseolus vulgaris Extract Influences Body Composition of Overweight Men and Women. Int J Med Sci 2007; 4(1):45-52. doi:10.7150/ijms.4.45. Available from http://www.medsci.org/v04p0045.htm


Layer, P., et al. “Effect of purified amylase inhibitor on carbohydrate tolerance in normal subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus.” MAYO Clinic Proceedings 61, 6 (June, 1986) 442-447.


Brugge, W.R. and M. S. Rosenfeld. “Impairment of starch absorption by a potent amylase inhibitor.” American Journal of Gastroenterology 82, 8 (August, 1987) 718-722.


Layer, P., et al. “Effects of decreasing intra luminal amylase on starch digestion and postprandial gastrointestinal function in humans.” On carbohydrate tolerance in normal subjects and patients with diabetes mellitus.” Gastroenterology 91, 1 (July, 1986) 41-48.




Dangers of weight loss supplement blends


Newer weight loss supplements may contain oxilofrine/methylsynephrine, a prescription drug that acts like ephedra with the same deadly side effects, according to Consumer Reports.




Ginseng and the adaptogens take stress away after a long day at work so we don’t overeat and have the energy to exercise.


Green tea


Hydroxycitric acid






Cissus quadrangularis


Cissus quadrangularis 2.4g 3X/day reportedly decreases fat & increases muscle






Alpha lipoic acid


Alphalipoic acid 600mg once up & before every meal appears to increase fat loss with increased dosages as well as reverse symptoms of diabetes, heart disease/failure/hbp & cancer.



(The 4-hour Body)


Garcinia Cambogia (CG)- lacking evidence


A meta-analyis done in 2010 of studies on CG found very little fat loss, and not statistically significant in the best studies.


The Use of Garcinia Extract (Hydroxycitric Acid) as a

Weight loss Supplement: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

of Randomised Clinical Trials

Igho Onakpoya et al.

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Obesity

Volume 2011, Article ID 509038, 9 pages



Prescription drugs that may help fat loss




Metformin is a prescription drug that lowers blood sugar and often causes fat loss.  It’s being investigated for longevity because people who have diabetes that take it live longer and have less cancer than people who don’t, even 15% longer than people who don’t have diabetes.  Metformin may lower vitamin B12 levels as well as quercetin.


Naltrexone (Revia)


Naltrexone for alcohol addiction has a 78% success rate used in the Sinclair Method to stop drinking.  Naltrexone helps block the pleasurable high of alcohol use & is used once a week an hour before planned (in a safe setting) alcohol use for three to four months until people no longer have a desire to drink.


The equivalent for binge eating would be for the person to be required to eat the foods they binge on once a week an hour after taking a naltrexone.  After a few months they may see the same drop in desire to eat the binge foods.


Naltrexone at large daily doses has been found to reduce binge eating as reported in one meta-analysis.


Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012; 8: 219–241.

doi:  10.2147/TCRM.S25574

Pharmacological management of binge eating disorder: current and emerging treatment options

Susan L McElroy, Anna I Guerdjikova, Nicole Mori, and Anne M O’Melia



Bupropion (Wellbutrin)


Bupropion is an antidepressant that often causes fat loss.  It is avoided in people who have seizures.


Naltrexone & bupropion (Contrave)


Naltrexone and bupropion have been used in combination.  In combination they may increase fat loss greater than either one alone, but in these studies naltrexone was used daily, not just once a week before eating the foods the person binges on.  Taking the generic version of each drug may be cheaper.


Billes SK, Sinnayah P, Cowley MA. Naltrexone/bupropion for obesity: an investigational combination pharmacotherapy for weight loss. Pharmacol Res. 2014;84:1-11.




Topiramate (Topamax)


Topiramate is an anticonvulsant used to prevent seizures that may help reduce or stop binge eating episodes.  Taking magnesium daily and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda every other day may help prevent kidney stones when taking topiramate.  Topiramate can cause significant mood changes.


If topiramate alone or in combination doesn’t work quickly to lower binge eating & fat, another medication or treatment can be tried.


Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012; 8: 219–241.

doi:  10.2147/TCRM.S25574

Pharmacological management of binge eating disorder: current and emerging treatment options

Susan L McElroy, Anna I Guerdjikova, Nicole Mori, and Anne M O’Melia






Sodium oxybate


Sodium oxybate has been used for people with narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness).  It has been reported to to help reduce binge eating and fat in one meta-analysis.


Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012; 8: 219–241.

doi:  10.2147/TCRM.S25574

Pharmacological management of binge eating disorder: current and emerging treatment options

Susan L McElroy, Anna I Guerdjikova, Nicole Mori, and Anne M O’Melia





Stimulants used for people with ADHD may help with binge eating during the daytime, but as their blood levels drop at night people can get rebound hunger before bedtime or in the middle of the night.









Phentermine (Adipex-P)


Phentermine is a stimulant like drug that primary lowers appetite without some of the side effects of the stimulants.







Topiramate & Phentermine (Qsymia)


Topirate & Phentermine are combined in the drug Qysmia to compound their benefits in reducing binge eating.  Taking the generic of each drug may be cheaper.  Taking magnesium daily and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda every other day may help prevent kidney stones when taking topiramate.






Antidepressants & food addiction/eating disorders


In one meta-analysis, antidepressants that were studied were not found to reduce binge eating frequency or to help lose fat (bupropion wasn’t studied).


Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012; 8: 219–241.

doi:  10.2147/TCRM.S25574

Pharmacological management of binge eating disorder: current and emerging treatment options

Susan L McElroy, Anna I Guerdjikova, Nicole Mori, and Anne M O’Melia



Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs) & food addiction/eating disorders


One meta-analysis reported that the NRIs atomoxetine & reboxetine have helped people lower their binge eating and fat.


Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2012; 8: 219–241.

doi:  10.2147/TCRM.S25574

Pharmacological management of binge eating disorder: current and emerging treatment options

Susan L McElroy, Anna I Guerdjikova, Nicole Mori, and Anne M O’Melia





Prescription drugs either ineffective or with high side effects


Sibutramine (Meridia) may lower fat some but increases heart rate, blood pressure, and lengthens the interval between beats, increasing heart attacks & strokes.  The longer it is taken the greater the frequency of heart attacks & strokes.


American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs

October 2010, Volume 10, Issue 5, pp 321-334

Date: 20 Aug 2012

Cardiovascular Risk-Benefit Profile of Sibutramine

Professor André J. Scheen


Orlistat (Alli/Xenical) stops the absorbtion of fat, causing near universal diarrhea and lowering levels of essential fat soluble vitamins in the body like vitamin D3 and vitamin E.


Effects of Orlistat on Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Obese Adolescents

Jennifer R. McDuffie et al.

Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy

Volume 22, Issue 7, pages 814–822, July 2002

DOI: 10.1592/phco.22.11.814.33627


The Safety Profiles of Orlistat and Sibutramine: Results of Prescription-Event Monitoring Studies in England

Michael J. Perrio et al.


Volume 15, Issue 11, pages 2712–2722, November 2007

DOI: 10.1038/oby.2007.323


Addition of orlistat to conventional treatment in adolescents with severe obesity

Behzat Ozkan, Abdullah Bereket, Serap Turan, Sabiha Keskin

European Journal of Pediatrics

December 2004, Volume 163, Issue 12, pp 738-741





Betahistine (Histalean), long used for dizzyness & nausea, doesn’t appear to have a replicable effect of lowering weight in studies.


PW01-261 – Betahistine (Histalean™) safely mitigates olanzapine induced fat gain

  1. Barak, J.H. Albeck

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0924-9338(10)71574-1


Acute effects of betahistine hydrochloride on food intake and appetite in obese women: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial1,2,3,4

Asem H Ali et al.

Am J Clin Nutr December 2010

vol. 92 no. 6 1290-1297


Effect of histaminergic manipulation on weight in obese adults: a randomized placebo controlled trial

N Barak et al.

International Journal of Obesity (2008) 32, 1559–1565; doi:10.1038/ijo.2008.135; published online 12 August 2008


Smells that have been shown to lower hunger are especially useful in the kitchen where people go to seek out food or right before a meal.


extra virgin olive oil



green apples





Garlic breath can best be covered with apple, lettuce, or mint.



Swimming & fat loss


What exercise increases fat loss the most?  Swimming.  Swimming increases fat burning & increases metabolism the most because the body has to put out a lot of energy to keep its temperature at 98 degrees in a 70 degree pool, much greater than during kettlebells, running or cycling.  Metabolism rises significantly for a period after, as long as the body has to warm itself up, getting a room temperature shower (not hot).  Competitive swimmers can eat 10,000 calories a day just because they are spending hours in the pool.  The colder the water the faster the fat burning & loss.






Cold thermogenesis


Sleeping, sitting, or exercising in the cold is a type of cold thermogenesis.  It appears to increase brown fat, easier to burn for energy, reduce insulin sensitivity & increase metabolism & fat loss.



Other strategies that have been shown to help fat loss:


Using as many of these strategies as possible should increase the amount of fat lost.


Drink water before meal, none during to avoid washing away food taste & increasing hunger


recording calories


adopting modest goals


joining a support group


sitting down instead of walking when eating/snacking


serve food in the kitchen then put it out of sight from where you are eating- don’t put food plates on eating table or in same room

leave dirty plates, especially if they have shells or bones, within sight of dinner table, each person’s stacked individually within sight


use smallest plates & bowls & spoons & cups, and keep at least one very small size of each in the front of the cabinet (will downgrade which size we choose even if we don’t choose the smallest)


tell people they are getting a large portion


green plates increased eating of healthy green foods, decrease eating of nongreen foods


taller glasses for caloric drinks, wider glasses for water


eating room blue


dim lights


avoid low sugar/fat labels


less variety


no fancy names, dull ones instead


buy small


no meat


wrapped treats are eaten less than unwrapped treats


small packages of food


food & treats kept out of sight & inconvenient to access


high calorie foods that look plain & little variety (always the same type & look)


eat before shopping for food


pay for groceries with cash


Spirulina EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids


Some fish oils have EPA & DHA fatty acids that help increase fat loss when combined with exercise.  Fish get their EPA & DHA fatty acids from eating the algae spirulina, which is far cheaper.  Taking 1/4ts of spirulina twice a day with a meal that has a vegetable also increases mood, reduces anxiety, and increases concentration & test scores.  Spirulina alone may not work, vegetables have the enzymes needed to break it down in digestion.




How to lose 10-20 lbs without eating less


Our hunger is surprisingly not satiated by drinks that have sugar & calories, & we are not more hungry when we drink only drinks that have no calories.  I have counseled many people that the easiest way to lose fat is to substitute zero calorie drinks (water is the best) for caloric drinks.  They can then take in thousands of calories less per week without eating one bite less of food.  Usually people lose a pound a week for a while then a half pound a week until they lose an easy 10-20 lbs, five percent of body fat.  Pop is notoriously hard on the body & doesn’t relieve thirst well, requiring people to drink many cans of pop to get the same benefit as a half glass of water.


Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2013. doi:10.3945/ajcn.112.048405.


Pop, both sugar & diet with aspartame (Nutrasweet) or saccarin increase diabetes & obesity significantly.


Consumption of sugar sweetened beverages, artificially sweetened beverages, and fruit juice and incidence of type 2 diabetes: systematic review, meta-analysis, and estimation of population attributable fraction

Fumiaki Imamura et al.

BMJ 2015; 351 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.h3576


Gain weight by “going diet?” Artificial sweeteners and the neurobiology of sugar cravings

Qing Yang

Yale J Biol Med. 2010 Jun; 83(2): 101–108.

PMCID: PMC2892765


Saccharin and aspartame, compared with sucrose, induce greater weight gain in adult Wistar rats, at similar total caloric intake levels

Fernanda de Matos Feijóa et al.


Volume 60, 1 January 2013, Pages 203–207




The Paleo diet


It’s good points are avoiding wheat & white rice, dairy, sugar & alcohol & nonorganic beans, lentils & grains (full of Roundup/glyphosate).  It’s bad point is that the more nongrassfed & high nitrate meat eaten the higher the cancer rates.  And organic beans increase weight loss and are extremely healthy once you’ve determined (by eating it two times a day) what beans don’t cause you gas or cramps, especially if you soak them for four hours.


Diabetes 33: 596,1984.

Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 62: 682, 2008.

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Diabetologia 50: 1795, 2007.

Cardiovasc. Diabetol. 8: 35, 2009.

JAMA 293: 43, 2005.

  1. Engl. J. Med. 360: 859, 2009.

Ann. Intern. Med. 153: 147, 2010


12-20 hour diet


The 12 hour diet works like cutting calories or fasting without the strain.  This significantly enhances neural growth, cuts blood sugar, reduces inflammation to promote healing, reduces obesity, reduces cancer, & reduces heart disease.  And it works even when the amount or kinds of food we’re eating doesn’t change.  Almost all cancers are sugar sensitive and lowering blood sugar & being in ketosis is used to augment cancer treatment.


The 12 hour diet is the latest research on food restriction that appears to be the easiest, & the one that not only prevents hunger but cuts the appetite so much people can lose 25% of their body weight if obese.


I’ve tried this & lost ten pounds in a couple weeks, without hunger. The key is if you stop eating at 7pm in the evening you can eat starting at 7am the next morning, and if you stop eating at 9pm at night you can start eating at 9am in the morning.  The key is not to keep your eating to 12 hours a day, but to take 12 hours off of eating every day. Just save the snacks for in between the meals from breakfast until dinner.


I tried it & didn’t experience any hunger in the morning as long as I drank enough water, even doing strenuous exercise.  Another person I know has done this & lost ten pounds in a couple weeks & kept them off.  People don’t have to change any foods they eat- they eat whatever they normally eat (its still a good idea to eat healthyfoods).  In the research studies the mice on both normal or high fat & high sugar diets all got obese when they ate whenever they wanted but lost 25% of their body weight over 38 weeks when eating all they want after not eating for 12 hours overnight.  They lost 25% of their body weight on exactly the same diet that got them fat when they could eat all they want but at all times of the day & night.  The content of the food didn’t matter for their weight, just whether they stopped eating for 12 hours every night.


The reason I & the mice lost weight without hunger is because this diet lowers appetite.  Almost all other diets cause hunger & require will power to keep going.  When I wake up in the morning during this diet I’m not hungry, & when I can’t eat for 14 or 15 hours I’m not bothered, nor when I have to do a lot of exercise before I can eat in the morning.  It works best when I stop eating early in the evening (8pm) vs late at night.  This is a diet that GIVES people energy & cuts their appetite- perhaps THE BEST DIET EVER 🙂


A big trick to cut carb cravings is to eat the low carb vegetable salad with a little vinegar (cuts carb digestion later) & olives or avocado instead of oils.  Then eat the high protein & fat part of the meal, then the high carbohydrate part of the meal (grains) last & immediately exercise after the meal, even walking.  Using MCT oil in the meal also keeps people in ketosis & gives a lot of energy for the exercise after. This kicks us into ketosis faster (where we’re burning fat/oxylates for fuel) & as long as we drink water regularly we don’t get carb cravings.


L-glutamine powder


Many people who have diabetes especially crave sugar.  Taking the amino acid glutamine (starting with 500mg & up as needed) under the tongue appears to very quickly relieve alcohol cravings, sugar cravings, improve cognition, reduce anxiety/depression/insomnia, detox liver, increase fat loss, repair leaky gut & help immune system.





Cell Metabolism Volume 20, Issue 6, p991–1005, 2 December 2014

Time-Restricted Feeding Is a Preventative and Therapeutic Intervention against Diverse Nutritional Challenges

Amandine Chaix, Amir Zarrinpar, Phuong Miu, Satchidananda Pandacorrespondenceemail

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2014.11.001


Cell Metabolism Volume 15, Issue 6, p848–860, 6 June 2012

Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet

Megumi Hatori et al.





The other reason this helps fat loss is because we are more likely to use the calories we eat from 8a-8p during exercise & activity, and more likely to store the calories we eat from 8p-8a, when our metabolism is low.  We experience a 250% increase in fat gain for the calories we eat between 8p-8a, vs 8a-8p.


Losing fat, not muscle


Chromium appears to help prevent muscle loss from dieting, 200mcg three times a day when dieting & one time a day for maintenance.  In one study people lost 92% of their weight as muscle and 8% as fat when taking a placebo, & they lost 84% as fat and 16% as muscle when taking chromium.


Lifting weights & doing high intensity aerobic exercise helps retain muscle as well.


3 Diet Pills That Really Work (Safe, Too)

Published January 1, 2015 Publication Bottom Line Personal Source Harry Preuss, MD, CNS Print


Wim Hof breathing


The Wim Hof method- no longer feel cold/hot/stress/autoimmune overreaction


Wim Hof is a Dutch man who learned to become immune to cold, heat, & control his immune response to a strong degree.  He has been in ice up to the neck in a tub for almost 2 hours.  He has ran a marathon in a desert at 104 degrees with no water or food, and one above the Arctic circle barefoot.  He has killed an injected bacteria that should have made him very sick in a medical experiment.  Now he is teaching others how to do it, and it only takes one minute a day & people get big benefits after just the first time.


In this link is an explanation of how to do this his way, which includes meditation, a breathing method, and cold exposure:




Here is the simplified one minute a day version-


If you have a heart or lung condition ask your doctor if fast breathing & holding your (non) breath is ok for you.  If you are sick you can wait until healthy before starting.  Wim Hof wisely recommends only doing this from a secure sitting position for safety and NEVER around water.


What I found important is heavy breathing for oxygenation for 30 breaths/30-60 seconds, then breathing out completely & holding the nonbreath (empty lungs) until my body makes me take a breath (15-30 seconds).  It’s ok if the first time is only 15 seconds, our ability gets a little better every time.


Wim Hof recommends exercising during the breath holding like pushups or some other exercise on the ground to avoid falling.   I do it after eating my rice (carbs) so I have the energy for the exercise, but if people would rather just hold the (empty) breath it appears to work nearly as well.  Wim Hof has people do this six times a day, but once a day is fine for the long run.


After I did this once for one minute I was able to be comfortable in my apartment at three degrees colder than ever before for a full day (57 degrees). Every time I do this I am able to experience greater & greater amounts of cold.  Wif Hof recommends testing ourselves with cold showers or ice buckets, but I have seen all the benefits without.


I have tested myself by being very comfortable after one week in my apartment in the low 50s for hours.  Most people don’t like the cold and the knowledge they don’t have to do the cold challenge but will still lose their sensitivity to cold makes it more likely they will do the exercise.  We know its working when we walk outside in the cold & it doesn’t bother us anymore & we don’t feel like turning on our car to warm it up anymore.


One funny thing about the ability to endure cold- my knees still don’t like long exposure to cold temperatures even if the rest of my body has no problem:-)


Conscious control of cold & heat


Wim Hof suggests paying attention to how the body feels & consciously giving energy to different parts, especially if they are cold.  This is supposed to give conscious control of our body temperature.  I did this in a sauna when too hot to stay in & thought about being cool inside & I was soon comfortable enough to stay another 40 minutes.  Meditating seems to improve the conscious control of body temperature.  I’ve also done this when out in the cold & it works just as well.  It may also be useful to breath out & hold an empty breath once or twice whenever feeling too cold, hot, or stressed in order to get immediate relief as well as the long term benefit.  Holding (empty) breath after an exhale is also supposed to help cramping when exercising.


Control of stress


I and others have found that our stress levels have gone down measurably since doing the breathing exercise once a day.


Autoimmune responses


Wim Hof & the people he trains have been able to kill bacterial infections that should have made them very sick in an experiment after just 90 repetitions.  That’s three months when doing it once a day.  It appears that their bodies are shutting down the overactive immune response to the bacterial infection.  Other people have noted their autoimmune disorders (like rheumatoid arthritis) being helped greatly by the breathing method.








Cold exposure?


So I suspect that we get many of the benefits even if we don’t do the extreme cold exposure that Wim Hof suggests and that holding our nonbreath/empty lungs is the key.  Doing this once a day is easily possible (I do it after eating so I have the energy) and results start immediately, after the first time.


Conscious control over internal temperature


What Wim Hof’s suggestion of the extreme cold exposure (explained in the link) coupled with meditating on being warm appears to do is give conscious control over body temperature, especially with practice.  We can all use this when we are in a situation we feel cold in.




Here’s how the method may help prevent migraines.  Included is also the most effective way to treat migraines I’ve ever seen so far (cold pack on neck, feet in hot water).









Here’s one man’s experience with the Wim Hof breathing method.  He reports he is able to physically function more than twice as long after doing the Wim Hof method daily, from seven to now sixteen hours while being able to lower his medication.






Jiaogulan, an Asian herb, appears to lower stress, blood sugar (if high), heart disease, stress, & fat.

Yang, J., et al. (2023). Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino: A Review of Its Phytochemistry and Pharmacology. Molecules, 28(3), 1366. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28031366

(2023, May 19). Jiaogulan: Uses, Side Effects, & More (M. Nuun, Ed.) [Review of Jiaogulan: Uses, Side Effects, & More]. Verywell Health. https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-lowdown-on-jiaogulan-88940

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.