




Kratom is a plant that has three main types- white vein, red vein, green vein.  It relieves pain by activating the opiate receptors like opiates & opioids do. It doesn’t appear to cause respiratory depression like the opiates, but causes tolerance & addiction like the opiates.


Kratom can also reduce anxiety, increase mood & increase energy.


Red kratom helps pain & sleep the most.  The red maeng da strain may be the strongest against pain at this time.


White kratom helps mood & energy the most.


Green kratom strains can have some of both.


Yellow kratom is white processed in a way that makes the effects long lasting.


Within each color strain are variants that can have almost every combination of strength in mood, energy, painkilling, sedation & anxiety relief.


Some kratom strains can have very little opiate effect & may be less addicting.  Some can increase concentration & focus in small (micro) doses.




About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.