




Kava is a supplement at natural food stores & online that has all the benefits of alcohol/benzodiazepenes without the negatives.

Hundreds of kava bars patrons in the USA & around the world use tea from the kava plant leaves for all the social relaxation of alcohol but with cognitive enhancement rather than poisoning (from alcohol’s metabolite aldehydes).  Kava works on the same brain receptors with the same antianxiety & sleep (when taken in bed) benefits but without the addiction, hangover, memory loss, tolerance problems of alcohol.

People using kava see an enhanced cognitive benefit & retain emotional sensitivity to others & have reduced / no aggression vs alcohol’s increased aggression.

As kava does increase muscle relaxation & with large enough amounts may reduce reaction time, everyone taking any intoxicant should take a minute before using and touch their nose, stand on one foot to determine their pre-inebriation motor coordination & do it again before driving if there is any question of still being affected by any inebriant.

Kava in over 30 studies appears to help against over 80% of cancers.

Efficacy of kava extract for treating anxiety: systematic review and meta-analysis

Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the acetonic kava-kava extract

The protective effects of Kava (Piper Methysticum) constituents in cancers: A systematic review



About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.