Blue light therapy February 10, 2023 Blue light therapy Blue light therapy at specific wavelengths and intensities kills bacteria in wounds in multiple studies. Blue light rescues mice from… Continue Reading
Kidneys February 7, 2023 Kidneys You can use this as a starting point for your own research, and share with your doctor… Continue Reading
Gastrointestinal&stomach issues February 5, 2023 Saving this to a “Health” folder may make access easier Use this as an aide to your research & share with your doctor… Continue Reading
Pomegranate February 5, 2023 Pomegranate fruit The seeds from pomegranates may lower inflammation, osteoarthritis, cancer & heart disease, blood pressure, dementia, help memory and may help… Continue Reading
Personality February 4, 2023 Personality Extroversion- sociability & positive emotion (choose friends wisely) Neuroticism- mood instability & sensitivity to negative emotions (lessen) conscientiousness- discipline to do… Continue Reading
Habits February 4, 2023 Habits- create or stop Mark on calendar- intention & action Make cues more frequent or less Remove temptation- surround with people same goal,… Continue Reading
Today February 4, 2023 If only today: Call someone- Forgive someone Ask for forgiveness Say I love you Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee Compassion &… Continue Reading
Natto, nattokinase & vitamin K2 January 29, 2023 Organic natto Organic natto is a fermented soy that has nattokinase & vitamin K2. When taken on an empty stomach, 1/8-1/2… Continue Reading
Heart disease & myocarditis- prevention & treatment January 29, 2023 How do you prevent & treat heart disease & myocarditis (heart damage)? How does the heart recover & clear arteries of blockages… Continue Reading
Managing people January 29, 2023 Develop: Self awareness Self efficacy Authenticity Empathy Encouraging participation with- personalized coaching based on need for skills & upcoming transitions… Continue Reading