Methylene blue


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Methylene blue


Methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) has been used for over a century for carbon monoxide & cyanide & other poisonings & overdoses like poppers & ifosfamide,  as well as malaria, UTI’s, & currently for methemoglobinemia, a blood condition.  It is on the WHO list of essential medicines.  It is also used as a dye for many medical procedures & tests including if test milk stays blue it is fresh. It is used as an antifungal & antibacterial for fish & is often the first treatment given if a fish seems sick.  It has been used successfully as a malaria treatment even though servicemen didn’t like the temporary blued whites of the eyes or urine.  It appears to be a potent anticancer agent as well.



Other benefits

Methylene blue appears to turn on the mitochondria & significantly increase mood, mental & physical energy in people.  It has been used with up to 85% success in reversing symptoms of Alzheimers, but only if not on other Alzheimer’s drugs.  8-16mg worked as well as 200mg in one study.


Red light therapy combination

Because red light therapy (especially a 100-150 watt incandescent or halogen red bulb) on the head also appears to help Alzheimer’s, using them in combination appears to be more effective than either alone for people seeking cognitive enhancement and/or dementia treatment.






About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.