

This is not about cornering the stock market or going all in on any one investment.  This is a 10% or more hedge to what increases almost exactly with inflation so inflation doesn’t take away almost all life savings like last time.

Does,, metager privacy search engines not track people or censor the content of searches?

Is wholesale inflation is at 10% wholesale this year after 7% last year, more than for 40 years? From 1973-1981 did inflation reduce of the savings of everyone using US dollars they’d worked for over their entire life by 83%?

Has anyone not predicted a market crash once the federal reserve increased interest rates?

The last ten minutes have the recommendation, then to beginning to watch the whole thing-

Commodities Just Re-Priced In A Way That Will Change Everything | Rick Rule

This is the self proclaimed Robin Hood of Wall Street-

After the dollar collapses will it reset electronically?

Do the people in one country a year lose all their life savings? Can hyperinflation accelerate to collapse overnight?

Forbes, legendary investor says US dollar is collapsing, worst inflation in 40 years.

Last inflation like this, over 8 years 83% of all savings held in US dollars disappeared.

Who do I trust?

Do all the serious, sober, no BS financial analysts say that the dollar is going to worth nothing very soon through hyperinflation? Can happen in a 24 hour period?  Hyperinflation means peper money buys nothing. Have the wealthiest just moved the rest of their money to precious meta;ls like silver & to bitcoin?

What is so special about physically owning an investment like metals?

Do metals keep  their value because they are useful as metals melted down & used in products vs paper money which is useful to burn for heat after hyperinflation (look up videos)?

Look what happened when inflation was up 83% from 1973-1981? Did people who moved during high inflation to precious metals lose 83% of their life savings or do metals (owning the metal, not paper ETFs) go up with inflation?

Gold & silver during inflation

Gold & silver increased value as the dollar dropped 83% during last hyperinflation-


Who care the most

Of all the people I’ve studied, the people at wealthion have been about not losing everything when investing rather than making a killing on the stock market.  Chris at Peak Performance has talked about gardening, social wealth, having skills etc. We all may have no money in a day from now or a week from now. But if we invest in an assett that will keep its value, we will have something we can trade for food & fuel & life necessities.

All recorded history including Roman times

Has the only assets that has kept its value through the hundreds of currencies that have hyperinflated & are gone are physical ownership of commodities like metals?  Food grains are usually traded on paper & people don’t really store the massive quantities of them. Paper has no real tangible value, just whatever people agree the paper is worth. Precious metals are precious because they are used in so many products and can be kept in a storage vault & on the person or in the house, safe deposit box, etc.


I don’t like the idea of having to prepare for a great depression, but feel lucky to have the opportunity of good guidance & foresight from the caring people who’s information I study. I don’t play the stock market, but will invest in metals now. I don’t like how gold is mined, paladium in inflated because of the Ukraine conflict. Silver has kept its value during the wipeout of currencies from Roman times till now, including 100 that hyperinflated over the last 300 years.

Business always take silver when paper currency hyperinflates

Shop owners always learn how to take & sell silver & it becomes a currency during hyperinflation much preferred over paper money. Gold is too expensive so no one carries $2000 gold coins to the grocery stores.  Wealthion has the links to the companies that make it & store it. People usually buy the bars for storage then silver coins (very high premium now) or fractional silver bars like at 1/10 oz or 1 gram to pay for goods because 1 oz my be far to expensive to get change on.

IRAs & 401ks

They can invest IRAs & 401ks into metals as well. Just call the companies & take notes. Stocking up on foods ^& basics is essential as well.

Helping people

We can all pray & have gratitude & compassion for each other in times of need & help as meny people as we can 🙂


No one wants US dollars?

The article above explains why analysts are saying no country & people are going to buy US debt now that inflation is out of control.

Another article said Saudi Arabia is considering moving to other currencies.

That happens before very quick hyperinflation, sometimes overnight to zero value.

Buying metals, my experience

Another person is Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity trusts American Hartford for metals purchasing (& storing). People buy 1oz or 100oz silver usually for storage.  For local usage if needed in stores buying fractionated silver (less than 1 oz), like 1 gram can be useful for using it locally because change in dollars will lose value quickly, so smaller denominations will save value.

Adam Taggert (Chis & Him have been in Peak Prosperity for years together) trusts Hard Assetts alliance for metals puchase & storage or at least referrals.

What storage facitilites?

The company that stores the bars or rounds somewhere in the US or another country to diversify location in case of confiscation may be different from the company to buy the 1 gram silver bars from that get delivered for personal safekeeping locally. If no extra price or not much storing the bars in multiple countries may be safer than just one especially if it can be sold back to the same company without having to have it delivered anywhere first. Chris’s American Hartford says it will very likely buy the metal they arrange for you back and will match prices.

Costs to save thousands

When choosing a company, how much they charge for the metal/item above the spot price is a consideration, & how much they will buy it back for.  If the difference is less than a dollar for sell price to buyback, that may save thousands.  Great if they match prices.  The cost for processing the application & storage fees are often waved for 1 to 2 years but aren’t as important as the buying cost & how much they will buyback for.  Ask for all fees & costs up front.

Diversifying even if have a favorite

Most say to diversify holdings, so any commodity (metals are easiest) that can be stored safely & keeps value and as importantly is recognized as keeping value AND will be accepted by stores is essential if online banking isn’t always available.

Even is thinking silver is best, 5% or 10% can go to other metals/

It is later than we think

Watching the takeover of money in the article above, the time may be quicker than we know.

We can also spend our money on things we know we can use to help people.

Closeness of storage

Where are the storage facilities? The only ones around here I can find are from ones that use Brinks. Brinks has one in Jackson, Ohio about Bloomington’s lattitude and one in Springville, IL, closer to Indianapolis latitude, a long drive for each. They can deliver on demand instead of pickup.

Using in stores

Most suggest bars or rounds that have closest to spot silver price and very close buyback price for storage in vaults, and for direct store purchases either easily recognized silver coins or stamped 1 gram bars that the selling company can explain how store owners can validate them easily (bringing a scale helps) as its very difficult to get the weight right of silver and the appearance and sound. Real silver is shiny & most people can tell it apart from fakes without knowing why they know. Same for the ringing sound when tapping (without damaging) together. If it’s clearly real silver than the stamp of purity is likely accurate and store owners should accept it. Some shy away from numbers & royals/politicianbs & go with coins like the Australian symphony or Original American & Buffalo rounds because American Eagle coins have a 50% premium and a larger loss when sold back/cashingo out.

Local storage

How much to keep local? How much is hideable & defensible? Most survivalists who’ve studied the past say hiding little bits here & there can be better than a crackable safe unless flooring is cut out & it is put into the foundation then cemented over. Burying it works if no cameras or people are watching (night all dark clothing) & people own a lot of woods & can look up what gives away freshly dug areas.

Safe deposit boxes are part of many people’s mixes, but the contract needs to be read to see if the gov or bank can confiscate the items if it goes bankrupt.

Can the gov take our money? They just did in Canada for anyone who protested or helped protestors or was caught somewhere in the middle. Don’t believe in their cause? No cause is safe if the government can take the money of people who protest the government! That means zero property rights. So many people prepping for the disorder caused by financial depression don’t trust anything not in their sight or control.

I wish to work for the life, health, freedom (choice) & happiness of all. I have been lately working to see a C & G on the chest of everyone I interact with & myself even on the phone to remind myself to have compassion & gratitude for all of us.


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.