Niacinamide (no flush vitamin B3)




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Niacinamide (nicotinamide)


Niacinamide is a no hot flush version of vitamin B3, and a penny per day.  It has a mild bitter taste that can be mediated by stevia if taken under the tongue for faster, stronger & longer effect. 


Niacinamide appears to turn on mitochondria to increase mental & physical energy & stop cancer, reduce viral infection symptoms including reducing progression to AIDS from HIV infection over seven years in one study & covid symptoms (including kidney injury) in other studies.  It appears to reduce liver fat (in a mouse study), triglycerides & vLDL, & increase the good cholesterol HDL that helps to clean out arteries.  Taken under the tongue, orally or topically it may build keratin & help acne, rosacea & sunburn, and topically wrinkles & most skin disorders. Niacinamide may reduce schizophrenia symptoms by over 50% & may significantly reduce anxiety & depression from alcohol cessation, fat accumulation, arthritis & reduce neurodegenerative disease symptoms like with dementia & Parkinson’s.

Sahin, K., Kucuk, O., Orhan, C. et al. Niacinamide and undenatured type II collagen modulates the inflammatory response in rats with monoiodoacetate-induced osteoarthritis. Sci Rep 11, 14724 (2021).





Studies have found the full benefits at 1mg/lb of weight, like 50mg 3x a day if 150lbs.  Because 1/4th of a teaspoon can be 500mg, the effective dosage may be 1/32 ts 3x a day for people around 175lbs.


People may be taking enough & getting a fully effective dosage when they feel a large increase in mental & physical energy- mitochondria are fully turned on.


The easiest way most people I know dose is to buy a set of measuring spoons- tad 1/4 ts, dash 1/8 ts, pinch 1/16 ts, smidge 1/32 ts, drop 1/64 ts & start with a drop 1/64 ts three times a day under the tongue.  If they don’t feel the full energy effect the next day they increase to the next highest dose until feeling a large boost in mental & physical energy, which means it is fully working.  When bought in bulk these daily doses can be less than a penny, which makes niacinamide the cheapest highly effective treatment for cancer, ADHD, diabetes, heart disease, depression etc. existing.

Chen A.C., Martin A.J., Choy B., Fernández-Peñas P., Dalziell R.A., McKenzie C.A., Scolyer R.A., Dhillon H.M., Vardy J.L., Kricker A., et al. A Phase 3 Randomized Trial of Nicotinamide for Skin-Cancer Chemoprevention. N. Engl. J. Med. 2015;373:1618–1626. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1506197.

Ilias P. Nikas, Stavroula A. Paschou, Han Suk Ryu. (2020) The Role of Nicotinamide in Cancer Chemoprevention and Therapy. Biomolecules 10:3, 477.

Jia H, Li X, Gao H, Feng Z, Li X, Zhao L, Jia X, Zhang H, Liu J. High doses of nicotinamide prevent oxidative mitochondrial dysfunction in a cellular model and improve motor deficit in a Drosophila model of Parkinson’s disease. J Neurosci Res. 2008 Jul;86(9):2083-90. doi: 10.1002/jnr.21650. PMID: 18381761.

Eija Pirinen, Mari Auranen, Nahid A. Khan, Virginia Brilhante, Niina Urho, Alberto Pessia, Antti Hakkarainen, Juho Kuula, Ulla Heinonen, Mark S. Schmidt, Kimmo Haimilahti, Päivi Piirilä, Nina Lundbom, Marja-Riitta Taskinen, Charles Brenner, Vidya Velagapudi, Kirsi H. Pietiläinen, Anu Suomalainen, Niacin Cures Systemic NAD+ Deficiency and Improves Muscle Performance in Adult-Onset Mitochondrial Myopathy, Cell Metabolism, Volume 31, Issue 6, 2020, Pages 1078-1090.e5, ISSN 1550-4131,


Khan NA, Auranen M, Paetau I, Pirinen E, Euro L, Forsström S, Pasila L, Velagapudi V, Carroll CJ, Auwerx J, Suomalainen A. Effective treatment of mitochondrial myopathy by nicotinamide riboside, a vitamin B3. EMBO Mol Med. 2014 Jun;6(6):721-31. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201403943. PMID: 24711540; PMCID: PMC4203351.


Kang HT, Hwang ES. Nicotinamide enhances mitochondria quality through autophagy activation in human cells. Aging Cell. 2009 Aug;8(4):426-38. doi: 10.1111/j.1474-9726.2009.00487.x. Epub 2009 May 16. PMID: 19473119.

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.