Brain recovery & enhancement

May we all have compassion & gratitude for all beings, help all beings to best help all beings help life, health, love, happiness, freedom & hope for all beings & to love all life as God & all being as Jesus & listen to all beings helping life for all, Jesus & God for guidance.


Brain recovery & enhancement


Preventing neural death in TBI, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lewy Body, Huntingtons, ALS-


Avoiding the paraquat (Parkinson’s) & Roundup/glyphosate (depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart disease, cancer) sprayed on hundreds of crops & Nutrasweet/aspartame/Equal/Neotame (brain damage), sucralose/Splenda (diabetes/heart disease/obesity/cancer), MSG (brain damage) hidden in “natural flavors”, FD&C food colorings blue#/red#/yellow# w (mercury & lead), by only buying/growing organic whole foods & cooking ourselves in pressure cooker (retains 90% of vitamins, slow cooker only 40%) which makes (soaked & sprouted) beans & rice & vegetables far healthier to eat & adding raw honey (no diabetes or weight gain) or allulose blend like Ketosweet that LOWERS blood sugar (sweet), & Celtic or Himalayan salt & a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (sour) & black pepper (bitter) & medicinal mushroom mix or tomato paste or parsnips (savory flavor) & olives (no CA black) or avocado before serving or unheated/cold pressed/unrefined oils right at serving or cooking with coconut oil/butter/ghee/lard (fat) & onions & garlic & Italian seasonings & curry & Ceylon cinnamon so  it tastes better than processed or restaurant food w/treat being cocoa with raw honey or allulose blend and melt no sugar bakers chocolate & add raw honey or allulose blend then freeze in small ice cube tray & drink cocoa & nibble in chocolate bars all day (lowers heart disease & diabetes) to lower temptation of other processed foods & eating ketogenic diet to reverse 80% of physical & mental health problems


Growing new neurons & speeding up neural processing helps increase cognition & productivity.



Agmatine (from arginine) appears to increase blood flow in the brain & neurons, improving healing.

Nigella- black seed oil (BSO)


BSO is neuroprotective and helps reduce seizures, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & more


Mohammad Reza Khazdair, “The Protective Effects of Nigella sativa and Its Constituents on Induced Neurotoxicity“, Journal of Toxicology, vol. 2015, Article ID 841823, 7 pages, 2015.


“Numerous therapeutic benefits of the plant extract against diabetes, hypertension, pediatric seizures, opioid dependence, anxiety, arthritis, various infectious diseases, infertility, dyspepsia, asthma, allergic rhinitis were demonstrated by clinical studies.”

Maryam Nayeem, Mohammed K. Ahmed, Arshad Jawed, Saeed Alshahrani, Hafiz A. Makeen, Manal M.E. Taha, Sohail Hussain, Sadaf Jahan, Andleeb Khan,
Chapter 7 – A meta-analysis of Nigella sativa in respiratory disorders,
Editor(s): Andleeb Khan, Muneeb Rehman,
Black Seeds (Nigella Sativa), Elsevier, 2022, Pages 177-196, ISBN 9780128244623,


Coffee fruit extract


Coffee fruit extract appears to reliably increase cognitive performance by decreasing reactive oxygen specials (ROS) and increasing a brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

People with mild cognitive decline completed working memory tasks faster in the below study after taking coffee fruit extract.



Fixed pupil dilation (FPD)


People with bilateral FPD in brain injury without special treatment have a 12% survival.  All the treatments above are used to increase that survival, both for cognitive enhancement & dementia prevention before any head trauma, to immediate treatment in the hospital.


Side effects of brain injury





About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.