Heart health


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Heart health


What may hurt:


        Refined “vegetable oils”- heated polyunsaturated fats

        High fructose corn syrup

        Refined grains- white wheat flour, white rice

     MNRA spike protein exposure or manufacture in the body

Commercial tobacco smoking products

        PPIs & H2 blockers like omeprazole (used for reflux/GERD)

        high iron levels

        NSAIDs (except aspirin)

BPA in cans & plastics




Prescription drugs that may hurt:


Ezetimibe (Zetia)



Noncentrally active ACE inhibitors-

benaza Lotensin

enala Vasotec

quina Accupril


Liphilic beta blockers:

metoprolol- anticholinergic


Non-selective β1/β2 beta blockers-


carvedilol (Coreg) may also cause impotence

labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate)

nadolol (Corgard)

penbutolol (Levatol)

pindolol ‎(Visken)

propranolol (Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL)

sotalol (Betapace, Sorine, Betapace AF)

timolol (Timoptic, Betimol, Timoptic-xe)

atenolol (Tenormin)- anticholinergic


Thiazide diuretics-

chlorothiazide (Diuril)

chlorthalidone (Hygroton)

methyclothiazide (Enduron)

metolazone (Zaroxolyn, Diulo, Mykrox)

hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Microzide)


Loop diuretics (also brain damage)-

torsemide (Demadex)

furosemide (Lasix)

bumetanide (Bumex)

ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)



Angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs)

olmesartan (Benicar)

ARBs + beta blockers + ACE inhibitors

ARBs + ACE inhibitors


Calcium channel blockers-

Nifedipine (Procardia)


Periodontal disease


Calcium channel blockers (especially with congestive heart failure)

Amlodipine (Norvasc)

Felodipine (Plendil)

Nicardipine (Cardene)

Diltiazem (Cardizem, Tiazac)


Nifedipine (Procardia) increases sun sensitivity & lip (and possibly skin) cancer

Nisoldipine (Sular)

Verapamil (Calan, Verelan, Covera-HS)


What may help in order of effectiveness:


Eating all organic (avoid hundreds of toxins in everyday food)

Cooking only with organic unrefined coconut oil, organic grass fed cow ghee, butter, lard (everything else has polyunsaturated fat turns into formaldehyde when heated)

Alpha lipoic acid 600mg at wakeup & before or after a meal per 200lbs for diabetes (1 month) & heart disease (4 months)

Daily sun exposure or vitamin D3- 1.25 mg (50K IU) 2x/week (if 200lbs) under the tongue (liquid, lozenge or pop open capsule) or swallowed with a fatty meal (fat soluble) & with a cup of dark leafy greens has magnesium, bioavailable calcium, zinc, boron, vitK1 we can make into vitK2 all essential to help vitamin D3 clean arteries of calcium & build bone.

Half a baby aspirin before bed, upon wakening in morning, & middle of day- more increases bleeding risk (if suspected heart attack or stroke then full aspirin under tongue/chewed).


Strophanthus (Ouabain) extract drops under tongue through day, when symptoms or during heart attack as recommended by European & American cardiologists (see Dr Thomas Cowan)


Brushing gums then teeth with a few drops of safer, concentrated dental iodine (like Iorinse) to stop hidden periodontal disease (3D cone xray may show)


Organic extra virgin olive oil from one country added before serving (no heating/cooking)


MCT oil (1/4ts-1ts every few hours or with every meal increases energy)


        Hibiscus sabdariffa tea


Organic cocoa / dark chocolate or no sugar bakers chocolate melted with stevia, monk fruit, allulose, erithrytol or organic raw honey added


Probiotics with or at end of last meal of night


        Organic frozen ground flaxseed


Magnesium- essential for heart & makes vitamin D3 5x more effective


Sustained release methyl vitamin B complex


Glucomannan fiber




Vitamin K2 (if not gotten in organic natto or dark leafy green K1->K2)

Spirulina with a vegetable source of all DHA & EPA fish oil

Cordyceps mushroom

Medicinal mushroom mix

Hawthorn berry

Coenzyme Q/CoQ10/ubiquinol

L-carnitine- physical & cognitive energy & mood

Mulberry leaf extract

Organic celery

L-arginine- opens up arteries




Lecithin liposomal vitamin C

Sauna- every day of use increases longevity


Peritoneal dialysis instead of hemodialysis significantly slows the progression of congestive heart failure

Peppers (unless autoimmune disease)

Turmeric w/black pepper

Organic brown rice instead of white rice

Olive leaf

Horse chestnut

Prescription drugs that may help-



Centrally active ACE inhibitors


fosinopril (Monopril)

ramipril (Altace)

trandolapril (Mavik)

perindopril (Aceon)


β1-selective beta blockers-


nebivolol (Bystolic) apparently safest by far, high dose for panic attacks & explosive disorder

acebutolol (Sectral)

betaxolol (Kerlone, Betoptic)

bisoprolol (Zebeta)

esmolol (Brevibloc)

Thiazide diuretic-


Indapamide (Lozol)

other thiazide diuretics may increase diabetes

Potassium-sparing diuretics-

triamterene (Dyrenium)


eplerenone (Inspra)

spironolactone (Aldactone)



What may help a little:



selective α1-adrenoceptor antagonists




doxazosin (Cardura) (may help benign prostatic hyperplasia, nightmares, and/or night terrors)

alfuzosin (Uroxatral)

tamsulosin (Flomax) (also may help enlarged prostate)

non-selective antagonists



Centrally acting α2-adrenoceptor agonists-clonidine Catapres- can change pupil dilation & dry eyes




Angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs)

iscandesartan (Atacand) may be the safest

telmisartan Micardis

irbesartan Avapro

losartan Cozaar g

eprosartan Teveten

valsartan Diovan (60% more effective if taken before bedtime)


Congestive heart failure, heart disease, blood pressure, heart attack, cholesterol, stroke


Congestive heart failure (CHF) & heart disease


Women & strokes


Risk factors




Oral contraception

Hormone replacement therapy




High blood pressure & smoking are risk factors for men as well.


OSU WMC, Columbus


Smoking and strokes


Women who smoke over 20 cigarettes a day had more than 800% more strokes in one study, while men had only 276% more.


Sex, Smoking, and Risk for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Joni Valdemar Lindbohm, Jaakko Kaprio, Pekka Jousilahti, Veikko Salomaa, Miikka Korja


Stroke. 2016;STROKEAHA.116.012957


Stroke treatment


tPA treatment has a higher risk of hemorrhage than an aspirin under the toungue.  What may cut stroke death risk almost in half with large clots is a thrombectomy with a stent-retriever to remove the clot up to 24 hours after the stroke.  If the stroke patient is a candidate for thrombectomy a capable stroke center may be found at strokecenter.org/trials/centers.


Sameer Ansari, MD NM.org



JACC 2/26/18


Periodontal disease


Periodontal disease can invade the heart & appears to cause heart attack deaths, cancer, Alzheimer’s & other diseases by the amount of bacteria found post-mortem.  Most periodontal disease appears to be from root canals & pulling teeth without pulling the ligament attached.  These leave dead tissue & infection which is detectable with a 3D cone xray & treatable with ozone to kill bacteria & red laser to rebuild enamel or dental high elemental/molecular iodine (like Iorinse) with a few drops brushed on gums then teeth & a red coated chicken warming infrared light (like from Rural King for $6 & $9 safety cover clamp lamp) four minutes every eight hours at earliest.


Bisphenol A (BPA)

BPA is a chemical added to plastics and cans that affects hormones & other body systems.  BPA exposure significantly appears to significantly raise blood pressure, angina, hypertension, heart attack, coronary and peripheral arterial disease, obesity, & diabetes & cause significant fetal, childhood, & adult developmental & reproductive problems.

Eating food from just one can lined with EPA raises blood levels 1000%.


JAMA. 2011 Nov 23;306(20):2218-20. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.1721.

Canned soup consumption and urinary bisphenol A: a randomized crossover trial.

Carwile JL, Ye X, Zhou X, Calafat AM, Michels KB.


Heated plastics often leach chemicals even more toxic than BPA.




Environ Health. 2015 May 31;14:46. doi: 10.1186/s12940-015-0036-5.

Bisphenol A and the risk of cardiometabolic disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis of the epidemiological evidence.

Rancière F et al.


Reprod Toxicol. 2013 Dec;42:132-55. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2013.08.008. Epub 2013 Aug 30.

Bisphenol A and human health: a review of the literature.

Rochester JR


Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014 Aug 15;11(8):8399-413. doi: 10.3390/ijerph110808399.

Impact of bisphenol a on the cardiovascular system – epidemiological and experimental evidence and molecular mechanisms.

Gao X, Wang HS


Int J Mol Sci. 2012;13(8):10143-53. doi: 10.3390/ijms130810143. Epub 2012 Aug 15.

Epigenetic effects of environmental chemicals bisphenol A and phthalates.

Singh S, Li SS.


Exposure to Bisphenol A From Drinking Canned Beverage Increases Blood Pressure

Sanghyuk Bae, Yun-Chul Hong

doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.0426


Hypertension. 2012 Sep;60(3):786-93. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.197715. Epub 2012 Jul 30.

Associations of bisphenol A exposure with heart rate variability and blood pressure.

Bae S, Kim JH, Lim YH, Park HY, Hong YC.


Curr Hypertens Rep. 2016 Feb;18(2):11. doi: 10.1007/s11906-015-0617-2.

Bisphenol A, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular Diseases: Epidemiological, Laboratory, and Clinical Trial Evidence.

Han C, Hong YC


BPA exposure in cans raises blood pressure.






TMAO test- people with high levels of TMAO in one study had 600% more heart attacks or strokes in the next month than people with low levels.


Gut microbiota-dependent trimethylamine N-oxide in acute coronary syndromes: a prognostic marker for incident cardiovascular events beyond traditional risk factors

Xinmin S. Li et al.

European Heart Journal (2017) 0, 1–11





Hi Michiana,
Here’s what affects the heart rate.
Low magnesium
Great to get a lot of nutrients from organic kale or baby greens (mix).



Having higher levels of free thyroxine (FT4), often indicative of hyperthyroidism, may double the rate of calcified coronary arteries and the risk of stroke & heart attack.  Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may be weight loss, increased heart rate, insomnia, muscle weakness & anxiety.

Avoid BPA in metal cans

Hypertension. 2012 Sep;60(3):786-93. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.197715. Epub 2012 Jul 30.

Associations of bisphenol A exposure with heart rate variability and blood pressure.

Bae S, Kim JH, Lim YH, Park HY, Hong YC.

Hyperthyroid can be an autoimmune disease.  Raising vitamin D3 levels above 150ng/ml by taking 1.25mg/50K IU under the tongue or with a meal appears to reduce autoimmune symptoms by 95%.
Vagal maneuvers
Engaging the vagal nerve appears to be able to lower the heart rate when too high.  The easiest appears to be to blow on something but keep the mouth closed to almost blow or blow very slowly.
One that is not on their list but may be strongest is putting a massager very lightly on the zyphoid process (where the ribcage meets at the bottom of the sternum).  That also puts us into a parasympathetic mode & is very, very relaxing.  Amazon has hand held lithium rechargeable massagers for $15 & Party City in Merrillville for $7.
Acupuncture & acupressure may help to reduce tachycardia.


alienherbalist.com search Heart


Hawthorn berry, 120 to 240 milligrams twice per day or one or two berries in 8 ounces of water as a tea, saffron, ginger motherwort, corydalis, valerian, Sophora/Ku shen, skullcap, arjuna, and lady’s slipper may all help tachycardia.





Having higher levels of free thyroxine (FT4), often indicative of hyperthyroidism, may double the rate of calcified coronary arteries and the risk of stroke & heart attack.  Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may be weight loss, increased heart rate, insomnia, muscle weakness & anxiety.


Thyroid Function and the Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality: The Rotterdam Study

Arjola Bano, Layal Chaker, Francesco U Mattace-Raso, Aad van der Lugt, M Arfan Ikram, Oscar H Franco, Robin P Peeters and Maryam Kavousi

Circulation Research. 2017;CIRCRESAHA.117.311603, originally published October 31, 2017



BLP 39, 6 3/15/18 p1


Insulin & blood sugar drive heart disease


High insulin levels, which may rise for years before they result in high blood sugar, are the main cause of arterial plaque and vessel blockages.  So using diabetes treatments should be the most effective against heart disease.


Atherosclerosis is a vascular stem cell disease caused by insulin

Traunmüller, Friederike

Medical Hypotheses , Volume 116 , 22 – 27


Women vs men & heart disease


Women are more likely to have coronary microvascular disease, which is damage to the small arteries of the heart.  Men are more likely to have blocked coronary arteries, detected with an angiogram.  Women may need an intravascular ultrasound in addition to an angiogram.


Coexisting conditions & mortality


Factors in people with heart failure significantly and independently associated with mortality included diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease, depression, cognitive impairment, and loss of function.


Murad K et al. Burden of comorbidities and functional and cognitive impairments in elderly patients at the initial diagnosis of heart failure and their impact on total mortality: The Cardiovascular Health Study. JACC Heart Fail 2015 Jul; 3:542. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jchf.2015.03.004)




Blood sugar and heart disease


Blood sugar spikes after eating (postprandial) may predict cardivascular disease death.  Lowering postprandial blood sugar may be essential in reversing heart disease deaths.


Sugar raises triglycerides & makes cholesterol more sticky & able to attach & block arteries


What may help lower blood sugar after eating & clear arteries:


avoiding sugar/high fructose corn syrup & carbohydrates without fiber


alpha lipoic acid & β-alanine which appears to reduce blood sugar & stops diabetes side effects like neuropathy


doctor prescribed metformin, which stops the progression of diabetes, reduces cancer 40%, & reduces mortality 15% (over someone with no diabetes) and supplementation with ubiquinal (a version of coQ10)/methycobalamin spray (a version of vitamin B12)/vitamin K2 which metformin lowers


Ginger before or in every meal


mulberry leaf extract before every meal


hibiscus tea before every meal


glucommanan fiber before meals


two tablespoons of vinegar (red wine best) before/during every meal, either in the ingredients (sweet & sour) or in balsamic dressings (with no sugar)


drinking a half glass of water before any other drink and before every meal


avoiding wheat which has a component that raises blood sugar as much as fructose


substituting sugar & especially fructose with stevia, monk fruit, and/or erythritol


walk or exercise right before or immediately after every meal or snack that raises blood sugar


Heart attacks and aspirin (75% reduction)


Taking half (40mg) of a baby aspirin before bedtime and half in the morning after waking up appears to reduce the chances of a second heart attack by 75% in one study with no significant increase in bleeding or ulcers.  A daily aspirin also appears to lower recidivism of all gastrointestinal cancers by 50% and breast cancer as well.


Time-dependent effects of aspirin on blood pressure and morning platelet reactivity: a randomized cross-over trial.

Bonten TN et al.

Hypertension. 2015 Apr;65(4):743-50. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.114.04980. Epub 2015 Feb 17.


Are most heart attacks in the morning because of dehydration?


“When you drink water?

A lot of people say they don’t like drinking water before bed so they don’t have to get up at night to go to the bathroom.

I didn’t know, but it’s interesting…

I asked my cardiologist because people should pee so much at night. His answer was:

When a person is seated, the force of gravity retains the water at the bottom of his body.

This is why the legs tend to swell up.

When you go to bed, the lower part of your body is looking for a balance with your kidneys.

So the kidneys remove the water along with the waste, because that is the most propitious moment.

Water is essential to eliminate waste from its body.

I asked the cardiologist what the most favorable time to drink water.

He replied: water must be watered at the most precise moments so that its effectiveness within the body is maximum.

2 glasses of water shortly after the alarm clock activates the internal organs.

1 Glass of water 30 minutes before each meal improves digestion.

1 Glass of water before taking a bath (or two) decreases blood pressure.

1 Glass of water before bed, avoid a stroke or heart attack.

Drinking water before bed avoids having leg cramps during the night.

When there’s cramps, the muscles in the legs are looking for water and humidity.”


Aspirin for blood clots


Taking 100mg of aspirin once daily for two years appeared to reduce blood clots by 42% in one study.  Taking aspirin twice daily may approach the effectiveness of warfarin or Clopidogrel (Plavix), and aspirin has anti-inflammatory/antipain & anticancer benefits as well.  Aspirin is also especially effective against heart attacks when taken before bed & upon awakening.


The safest way that appears to prevent bleeding the most is a half a baby aspirin before bed and half a baby aspirin upon waking up.



Circulation. 2014;130:1031-1033




Heart attacks


Injected glatiramer acetate given for a couple months after a heart attack reduced scarring to minimal & improved blood flow 30% in rats & mice.



Pycnogenol to prevent deep vein thromobosis


Taking pycnogenol appears to be more effective than than compression stockings for leg/ankle swelling & leg pain and far better tolerated both for long term DVT prevention & during long flights or car rides.


Prevention of post thrombotic syndrome with Pycnogenol® in a twelve month study.

Panminerva Med. 2011 Sep;53(3 Suppl 1):21-7.


Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/post-thrombotic-syndrome

CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/dvt/data.html

Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/deep-vein-thrombosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352557







Warfarin (Coumadin)


Warfarin is used to prevent blood clots, but needs expensive weekly monitoring.  Warfarin is an anticholinergic that may cause dementia symptoms & increases mortality (early death).  It may cause greater internal bleeding in women than men.





Aspirin vs warfarin


Warfarin was no better than aspirin in one study at preventing deaths in people with heart failure, and aspirin is far cheaper both in cost & because it doesn’t require expensive weekly monitoring. It also has a beneficial anti-inflammatory pain killing benefit warfarin doesn’t.


Warfarin and Aspirin in Patients with Heart Failure and Sinus Rhythm

Shunichi Homma et al.

N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1859-1869May 17, 2012DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1202299


Clopidogrel (Plavix)


Clopidogrel has not been found significantly better than aspirin for preventing heart attacks or strokes, and can increase deaths from bleeding.  Clopidogrel may increase heart attacks if blood pressure or LDL cholesterol is high.  It appears to be especially deadly when given with aspirin.


Effects of Clopidogrel Added to Aspirin in Patients with Recent Lacunar Stroke

The SPS3 Investigators

N Engl J Med 2012; 367:817-825August 30, 2012DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1204133





Dabigatran (Pradaxa)

Dabigatran is prescribed to prevent clots & stroke from atrial fibrillation or recurrent clots after hip or knee replacement. Dabigatran increased gastrointestinal bleeding/upset & bleeding around the spine & brain.  It is dangerous in people with mechanical prosthetic heart valves.  It increases heart attacks & GERD. Dabigatran was reported by doctors to the FDA as having cause 2x as many adverse events & deaths as warfarin & more than any other drug in 2011.  Dabigatran needs to be withdrawn slowly & with aspirin or another blood thinner to prevent rebound stroke.

Pradaxa Bleeding Complications

Pradaxa Adverse Event Reports Indicate Numerous Bleeding-Related Deaths



Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)


PPIs are used to treat GERD/acid reflux, lowering acid in the stomach.  They may cause heart disease/heart attack deaths and increase pneumonia by 300%, deadly c-difficile infections (CDI), dementia, cancer and kidney failure.  H2 blockers also lower acid and may have the same problems as PPIs.  D-limonene from orange peels, DGL licorice, mastic gum, slippery elm, and/or marshmallow root may help without the possibly deadly side effects of the PPIs or H2 blockers.


Proton Pump Inhibitor Usage and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in the General Population

Nigam H. Shah  , Paea LePendu , Anna Bauer-Mehren, Yohannes T. Ghebremariam, Srinivasan V. Iyer, Jake Marcus, Kevin T. Nead, John P. Cooke, Nicholas J. Leeper

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124653


DPP-4 inhibitors for diabetes increase heart failure except sitagliptin, which was no better than placebo over three years at preventing heart failure.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1501352


What may help:


Vitamin D3


Taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 with a meal or vegetable oil (fat soluble) may prevent & treat congestive heart failure, at least in part by reducing blood pressure & reducing the calcification of the arteries (& building bone).


Vitamin D supplementation improves cytokine profiles in patients with congestive heart failure: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Stefanie S Schleithoff, Armin Zittermann, Gero Tenderich, Heiner K Berthold, Peter Stehle, and Reiner Koerfer

Am J Clin Nutr April 2006 vol. 83 no. 4 754-759


Bone Mass, Vitamin D Deficiency, and Hyperparathyroidism in Congestive Heart Failure

Elizabeth Shane, MD, , Donna Mancini, MD, Keith Aaronson, MD, Shonni J. Silverberg, MD, Markus J. Seibel, MD, Vicki Addesso, Donald J. McMahon, MS

The American Journal of Medicine

Volume 103, Issue 3, September 1997, Pages 197â  207


Low vitamin D status: a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of congestive heart failure?

Armin Zittermann, PhD; Stefanie Schulze Schleithoff; Gero Tenderich, MD; Heiner K Berthold, MD, PhD; Reiner Körfer, MD; Peter Stehle, PhD

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;41(1):105-112. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(02)02624-4


Vitamin D insufficiency in congestive heart failure: Why and what to do about it?

Armin Zittermann, Stefanie S. Schleithoff, Reiner Koerfer

Heart Failure Reviews

March 2006, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 25-33


Association of Vitamin D Deficiency with Heart Failure and Sudden Cardiac Death in a Large Cross-Sectional Study of Patients Referred for Coronary Angiography

Stefan Pilz, Winfried März, Britta Wellnitz, Ursula Seelhorst, Astrid Fahrleitner-Pammer, Hans P. Dimai, Bernhard O. Boehm, and Harald Dobnig

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Volume 93, Issue 10

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1210/jc.2008-0784


Ouabain (prescription drug) & strophanthus extract


Ouabain is a drug synthesized from the plant strophanthus that used to be prescribed to most people with heart problems.  Ouabain fell out of favor to newer, more expensive drugs and is no longer prescribed but a liquid extract of strophanthus seeds is currently being used by more & more European (& German) cardiac clinics to treat heart problems.


One reason that Ouabain fell out of favor was because it was thought to have too much absorption variability when taken orally. The liquid strophanthus plant extract being used now is taken sublingually (under the toungue) and appears to have a much more reliable effect than was suggested when Ouabain was taken orally.


Ouabain use was also reduced by confusion about its relation to digitalis (both heart glycosides), a medicine limited because it inhibits (slows) the sodium pump. People assumed that Ouabain was the same, but both Ouabain & the current strophanthus extract has the opposite effect on the sodium pump as digitalis.  Ouabain & strophanthus extract in low doses appears to stimulate the sodium pump, which may be why strophanthus is so effective against heart attack & angina.


Strophanthus stops angina & heart attacks


Strophanthus extract appears to be very effective in stopping both angina symptoms and the progression of & reducing the damage from myocardial infarction (heart attack).  Strophanthus extract also appears to improve microcirculation of the blood as well as aspirin or Plavix without increasing bleeding and to stop heart muscle lactic acid buildup that leads to heart attacks, converting it to pyruvate.


When strophanthus extract is taken sublingually (under the toungue) it appears to reduce angina & heart attack symptoms & damage within minutes consistently.  People taking it daily as a preventative and to treat congestive heart failure usually start by using a drop at a time under the tongue without swallowing for five minutes, increasing the number of drops per day throughout the day slowly until they find the dose that works best for them.


Because strophanthus extract appears to reduce angina, stop myocardial infarctions, thin the blood, and stop heart muscle lactic acid buildup all with low side effects when used sublingually, it may be essential to keep around for anyone with heart problems both for prevention & in case of a myocardial infarction.


Strophanthus & high blood pressure


Strophanthus appears to help reduce high blood pressure and lower the oxygen needs of the heart, improving respiration without the side effects of the beta blockers.


Strophanthus extract is produced in a compound pharmacy in Germany & one in South America.  Here in the US it is available from a doctor:


Thomas S. Cowan, MD

661 Chenery Street

San Francisco, CA



Fax : (415) 334-1014

Front Desk: (415) 334-1010


Dr. Cowan believes that most of the heart’s action is to diffuse the blood (it easily gets around even complete blockages), that blockages are the source of a small percentage of heart attacks, and that a decreased parasympathetic tone is the key..


He cites autopsy studies that find 82% of deadly heart attacks don’t occur at a blocked artery, and studies that find 66% of 50 yr old accident victims have at least one major coronary artery blocked by 90% or more with no reported symptoms.


Instead he suggests that a decreased parasympathetic tone caused by diabetes (along with decreased circulation, also with smoking), high blood pressure, long term stress and an immediate emotional, psychological, or physical stressor puts people in danger.  The body shifts from burning fat to glycolytic fermentation of sugar, which creates lactic acid. That lactic acid causes pain & cramps labeled angina.  Simple carbs may speed this process.


Unlike most muscles the heart cannot stop to get rid of the lactic acid, causing metabolic acidosis, calcium deficiency, & heart tissue damage & difficulty contracting.  Clots are then a result of the pressure from the no longer moving blood in the arteries as it builds up.


Dr. Cowan believes that strophanthus is so effective by improving the action of the parasympathetic nervous system and by converting lactic acid to pyruvate, used for energy.  It was the main treatment for angina & heart attack prevention for 20 years in Germany.  It was so reliable a treatment that when people didn’t respond doctors knew that they did not have heart problems, called the strophanthus challenge test.


He also believes in Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) instead of bypass (if no proximal left anterior descending (LAD) obstruction).   One hours sessions of thigh & calve compression cuffs syncronized with EKG appears to create thousands of new capillaries, especially useful for heart failure and diastolic dysfunction. It lasts 5-8yrs, and may increase physical endurance & sexual function by 30%.  EECP is covered by insurance for angina.




Strophanthus hispidus attenuates the Ischemia-Reperfusion induced myocardial Infarction and reduces mean arterial pressure in renal artery occlusion

Rohit Gundamaraju et al.Pharmacogn Mag. 2014 Aug; 10(Suppl 3): S557–S562.

doi:  10.4103/0973-1296.139782


AGBAJE, E O; FAGEYINBO, M S. Evaluating Anti-Inflammatory activity of aqueous root extract of Strophanthus hispidus DC. (Apocynaceae). International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 7-14, jan. 2012. ISSN 1940-6223. Available at: <http://www.ijarnp.org/index.php/ijarnp/article/view/87>. Date accessed: 16 jan. 2018.


Biol Pharm Bull. 2005 Dec;28(12):2319-22.

Cardioprotective activity of alcoholic extract of Tinospora cordifolia in ischemia-reperfusion induced myocardial infarction in rats.

Rao PR1, Kumar VK, Viswanath RK, Subbaraju GV.


Ouabain – the insulin of the heart

  1. Fürstenwerth

lnt J Clin Pract, November 2010, 64, 12, 1591-1594

doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2010.02395.x


Effect of Strophanthus on Coronary Blood Flow and Cardiac Oxygen Consumption of Normal and Failing Human Hearts


Circulation. 1950;2:513-516

doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.2.4.513


Alpha 2 Na+,K+-ATPase silencing induces loss of inflammatory response and ouabain protection in glial cells

Paula F. Kinoshita, Lidia M. Yshii, Ana Maria M. Orellana, Amanda G. Paixão, Andrea R. Vasconcelos, Larissa de Sá Lima, Elisa M. Kawamoto & Cristoforo Scavone

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 4894 (2017)



Ouabain – the possible victory over the myocardial infarction” by Rolf-Jürgen Petry














Olive oil


Olives or organic extra virgin olive oil appears to help reduce heart disease significantly, especially if used uncooked.


Organic extra virgin olive oil from one country (others are often faked or cut with less health oils) appears to help reverse heart disease more than just lowering total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol as well.


Here is the California Olive Oil Council certified oils:




Cocoa  & the heart


Organic cocoa has theobromine and has been found in multiple studies over the last 15 years to clean the arteries, reduce blood pressure, lower insuline resistance, reduce heart disease and lower mortality.  The greatest flavenols are with organic cocoa, and dark chocolate from Endangered Species, Ghirardelli, and Lindt.




Cocoa flavanol consumption improves cognitive function, blood pressure control, and metabolic profile in elderly subjects: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Study—a randomized controlled trial

Daniela Mastroiacovo et al.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 101, Issue 3, 1 March 2015, Pages 538–548,https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.114.092189


Cocoa and the brain


Eating dark or sugar free chocolate appears to increase visual spatial memory & organization, working memory, scanning, tracking, abstract reasoning, & performance in the mini-mental state examination in one study over five years and nearly 1000 people independent of age, education, heart health, & diet.  Eating chocolate appears to improve cognitive performance (even in Alzheimer’s & dementia), reduce mental fatigue, and improve mood.



Volume 100, 1 May 2016, Pages 126-132

Chocolate intake associated with better cognitive function: The Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study

Georgina E.Crichton, Merrill F.Elias, Ala’aAlkerwi



J Psychopharmacol. 2010 Oct;24(10):1505-14. doi: 10.1177/0269881109106923. Epub 2009 Nov 26.

Consumption of cocoa flavanols results in acute improvements in mood and cognitive performance during sustained mental effort.

Scholey AB, French SJ, Morris PJ, Kennedy DO, Milne AL, Haskell CF.


Smith, H.J., Gaffan, E.A. & Rogers, P.J. Psychopharmacology (2004) 176: 412. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-004-1898-3

Methylxanthines are the psycho-pharmacologically active constituents of chocolate




Non Dutch/alkalyzed cocoa & chocolate only


Dutching/alkalyzing cocoa can reduce its health & heart improving phenol content by 92%.  Organic, nonDutch/nonalkalyzed cocoa has the highest phenol content.


When mixing cocoa for a chocolate drink, avoid milk & sugar to get the greatest heart benefit.  Stevia, monk fruit, & erythritol appear to be the safest noncaloric sweeteners.


Cocoa increases hdl, slowsLDL oxidation, cleans arteries, prevents cardiac deaths, stops aging skin, skin cancer & prevents sunburns, reverses chronic fatigue, & prevents diabetes & extends life.  Two studies, one by Harvard med school dark chocolate improved blood flow & mental performance in elderly, another study helped people with mild cognitive impairment.


How often to eat?


For cognitive benefit, heart benefit, & to help stop type II diabetes, a measured amount of dark/sugarfree cocoa/chololate can be ingested every two to three hours. Doing this provides a cognitive boost throughout the day, helps clean out the heart, and and reduces often to zero the cravings for sweets, cakes, & cookies that worsen diabetes.


Sugar free chocolate/cocoa


Besides cocoa sweetened with your choice of stevia, erythritol, and/or monk fruit (all zero calories) alone or in combination, there are companies that make sugar free chocolate with erythritol.  Most people find it doesn’t have the laxative or stomach cramping effect of sorbitol, mannitol, or xylitol.  Best may be chocolate chips stored in the freezer- they last much longer in the mouth.  Not only does cocoa & sugar free chocolate (as long as they are not Dutch or alkalyzed) apparently clear the arteries, they substitute successfully for cakes & cookies for most people.


Making your own sugar free chocolate bar


Organic cocoa powder (nondutch/nonalkalized is healthiest) can be mixed with water & sweetened with stevia, monk fruit and/or erythritol, a sugar alcohol that has no calories & may not cause the problems of xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol.  When using water use the exact amount in the recipe (look online)- too much or too little doesn’t taste good.


Sugar free chocolate bars can be made far cheaper by melting Baker’s brand baking chocolate (in the baking section) and adding the right amount of stevia, monk fruit, and/or erithritol.


Nitric oxide & nasal breathing


When we breathe through the nose we appear to make 25% more nitric oxide than when breathing through the mouth.  This appears to help high blood pressure & congestive heart failure.  Shallow nose breathing also appears to increase carbon dioxide levels & reduce anxiety & asthma.  Exercising while consciously nose breathing appears to result in an increase in nose breath volume, making it easier to breathe exclusively though the nose during exercise over time.


Buteyko method


When we breathe small breaths in then out through the nose then hold our (empty) breath until we need to breath again & repeat that after 30 seconds of normal breathing again multiple times we increase our carbon dioxide levels & reduce some asthma medicine usage by 30- 50% (inhaled steroids) & some up to 90% (bronchodilators).


Beetroot juice


Beetroot juice has benefits both including & addition to nitrates that appear to significantly reduce both diastolic & systolic blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, raise HDL cholesterol & reduce LDL cholesterol, and improve exercise performance & endothelial function.  For some people it works well enough to reduce their blood pressure medications & subsequent side effects.


Acute Dietary Nitrate Intake Improves Muscle Contractile Function in Patients With Heart Failure

A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized TrialAndrew R. Coggan, Joshua L. Leibowitz, Catherine Anderson Spearie, Ana Kadkhodayan, Deepak P. Thomas, Sujata Ramamurthy, Kiran Mahmood, Soo Park, Suzanne Waller, Marsha Farmer, Linda R. Peterson


Circulation: Heart Failure. 2015;8:914-920




Adv Nutr. 2017 Nov 15;8(6):830-838. doi: 10.3945/an.117.016717. Print 2017 Nov.

The Nitrate-Independent Blood Pressure-Lowering Effect of Beetroot Juice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Bahadoran Z1, Mirmiran P2, Kabir A3, Azizi F4, Ghasemi A5.


J Nutr. 2013 Jun;143(6):818-26. doi: 10.3945/jn.112.170233. Epub 2013 Apr 17.

Inorganic nitrate and beetroot juice supplementation reduces blood pressure in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Siervo M1, Lara J, Ogbonmwan I, Mathers JC.


Eur J Nutr. 2016 Mar;55(2):451-459. doi: 10.1007/s00394-015-0872-7. Epub 2015 Mar 13.

Effects of inorganic nitrate and beetroot supplementation on endothelial function: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Lara J1, Ashor AW2,3, Oggioni C2, Ahluwalia A4, Mathers JC2, Siervo M2.


Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2012 Feb;22(1):64-71.

Nitrate supplementation’s improvement of 10-km time-trial performance in trained cyclists.

Cermak NM, Gibala MJ, van Loon LJ.




Probiotics including boulardii lower bad cholesterol & reduce heart disease and mortality.


Celery, cholesterol, blood pressure, gout, and inflammation/pain


Celery works as a beta blocker, an angiotensin-receptor blocker, and as a mild diuretic to lower blood pressure immediately, and it lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and raises HDL cholesterol to clean the arteries & reduce blood pressure even greater in the long run.  Celery may be the best single substance for lowering blood pressure. Celery seems to correct blood pressure, not just lower it.  Unlike prescription blood pressure drugs that can lower the amount of blood that gets to the brain & cause dementia if blood pressure gets to low, celery appears to only lower blood pressure to normal- not lower blood pressure in people without high blood pressure.


Celery is also a COX-2 inhibitor & major anti-inflammatory/painkiller.  Celery appears to prevent and treat gout as well as cherries do, in contrast to thiazide diuretics that can increase uric acid and cause gout.


Many people use a blender to liquify it, then add fruit & leafy greens and a little stevia to sweeten and a little veg oil to get the fat soluble nutrients benefits and for taste.


When taken in supplement form the best research is for ones that contain 85% 3nb.


Doctor Michael T. Murray has referenced many research studies on the effectiveness of celery.




Le QT and Elliott WJ: Hypotensive and hypocholesterolemic effects of celery oil may be due to BuPh. Clin Res 1991;39:173A.


Tsi D and Tan BKH: Cardiovascular pharmacology of 3-n-butylphthalide in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Phytotherapy Research 1997;11:576-82.


Le QT and Elliott WJ: Dose-response relationship of blood pressure and serum cholesterol to 3-n-butylphthalide, a component of celery oil. Clin Res 1991;39:750A.


Mimura Y, Kobayashi S, Naitoh T, Kimura I and Kimura M:The structure-activity relationship between synthetic butylidenephthalide derivatives regarding the competence and progression
of inhibition in primary cultures proliferation of mouse aorta smooth muscle cells. Biol Pharm Bull 1995;18:1203-6.


Yu SR, Gao NN, Li LL,Wang ZY, Chen Y and Wang WN:The protective effect of 3-butyl phthalide on rat brain cells.Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1988;23:656-61.


Chong ZZ and Feng YP: dl-3-n-butylphthalide improves regional cerebral blood flow after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage in rats. Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao 1999;20:509-


Chong ZZ and Feng YP: dl-3-n-butylphthalide attenuates reperfusion-induced blood-brain barrier damage after focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao


Yan CH, Feng YP and Zhang JT: Effects of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on regional cerebral blood flow in right middle cerebral artery occlusion rats. Chung Kuo Yao Li Hsueh Pao


Lin JF and Feng YP: Effect of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on delayed neuronal damage after focal cerebral ischemia and intrasynaptosomes calcium in rats.Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao


Liu XG and Feng YP: Protective effect of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on ischemic neurological damage and abnormal behavior in rats subjected to focal ischemia.Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao


Zhang LY and Feng YP: Effect of dl-3-n-butylphthalide (NBP) on life span and neurological deficit in SHRsp rats.Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1996;31:18-23.


Zheng G, Kenney PM, Zhang J and Lam KT: Chemoprevention of benzopyrene-induced forestomach cancer in mice by natural phthalides from celery oil. Nutr Cancer 1993;19:77-86.


Soundararajan S and Daunter B: Ajvine: Pilot biomedical study for pain relief in rheumatic pain. School of Medicine,The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1991-


Venkat S, Soundararajan S, Daunter B and Madhusudhan S. Use of Ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of rheumatic illness. Department of Orthopaedics, Kovai Medical Center and
Hospitals, Coimbatore, India, 1995.


Hu D, Huang XX and Feng YP: Effect of dl-3-n-butylphthalide (NBP) on purine metabolites in striatum extracellular fluid in four-vessel occlusion rats.Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao


Chong ZZ and Feng YP: Effects of dl-3-n-butylphthalide on production of TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha in rat brain during focal cerebral ischemia and reperfusion. Chung Kuo Yao Li
Hsueh Pao 1997;18:505-8.


Moghadam MH1, Imenshahidi M, Mohajeri SA. Antihypertensive effect of celery seed on rat blood pressure in chronic administration. J Med Food. 2013 Jun;16(6):558-63.




High blood pressure may often be caused by low magnesium levels.  Tests often can’t give an accurate read on magnesium deficiency.  One study found more than half of people admitted to the hospital were deficient in magnesium.  The safer forms to take may be citrate, taurate,  malate,  glycinate, chloride, carbonate, threonate.  Slow release may be most beneficial.  Magnesium “oil” may also be applied topically, and people can soak in Epsom salt, which is magnesium sulphate.



People who may be especially vulnerable to a magnesium deficiency are people who drink a lot of alcohol, who have diabetes, who are on diuretics (often for blood pressure), who do excessive exercise (like marathons), and/or who have high stress or insomnia levels.


The RDA is 310-420mg daily, and many people take 500-1000mg. Topical magnesium can be very effective for pain & cramps, especially headaches & migraines.  Topical DMSO is often used first to increase the speed of magnesium uptake.  Magnesium appears to reduce insomnia, diabetes, migraines, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, menopause symptoms, heart deaths, bone loss, anxiety, cognitive loss from Alzheimer’s.  Many diseases are associated with low magnesium like mitral valve prolapse, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, migraines, ADHD, autism, anxiety, asthma, allergies, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, muscle spasms, insomnia, twitching & tremors, swelling/edema, weak pulse, brain fog/confusion, osteoporosis



Magnesium is essential for using vitamins C & E, and along with zinc & vitamin K2 directs calcium away from the arteries & to the bones where its needed.  Good magnesium levels are essential for cognitive function.  Magnesium is very highly alkaline which helps to prevent & treat cancer taken both internally and used topically via magnesium chloride (magnesium oil).


What type of magnesium?


Magnesium citrate may help constipation.

Magnesium taurate may help blood pressure, cholesterol, and arrhythmias.

Magnesium malate & magnesium chloride may help fibromyalgia.

Magnesium glycinate may help anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

Magnesium carbonate may help heartburn, reflux, constipation, & dyspepsia.

Magnesium L-threonate may help memory & learning.

Magnesium sulfate may be very highly absorbed.

Magnesium oxide may be poorly absorbed.

Magnesium glutamate & aspartate may increase blood sugar & type II diabetes.




Vitamin B9 (folate)


High homocysteine levels (perhaps above 8 µmol/L) appear to increase cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke.  Many people (60% of the population, and 90% of people with depression) can’t use regular folate well which may contribute to high homocysteine levels.  Taking methylfolate (methyl version of vitamin B9) may increase folate blood levels 700% higher than synthetic folate and may reduce homocysteine levels much lower.  Lowering homocysteine may also reduce depression, dementia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, schizophrenia, migraines, age-related macular degeneration, and hearing loss.


What else lowers homocysteine-


vitamin B6, vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin may be best), betaine (TMG), vitamin B2, and magnesium

n-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC)

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe)


green vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables





What to avoid


the prescription drugs cholestyramine, colestipol, fenofibrate, levodopa, metformin, methotrexate, niacin, nitrous oxide, pemetrexed, phenytoin, sulfasalazine

red meat and dairy products



alcohol consumption

advancing age



Reduced B Vitamin Therapy in MTHFR C677T/A1298C Patients with Major Depressive Disorder – Clinical Response Correlates with Homocysteine Reduction: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Arnie Mech and Andrew Farah







Infrared therapy to improve mood & concentration, and reduce anxiety


Near infrared therapy (NIR-A)


Near infrared therapy bulbs around 810-830nm wavelength (look for NIR-A label) appear to increase ATP energy production in tissue- reducing inflammation, speeding up healing times of injuries, wounds, & sore muscles by penetrating up to 9 inches (23cm).  A 150W NIR-A infrared bulb can be bought for $10-$21 & used with a clampable lamp to target healing anywhere on the body 12 inches away for 15 minute applications every three hours.  It should be pointed at bare skin as it doesn’t appear to work through clothing.  Doing it more frequently or longer than 15 minutes at a time or closer than 12 inches from the lamp appears to negate the benefits.  Near infrared therapy has been used by doctors and trainers for years to increase metabolism, energy, circulation, mood, concentration, endurance, strength, recovery, flexibility and reduce eye injuries & diseases, body fat, inflammation, joint & muscle pain, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s symptoms.


NIR-A and the heart


A 150 watt infrared bulb aimed at the heart might be effective for heart problems including congestive heart failure.  The NIR-A may be most effective when used for 15 minutes every three hours pointing at bare skin 12 inches away.  Doing it for longer or more frequently may reduce the benefit greatly.


Lasers Med Sci. 2016 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]

What is the best moment to apply phototherapy when associated to a strength training program? A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial : Phototherapy in association to strength training.

Vanin AA et al.


Rojas JC, Gonzalez-Lima F. Low-level light therapy of the eye and brain. Eye and Brain. 2011;3:49–67.


J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2001 Dec;19(6):305-14.

Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on wound healing.

Whelan HT et al.


Ger Med Sci. 2006; 4: Doc05.

PMCID: PMC2703221

Influence of water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) on reduction of local fat and body weight by physical exercise

Frank Möckel et al.


J Appl Physiol (1985). 2006 Jul;101(1):283-8. Epub 2006 Apr 20.

Effect of low-level laser (Ga-Al-As 655 nm) on skeletal muscle fatigue induced by electrical stimulation in rats.

Lopes-Martins RA, Marcos RL, Leonardo PS, Prianti AC Jr, Muscará MN, Aimbire F, Frigo L, Iversen VV, Bjordal JM.


ABOU-HALA, Andréia Zarzour et al. Effects of the infrared lamp illumination during the process of muscle fatigue in rats. Braz. arch. biol. technol. [online]. 2007, vol.50, n.3, pp.403-407. ISSN 1678-4324.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1516-89132007000300006.


J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2002 Dec;42(4):438-45.

Effect of linear polarized near-infrared light irradiation on flexibility of shoulder and ankle joints.

Demura S, Yamaji S, Ikemoto Y.







Mulberry leaf extract


In one study mulberry leaf extract lowered fasting blood sugar by 27%, LDL by 30%, triglycerides by 16%, and raised HDL by 18%.  Because blood sugar increase after eating predicts heart disease mortality, cutting blood sugar after eating is important for heart health.






Fiber intake during meals lowers the risk of coronary heart disease.  Organic freshly (or frozen) ground flaxseed may be best, followed by glucommanon capsules.


Vegetable, fruit, and cereal fiber intake and risk of coronary heart disease among men.

Rimm EB et al.

JAMA. 1996 Feb 14;275(6):447-51.


Flaxseeds, heart disease & hypertension


Organic freshly ground flaxseeds appear to lower blood pressure in people with hypertension and to lower heart disease.


Rodriguez-Leyva D, Weighell W, Edel AL, Lavallee R, Dibrov E, Pinneker R, Maddaford TG, Ramjiawan B, Aliani M, Guzman R, Pierce GN. Potent antihypertensive action of dietary flaxseed in hypertensive patients. Hypertension. 2013;62(6):1081-9.


Antioxidant and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-Inhibitory Properties of a Flaxseed Protein-Derived High Fischer Ratio Peptide Mixture

Chibuike C. Udenigwe and Rotimi E. Aluko

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada

  1. Agric. Food Chem., 2010, 58 (8), pp 4762–4768

DOI: 10.1021/jf100149w



International Journal of Academic Research . Mar2013, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p72-78. 7p.

Al-Bishri, Widad M.


Glucomannan lowers triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure (and blood sugar, constipation, & weight)


Glucomannan is a fiber that comes from the root of a plant.  It had no calories, and in numerous studies has been shown to help lower blood sugar, systolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides (far more important to lower than cholesterol), constipation and weight.  The capsule (tablets are unsafe) can be taken up to an hour before a meal or the powder can be used as a thickener (like corn starch).  The strongest benefit appears to be taking 1g (two 500mg capsules) up to an hour before a meal.  Glucomannan must be taken with a full glass of water (to avoid intestinal obstruction).  It may cause an increase in gas (infrequently) the first couple of uses before the body gets used to it.


Shirataki noodles are made from glucomannan and have no calories.  They are often rinsed to get rid of a fishy smell and mixed with tofu (tofu shirataki noodles) to better simulate noodles taste.


Arvill A, Bodin L. Effect of short-term ingestion of konjac glucomannan on serum cholesterol in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995;61:585-589.


Chua M, Baldwin TC, Hocking TJ, Chan K. “Traditional uses and potential health benefits of Amorphophallus konjac K. Koch ex N.E.Br.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Mar 24;128(2):268-78.


Chen HL, Cheng HC, Wu WT, et al. Supplementation of konjac glucomannan into a low-fiber Chinese diet promoted bowel movement and improved colonic ecology in constipated adults: a placebo-controlled, diet-controlled trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2008;27:102-108


Chen HL, Sheu WH, Tai TS, et al. Konjac supplement alleviated hypercholesterolemia and hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetic subjects-a randomized double-blind trial. J Am Coll Nutr . 2003;22:36-42


Doi K. Effect of konjac fibre (glucomannan) on glucose and lipids. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995;(suppl 3):190-197.


Gallaher, DD, et al. A Glucomannan and Chitosan Fiber Supplement Decreases Plasma Cholesterol and Increases Cholesterol Excretion in Overweight Normocholesterolemic Humans. Journal of the American College of Nutrition Volume 21, Issue 5, 2002 DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2002.10719246


Gallaher, CM. et al. Cholesterol Reduction by Glucomannan and Chitosan Is Mediated by Changes in Cholesterol Absorption and Bile Acid and Fat Excretion in Rats. J. Nutr. November 1, 2000

vol. 130 no. 11 2753-2759


González Canga A, Fernández Martínez N, Sahagún AM, García Vieitez JJ, Díez Liébana MJ, Calle Pardo AP, Castro Robles LJ, Sierra Vega M. “Glucomannan: properties and therapeutic applications.” Nutr Hosp. 2004 Jan-Feb;19(1):45-50.


Keithley J, Swanson B. “Glucomannan and obesity: a critical review.” Altern Ther Health Med. 2005 Nov-Dec;11(6):30-4.


Loening-Baucke V, Miele E, Staiano A. “Fiber (glucomannan) is beneficial in the treatment of childhood constipation.” Pediatrics. 2004 Mar;113(3 Pt 1):e259-64.


McCarty MF. Glucomannan minimizes the postprandial insulin surge: a potential adjuvant for hepatothermic therapy. Med Hypotheses. 2002 Jun;58(6):487-90.


Reffo GC. Glucomannan in hypertensive outpatients: pilot clinical trial. Curr Ther Res . 1988;44:22-27.


Reffo GC, Ghirardi PE, Forattani C. Double-blind evaluation of glucomannan versus placebo in postinfarcted patients after cardiac rehabilitation. Curr Ther Res. 1990;47:753-758.


Signorelli P, Croce P, Dede A. Clinical study on the use of a glucomannan and lactulose association in pregnancy constipation [in Italian; English abstract]. Minerva Ginecol. 1996;48:577-582.


Sood N, Baker WL, Coleman CI. Effect of glucomannan on plasma lipid and glucose concentrations, body weight, and blood pressure: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;88:1167-1175.


Staiano A, Simeone D, Del Giudice E, et al. Effect of the dietary fiber glucomannan on chronic constipation in neurologically impaired children. J Pediatr . 2000;136:41-45.


Vita PM, Restelli A, Caspani P, Klinger R.  Chronic use of glucomannan in the dietary treatment of severe obesity. Minerva Medica [1992, 83(3):135-139]


Vuksan, V et al. Beneficial effects of viscous dietary fiber from Konjac-mannan in subjects with the insulin resistance syndrome: results of a controlled metabolic trial. Diabetes Care January 2000 vol. 23 no. 1 9-14  doi: 10.2337/diacare.23.1.9


Vuksan V, Jenkins DJ, Spadafora P, et al. Konjac-mannan (glucomannan) improves glycemia and other associated risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes. A randomized controlled metabolic trial. Diabetes Care . 1999;22:913-919.


Venter CS, Kruger HS, Vorster HH, et al. The effects of dietary fiber component konjac-glucomannan on serum cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemic subjects. Hum Nutr Food Sci Nutr. 1987;41F:55-61


Walsh DE, Yaghoubian V, Behforooz A. Effect of glucomannan on obese patients: a clinical study. Int J Obes . 1984;8:289-293


Yoshida, M et al. Effect of plant sterols and glucomannan on lipids in individuals with and without type II diabetes European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2006) 60, 529–537. doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602347; published online 4 January 2006




Coffee appears to reduce deaths from heart disease, but only if filtered successfully.  Coffee grounds have a chemical in them that increase heart disease. Percolated & expresso coffee is safe if run through a paper filter after brewing.


Consumption of coffee is associated with reduced risk of death attributed to inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases in the Iowa Women’s Health Study

Lene Frost Andersen et al.

Am J Clin Nutr May 2006

vol. 83 no. 5 1039-1046


Coffee with coffee grounds in it, from the older percolators or newer expresso machines, causes heart disease & increases mortality.


The cholesterol-raising factor from coffee beans.

R Urgert and M B Katan

J R Soc Med. 1996 Nov; 89(11): 618–623.

PMCID: PMC1295997


Unfiltered coffee increases plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy volunteers: a randomized trial1,2,3

Marina J Grubben et al.

Am J Clin Nutr February 2000

vol. 71 no. 2 480-484


Coffee made with older percolators or new expresso machines can be run through a paper filter to strain out the coffee grounds.


Vitamin K2


Taking vitamin K2 also (like vitamin D3) appears to reduce calcification of the arteries & builds bone.


Mod Rheumatol. 2013 Sep;23(5):1001-7. doi: 10.1007/s10165-012-0789-4. Epub 2012 Nov 6.

Vitamin K2 administration is associated with decreased disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Ebina K1, Shi K, Hirao M, Kaneshiro S, Morimoto T, Koizumi K, Yoshikawa H, Hashimoto J.


Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2009 Sep;19(7):504-10. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2008.10.004. Epub 2009 Jan 28.

A high menaquinone intake reduces the incidence of coronary heart disease.

Gast GC1, de Roos NM, Sluijs I, Bots ML, Beulens JW, Geleijnse JM, Witteman JC, Grobbee DE, Peeters PH, van der Schouw YT.


Cordyceps mushroom


Treatment of arrhythmias with cordyceps has a an 82% success rate on average in one study, including a majority of people with superventricular arrhymia, ventricular arrhythmia or complete blockage of the right branch ECG recovery, tachyarrhythmia & brachyarrhythmia, including premature beats.  Cordyceps may lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, & beta lipoprotein (low density cholesterol).


In people with heart failure, cordyceps may increase cardiac stroke volume and cardiac index, general physical & emotional well being and quality of life & reduces heart rate, shortness of breath, & fatigue.


Mushrooms appear to need to be cooked to get their benefits, even if they come in a capsule.


The Scientific Rediscovery of a Precious Ancient Chinese Herbal Regimen: Cordyceps sinensis Part II

Jia-Shi Zhu, Georges M. Halpern, Kenneth Jones

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Winter 1998, 4(4): 429-457.



Hawthorn berry


900-1800 mg of hawthorn daily may prevent & treat arrhythmia, congestive heart failure CHF, angina, arteriosclerosis, myocarditis, diarrhea, insomnia, plaque, clots, and kidney problems.  Hawthorn appears to increases exercise ability in people with CHF.


Efficacy of the Hawthorn (Crataegus) preparation LI 132 in 78 patients with chronic congestive heart failure defined as NYHA functional class II

  1. Schmidt*, U. Kuhn, M. Ploch, W.-D. HübnerPhytomedicine

Volume 1, Issue 1, June 1994, Pages 17â  24


A randomised double blind placebo controlled clinical trial of a standardised extract of fresh Crataegus berries (Crataegisan ®) in the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure NYHA II

F.H. Degenringa, A. Sutera, M. Webera, R. Sallerb


Volume 10, Issue 5, 2003, Pages 363â  369


Hawthorn: pharmacology and therapeutic uses

JM Rigelsky and BV Sweet

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy March 1, 2002 vol. 59 no. 5 417-422


Hawthorn extract for treating chronic heart failure: meta-analysis of randomized trials

Max H Pittler, MD, Katja Schmidt, MS, Edzard Ernst, MD, PhD

The American Journal of Medicine

Volume 114, Issue 8, 1 June 2003, Pages 665â  674



Dr. Qi Chang PhD, Dr. Zhong Zuo PhD, Dr. Francisco Harrison MD, Dr. Moses Sing Sum Chow PharmD

DOI: 10.1177/00970002042006003

The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Volume 42, Issue 6, pages 605â  612, June 2002


Efficacy and safety of crataegus extract WS 1442 in comparison with placebo in patients with chronic stable New York Heart Association class-III heart failure

Michael Tauchert, Prof Dr med

American Heart Journal

Volume 143, Issue 5, May 2002, Pages 910â  915


Blood  pressure monitoring


For people who had uncontrolled high blood pressure, home monitoring helped 79% quickly gain control and reduced the need for doctor visits.


American Heart Association. “Monitoring at home yields better blood pressure control.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 9 September 2018. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/09/180909103208.htm>.


Medicinal mushroom mix


Taking a mix of the medicinal organic mushrooms may lower bad cholesterol, reduce cancer, and reduce infections.  Mushrooms appear to need to be cooked to get the benefit, even if they come in capsule form.


Coenzyme Q/CoQ10/ubiquinol


60-100mg of coenzyme Q10/CoQ10 helps people with congestive heart failure.  Ubiquinol is the most effective form of CoQ10.  It slows atherosclerosis, lowers inflammation, improves ischemia and reperfusion injury of coronary revascularisation, as well as exercise in people with CHF & hypertension.  The drugs that may lower coQ10 and require cosupplementation are beta blockers & hydrochlorothiazide (blood pressure drugs), statins taken for cholesterol, and metformin for diabetes.


In one study of 17 patients given coQ10 supplementation-

Heart function improved by 20%, and the mean CHF score increased significantly.

Left ventricular ejection fraction (a measure of the heart’s capacity to pump efficiently) improved nearly 35%.

Cardiac output improved by 15.7%.

Stroke volume index improved nearly 19%.

Systolic blood pressure decreased by 4.4%.

End-diastolic volume area decreased by 8.4%.

Mean exercise duration improved by 25.4%.

Cardiac workload improved by 14.3%.




Effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on heart failure: a meta-analysis1,2,3

A Domnica Fotino, Angela M Thompson-Paul, and Lydia A Bazzano

doi: 10.3945/â  ajcn.112.040741

Am J Clin Nutr February 2013


Coenzyme Q10 in cardiovascular disease with emphasis on heart failure and myocardial ischaemia

Peter H. Langsjoen, MD, FACC, Alena M. Langsjoen, MS

The Asia Pacific Heart Journal

Volume 7, Issue 3, December 1998, Pages 160â  168


Role of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) in cardiac disease, hypertension and Meniere-like syndrome

Adarsh Kumar, Harharpreet Kaur, Pushpa Devi, Varun Mohan

Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Volume 124, Issue 3, December 2009, Pages 259â  268


Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition

March 2008, 5:8,

Effects of acute and 14-day coenzyme Q10 supplementation on exercise performance in both trained and untrained individuals

Matthew Cooke, Mike Iosia, Thomas Buford, Brian Shelmadine, Geoffrey Hudson, Chad Kerksick, Christopher Rasmussen, Mike Greenwood, Brian Leutholtz, Darryn Willoughby, Richard Kreider


Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation and Heart Failure

Uma Singh , Sridevi Devaraj , Ishwarlal Jialal

Nutrition Reviews Volume 65, Issue 6 Pp. 286 – 293

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1753-4887.2007.tb00306.x 286-293


Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry

April 2003, Volume 246, Issue 1-2, pp 75-82

Effect of coenzyme Q10 on risk of atherosclerosis in patients with recent myocardial infarction

Ram B. Singh, Narankar Singh Neki, Kumar Kartikey, Daniel Pella, Adarsh Kumar, Mohammad Arif Niaz, Amar Singh Thakur


Role of Coenzyme Q10 in Chronic Heart Failure, Angina, and Hypertension

Dr. Mongthuong T. Tran Pharm.D.1, Dr. Tina M. Mitchell Pharm.D.2, Dr. Daniel T. Kennedy Pharm.D.3,* andDr. Joel T. Giles Pharm.D.4

DOI: 10.1592/phco.21.9.797.34564

Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy

Volume 21, Issue 7, pages 797â  806, July 2001


The clinical investigator

August 1993, Volume 71, Issue 8 Supplement, pp S134-S136

Effect of coenzyme Q10 therapy in patients with congestive heart failure: a long-term multicenter randomized study

Prof. C. Morisco, B. Trimarco, M. Condorelli


European Heart JournalVolume 27, Issue 22Pp. 2675 – 2681

Coenzyme Q10 and exercise training in chronic heart failure

Romualdo Belardinelli , Andi Muçaj , Francesca Lacalaprice , Maridia Solenghi , Giovanna Seddaiu , Federica Principi , Luca Tiano , Gian Paolo Littarru

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehl158 2675-2681


Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing:

July 2002 – Volume 16 – Issue 4 – pp 9-20

Alternative Medicines for Cardiovascular Diseases

Coenzyme Q10 and Cardiovascular Disease: A Review

Sarter, Barbara PhD




The amino acid L-carnitine ingestion (2g/day) appears to significantly improve symptoms in people with congestive heart failure, increasing exercise ability, and improving survival.


Beneficial effects of propionyl l-carnitine on sarcolemmal changes in congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction

Rajat Sethi , Ken S. Dhalla , Pallab K. Ganguly , Roberto Ferrari , Naranjan S. Dhalla

Cardiovascular Research Volume 42, Issue 3 Pp. 607 – 615

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0008-6363(99)00089-9 607-615


The clinical and hemodynamic effects of propionyl-L-carnitine in the treatment of congestive heart failure


Pucciarelli G, Mastursi M, Latte S, Sacra C, Setaro A, Lizzadro A, Nolfe G

Servizio di Cardiologia, USL n. 42, Ospedale Elena D’Aosta, Napoli.

La Clinica Terapeutica [1992, 141(11):379-384]


Three-year survival of patients with heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy and L-carnitine administration

Ioannis Rizos, MD

American Heart Journal

Volume 139, Issue 2, Supplement 2, February 2000, Pages s120â  s123


Coronary Artery Disease:

February 2004 – Volume 15 – Issue 1 – pp 65-71

Improvement of cardiac function and β-adrenergic signal transduction by propionyl L-carnitine in congestive heart failure due to myocardial infarction

Sethi, Rajata; Wang, Xia; Ferrari, Robertob; Dhalla, Naranjan S.a


Controlled study on the therapeutic efficacy of propionyl-L-carnitine in patients with congestive heart failure.

Mancini M, Rengo F, Lingetti M, Sorrentino GP, Nolfe G

Università degli Studi di Napoli, II Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Italy.

Arzneimittel-Forschung [1992, 42(9):1101-1104]


Japanese Circulation Journal

Vol. 56 (1992-1993) No. 1 P 86-94


L-Carnitine Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure : Experimental and clinical study : CURRENT THERAPY OF INTRACTABLE HEART FAILURE

Akira Kobayashi, Yoshinori Masumura, Noboru Yamazaki


Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of L-carnitine in congestive heart failure.

Ghidini O, Azzurro M, Vita G, Sartori G

Reparto Medicina Interna, Ospedale Bussolengo, Verona, Italy.

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy, and Toxicology [1988, 26(4):217-220]


l-Carnitine: a potential treatment for blocking apoptosis and preventing skeletal muscle myopathy in heart failure

Giorgio Vescovo, Barbara Ravara, Valerio Gobbo, Marco Sandri, Annalisa Angelini, Mila Della Barbera, Massimo Dona, Gianfranco Peluso, Menotti Calvani, Luigi Mosconi, Luciano Dalla Libera

American Journal of Physiology – Cell Physiology Published 1 September 2002 Vol. 283 no. 3, C802-C810 DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00046.2002




The amino acid L-arginine (nine grams per day) prolongs exercise duration and blood flow in people with congestive heart failure.


L-arginine supplementation prolongs exercise capacity in congestive heart failure.


Bednarz B, Jaxa-Chamiec T, Gebalska J, HerbaczyÅ ska-Cedro K, CeremuzyÅ ski L

Department of Cardiology, Postgranduate Medical School, Grochowski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland.

Kardiologia Polska [2004, 60(4):348-353]


Improvement of cardiac performance by intravenous infusion of l-arginine in patients with moderate congestive heart failure

Bella Koifman, MD; Yoram Wollman, PhD; Natalie Bogomolny, MD; Tamara Chernichowsky, MSc; Ariel Finkelstein, MD; Gary Peer, MD; Jack Scherez, BSc; Miriam Blum, MD; Shlomo Laniado, MD; Adrian Iaina, MD; Gad Keren, MD, FACC

J Am Coll Cardiol. 1995;26(5):1251-1256. doi:10.1016/0735-1097(95)00318-5


L-Arginine reduces heart rate and improves hemodynamics in severe congestive heart failure

Edimar Alcides Bocchi M.D.*, Alvaro Vilella De Moraes M.D., Antonio Esteves-Filho M.D., Fernando Bacal M.D., José Otavio Auler M.D., Maria José Carmona M.D., Giovanni Bellotti M.D. and Antonio Franchini Ramires M.D.

Clinical Cardiology

Volume 23, Issue 3, pages 205â  210, March 2000

DOI: 10.1002/clc.4960230314


Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Supplemental Oral l-Arginine in Patients With Heart Failure

Thomas S. Rector, PhD; Alan J. Bank, MD; Kathleen A. Mullen, RN; Linda K. Tschumperlin, RN; Ronald Sih, MD; Kamalesh Pillai, MD; Spencer H. Kubo, MD

Circulation 1996; 93: 2135-2141

doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.93.12.2135


Correction of endothelial dysfunction in chronic heart failure: additional effects of exercise training and oral L-arginine supplementation

Rainer Hambrecht, MDa; Lutz Hilbrich, MDa; Sandra Erbs, BSca; Stephan Gielen, MDa; Eduard Fiehn, MDa; Nina Schoene, MDa; Gerhard Schuler, MDa

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2000;35(3):706-713. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(99)00602-6




Our bodies make cirtrulline into arginine at higher levels than taking arginine directly & with less side effects (stomach upset).  It helps open arteries & improve exercise.




The amino acid taurine (2g 2x/day) helps slow the progression of congestive heart failure and improve survival.


Therapy of congestive heart failure with orally administered taurine.

Azuma J, Hasegawa H, Sawamura A, Awata N, Ogura K, Harada H, Yamamura Y, Kishimoto S

Clinical Therapeutics [1983, 5(4):398-408] (PMID:6871923)


The potential health benefits of taurine in cardiovascular disease

Yan-Jun Xu, MD PhD, Amarjit S Arneja, MD, Paramjit S Tappia, PhD, and Naranjan S Dhalla, PhD MD (Hon) DSc (Hon)

Exp Clin Cardiol. 2008 Summer; 13(2): 57â  65.

PMCID: PMC2586397


Therapeutic effect of taurine in congestive heart failure: A double-blind crossover trialâ

  1. Azuma M.D.*, A. Sawamura M.D., N. Awata M.D., H. Ohta M.D., T. Hamaouchi M.D., H. Harada M.D., K. Takihara M.D., H. Hasegawa M.D., T. Yamagami M.D., T. Ishiyama M.D., H. Iwata M.D. andS. Kishimoto M.D.

Clinical Cardiology

Volume 8, Issue 5, pages 276â  282, May 1985

DOI: 10.1002/clc.4960080507


Taurine: An overview of its role in preventive medicine

Barry S. Kendler, Ph.D.

Preventive Medicine

Volume 18, Issue 1, January 1989, Pages 79â  100



American Heart Journal

Volume 112, Issue 6, December 1986, Pages 1278â  1284

Beneficial effect of taurine in rabbits with chronic congestive heart failure â

Keiko Takihara, M.D., Junichi Azuma, M.D., Nobuhisa Awata, M.D., Hideyuki Ohta, M.D., Tomoyuki Hamaguchi, M.D., Akihiko Sawamura, M.D., Yuya Tanaka, M.D., Susumu Kishimoto, M.D., Nick Sperelakis, Ph.D.


European Journal of Pharmacology

Volume 180, Issue 1, 3 May 1990, Pages 119â  127

The effects of taurine on atherosclerosis development in cholesterol-fed rabbits

Margaret A. Petty, Jacqueline Kintz, Giuseppe F. DiFrancesco


Journal of Cardiology

Volume 57, Issue 3, May 2011, Pages 333â  337

Effect of taurine supplementation on exercise capacity of patients with heart failure

Mohamad Reza Beyranvand, MD, Mahshid Kadkhodai Khalafi, MS, Valiollah Dabidi Roshan, PhD, Sirrus Choobineh, PhD, Saeid Alipour Parsa, MD, Mohammad Asadpour Piranfar, MD, PhD




D-ribose supplementation (5g/day) improves the quality of life, exercise and diastolic function in people with congestive heart failure.


D-ribose aids congestive heart failure patients

Heyder Omran, MD, Dean McCarter, PhD, John St Cyr, MD PhD, and Berndt Lüderitz, MD FESC FACC FAHA

Exp Clin Cardiol. 2004 Summer; 9(2): 117â  118.

PMCID: PMC2716264


D-Ribose Benefits Heart Failure Patients

Nampalli Vijay, Dean MacCarter, Linda M. Shecterle, and J.A. St. Cyr.

Journal of Medicinal Food

March 2008, 11(1): 199-200. doi:10.1089/jmf.2007.503.


The Patented Uses of D-Ribose in Cardiovascular Diseases

  1. Shecterle, Linda; R. Terry, Kathleen; A. St. Cyr, John

Recent Patents on Cardiovascular Drug Discovery, Volume 5, Number 2, June 2010, pp. 138-142(5)


D-Ribose improves diastolic function and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients: a prospective feasibility study

Omran Heyder1,*, Illien Stefan1, MacCarter Dean2, St. Cyr John2 andLüderitz Berndt1

European Journal of Heart Failure

Volume 5, Issue 5, pages 615â  619, October 2003

DOI: 10.1016/S1388-9842(03)00060-6


d-Ribose, A Metabolic Substrate for Congestive Heart Failure

Susan Wagner RN1, James Herrick MSc, FASHP2, Linda M. Shecterle PhD3 andJohn A. St. Cyr MD, PhD2

Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing

Volume 24, Issue 2, pages 59â  60, June 2009

DOI: 10.1111/j.1751-7117.2009.00033.x


D-ribose aids advanced ischemic heart failure patients

Dean MacCarter, Nampalli Vijay, Melinda Washam, Linda Shecterle, , Helen Sierminski, J.A. St. Cyr

International Journal of Cardiology

Volume 137, Issue 1, September 2009, Pages 79â  80


D-Ribose Benefits Heart Failure Patients

Nampalli Vijay, Dean MacCarter, Linda M. Shecterle, and J.A. St. Cyr.

Journal of Medicinal Food March 2008, 11(1): 199-200. doi:10.1089/jmf.2007.503.


Alpha lipoic acid


Alpha lipoic acid (1g/day) appears to prevent heart damage, clean out the arteries by lowering triglycerides & vLDL, lower blood pressure, cause weight loss, reduce cancer, & stop pain/inflammation at even low doses against migraines, sciatica, nerve pain, & neuropathy, maintain cardiac function, improve endothelial function and reduce inflammation.  It also appears to be the most effective substance against diabetes and it’s side effects.


Protective effect of dl-α-lipoic acid on cyclophosphamide induced oxidative cardiac injury

  1. Mythili, P.T. Sudharsan, E. Selvakumar, P. Varalakshmi,

Chemico-Biological Interactions

Volume 151, Issue 1, 30 December 2004, Pages 13â  19


Protective role of DLa-lipoic acid against adriamycin-induced cardiac lipid peroxidation

A V Balachandar, K P Malarkodi, P Varalakshmi

Impact Factor:1.407 | Ranking:Toxicology 66 out of 87

Source:2013 Journal Citation Reports ® (Thomson Reuters, 2014)


Strategies to reduce oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease

Carlene A. HAMILTON, William H. MILLER, Sammy AL-BENNA, M. Julia BROSNAN, Russell D. DRUMMOND, Martin W. MCBRIDE and Anna F. DOMINICZAK

Clinical Science (2004) 106, (219â  234)


Efficacy of levo carnitine and alpha lipoic acid in ameliorating the decline in mitochondrial enzymes during aging

  1. Savitha, , K. Sivarajan, D. Haripriya, V. Kokilavani, C. Panneerselvam

Clinical Nutrition

Volume 24, Issue 5, October 2005, Pages 794â  800


Effect of POLY-MVA, a palladium α-lipoic acid complex formulation against declined mitochondrial antioxidant status in the myocardium of aged rats

N.P. Sudheesh, T.A. Ajith, K.K. Janardhanan, C.V. Krishnan

Food and Chemical Toxicology

Volume 48, Issue 7, July 2010, Pages 1858â  1862


Induction of endogenous antioxidants and phase 2 enzymes by α-lipoic acid in rat cardiac H9C2 cells: protection against oxidative injury â

Zhuoxiao Caoa, Maggie Tsanga, Hai Zhaob, Yunbo Lia

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications

Volume 310, Issue 3, 24 October 2003, Pages 979â  985


Mitochondrial Decay in the Aging Rat Heart

Evidence for Improvement by Dietary Supplementation with Acetyl-l-Carnitine and/or Lipoic Acid


Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Volume 959, Increasing Healthy Life Span: Conventional Measures and Slowing the Innate Aging Process pages 491â  507, April 2002

DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2002.tb02119.x


Irbesartan and Lipoic Acid Improve Endothelial Function and Reduce Markers of Inflammation in the Metabolic Syndrome

Results of the Irbesartan and Lipoic Acid in Endothelial Dysfunction (ISLAND) Study

Srikanth Sola, MD; Muhammad Q.S. Mir, MD; Faiz A. Cheema, MD; Nadya Khan-Merchant, PhD; Rekha G. Menon, MD; Sampath Parthasarathy, PhD; Bobby V. Khan, MD, PhD

Circulation 2005; 111: 343-348 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000153272.48711.B9




Betaine may help heart disease & congestive heart failure through lowering high homocycteine levels.


Betaine in human nutrition

Stuart AS Craig

Am J Clin Nutr September 2004 vol. 80 no. 3 539-549


Homocysteine: Role and implications in atherosclerosis

Sasidhar Guthikonda MD, MPH, William G. Haynes MD

Current Atherosclerosis Reports

2006, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 100-106




The nutrients l-citrulline, l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, taurine, alpha-lipoic acid, betaine, glutamine, and d-ribose help chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and lipoprotein.


Supplemental Conditionally Essential Nutrients in Cardiovascular Disease Therapy

Kendler, Barry S. PhD, FACN

Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing:

January/February 2006 – Volume 21 – Issue 1 – pp 9-16


Hawthorn, coenzyme Q (ubiquinol), carnitine, and arginine appear in multiple studies to help congestive heart failure.


Herbs and Dietary Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease

Adriane Fugh-Berman MD

DOI: 10.1111/j.1520-037X.2000.80355.x

Issue Preventive Cardiology

Preventive Cardiology

Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 24â  32, Winter 2000


Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C)


Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) significantly helps endothelial recovery of in people with heart failure, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.  Healthy endothelial function is essential to the funcioning of the heart & vascular system.  High levels of vitamin C in the blood are associated with lower mortality & heart disease.


Vitamin C appears to help prevent atrial fibrillation after heart surgery.


Vitamin C for preventing atrial fibrillation in high risk patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Harri HemiläEmail author and Timo Suonsyrjä

BMC Cardiovascular DisordersBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201717:49

DOI: 10.1186/s12872-017-0478-5


Effect of vitamin C on endothelial function in health and disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Ashor AW, Lara J, Mathers JC, Siervo M.

Atherosclerosis. 2014;235;1:(9-20).


Genetically high plasma vitamin C, intake of fruit and vegetables, and risk of ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality: a Mendelian randomization study

Camilla J Kobylecki, Shoaib Afzal, George Davey Smith, and Børge G Nordestgaard

Am J Clin Nutr ajcn104497

doi: 10.3945/​ajcn.114.104497


Plasma vitamin C predicts incident heart failure in men and women in European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Norfolk prospective study.

Pfister R1, Sharp SJ, Luben R, Wareham NJ, Khaw KT.

Am Heart J. 2011 Aug;162(2):246-53. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2011.05.007. Epub 2011 Jul 7.




Atrial fibrillation (AF)


Digoxin for AF dangerous?


Patients given digoxin for AF may have a 56-71% higher risk of death and 63% higher risk of being hospitalized compared with patients not given digoxin for atrial fibrillation.



Alpha lipoic acid for AF


600mg of alpha lipoic acid at wakeup & with every meal may lower or eliminate atrial fibrillation within four months (if 200lbs or less).


Elfeky, W., & El-Afify , D. R. (2020). Effect of Alpha-Lipoic Acid on Atrial Fibrillation after Open Heart Surgery. The Egyptian Cardiothoracic Surgeon, 2(3), 77 – 83. https://doi.org/10.35810/ects.v1i1.127
CHEN, Lei; GAO, WEN; SHAO, YAMENG; LI, CHENGGANG; and LU, YUAN (2022) “Alpha-lipoic acid prevents atrial electrical and structural remodeling via inhibition of NADPH oxidase in a rabbit rapid atrial pacing model,”
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences: Vol. 52: No. 4, Article 60. https://doi.org/10.55730/
1300-0144.5445  journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/vol52/iss4/60
Skibska, B.; Goraca, A. The protective effect of lipoic acid on selected cardiovascular diseases caused by age-related oxidative stress. Oxid, Med. Cell, Longev, 2015, 2015, 313021,  DOI: 10.1155/2015/313021


Alpha lipoic acid protects the heart against myocardial post ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmias via KATP channel activation in isolated rat hearts

M. Dudek et al.

Pharmacol. Rep. (2014)



Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) & heart damage


ALA appears to stop heart damage & help the heart heal.



B. Qi et al. Alpha-lipoic acid impedes myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, myocardial apoptosis, and oxidative stress by regulating HMGB1 expression Eur. J. Pharmacol. (2022)





Sauna usage appears to improve ventricular arrhythmias in people with chronic heart failure.


Effects of Repeated Sauna Treatment on Ventricular

Arrhythmias in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure

Takashi Kihara, MD; Sadatoshi Biro, MD; Yoshiyuki Ikeda, MD; Tsuyoshi Fukudome, MD;

Takuro Shinsato, MD; Akinori Masuda, MD; Masaaki Miyata, MD; Shuichi Hamasaki, MD;

Yutaka Otsuji, MD; Shinichi Minagoe, MD; Suminori Akiba, MD*; Chuwa Tei, MD

Circ J 2004; 68: 1146 â   1151


Endothilial cell function is essential to the health of the arteries & heart, especially in people with heart disease.  Sauna usage improves endothilial, heart, & exercise functioning.


Repeated sauna treatment improves vascular endothelial and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure.

Kihara T1, Biro S, Imamura M, Yoshifuku S, Takasaki K, Ikeda Y, Otuji Y, Minagoe S, Toyama Y, Tei C.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002 Mar 6;39(5):754-9.


Repeated sauna therapy increases arterial endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production in cardiomyopathic hamsters.

Ikeda Y1, Biro S, Kamogawa Y, Yoshifuku S, Eto H, Orihara K, Yu B, Kihara T, Miyata M, Hamasaki S, Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Tei C.

Circ J. 2005 Jun;69(6):722-9.


Am J Cardiol. 2012 Jan 1;109(1):100-4. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2011.08.014. Epub 2011 Sep 23.

Effect of repeated sauna treatment on exercise tolerance and endothelial function in patients with chronic heart failure.

Ohori T1, Nozawa T, Ihori H, Shida T, Sobajima M, Matsuki A, Yasumura S, Inoue H.


Sauna usage helps the functioning of people with heart failure


Exp Clin Cardiol. 2007 Spring; 12(1): 29â  32.

PMCID: PMC2359619

Clinical Cardiology: Review

Beneficial effects of sauna bathing for heart failure patients

Nava Blum, PhD1 and Arnon Blum, MD2


Using a sauna just twice weekly can increases endurance by 30%.


J Sci Med Sport. 2007 Aug;10(4):259-62. Epub 2006 Jul 31.

Effect of post-exercise sauna bathing on the endurance performance of competitive male runners.

Scoon GS1, Hopkins WG, Mayhew S, Cotter JD.


Using a sauna increases muscle growth & stops soreness.


Intermittent hyperthermia enhances skeletal muscle regrowth and attenuates oxidative damage following reloading.

Selsby JT1, Rother S, Tsuda S, Pracash O, Quindry J, Dodd SL.

J Appl Physiol (1985). 2007 Apr;102(4):1702-7. Epub 2006 Nov 16.


Using a sauna can significantly increase insulin sensitivity & lower blood sugar levels.


Int J Hyperthermia. 2007 May;23(3):259-65.

Whole body hyperthermia improves obesity-induced insulin resistance in diabetic mice.

Kokura S1, Adachi S, Manabe E, Mizushima K, Hattori T, Okuda T, Nakabe N, Handa O, Takagi T, Naito Y, Yoshida N, Yoshikawa T.


Human growth hormone HGH prevents muscle loss & atrophy, as does testosterone.  Levels of HGH drop off dramatically after the age of thirty, and testosterone drops significantly as well.  Supplementing them artificially can increase cancer & have other serious physical & behavioral side effects.  Sauna usage naturally raises HGH & testosterone levels.


Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1989;58(5):543-50.

Haemodynamic and hormonal responses to heat exposure in a Finnish sauna bath.

Kukkonen-Harjula K1, Oja P, Laustiola K, Vuori I, Jolkkonen J, Siitonen S, Vapaatalo H.


Using a sauna appears to prevent high blood pressure development (2-3X/wk 23% lower risk, 4-7X 46%)


Francesco Zaccardi, Tanjaniina Laukkanen, Peter Willeit, Setor K. Kunutsor, Jussi Kauhanen, Jari A. Laukkanen. Sauna Bathing and Incident Hypertension: A Prospective Cohort Study. American Journal of Hypertension, 2017; DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpx102




Grounding is simply walking barefoot on earth.  Skin to earth contract transfers negative electrons which significantly reduce inflammation, stress and relieves pain.  Grounding may help lower cardiovascular disease and death.  Grounding appears to relieve muscle soreness and improve mood and sleep and reduce electric field sensitivity.




J Environ Public Health. 2012; 2012: 291541.

Published online 2012 Jan 12. doi:  10.1155/2012/291541

Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons

Gaétan Chevalier et al.


J Inflamm Res. 2015 Mar 24;8:83-96. doi: 10.2147/JIR.S69656. eCollection 2015.

The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Oschman JL et al.


J Altern Complement Med. 2013 Feb;19(2):102-10. doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0820. Epub 2012 Jul 3.

Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disease.

Chevalier G, Sinatra ST, Oschman JL, Delany RM.


J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Mar; 16(3): 265–273.

doi:  10.1089/acm.2009.0399

Pilot Study on the Effect of Grounding on Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

Dick Brown, Gaétan Chevalier, and Michael Hill


Psychol Rep. 2015 Apr;116(2):534-42. doi: 10.2466/06.PR0.116k21w5. Epub 2015 Mar 6.

The effect of grounding the human body on mood.

Chevalier G.


J Altern Complement Med. 2007 Nov;13(9):955-67.

Can electrons act as antioxidants? A review and commentary.

Oschman JL


Applewhite R. “The effectiveness of a conductive patch and a conductive bed pad in reducing induced human body voltage via the application of earth ground.” European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics 2005; 1: 23–40



FDA determines NSAIDS cause heart attacks, strokes, atrial fillibration, and heart failure


Aspirin was made with salicylic acid, an extract from the bark of the willow tree and spiraea plant.  Aspirin is a cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor which is why it helps to lower pain & inflammation.  All NSAIDs (like ibuprofen & naproxen) are aspirin derivatives (as well as the the non-NSAID acetominophen) & they are COX-2 inhibitors and also have aspirin’s problem of thinning the blood & causing ulcers and/or stomach pain, & unlike aspirin they increase atrial fibrilation/irregular heartbeat, heart attacks, heart failure & strokes (naproxen lowers heart attacks but mildly increases strokes).  them causes bleeding, ulcers, heart attacks, & strokes, as well as atrial fibrilation/irregular heartbeat.  Aspirin increases the risk of hemmhoragic strokes.  The FDA is recommending limited or no use of NSAIDs.  Aspirin & the NSAIDS also slow wound healing by reducing new blood vessels to the injury site (angiogenesis).


Inhibition of angiogenesis by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Insight into mechanisms and implications for cancer growth and ulcer healing

Michael K. Jones et al.

Nature Medicine  5, 1418 – 1423 (1999)



Studies on the mechanism of action of salicylate II. Retardation of wound healing by aspirin

  1. H. Lee

DOI: 10.1002/jps.2600570633

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Volume 57, Issue 6, pages 1042–1043, June 1968


Morten Schmidt, Morten Lamberts, Anne-Marie Schjerning Olsen, Emil Fosbøll, Alexander Niessner, Juan Tamargo, Giuseppe Rosano, Stefan Agewall, Juan Carlos Kaski, Keld Kjeldsen, Basil S. Lewis, Christian Torp-Pedersen. Cardiovascular safety of non-aspirin non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: review and position paper by the working group for Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of the European Society of Cardiology. European Heart Journal, 2016; ehv505 DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv505


NSAIDs & congestive heart failure


NSAIDs usage may lead to congestive heart failure at greater rates than even gastrointestinal issues.


Consumption of NSAIDs and the Development of Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly PatientsAn Underrecognized Public Health Problem FREE

John Page, MBBS(Hons); David Henry, MBChB

Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(6):777-784. doi:10.1001/archinte.160.6.777


NSAIDs & heart attacks


NSAIDs appear to increase heart attacks, even after one usage for the next 30 days, some up to 50%.


NSAIDs and cardiac arrest: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use is associated with increased risk of Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest: A nationwide Case-Time-Control study

Kathrine Bach Sondergaard Gunnar Gislason

European Heart Journal, Volume 38, Issue 23, 14 June 2017, Pages 1788–1789, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurheartj/ehx267



Peritoneal dialysis vs hemodialysis in kidney disease in congestive heart failure


Seven nights a week peritoneal dialysis is far better than three days a week hemodialysis for multiple outcome measures, including the prevention of congestive heart failure.  Nightly (7) peritoneal dialysis even treats congestive heart failure that progressed under three days a week hemodialysis.







HDL cholesterol, especially HDL2, cleans arteries and appears to prevent heart disease.  Small particle LDL can cause artery blockage and damage, perhaps especially Lp(a) and remnant lipoprotein (RLP).  High triglycerides are associated with heart disease.  Large particle LDL is not strongly associated with heart disease, When bad small particle LDL levels (vLDL) are high (80% is triglycerides), bad triglyceride levels are often high and good HDL levels are often low.


HDL vs triglycerides far more important

So total cholesterol and total LDL levels may have little meaning.  If small particle vLDL is mostly triglycerides, then what appears to be most important is that triglycerides are no more than `1.5 x HDL.  If HDL is exactly 30, than a safer triglyceride level would be under 45.  Over 45 then would indicate elevated heart attack risk.


Sugar-especially high fructose corn syrup- & white flour intake appears to be associated with increased triglycerides and increased small particle LDL cholesterol, both of which are associated with an increase in heart disease.  Weight loss and exercise have been associated with a decrease in small particle LDL cholesterol and a decrease in triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol-all changes associated with a lowering of heart disease.




The more discerning newer test may be the Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) test, which can test for the different types of LDL & HDL, or the Vertical Auto Profile (VAP) test which can test for most of them.


HDL2 should perhaps be greater than 25 mg/dL.

HDL3 should perhaps be greater than 15 mg/dL.

Lp(a) should perhaps be lower than 30 mg/dL in the standard test, lower than 10mg/dL in a VAP test.

VLDL3 triglycerides should perhaps be less than 10 mg/dL.


Animal saturated fat


Animal saturated fat intake appears to be associated with increased large particle LDL levels, which does not appear to be associated with increased heart disease like small, dense particle vLDL.  Animal (but not plant) saturated fat when fed corn & soy is also associated with increased cancer, with processed meat (bologna, hot dogs, sausage, bacon, canned meats, salami) having the highest association with cancer.  Animal saturated fat fed this is also associated with a temporary decrease in cognitive function in the hours after ingestion.


Small LDL and Its Clinical Importance as a New CAD Risk Factor: A Female Case Study

  1. Robert Superko MD1, Mary Nejedly MS, ANP2 andBrenda Garrett RN1

DOI: 10.1111/j.0889-7204.2002.01453.x

Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing Volume 17, Issue 4, pages 167–173, Fall 2002


Comparison of High-Density and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol

Subclasses and Sizes in Asian Indian Women with Caucasian Women

from the Framingham Offspring Study


Clin. Cardiol. 28, 247–251 (2005)


CLIN. CHEM. 36/1, 15-19 (1990) CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol.36, No. 1, 1990 15

Estimating Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol by the Friedewald Equation Is Adequate for Classifying Patients on the Basis of Nationally Recommended Cutpoints

  1. Russell Warnick, Robert H. Knopp, Virginia Fitzpatrick, and Lance Branson


600,000 patients

Chowdhury, R et al. Association of dietary, circulating, and supplement fatty acids with coronary risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med 2014;160:398-406.








What may increase heart attacks?


An agonizing sports loss

Air pollution

Marijuana-5x risk in hour after smoking, 4x overall risk if smoke weekly

Erectile dysfunction (likely an indication of heart disease)


Bátkai, S., Pacher, P., Osei-Hyiaman, D., Radaeva, S., Liu, J., Harvey-White, J., Offertaler, L., Mackie, K., Rudd, M.A., Bukoski, R.D., and Kunos, G. (2004). Endocannabinoids Acting at Cannabinoid-1 Receptors Regulate Cardiovascular Function in Hypertension. Circulation, 110(14), 1996–2002. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2756479/.


Mittleman, M.A., Lewis, R.A., Maclure, M., Sherwood, J.B., Muller, J.E. (2001). Triggering myocardial infarction by marijuana. Circulation, 103(23), 2805-9. Retrieved from http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/103/23/2805.


Bottom Line Personal, Vol 39, #1, 1/1/18 Being a Sports Fan Can Kill You Gregory S. Thomas, MD


Lowering LDL cholesterol


What appears to lower LDL cholesterol?  Pecans (raw & organic), hibiscus tea, rice brain oil, organic extra virgin olive oil (from one country, not a mix), cordyceps mushroom, glucomannon, celery, organo oil, ginger, olive leaf, probiotics.


A Monounsaturated Fatty Acid–Rich Pecan-Enriched Diet Favorably Alters the Serum Lipid Profile of Healthy Men and Women1

Sujatha Rajaram, Kenneth Burke*, Bertrum Connell*, Tun Myint, and Joan Sabaté

  1. Nutr. September 1, 2001

vol. 131 no. 9 2275-2279






Tree nuts appear to lower heart disease and atrial fibrillation.


Heart 4/16/18


Blood sugar and heart disease


Fasting blood sugar levels should be below 79mg/dl as people over 100 have a 300% higher risk of heart disease.


Fasting insulin levels should be normal to low.


Iron and heart disease


Iron is an oxidant that speeds aging and should be low or borderline low.  Excess iron above 80ng/ml is dangerous for the heart. And iron increases bacterial infections (bacteria need lots of it).






In studies not paid for by the drug companies making statins, statins appear not to decrease deaths over 10 years, and many of them cause diabetes- a disease that increases mortality.  Statins also can cause kidney & liver damage, cataracts, cognitive and muscle problems including death from rhabdomyolysis.  Lowering LDL cholesterol below 130 has not been shown to decrease mortality.  Statins may lower fat soluble vitamin levels like A, E, D, K.  Grapefruit may elevate statin levels in the blood.


So people taking statins appear to be in danger of getting or exacerbating diabetes.  The longer the statin is taken the greater the rise in blood sugar.


Statins may cause-


memory probs

cognitive confusion

muscle pain


kidney failure

liver problems (especially with antibiotic clarithromycin)

Muscle cramps



lower immune system

increase cancer

lower coQ10 & vitamin K2 necessary for heart function (and the K2 also for bone density)

increase bacterial infections

lower heme, which transports iron & oxygen to the heart

blocks glutathione that helps the heart

increases cancer




A review of the adverse events reporting system has found that statins appear to increase neurodegenerative diseases like

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) by at least 900% (9X) & as great as 10,700% (107X) for lipophilic statins like simvastatin (Zocor) & atorvastatin (Lipitor) & lovastatin (Mevacor).


Simvastatin (Zocor) also appeared to increase motor neuron disease by 5,700% (57X).


Golomb BA, Verden A, Messner AK, Koslik HJ, Hoffman KB. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Associated with Statin Use: A Disproportionality Analysis of the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System. Drug Saf. 2018 Apr;41(4):403-413. doi: 10.1007/s40264-017-0620-4. PMID: 29427042.  pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29427042/

Regular doses of lipophilic statins like simvastatin (Zocor) & atorvastatin (Lipitor) & lovastatin (Mevacor) & high doses of other statins appear to increase dementia.





The longer a statin is used, the higher the mortality.

Marc G Weisskopf, Joseph Levy, Aisha S Dickerson, Sabrina Paganoni, Maya Leventer-Roberts, Statin Medications and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Incidence and Mortality, American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 191, Issue 7, July 2022, Pages 1248–1257, https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwac054


Dangers of Statin Drugs: What You Haven’t Been Told About Popular Cholesterol-Lowering Medicines

Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig







Statins appear to cause more side effects than prevent heart attacks


Statins appear to reduce heart disease in 2.7% of people who take them, and cause sometimes deadly side effects in 4.4% of people who take them-  liver damage, diabetes, acute kidney failure, extreme muscle weakness and cataracts.


Unintended effects of statins in men and women in England and Wales: population based cohort study using the QResearch database

Julia Hippisley-Cox & Carol Coupland

BMJ 2010; 340 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.c2197 (Published 20 May 2010)


Military veterans and statin induced diabetes


In a study of over 20,000 healthy vets, taking statins more than doubled their risk of diabetes, and after getting diabetes statins increased side effects by 250%.  Their risk of obesity increased by 14%.


Statins and New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Complications: A Retrospective Cohort Study of US Healthy Adults.

Mansi, I; Frei CR, Chen-Pin W, Morenson EM. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2015; DOI: 10.1007/s11606-015-3335-1


Veterans Affairs Research Communications. “Strong statin-diabetes link seen in large study.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 7 May 2015. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150507145328.htm>.


Statins and cancer


Statins may increase breast cancer, thyroid cancer in women by 40%.


Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 Jul 30. doi: 10.1111/cen.12570.

Statin use and thyroid cancer: a population-based case-control study.

Hung SH1, Lin HC, Chung SD.


Statins and diabetes


Atorvastatin (Lipitor) may increase diabetes in the short term by 22%, simvastatin (Zocor) 10%, rosuvastatin (Crestor) 18%, more with higher doses.  Statins may increase diabetes by 87% in the longer term.


The mediterranean diet is three times more effective in eliminating heart disease than statins.


Statins and New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Complications: A Retrospective Cohort Study of US Healthy Adults.

Mansi I1, Frei CR, Wang CP, Mortensen EM.

J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Apr 28. [Epub ahead of print]




Risk of incident diabetes among patients treated with statins: population based study BMJ 2013;346:f2610


Differential metabolic effects of distinct statins.

Koh KK, Sakuma I, Quon MJ.

Atherosclerosis. 2011 Mar;215(1):1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2010.10.036. Epub 2010 Nov 2.


Risk of incident diabetes with intensive-dose compared with moderate-dose statin therapy: a meta-analysis.

Preiss D, Seshasai SR, Welsh P, Murphy SA, Ho JE, Waters DD, DeMicco DA, Barter P, Cannon CP, Sabatine MS, Braunwald E, Kastelein JJ, de Lemos JA, Blazing MA, Pedersen TR, Tikkanen MJ, Sattar N, Ray KK.

2011 Jun 22;305(24):2556-64. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.860.


If you got diabetes after you started one of these three statins, or liver, muscle, and/or kidney damage after starting any statin, you may have a legal case against the statin maker.




In a study of over 150,000 women, statin usage increase diabetes for postmenopausal women by 70%.


Statin Use and Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Postmenopausal Women in the Women’s Health Initiative.

  1. L. Culver, I. S. Ockene, R. Balasubramanian, B. C. Olendzki, D. M. Sepavich, J. Wactawski-Wende, J. E. Manson, Y. Qiao, S. Liu, P. A. Merriam, C. Rahilly-Tierny, F. Thomas, J. S. Berger, J. K. Ockene, J. D. Curb, Y. Ma.

Archives of Internal Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.625


Statins can give healthy people diabetes & obesity


A major study only using only healthy people found that statins increase diabetes in people who are healthy by 87%, and increase diabetes complications as well.  The higher the dose, the higher the diabetes.  Stains also increase obesity by 14% in these previously healthy people.


Statins and New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Complications: A Retrospective Cohort Study of US Healthy Adults.

Mansi I, Frei CR, Wang CP, Mortensen EM.

J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Apr 28.


Pravastatin (Pravacol) may mildly increase cancer in people who are older.


Pravastatin in elderly individuals at risk of vascular disease (PROSPER): a randomised controlled trial

James Shepherd et al.

The Lancet Volume 360, No. 9346, p1623–1630, 23 November 2002


Does pravastatin promote cancer in elderly patients? A meta-analysis

Stefanos Bonovas, Nikolaos M. Sitaras

CMAJ February 27, 2007 vol. 176 no. 5 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.060803


Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the Prospective Study of Pravastatin in the

Elderly at Risk (PROSPER)

Shepherd J et al.

Lancet 2002;360:1623–1630


Red yeast rice


Red yeast rice is where statins came from (it has lovastatin) and lowers cholesterol well but also lowers coQ10, which must be supplemented (coQ10 or ubiquinol) or muscles feel weak & tired (including the heart).  Statins get their benefits not from lowering cholesterol but from their anti-inflammatory effects.  Because turmeric, astaxanthin, & ginger are safer major anti-inflammatories, red yeast rice should not be taken unless coQ10 and vitamin K2 are supplemented.


Ezetimibe (Zetia)


Ezetimibe (Zetia) impairs the absorption of cholesterol from the gut.  While it lowers LDL cholesterol, it also can cause muscle and liver problems, lower COq10, and worsen symptoms when taken with a statin.  It hasn’t been shown to reduce mortality or even heart disease.


Kastelein JJ, et al. Simvastatin with or without ezetimibe in familial hypercholesterolemia. NEJM 2008;358(14):1431-43


Rossebø AB, et al. Intensive Lipid Lowering with Simvastatin and Ezetimibe in Aortic Stenosis. NEJM 2008;359(13):1343-56


West AM, et al. The effect of ezetimibe on peripheral arterial atherosclerosis depends upon statin use at baseline. Atherosclerosis. 2011 Apr 16






Hot peppers may reduce heart attacks, strokes, & overall mortality by 13%.  They need to be avoided in people with autoimmune diseases (except for black pepper).


Chopan M, Littenberg B (2017) The Association of Hot Red Chili Pepper Consumption and Mortality: A Large Population-Based Cohort Study. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169876. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169876




Hibiscus tea


Hibiscus sabdariffa tea appears to lower blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, blood sugar, obesity, metabolic syndrome, & fatty liver disease and raises HDL cholesterol


Hibiscus may be very effective in lowering blood pressure in multiple studies, sometimes better than prescription blood pressure drugs.


Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffaon blood pressure and electrolyte profile of mild to moderate hypertensive Nigerians: A comparative study with hydrochlorothiazide

DC Nwachukwu et al.

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 2015,Volume 18, Issue 6, Page 762-770


Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Jalali-Khanabadi B, Afkhami-Ardekani M, et al. The effects of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on hypertension in patients with type II diabetes. J Human Hypertension. 2009;23:48-54.


J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug;15(8):899-903. doi: 10.1089/acm.2008.0540.

Effects of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on lipid profile and lipoproteins in patients with type II diabetes.

Mozaffari-Khosravi H1, Jalali-Khanabadi BA, Afkhami-Ardekani M, Fatehi F.


Herrera-Arellano A, Miranda-Sanchez J, Avila-Castro P, et al. Clinical effects produced by a standardized herbal medicinal product of Hibiscus sabdariffa on patients with hypertension. A randomized, double-blind, Lisinopril-controlled clinical trial. Planta Med. 2007;73:6-12.


Ngamjarus c, Pattanittum P, Somboonporn C. Roselle for hypertension in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010;Jan 20(1):CD007894.


Herra-Arellano A, Flores-Romero S, Chavez-Soto M, Tortoriello J.  Effectiveness and tolerability of a standardized extract from Hibiscus sabdariffa in patients with mild to moderate hypertension: a controlled and

randomized clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2004;11:375-382.


Kuriyan R, Kumar D, Rajendran R, Kurpad A.  An evaluation of the hypolipidemic effect of an extract of

Hibiscus sabdariffa leaves in hyperlipdemic Indians: a double blind, placebo controlled trial.  BMC Compl and Alt

Med 2010;10:27


Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Jalali-Khanabadi B, Afkhami-Ardehani M, Fatehi F. . J Altern and Comp Med 2009;15(8):899-903.



Triglycerides- prescription drugs


Triglyceride levels in the blood can be more important than overall cholesterol in causing heart attacks.  Lowering triglycerides can significantly lower heart disease deaths.  The important ratio appears to be related to HDL cholesterol, which cleans arteries of plaque.  The key is having a triglyceride number that is less than double that of HDL number.  So if HDL is 50, then triglycerides should be no higher than 100.


Avoid confusing triglyceride levels in the blood with the medium chain triglycerides in organic coconut oil.  Medium chain triglycerides are a type of saturated fat that is easier to burn as energy than store as fat, just the opposite of other fats.  So instead of making people sleepy, they give people energy to exercise and are used by weightlifters & runners before exercise.  Medium chain triglycerides help stop heart disease in part because they increase energy for exercise.  For people who don’t like the taste of coconut oil, MCT oil that is tasteless can be bought at health food or exerise supplement stores.


The foods that raise triglycerides the most are foods that have high fructose corny syrup, sugar, and/or flour.  Any caloric drinks will increase triglycerides, especially alcohol, except dark grape juice.  Dark grape juice has resveratrol, which lowers diabetes & heart disease which negates the negative effects of the sugar in the grape juice (also applies to dark raisons).  Red wine vinegar taken with or before a meal combats diabetes and heart disease even better because it has resveratrol and has no calories.




Fibrates lower triglycerides & may increase HDL levels, but can cause muscle, kidney (up to 10% of people who take them), & liver damage (especially in combination with statins) as well as increased gallstones & reduced blood levels of COq10 & vitamin E, both essential for health.  Fibrates may cause abnormal heart rhythms.  In addition to their disabling side effects fibrates do not appear to decrease mortality in people with high cholesterol.


gemfibrozil (Lopid)

fenofibrate (Tricor)

clofibrate (Atomid-S)





Triglyceride- supplements


Lowering triglycerides in order of effectiveness & increasing longevity:


Exercise right after every meal (eat the carbs at the end for energy)

R lipoic acid 600mg (or 120mg alpha lipoic acid) after 2 or more meals a day


Spirulina with a vegetable

Northern bean extract



Vitamin K2

Vitamin D3

Organic extra virgin olive oil from one country

Organic freshly/frozen ground flaxseeds with meal


Vitamin B complex high dosage

Garlic & onions & leeek

Mulberry leaf extract


Cordyceps mushroom

Hawthorn berry

Coenzyme Q/CoQ10






Peritoneal dialysis vs hemodialysis

Pecans (raw & organic)

Celery & celery seed


olive leaf

probiotics mix

Hibiscus tea


Olive leaf




Milk thistle


Niacin & triglycerides


Niacin (vitamin B3) raises HDL & lowers triglycerides very well & lowers vLDL cholesterol but may increase strokes & liver problems in high doses.  Taking a low dose aspirin 30 minutes before as well as using extended release niacin (Niaspan) either taken after a meal or before bed may cause less flushing or headache, which also may diminish in time.  It is contraindicated in people with liver problems or gout.  Inositol hexanicoti­­nate and niacinamide don’t decrease triglycerides.


Spirulina, the source of EPA & DHA in fish oil


Spirulina is the source of EPA & DHA in fish that eat it.  Spirulina may need to be taken with a vegetable in order to get the benefits.  Supplementation has been shown to reduce heart attacks by 25%, and all cause mortality by 45% and improves mood/reduces depression and improves concentration & memory.   EPA/DHA also appears to reduce triglycerides by 25-50% within one month.


Lancet. 1999 Aug 7;354(9177):447-55.

Dietary supplementation with n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E after myocardial infarction: results of the GISSI-Prevenzione trial. Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto miocardico.


Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 May;1821(5):843-51. doi: 10.1016/j.bbalip.2011.10.011. Epub 2011 Oct 25.

Fish oil — how does it reduce plasma triglycerides?

Shearer GC, Savinova OV, Harris WS.


Tumeric (curcumin) and the heart


Turmeric with a little black pepper in studies helps lower endothelial dysfunction, lowers bad cholesterol, triglycerides, oxidative plaque formation, heart failure, reperfusion injury, inflammation, heart disease, and heart attacks.


“Your Health” television program with Dr. Richard Becker and Cindy Becker 12/30/16


Blood clots, strokes, and turmeric (curcumin)


Turmeric is a spice that needs a little black pepper (3mg pepper per 1000mg turmeric) to unlock the curcumin inside.  Piperine in black pepper improves the availability of the curcumin in the turmeric by 20 times.  Curcumin extracts are available as well in capsule form.  Liposomal curcumin appears to be the most effective (against cancer, at least).


Tumeric (in curcuma oil form) was four times more effective in preventing thrombosis (blood clots) as aspirin or warfarin (Coumadin) in one study on mice.  Turmeric caused only 1/4 of the bleeding as aspirin in equivalent doses for preventing blood clots (thrombosis), making turmeric four times better than aspirin for thrombosis, inflammation, and pain.  Turmeric works to reduce adenosine diphosphate (ADP), collagen and thrombin-induced platelet aggregation.  Turmeric had no effect on coagulation parameters (thrombin time, prothrombin time, and activated partial thromboplastin time), which may explain why it only causes 1/4th the bleeding of aspirin at equivalent effective levels.  Since aspirin & warfarin & the newer blood thinners appear equivalent in the amount of bleeding/hemorrhaging they cause at doses equivalent for preventing blood clots, turmeric appears far superior than aspirin, warfarin or the other anticoagulents in preventing clots without causing hemhorrage.


Turmeric appears to prevent ischemic strokes when given preemptively and prevent damage/speed recovery when given after a stroke.


Turmeric & painkilling


Unlike all but aspirin turmeric also is a cox2 anti-inflammatory that significantly reduces pain & inflammation & speeds healing by reducing inflammation which suppresses stem cell repair of tissue.  So anyone taking blood thinners other than aspirin or turmeric are getting no extra pain relief, making turmeric & aspirin likely far better for most than the other anticoagulants.  And since tumeric appears to cause 75% less bleeding than aspirin at equivalent effective doses, turmeric may be four times more effective against pain than aspirin in safe doses.


Medical College of Georgia. “Indian Spice In Turmeric Reduces Size Of Hemorrhagic Stroke.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 23 September 2008. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080922135229.htm>.


Anti-platelet effects of Curcuma oil in experimental models of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion and thrombosis.

Prakash P, Misra A, Surin WR, Jain M, Bhatta RS, Pal R, Raj K, Barthwal MK, Dikshit M.

Thromb Res. 2011 Feb;127(2):111-8. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2010.11.007. Epub 2010 Dec 8.


Anticoagulant activities of curcumin and its derivative.

Kim DC1, Ku SK, Bae JS.

BMB Rep. 2012 Apr;45(4):221-6.


Neuroprotective and neurotrophic curcuminoids to treat stroke: a translational perspective

Paul A Lapchak

Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs Volume 20, Issue 1, 2011 pages 13-221

DOI: 10.1517/13543784.2011.542410


Inhibitory effect of various Thai natural plants ethanolic extracts on platelet aggregation and blood coagulation in vitro

Suwit Duangmano, Surangkana Wonkngam, Ponghathai Ladchantha, Warissara Palanan, Ornkamon Wongtagan

Bulletin of Chaingmai Associated Medical Sciences Vol 49, No 1


Curcuminoids Limit Neutrophil-Mediated Reperfusion Injury in Experimental Stroke by Targeting the Endothelium

Janet L. Funk et al.

Microcirculation Volume 20, Issue 6, pages 544–554, August 2013

DOI: 10.1111/micc.12054


  1. Thiyagarajan M, Sharma SS. Neuroprotective effect of curcumin in middle cerebral artery occlusion induced focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Life Sci.74(8), 969–985 (2004)



Ritter, Leslie S



Neuroprotective efficacy and therapeutic window of curcuma oil: in rat embolic stroke model

Preeti Dohare et al.

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine20088:55

DOI: 10.1186/1472-6882-8-55


Jiang J, Wang W, Sun YJ, Hu M, Li F, Zhu DY. Neuroprotective effect of curcumin on focal cerebral ischemic rats by preventing blood–brain barrier damage. Eur. J. Pharmacol.561(1–3), 54–62 (2007).


Tsz-Shan Kam, Cho-Yee Wong, Pui-Long Kwan, Wing Fat-Yiu, Sin-Ming Chiu, Shun-Wan Chan, Kit-San Yuen, and Robbie Chan. Journal of Medicinal Food. January 2012, 15(2): 190-199. doi:10.1089/jmf.2011.1625.


Martin, Wayne. “Curcumin (turmeric) to prevent blood clots.” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients Apr. 2004: 115. Academic OneFile. Web. 20 Feb. 2016


Srivastava KC, Bordia A, Verma SK. Curcumin, a major component of food spice turmeric (Curcuma longa) inhibits aggregation and alters eicosanoid metabolism in human blood platelets. Prost Leuk Essential Fatty Acids. 1995;52:223–227


Turmeric improves post-prandial working memory in pre-diabetes independent of insulin

Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Volume 23 Issue 4 (Dec 2014)

Lee, Meei-Shyuan et al.


Curry Consumption and Cognitive Function in the Elderly

Tze-Pin Ng et al.

Am. J. Epidemiol. (1 November 2006) 164 (9): 898-906. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwj267







Rice bran oil & cholesterol


Rice bran oil lowers LDL cholesterol far greater on average than the statins, & doesn’t cause the diabetes, cognitive confusion, and muscle pain like statins do.


Minhajuddin M1, Beg ZH, Iqbal J. Hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties of tocotrienol rich fraction isolated from rice bran oil in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rats. Food Chem Toxicol. 2005 May;43(5):747-53.



Most MM1, Tulley R, Morales S, Lefevre M. Rice bran oil, not fiber, lowers cholesterol in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):64-8


Orthoefer, F. T. 2005. Rice Bran Oil. Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products. 2:10.


Blood pressure


Measuring blood pressure


People should take their blood pressure at the same time each day, multiple times.  Blood pressure variability (when measured at the doctor’s office) is significantly associated with increased cardiovascular disease & mortality.


Visit-to-Visit Variability of Blood Pressure and Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Heart Failure, and Mortality: A Cohort Study ONLINE FIRST

Paul Muntner et al.

Ann Intern Med. Published online 28 July 2015 doi:10.7326/M14-2803


When to take blood pressure medicine


Taking blood pressure medicine before bedtime results in better blood pressure control and reduces development of diabetes by 57% in one study of 2000 patients for six months that took ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and/or beta blockers.


This makes sense in the context that for people who have had a heart attack, taking one half (40mg) of a baby aspirin before bed & the other half upon wakening may reduce future heart attacks by 75%, whereas taking the whole baby aspirin in the morning only reduces heart attacks by 50%.  Treating the body at night appears to be as important as during the daytime.  Splitting up the dose also reduces the chances of bleeding to near zero.


Bedtime ingestion of hypertension medications reduces the risk of new-onset type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial

Ramón C. Hermida & Diana E. Ayala & Artemio Mojón & José R. Fernández

Diabetologia 2016 Feb;59(2):255-65

DOI 10.1007/s00125-015-3749-7


Olive leaf


Olive leaf appears to lower blood pressure by up to 12pts systolic and 5 pts diastolic over eight weeks when taken at 500mg 2X/day, equal to a prescription ACE inhibitor.  Olive leaf also lowered triglycerides by 8%, and LDL cholesterol by 3%.




Khayyal MT, El-Ghazaly MA, Abdall DM, Okpanyi SN, Kreuter MH. Blood pressure lowering effect of an olive leaf extract (Olea europaea) in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats. Arzneimittelforschung. 2002;52(11):797-802.


Perrinjaquet-Moccetti1 T, Busjahn A, Schmidlin C, Schmidt A, Brad B, Aydogan C. Food supplementation with an olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract reduces blood pressure in borderline hypertensive monozygotic twins. Phytother. Res.2008;22:1239-42.


Olive (Olea europaea) leaf extract effective in patients with stage-1 hypertension: Comparison with Captopril

Endang Susalita et al.


Volume 18, Issue 4, 15 February 2011, Pages 251–258


Cherif S, Rahal N, Haouala M, et al. A clinical trial of a titrated Olea extract in the treatment of essential arterial hypertension. J Pharm Belg. 1996 Mar-Apr;51(2):69-71.


Perrinjaquet-Moccetti1 T, Busjahn A, Schmidlin C, Schmidt A, Brad B, Aydogan C. Food supplementation with an olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extract reduces blood pressure in borderline hypertensive monozygotic twins. Phytother. Res.2008;22:1239-42.


Olive leaf has 31 phenos and reduces fever, kills all viruses tested (rotovirus, AIDS, etc), antibiotic-salmonella, mycoplasma, MRSA, sinusitus, psoriasis, is an antifungal/antiyeast, antimalarial, increases immune response, lowers autoimmmune overresponse, stops new blood to tumors/kills cancer cells, increases wound contraction by 85%/wound tensile strength by 35%, speeds healing of cartilage, anti-inflammatory, lowers high blood pressure, prevents diabetes/lowers blood sugar, lead chelator, lowers uric acid in gout, has vitamin E, prevents heart disease, lowers cholesterol, 1000mg daily lowers blood pressure 13pts, prevents damage from chemotherapy, prevents seizures from scabies, prevents fatty liver, helps menopausal symptoms, helps pain/stops opiate tolerance & addiction, is safe for infants

(Dr. Richard Becker, Your Health)


Strophanthus (Ouabain)


Strophanthus is a plant (Ouabain is the extract) that has been used for people experiencing high blood pressure, heart disease, angina, and heart attacks for decades.  It is currently being used by a number of European (& German) cardiac clinics and hospitals because it appears to be over 80% effective in stopping angina symptoms and 85% effective in stopping and reducing the progression & damage of myocardial infarction (MI).  Strophanthus may also reduce high blood pressure and thin the blood as well as aspirin without increasing bleeding.


Strophanthus extract was apparently mistakenly considered to have too much absorption variability when taken orally.  It has now been demostrated that taken sublingually it appears to reduce angina & MI symptoms within minutes consistently.  People taking it daily usually start by using a drop at a time under the toungue without swallowing for five minutes when using it to treat high blood pressure or angina.


Strophanthus use was also inhibited by confusion about its relation to digitalis (both heart glycosides), a medicine limited because it inhibits (slows) the sodium pump. People assumed that strophanthus was the same, but strophanthus has the opposite effect on the sodium pump as digitalis.  Strophanthus in low doses appears to stimulate the sodium pump, which may be why strophanthus is so effective.  Strophanthus extract appears to help a number of the problems caused by congestive heart failure.


Because strophanthus appears to reduce angina, stop myocardial infarctions, thin the blood, and lower high blood pressure all with low side effects when used sublingually, it may be the most important single treatment for heart disease, heart damage, & heart failure.


Strophanthus extract is produced in a compound pharmacy in Germany & one in South America.  Here in the US it is available from a doctor:


Thomas S. Cowan, MD

661 Chenery Street

San Francisco, CA



Fax : (415) 334-1014

Front Desk: (415) 334-1010


Strophanthus hispidus attenuates the Ischemia-Reperfusion induced myocardial Infarction and reduces mean arterial pressure in renal artery occlusion

Rohit Gundamaraju et al.Pharmacogn Mag. 2014 Aug; 10(Suppl 3): S557–S562.

doi:  10.4103/0973-1296.139782


AGBAJE, E O; FAGEYINBO, M S. Evaluating Anti-Inflammatory activity of aqueous root extract of Strophanthus hispidus DC. (Apocynaceae). International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 4, p. 7-14, jan. 2012. ISSN 1940-6223. Available at: <http://www.ijarnp.org/index.php/ijarnp/article/view/87>. Date accessed: 16 jan. 2018.


Biol Pharm Bull. 2005 Dec;28(12):2319-22.

Cardioprotective activity of alcoholic extract of Tinospora cordifolia in ischemia-reperfusion induced myocardial infarction in rats.

Rao PR1, Kumar VK, Viswanath RK, Subbaraju GV.


Ouabain – the insulin of the heart

  1. Fürstenwerth

lnt J Clin Pract, November 2010, 64, 12, 1591-1594

doi: 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2010.02395.x


Effect of Strophanthus on Coronary Blood Flow and Cardiac Oxygen Consumption of Normal and Failing Human Hearts


Circulation. 1950;2:513-516

doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.2.4.513


Ouabain – the possible victory over the myocardial infarction” by Rolf-Jürgen Petry







Alpha 2 Na+,K+-ATPase silencing induces loss of inflammatory response and ouabain protection in glial cells

Paula F. Kinoshita, Lidia M. Yshii, Ana Maria M. Orellana, Amanda G. Paixão, Andrea R. Vasconcelos, Larissa de Sá Lima, Elisa M. Kawamoto & Cristoforo Scavone

Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 4894 (2017)



Prescription blood pressure medication


Testing for plasma renin activity (PRA) and avoiding prescribing renin lowering medications like ACE inhibitors or beta blockers when renin is already low (using diurtics instead) should prevent the majority of pressor responses- an increase in blood pressure when trying to treat high blood pressure.


Alderman et al. Pressor Responses to Antihypertensive Drug TypesAmerican Journal of Hypertension, 2010; DOI: 10.1038/ajh.2010.114


Having uncontrolled high blood pressure when young and in middle age increases the risk of strokes and dementia when elderly.  Conversely, having borderline high blood pressure when elderly decreases dementia.  Normal to low blood pressure when we are young or middle age is very healthy for longevity & avoiding dementia, and then is safe when we are older.  Too low of blood pressure when elderly in people who have had high blood pressure most of their lives can cause dementia symptoms, and too high can increase heart attacks, strokes, & dementia.


Low blood pressure and dementia in elderly people: the Kungsholmen project

Zhenchao Guo, Matti Viitanen, Laura Fratiglioni, Bengt Winblad

BMJ 1996; 312 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.312.7034.805




Starting blood pressure drugs & fall risk


Older adults in one study had a 36% higher risk of serious falls within 15 days of starting a new blood pressure drug, and a 13-16% higher risk if increasing dosage or adding another blood pressure drug.


Short-Term Risk of Serious Fall Injuries in Older Adults Initiating and Intensifying Treatment With Antihypertensive Medication

Daichi Shimbo, C. Barrett Bowling, Emily B. Levitan, Luqin Deng, John J. Sim, Lei Huang, Kristi Reynolds and Paul Muntner


Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2016;CIRCOUTCOMES.115.002524


Prescription blood pressure drugs


Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors


ACE inhibitors, which come from pit viper venom, are effective in increasing longevity & lowering blood pressure, especially in people who also have diabetes, heart failure, or kidney disease.  They can lower zinc levels so levels should be checked and supplemented.  ACE inhibitors can increase the effects of anaphylactic shock, so people with severe allergies should carry an Epi pen.  Over time they may increase potassium, so levels should be checked.


Centrally active ACE inhibitors reduce cognitive decline by 50%.

fosinopril Monopril

ramipril Altace

trandolapril Mavik

perindopril Aceon


Captopril (Capoten) is a weak anticholinergic, which causes symptoms that mimic dementia and increases mortality, especially in higher doses or when taken with another anticholinergic.  Lisinopril (Zestril) increases sun sensitivity & lip (and possibly skin) cancer.


Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular deaths, and cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis.

Cheng J et al.

JAMA Intern Med. 2014 May;174(5):773-85. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.348.




Noncentrally active ACE inhibitors can increase dementia 20%.


benaza Lotensin

enala Vasotec

quina Accupril


Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and cognitive decline in older adults with hypertension: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study.

Sink KM et al.

Arch Intern Med. 2009 Jul 13;169(13):1195-202. doi: 10.1001/archinternmed.2009.175.


Beta blockers


Beta blockers block epinephrine & norepinephrine to lower blood pressure & pulse, reduce mortality & hospitalizations.  They may affect women more than men, especially during exercise.  Beta blockers may lower coQ10, essential for heart energy levels.


Beta blocker don’t appear to reduce mortality in stable coronary artery disease.

β-Blockers, Calcium Antagonists, and Mortality in Stable Coronary Artery Disease: An International Cohort Study. Eur Heart J 2018;Dec 27:[Epub ahead of print].



Beta blockers and neurological effects


Lipophilic beta blockers have higher concentrations in the brain, & cause much more frequent side effects like depression, nightmares, & hallucinations.  Metoprolol is also anticholinergic, which causes symptoms that mimic dementia and increases mortality, especially in higher doses or when taken with another anticholinergic.  Propranolol can help with some tremors.


Liphilic beta blockers:





Central nervous system side-effects with hydrophilic and lipophilic beta-blockers.

Westerlund A.

Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1985;28 Suppl:73-6.


Beta-blockers and central nervous system side effects.

McAinsh J1, Cruickshank JM.

Pharmacol Ther. 1990;46(2):163-97.


Cruickshank JM (2010). “Beta-blockers and heart failure”. Indian Heart J 62 (2): 101–10. PMID 21180298.




Non-selective β1/β2 beta blockers were the first beta blockers created.  Drug companies stopped making more types of them because they can cause & exacerbate diabetes, asthma, & COPD.  Most doctors stopped prescribing them.


Non-selective β1/β2 beta blockers:


carvedilol (Coreg) may also cause impotence

labetalol (Normodyne, Trandate)

nadolol (Corgard)

penbutolol (Levatol)

pindolol ‎(Visken)

propranolol (Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL)

sotalol (Betapace, Sorine, Betapace AF)

timolol (Timoptic, Betimol, Timoptic-xe)


Drug companies then started coming up with β1-selective beta blockers.  β1-selective beta blockers don’t appear to cause diabetes at lower doses, but can cause or exacerbate diabetes at higher doses.  So doctors usually prescribe the lower doses & add a different type of blood pressure medicine as needed.


The safest beta blockers may be the β1-selective ones below at lower doses.


nebivolol (Bystolic)- may improve sexual function, has less AEs & a stable HR & good endothelial t‐PA release

bisoprolol (Zebeta)

esmolol (Brevibloc)

acebutolol (Sectral)- may reduce sexual function

betaxolol (Kerlone, Betoptic)-may reduce sexual function


Metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol) is β1-selective but can cause depression, nightmares, & hallucinations and along with atenolol (Tenormin) is anticholinergic, which causes symptoms that mimic dementia and increases mortality, especially in higher doses or when taken with another anticholinergic.


Even β1-selective beta blockers can block/mask the tachycardia that warns people with diabetes that their insulin has induced hypoglycemia, which is another danger.


Liu J-Y, Guo L-N, Peng W-Z, et al. Efficacy and safety of nebivolol in hypertensive patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of International Medical Research. 2020;48(10). doi:10.1177/0300060520931625

Weiss R. Nebivolol: a novel beta-blocker with nitric oxide-induced vasodilatation. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2006;2(3):303-8. doi: 10.2147/vhrm.2006.2.3.303. PMID: 17326335; PMCID: PMC1993984.








Beta blockers can prevent dementia in people with high blood pressure but exacerbate cognitive problems in people who already have dementia.


White L, et al “Beta blocker treatment of hypertensive older persons ameliorates the brain lesions of dementia measured at autopsy: the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study” AAN 2013.


The influence of beta-blockers on delayed memory function in people with cognitive impairment.

Gliebus G1, Lippa CF.

Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2007 Feb-Mar;22(1):57-61.




Diuretics decrease sodium & water to reduce blood pressure and have the best and longest track record for decreasing mortality.  They lower BP, heart attack & stroke, but deplete vitamins from the body and can trigger diabetes.  Whenever taking vitamins, especially multivitains, since half are fat soluble they stay a lot longer in the body if taken with a meal or with vegetable oil.

Diuretics are best if edema (swelling caused by excess fluid) or low renin is present.


Side effects are:


Increased urination

Low sodium in your blood (hyponatremia)



Increased thirst

Muscle cramps

Increased blood sugar

Increased cholesterol


Joint disorders (gout)


Menstrual irregularities

Breast enlargement in men (gynecomastia)





Thiazide diuretics


Thiazide diuretics lower blood pressure and decrease potassium in the blood.  They can cause diabetes possibly as a result of lowering potassium, but still decrease overall mortality.  Eating foods with and/or taking supplemental potassium is recommended.  When taking a thiazide diuretic, sodium blood levels must be prevented from getting so low as to cause neurologic damage or death. Thiazide diuretics may increase uric acid and gout and may increase kidney cancer 55%.  It is best to keep to a lower dose to minimize side effects, as higher doses don’t usually lower blood pressure much better but do increase side effects.  Indapamide (Lozol) may be the safest thiazide diuretic, avoiding some of the effects on potassium & uric acid & apparently not causing diabetes like the other thiazide diuretics.


Doesn’t appear to increase diabetes & gout:


Indapamide (Lozol)


Appears to increase diabetes & gout:


chlorothiazide (Diuril)

chlorthalidone (Hygroton)

methyclothiazide (Enduron)

metolazone (Zaroxolyn, Diulo, Mykrox)

hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, Microzide) also increases sun sensitivity & lip (and possibly skin) cancer, reduces coQ10


Effects of a Fixed Combination of Perindopril and Indapamide in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease

Hiddo J. Lambers Heerspink; Toshiharu Ninomiya; Vlado Perkovic; Mark Woodward; Sophia Zoungas; Alan Cass; Mark Cooper; Diederick E. Grobbee; Giuseppe Mancia; Carl Eric Mogensen; Bruce Neal; John Chalmers


Eur Heart J. 2010;31(23):2888-2896.


Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2006 May;4(3):319-33.

Perindopril/indapamide combination in the first-line treatment of hypertension and end-organ protection.

Gosse P.


Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2012 Jul;13(10):1515-26. doi: 10.1517/14656566.2012.698611.

Position of indapamide, a diuretic with vasorelaxant activities, in antihypertensive therapy.

Waeber B, Rotaru C, Feihl F.


Effect of indapamide SR in the treatment of hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes.

Kuo SW, Pei-Dee, Hung YJ, Hsieh AT, Wu LY, Hsieh CH, He CT, Yang TC, Lian WC.

Am J Hypertens. 2003 Aug;16(8):623-8.




Diuretic Treatment of Hypertension

Ehud Grossman et al.

doi: 10.2337/dc11-s246

Diabetes Care May 2011 vol. 34 no. Supplement 2 S313-S319




Effects of Thiazide Diuretics on Glucose Metabolism

Joel M. Gore, MD reviewing Stears AJ et al. Hypertension 2012 May. Elliott WJ. Hypertension 2012 May.

May 23, 2012



Hypertension, Hypokalemia, and Thiazide-Induced Diabetes

A 3-Way Connection

Rajiv Agarwal

Hypertension 2008; 52: 1012-1013

doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.108.121970


Elliott WJ, Meyer PM (2007). “Incident diabetes in clinical trials of antihypertensive drugs: a network meta-analysis”. Lancet 369 (9557): 201–7. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(07)60108-1. PMID 17240286.


Hypertension. 1985 Nov-Dec;7(6 Pt 2):II152-6.

A review of 10 years of experience with indapamide as an antihypertensive agent.


Potassium-sparing diuretics


Potassium-sparing diuretics increase potassium in the blood, especially in combination with ACE inhibitors and or NSAIDs and cause muscle weakness, fatigue, slow heart rate.  They are weaker than other diuretics and often used in combination with thiazide diuretics to balance potassium.  Triamterene added to a thiazide diuretic may lower blood pressure by an additional 4mmHg systolic.


triamterene (Dyrenium)


eplerenone (Inspra)

spironolactone (Aldactone)- may work best with people of African heritage, treats hair loss in men, excessive hair growth in women, dose limited due to side effects


Triamterene Enhances the Blood Pressure Lowering Effect of Hydrochlorothiazide in Patients with Hypertension.

Tu W

J Gen Intern Med. 2015 Jul 21. [Epub ahead of print]




Loop diuretics


Loop diuretics appear to have severe side effects.  They may cause memory loss, brain damage and increase mortality by over 150%.


torsemide (Demadex)

furosemide (Lasix)

bumetanide (Bumex)

ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)


Use of Loop Diuretics is Associated with Increased Mortality in Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease, but without Systolic Heart Failure or Renal Impairment: An Observational Study Using Propensity Score Matching

Hall Schartum-Hansen et al.

PLoS One. 2015; 10(6): e0124611.

Published online 2015 Jun 1. doi:  10.1371/journal.pone.0124611

PMCID: PMC4452510

The impact of loop diuretics in patients without heart failure


Circ J. 2012;76(8):1920-7. Epub 2012 May 26.

Loop diuretic use at discharge is associated with adverse outcomes in hospitalized patients with heart failure: a report from the Japanese cardiac registry of heart failure in cardiology (JCARE-CARD).

Hamaguchi S, Kinugawa S, Tsuchihashi-Makaya M, Goto D, Yamada S, Yokoshiki H, Takeshita A, Tsutsui H


Crit Care Med. 2007 Nov;35(11):2516-24.

The efficacy of loop diuretics in acute renal failure: assessment using Bayesian evidence synthesis techniques.

Sampath S, Moran JL, Graham PL, Rockliff S, Bersten AD, Abrams KR.






Alpha-blockers are used in treating hypertension, but as they are generally weaker than many other categories they are usually added on to a stronger blood pressure drug. They don’t help heart failure or angina.


selective α1-adrenoceptor antagonists




doxazosin (Cardura) and

alfuzosin (Uroxatral) and

tamsulosin (Flomax) help both high blood pressure & enlarged prostate


non-selective antagonists




Side effects are dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, nasal congestion, headache, fluid retention and reflex tachycardia (especially with non-selective alpha-blockers).  Edema is a problem that can be rectified by use of a diuretic in conjunction with the alpha-blocker.


Centrally acting α2-adrenoceptor agonists


Centrally acting a2-adrenoceptor agonists help to lower blood pressure, but increase fluid accumulation & edema so are usually administered with a diuretic to lower side effects.  They can cause sedation, constipation, & stomach upset.


clonidine Catapres- can change pupil dilation & dry eyes







Angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs)


ARBs lower blood pressure well but slightly increase cancer and do not decrease mortality, which is the ultimate test of effectiveness.  When used in combination with ACE inhibitors and/or beta blockers they increase kidney failure and mortality.


iscandesartan (Atacand) may be the safest

telmisartan Micardis

irbesartan Avapro

losartan Cozaar g

eprosartan Teveten

valsartan Diovan (60% more effective if taken before bedtime)

olmesartan Benicar taken by itself increases mortality


Controversies in Cardiovascular Medicine

Angiotensin Receptor Blockers May Increase Risk of Myocardial Infarction

Unraveling the ARB-MI Paradox

Martin H. Strauss, MD, FRCPC; Alistair S. Hall, MB ChB, PhD, FRCP(UK)


2006; 114: 838-854

doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.594986


JAMA Intern Med. 2014 May;174(5):773-85. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.348.

Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers on all-cause mortality, cardiovascular deaths, and cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis.

Cheng J, Zhang W, Zhang X, Han F, Li X, He X, Li Q, Chen J.


Angiotensin receptor blockers and risk of myocardial infarction: meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses of 147,020 patients from randomised trials

Sripal Bangalore et al.

BMJ 2011; 342 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.d2234

(note this study’s authors say ARBs don’t increase mortality, which means they found that ARBs don’t decrease mortality)


ARBs in combination therapy


ARBs + beta blockers + ACE inhibitors taken together increase kidney failure by 240% and increase mortality.


ARBs + ACE inhibitors taken together increases kidney failure by 200% and increases mortality.


Any increase in creatine appears to signal an increase in end-stage renal disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, and mortality.


Serum creatinine elevation after renin-angiotensin system blockade and long term cardiorenal risks: cohort study

Morten Schmidt et al.

BMJ 2017; 356 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.j791


McAlister FA, et al “The safety of combining angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors with angiotensin-receptor blockers in elderly patients: A population-based longitudinal analysis” CMAJ 2011; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.101333.


Sipahi I, Debanne SM, Rowland DY, Simon DI, Fang JC. Angiotensin-receptor blockade and risk of cancer: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Lancet Oncol. 2010 Jul;11(7):627-36.




Calcium channel blockers


Calcium channel blockers reduce blood pressure but increase mortality.  The European Society of Hypertension-European Society of Cardiology guidelines recommend avoiding calcium channel blockers in the treatment of heart failure, as many studies show other blood pressure drug categories have better outcomes in people with heart failure.





Calcium channel blockers appear to reduce all cause mortality in people of East Asian ancestry with heart disease.

Kow, Chia Siang MPharm*,†; Ramachandram, Dinesh Sangarran MSc; Hasan, Syed Shahzad PhD‡,§. Use of Calcium Channel Blockers and the Risk of All-cause Mortality and Severe Illness in Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 79(2):p 199-205, February 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/FJC.0000000000001144 journals.lww.com/cardiovascularpharm/Citation/2022/02000/Use_of_Calcium_Channel_Blockers_and_the_Risk_of.11.aspx


β-Blockers, Calcium Antagonists, and Mortality in Stable Coronary Artery Disease: An International Cohort Study. Eur Heart J 2018;Dec 27:[Epub ahead of print].                                                                                       acc.org/latest-in-cardiology/journal-scans/2019/01/10/15/52/beta-blockers-calcium-antagonists-and-mortality




Calcium channel blockers appear to increase the risk of heart attack, cancer, & gastrointestinal bleeding.



Amlodipine appears to increase peripheral edema and pulmonary edema.

Packer M, Carson P, Elkayam U, et al. Effect of Amlodipine on the Survival of Patients With Severe Chronic Heart Failure Due to a Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol HF. 2013 Aug, 1 (4) 308–314.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jchf.2013.04.004


Amlodipine appears to improve survival in people with covid & heart disease.

Zhang, LK., Sun, Y., Zeng, H. et al. Calcium channel blocker amlodipine besylate therapy is associated with reduced case fatality rate of COVID-19 patients with hypertension. Cell Discov 6, 96 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41421-020-00235-0  nature.com/articles/s41421-020-00235-0



Amlodipine (Norvasc)

Felodipine (Plendil)

Nicardipine (Cardene)

Diltiazem (Cardizem, Tiazac)


Nifedipine (Procardia) increases sun sensitivity & lip (and possibly skin) cancer

Nisoldipine (Sular)

Verapamil (Calan, Verelan, Covera-HS)


Guidelines Committee. 2003 European Society of Hypertension-European Society of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens. 2003;21:1011-1053.




Calcium channel blockers for tremors & Parkinson’s (a mixed bag)


Calcium channel blockers have been shown to help prevent & lower mortality in people with Parkinson’s in a study, & in a couple of studies to cause or increase essential & Parkinson’s tremors.


American Journal of Epidemiology

Use of Calcium Channel Blockers and Parkinson’s Disease

Björn Pasternak; Henrik Svanström; Nete M. Nielsen; Lars Fugger; Mads Melbye; Anders Hviid


Am J Epidemiol. 2012;175(7):627-635.


Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 1998 Dec;4(4):211-4.

Calcium channel blocker-induced parkinsonism: clinical features and comparisons with Parkinson’s disease.

García-Ruiz PJ1, Javier Jiménez-Jiménez F, García de Yébenes J.


Eur Neurol. 1987;27(2):114-9.

Calcium channel blockers and essential tremor.

Topaktas S, Onur R, Dalkara T.


Skin cancer


These drugs can cause sun sensivity & may increase lip cancer up to 400%.


hydrochlorothiazide HCTZ (Aquazide H, HydroDIURIL and Microzide) a diuretic

nifedipine (Adalat, Nifediac, Procardia, Afeditab, Cordipin) a calcium channel blocker

lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril and ACE inhibitor) increased lip cancer less than the other two


Antihypertensive Drugs and Lip Cancer in Non-Hispanic Whites

Gary D. Friedman, Maryam M. Asgari, E. Margaret Warton, James Chan, Laurel A. Habel

Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(16):1246-1251. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.2754.






Doxazosin (Cardura) is less effective than diuretics in preventing congestive heart failure & cardiovascular disease.  It may help benign prostatic hyperplasia and nightmares and night terrors.






Catheter based kidney denervation may reduce diastolic blood pressure up to 10pts and systolic up to 30pts on average w/radiofrequency ablation of renal nerves. The side effects can be a regression of left ventric hypertrophy (LVH), and the surgery can cause kidney damage.


Vericose veins


P11 CRH When veins are a pain by Marvin M. Lipman MD

Can progress to leg ulcers.

Horse chestnut may help swelling related to blood backflow.

Sclerotherapy may scar and close the vein.

Laser therapy

Vein ablation

Surgical excision


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.