

80% of people with torn ligaments get osteoarthritis


Anti-inflammatories with low side effects may help prevent further tissue & cartilage damage after injury


Alpha lipoic acid

Turmeric with black pepper or ginger





DMSO (topical)


DMSO is a very strong topical anti-inflammatory which will also carry other anti-inflammatories like alpha lipoic acid that is mixed with it into the body.  The DMSO store has pharma grade DMSO that won’t smell like garlic after use & a 70% DMSO 30% Aloe vera mix (prevents drying) for when not using DMSO as a carrier for another medicine.


A2M & ligament damage

A2M is a molecule which inhibits proteases like trypsin, thrombin and collagenase & inflammatory cytokines to reduce post injury inflammation & prevent cartilage breakdown after tissue injury & torn ligaments & tendons. Because it doesn’t get in high enough levels to the site of ligament & tendon injuries, it can be concentrated from plasma & injected directly into the site of the tissue damage to prevent osteoporosis later.  Pain is a good indicator of fibronectin-aggrecan complex (FAC), but if the ligaments or tendons are torn a FAC test (FACT) will confirm the need for anti-inflammatories like A2M.


Effectiveness of Alpha-2-Macroglobulin

A2M is a broad-spectrum multi-purpose protease inhibitor with a “bait and trap” mechanism. This mechanism captures and inactivates the proteases (chemicals) which damage the joints. Once these chemicals are trapped by A2M, the body gets rid of them through natural mechanisms. A2M has been proven effective in a few studies, but because it is such a new therapy, much more research is needed.

In a study involving 40 people with discogenic (intervertebral disc-related) pain, injections of A2M were given via discography. During the procedure, patients with FACT-positive assays were more likely to show improvement in pain scores and mobility at the follow-up. The success rate as 77% and A2M has determined an efficacious biologic treatment for disco-genic pain.

If you get a test & the FACT test shows positive, you are likely to get significant relief with an A2M injection.

“Many orthopedic specialists are using A2M therapy for treatment of orthopedic problems. In a mini case series study, six patients were treated by doctors who were also candidates for knee replacement surgery. After A2M therapy, five of those were satisfied with the therapy and did not have surgery.


Abrams GD, Safran MR, Shapiro LM, et al. (20140. Fibronectin-aggrecan complex as a marker for cartilage degradation in non-arthritic hips. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 22(4):768.
Montesano PX, Cuellar JM, Scuderi GJ (2017). Intradiscal Injection of an Autologous Alpha-2Macroglobulin (A2M) Concentrate Alleviates Back Pain in FAC-Positive Patients. Ortho & Rheum, 4(2).
Scuderi GJ, Golish SR, Cook FF, Cuellar JM, et al. (2011). Identification of a novel fibronectin-aggrecan complex in the synovial fluid of knees with painful meniscal injury. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 93(4):336-340.
Wang, S., Wei, X., Zhou, J., Zhang, J., et. al. Identification of α2-Macroglobulin as a Master Inhibitor of Cartilage-Degrading Factors that Attenuates the Progression of Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 66.7 (2014): 1843-1853.”


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.