Heart disease & myocarditis- prevention & treatment


How do you prevent & treat heart disease & myocarditis (heart damage)?


How does the heart recover & clear arteries of blockages & prevent heart attacks?


Alpha lipoic acid


Alpha lipoic acid is apparently made by our bodies to turn sugar into ATP energy to increase energy, reduce diabetes & cancer, and by lowering triglycerides clean out arteries & lower high blood pressure, heart disease & congestive heart failure.


Alpha lipoic acid appears to regenerate neurons & nerve cells so quickly to reduce migraines by over 80% in an hour (at high doses at or over 2400mg/day) usually taken 300-600mg at wakeup, with every meal or high carb snack, & at bedtime.


As an anti-inflammatory at high doses it appears to increase stem cell repair of tissue & help repair damaged tissue & cells, helping recovery from injury.


At very high doses (over 3000mg/day) it can lower biotin (vitamin B7) absorption so biotin or better yet vitamin B complex can be taken in between doses once daily.




Organic natto


Natto is a fermented soy product that contains nattokinase & vitamin K2.  Nattokinase when taken on an empty stomach appears to dissolve artery blockages faster than anything I’ve ever studied.  One eighth of a teaspoon of organic natto with water on an empty stomach (otherwise the body uses the nattokinase for digestion) appears to also have significant anti-inflammatory benefits.


The natto also has a lot of vitamin K2 which also clears arteries, prevents & reverses type II diabetes, helps stop cancer & works with vitamin D3 to move calcium from arteries reversing calcification & moving it to the bone & increasing bone density & reversing osteoporosis & cavities by strengthening teeth.


The cost of 1/8ts of organic natto is far cheaper than nattokinase & vitamin K2 supplements.





About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.