



Lithium carbonate dangers


Lithium carbonate is a prescription drug used to help treat mania in bipolar disorder.  It is so biounavailable dosages of 2000mg are used to get even a partial benefit for mania.  At 2000mg people often can get damage to their kidneys over time as well as a large number of cognitive & physical adverse effects.



Lithium orotate & chloride


Lithium orotate & lithium chloride are bioavailable at 1/50th to 1/100th the effective dosage of prescription dosage of lithium carbonate.  They appear effective for mania at 20-40mg during an active manic episode, and lower for maintenance.   

People who have moved to lithium orotate or chloride have had their damaged kidneys heal while off  lithium carbonate & on the much lower & apparently safer dosages of lithium ororate/chloride.

People’s maintenance dosage of lithium orotate is often 10-20mg if they have bipolar disorder.

People who don’t have mania get a mood & calmness benefit at 1-5mg or less daily.


Lithium orotate can be bought in liquid form with a dropper for dosages lower than the normal 5mg for capsule forms.  People sometimes do a drop a day under the tongue for a microdose, & increase daily until they see a stable & clear benefit.



Lithium research


Lithium has a century of positive study & usage to increase wisdom.  It increases mood, neural growth & cognitive performance, & reduces aggression/anger & dementia.   Lithium orotate & chloride over the counter- OTC appear 100 times more bioavailable than prescription lithium carbonate and are effective against aggression at a dosage of 0.1-5mg per day after breakfast.


Lithium has been found to increase neural growth & cognition greater than any other substance.  Dr. Dale Bresden & thousands of doctor’s following his protocol that include OTC lithium have seen people’s brains shrunk from Alzheimer’s damage grow back to normal & people get their memories back.




Everyone used lithium?


Near universal low dose lithium supplementation in commercial beverages up to 1948 was widely accepted for it’s mental health benefits.  In 1929- 7 (for atomic weight of lithium) UP (for mood) lithiated lemon-lime was introduced & became popular (#3) for it’s lithium content improving mood.


The resilience people exhibited over the great depression & WWII that led to them being called our greatest generation may have been largely from lithium ingestion.


Five countries have found in studies that within each country the counties with the naturally highest levels of lithium in the water had 40% less violent crimes including suicides & homicides- US, Austria, Germany, Japan, Australia.

When 7-Up was created in 1929 it contained lithium, a mood-stabilizing drug

Neuroprotective Effects of Low-dose Lithium in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis




About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.