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Spirulina is the source of all EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids in fish oil.  It must be taken with a vegetable to get all the benefits, as the vegetable has the enzymes needed to break down the algae.  Spirulina appears to help anemia as well as mood, concentration, energy, inflammation, heart disease, liver damage, etc.



Selmi, C., Leung, P., Fischer, L. et al. The effects of Spirulina on anemia and immune function in senior citizens. Cell Mol Immunol 8, 248–254 (2011).


Serban MC, Sahebkar A, Dragan S, Stoichescu-Hogea G, Ursoniu S, Andrica F, Banach M. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of Spirulina supplementation on plasma lipid concentrations. Clin Nutr. 2016 Aug;35(4):842-51. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.09.007. Epub 2015 Sep 25. PMID: 26433766.





Suma (Brazillian ginseng) appears to increase sex drive, strength, energy (especially after workout), female fertility, collagen, reduced dark circles under eye (topically),  lower blood pressure, and reduce stress/anxiety/depression & inflammation, diabetes, sickle cell anemia, fat, ulcers & heartburn,  osteoporosis, pain, kidney damage, cancer.



Iron & anemia



Iron supplementation if low helps anemia- ferrous citrate/glycinate/fumarate (not sulfate), but proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), tea, coffee, red wine, milk & Celiac disease, tropical sprue, Crohn’s disease, duodenal cancer, duodenal ulcers & amilial adenomatous polyposis may reduce iron absorption & lecithin liposomal iron may increase.  Women who are menstruating, pregnant or breast feeding need up to 2x as much iron.


Low iron levels may conversely reduce sickle cell anemia symptoms.

Koduri PR. Iron in sickle cell disease: a review why less is better. Am J Hematol. 2003 May;73(1):59-63. doi: 10.1002/ajh.10313. PMID: 12701123.

Dietary iron restriction protects against vaso-occlusion and organ damage in murine sickle cell disease Huihui Li et al. Blood (2023) 141 (2): 194–199.


Ems T, St Lucia K, Huecker MR. Biochemistry, Iron Absorption. [Updated 2023 Apr 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:


Piskin E, Cianciosi D, Gulec S, Tomas M, Capanoglu E. Iron Absorption: Factors, Limitations, and Improvement Methods. ACS Omega. 2022 Jun 10;7(24):20441-20456. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c01833. PMID: 35755397; PMCID: PMC9219084.




Lecithin liposomal vitamin C (LLVC)


LLVC appears 5x stronger than regular, & vitamin C also increases iron absorption.  Vitamin C may reduce anemia.



Vitamins B


Vitamins B12 (methylcobalamin) & B9 (folinic) or sustained release vitB complex after breakfast may reduce anemia.



Ouabain/strophanthus & sickle cell anemia


Ouabain (in Europe) may be the most effective drug to treat heart problems, & strophanthus, the plant it come from, in liquid form as drops under the tongue may increase blood levels greater & more reliably than oral ouabain.  Strophanthus & ouabain both inhibit the sodium potassium pump.  Since inhibition of the sodium ion pump appears to reduce sickle cel anemia symptoms,  strophanthus may then be very effective in reducing active sickle cell anemia symptoms.


Izumo H, Lear S, Williams M, Rosa R, Epstein FH. Sodium-potassium pump, ion fluxes, and cellular dehydration in sickle cell anemia. J Clin Invest. 1987 Jun;79(6):1621-8. doi: 10.1172/JCI112998. PMID: 3034977; PMCID: PMC424484.


Strophanthus is available here-




Sickle cell anemia vs regular anemia
Since iron supplementation if iron is low helps regular anemia but can increase sickle cell anemia symptoms & reducing iron levels may help reduce sickle cell anemia symptoms, then anything that helps anemia may conversely increase sickle cell anemia symptoms, and the substance that increased sickle cell symptoms might be reduced (or the action that it causes be lowered) in order to improve symptoms of sickle cell anemia.




Yellow dock


Yellow dock is often used for its iron content & vitamin C to increase iron levels.



About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.