Addiction-Alcohol & Benzodiazepenes


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Addiction-alcohol & benzodiazepenes


Alcohol & benzodiazepene use as well as benzodiazepene “like” drugs can cause dependency, tolerance & increased anxiety & depression when not using.  Perhaps because they all deplete the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) they are all cross addictive- addiction to one is an addiction to them all.  They all can cause loss of motor skills, slurred speech, respiratory depression, blurred vision, & impaired judgment.  These side effects can be greatly multiplied when taken in combination, leading to death from respiratory depression.  Barbiturates (tranquilizers), some skeletal muscle relaxants, general anaesthetics, methaqualone (Quaaludes) & analogues, & alcohols gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) & 2-methyl-2-butanol (2M2B) also work on the same system and cause respiratory depression & death when used with any other CNS nervous system respiratory depressant. Using opiates like oxycodone, morphine, or heroin that also cause respiratory depression with them can also quickly lead to death. Tricyclic antidepressants can also increase respiratory depression & death when taken with opiates, alcohol, benzodiazepenes, & barbiturates (tranquilizers).



  • Alprazolam (Xanax®): Approved for treating anxiety disorders, panic disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
  • Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®; brand name is no longer available in the U.S.): Approved for treating alcohol withdrawal and anxiety-related conditions.
  • Clobazam (Onfi®, Sympazan®): Approved for treating seizures and certain forms of epilepsy.
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin®): Approved to treat agitation, anxiety and seizures.
  • Clorazepate (Tranxene®): Approved for treating anxiety and seizures.
  • Diazepam (Diastat®, Valium®, Valtoco®): Approved to treat alcohol withdrawal, seizures and muscle spasms. Also approved for use as pre-anesthesia for surgery and procedures. These can also treat toxic effects on the heart from chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.
  • Estazolam (ProSom®; brand name is no longer available in the U.S.): Approved to treat insomnia.
  • Flurazepam (Dalmane®; brand name is no longer available in the U.S.): Approved to treat insomnia.
  • Lorazepam (Ativan®, Loreev®): Approved for treating seizures, chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting, anxiety, pre-anesthesia for surgery and procedures, and phobias.
  • Midazolam (Nayzilam®, Seizalam®, Versed®; brand name Versed is no longer available in the U.S.): Approved to treat seizures, sedate people on a ventilator, and as pre-anesthesia for surgery and procedures.
  • Oxazepam (Serax®; brand name is no longer available in the U.S.): Approved as a treatment for alcohol withdrawal syndrome, anxiety and agitation.
  • Quazepam (Doral®): Approved to treat insomnia and sleep problems.
  • Remimazolam (Byfavo®): Approved for pre-anesthesia before surgeries and procedures.
  • Temazepam (Restoril®): Approved for treating insomnia.
  • Triazolam (Halcion®): Approved for treating insomnia.

Of the above benzodiazepenes, the most commonly prescribed (99%) are:

  • Lorazepam (Ativan®, Loreev®) 51%
  • Clonazepam (Klonopin®) 20%
  • Diazepam (Diastat®, Valium®, Valtoco®) 14%
  • Alprazolam (Xanax®) 14%

Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) also know as “roofies” & a date rape drug is illegal in the USA

Benzodiazepene “like”


The above lists are mostly from:





Alcohol/benzodiazepene addiction


Treatment for alcohol addiction usually has a 10% success rate (including AA).  How can we significantly increase sobriety above the normal 10%?


Ampelopsin-dihydromyricetin (DHM), a Japanese raison tree (hovenia dulcis) extract 


DHM speeds the processing & clearance of alcohol greatly.  DHM could be used before or in place of drinking more than one drink an hour for men , or 1/2 drink per hour for women, or any drinks for people who get a flushed face from alcohol to reverse nearly all of alcohol’s negative effects of overuse, tolerance, withdrawal, intoxication, hangover, fatty liver, diabetes & heart disease.  People who take DHM drink less alcohol & have less adverse effects of alcohol usage.





Kava is a supplement at natural food stores & online that has all the relaxation benefits of alcohol/benzodiazepenes without the negatives.


Especially on islands near where it is grown, hundreds of kava bar patrons in the USA & around the world use tea from the kava plant leaves for all the social relaxation of alcohol but with cognitive enhancement rather than poisoning (from alcohol’s metabolite aldehydes).  Kava works on the same brain receptors with the same antianxiety & sleep (when taken in bed) benefits but without the addiction, hangover, memory loss & tolerance problems of alcohol.


People using kava see an enhanced cognitive benefit & retain emotional sensitivity to others & have reduced / no aggression vs alcohol’s increased aggression. Islands that have only kava bars & no alcohol bars have a much lower rate of violent crime.


Kava often helps anxiety more & more over time which frequently results in lowered use of all anxiolytics.


As kava does increase muscle relaxation & with large enough amounts may reduce reaction time, everyone taking any intoxicant should take a minute before using and touch their nose, stand on one foot to determine their pre-inebriation motor coordination & do it again before driving if there is any question of still being affected by any inebriant.


Kava in over 30 studies appears to help against over 80% of cancers.

Efficacy of kava extract for treating anxiety: systematic review and meta-analysis

Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the acetonic kava-kava extract

The protective effects of Kava (Piper Methysticum) constituents in cancers: A systematic review



Other anxiolytics without respiratory depression


CBD oil & the herbs kava, chamomille, valerian, lemongrass, lemonbalm & the amino acids (in the foods we eat) GABA, glycine (best in magnesium glycinate), theanine & the vitamin B8 myoinositol all appear to cause no respiratory depression alone or in combination and reduce anxiety in the day & improve deep sleep when taken at night, especially during withdrawal & abstinence.  Taking them in combination & especially (much stronger & faster) under the tongue can reduce the already minimal adverse effects to undetectable for many.  People who take these before drinking ingest less alcohol & have less adverse effects from alcohol use.



The Sinclair Method- naltrexone before planned drinking


In the Sinclair method people take a 50mg or more naltrexone tablet once a week then 45 minutes to an hour later drink alcohol intentionally (in a safe setting). If taken under the tongue (may only need 25mg crushed & mixed w powdered stevia to negate bitterness) then drinking may start a half hour afterwards. 


People often are able for the first time in years to stop at two or three drinks. The naltrexone blocks much of the pleasure from the alcohol and makes it less and less attractive.  After 3 to 4 months of once a week drinking after taking naltrexone, the person usually no longer finds alcohol rewarding & moves on to full abstinence or occasional alcohol use but only after ingesting naltrexone.


Using the Sinclair method (the #1 alcohol treatment method in Finland) appears to have a 78% ten year success rate in treating alcohol addiction.


Selecting an appropriate alcohol pharmacotherapy: review of recent findings



What supplements prevent cravings the most during withdrawal & abstinence- Kava, B100s, glutamine, MCT oil



As reported above, kava appears to reduce or eliminate the increase anxiety usually felt during alcohol/benzodiazepene withdrawal.


Vitamin B100 sustained release after breakfast

Alcohol depletes B vitamins, taking them helps stop cravings.  Sustained release give much longer benefits as B vitamins are water soluble & don’t stay in the body.



L-glutamine powder


Taking the amino acid glutamine under the tongue appears to quickly relieve alcohol and/or sugar cravings.




MCT oil


Fractionated coconut oil (it doesn’t taste like coconut) is the only fat that is easier to burn as energy than store as fat.  Taking 1/8th-1/4th in meals or under the tongue every four hours significantly improves mental & physical energy and provides fuel to brains starved of the quick sugar of alcohol.  It is sometimes the only way people who have been drinking for decades can stop the cravings of alcohol use.




Cytisine (Tabex)


Cytisine (Tabex) is used to wean people off of smoking tobacco.  Cytisine appears to also reduce alcohol use by up to 50%.  That makes it especially effective for people addicted to both alcohol and smoking.  Perhaps the best way to use it is under the tongue a 1/2hr (an hour if swallowed) before alcohol use, like with the Sinclair Method above. 

Cytisine modulates the development of alcohol deprivation effect in C57BL/6J mice

Cytisine modulates chronic voluntary ethanol consumption and ethanol-induced striatal up-regulation of ΔFosB in mice




N-acetylcysteine (NAC)


NAC not only appears to help abstinence & cravings from alcohol after withdrawal & reduce alcohol usage by 30% & by 60% when taken with aspirin, but also appears to help recovery from liver damage & liver failure.

3.5g/200lbs/day NAC, 1.35g/200lbs/day aspirin




Kudzu extract


Kudzu has been used since 600 A.D. to reduce alcohol use.  It may increase the subjective effects (not blood alcohol or motor impairment levels) if swallowed an hour before alcohol use, or a half hour if under the tongue.  It seems to significantly reduce binge drinking (drinking heavily after periods of abstinence).  The compounds that may provide the benefit are daidzein and diadzin in powder form.  It may be most effective with least side effects when only used before drinking, and not on days when not drinking.

Kudzu root: An ancient chinese source of modern antidipsotropic agents

Kudzu Extract Treatment Does Not Increase the Intoxicating Effects of Acute Alcohol in Human Volunteers

A standardized kudzu extract (NPI-031) reduces alcohol consumption

An extract of the Chinese herbal root kudzu reduces alcohol drinking by heavy drinkers in a naturalistic setting

A Pilot Study Exploring The Effect of Kudzu Root on the Drinking Habits of Patients with Chronic Alcoholism

HAMS: Harm Reduction for Alcohol, Kudzu Root Reduces Alcohol Intake 

Natural medicines for alcoholism treatment: a review

Chinese Herb Kudzu May Help Drinkers Cut Down

Dating During Recovery From Alcoholism



Lithium orotate liquid


Lithium carbonate is a prescription drug used to help treat mania in bipolar disorder.  It is so biounavailable dosages of 2000mg are used to get even a partial benefit for mania.  At 2000mg people often can get damage to their kidneys over time as well as a large number of cognitive & physical adverse effects.

Lithium orotate & lithium chloride are bioavailable at 1/50th to 1/100th the effective dosage of prescription dosage of lithium carbonate.  They are effective for mania at 20-40mg during an active manic episode, and lower for maintenance. 

People who have to stop taking lithium carbonate because of kidney damage have reported the same benefits with lithium orotate/chloride at 1/100th the dosage (20mg instead of 2000mg) and have their damaged kidneys heal while off the damaging lithium carbonate & on the much lower & apparently safe dosages of lithium orotate/chloride.

People’s maintenance dosage of lithium orotate is 10-20mg if they have bipolar disorder, and 1mg or less daily otherwise.

Lithium orotate can be bought in liquid form with a dropper for dosages lower than the normal 5mg for capsule forms.


Lithium orotate/chloride benefits in alcohol withdrawal

At dosages of 1mg or even less even people who don’t have mania get the benefit of increased calmness, happiness, less agitation/violence, & increased neural growth that helps brain disorders like dementia.

Lithium orotate or chloride can improve the mood & speed recovery by increasing neural growth in people withdrawing from alcohol, cutting the cravings by increasing mood & regrowing dopamine/pleasure neurons downregulated by alcohol usage.

People who’s alcoholism covered up their bipolar disorder symptoms get an even larger benefit from lithium orotate/chloride.


Nearly every American got lithium in their drinks through the 1930s up to 1948.  7 Up was 7 for lithium on the periodic table & up for mood & advertised as lithiated lemon lime. It became the third most popular drink for it’s mood effects & almost all other beverages added lithium as well until the government inexplicably stopped drink supplementation and an explosion of addiction, mental hospitals & Alzheimer’s resulted.

When 7-Up was created in 1929 it contained lithium, a mood-stabilizing drug



Lithium improves mood, calmness, aggression & recovery from alcohol addiction, brain injury, Alzheimer’s & any neurological problem.  In Australia, Japan, Germany, Austria & the USA the towns with the highest natural lithium levels in the water had 40% less violent crime (including suicide) than towns with the lowest natural lithium levels.

Neuroprotective Effects of Low-dose Lithium in Individuals at Ultra-high Risk for Psychosis. A Longitudinal MRI/MRS Study





Ibudilast is a major anti-inflammatory used in Japan (not available in the US) that appears to help MS, stroke, asthma/allergies/hay fever as well as neuropathic pain & neural damage.  Ibudilast appears to reduce tolerance, withdrawal symptoms & cravings from opiate painkillers, alcohol & stimulants like methamphetamine.

Ibudilast appears to make opiate painkillers more effective without an need to increase dosage.


Role of Inflammation in Environmental Neurotoxicity



Lipoic acid


Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is very effective against nerve pain & recovery from migraines, sciatica, neuropathy, TBI & addiction including to SRI antidepressants.  The body makes it to turn sugar in the blood into ATP energy.  It stimulates neural growth & is a major anti-inflammatory & painkiller.  In high doses it can reduce pain & withdrawal pain sometimes completely.

The study that used the most used 2400 mg of alpha lipoic as 1200mg with a meal twice around 12 hours apart.  It lasted for six months with no dropouts due to side effects, & people lost 8 lbs on average.  Most people then take 300mg on wakup, 600mg before each meal, & 300mg at bedtime.

The Mayo Clinic recommends lipoic acid for neuropathy after doing their own study on it. They’ve noted the only major adverse effect at much higher doses than were used in the studies is it competes for absorption at high doses with vitamin B7/biotin.  So taking B7/biotin in between lipoic acid doses appears to prevent any major side effect when taking more than 1200mg 2x a day.

Lipoic acid at high doses also appears to moderate blood sugar & reduce type II diabetes symptoms after a month or so sometimes to zero, reduce heart disease/congestive heart failure/high blood pressure symptoms sometimes to zero after a few months, & reduce cancer by 1/3rd to 2/3rds by reducing cancer’s ability to use sugar to grow.

Lipoic Acid

A Case for Alpha-Lipoic Acid as an Alternative Treatment for Diabetic Polyneuropathy



Multivitamin/multimineral or organic kale


Taking a multivitamin & multimineral can help brain chemistry & reduce cravings.  Organic kale has low oxylates and when eating with something fatty like organic nonrefined oil (like organic extra virgin olive oil) has vitamin C & a lot of minerals.



Vitamin D3


A lot of people are deficient in vitamin D3 in ways that can contribute to their addiction.  Low vitamin D3 increases feelings of depression & anxiety.  Addictive substances can cover up the painful side effects of autoimmune disorders.  Doctors in Portugal have found for over 20 years that getting their patients levels of vitamin D3 above 150ng/ml, apparently safe as long as vitamin K2 levels are high enough from eating natto, taking vitamin K2 supplements, or eating dark leafy greens like organic kale that have vitamin K1 our bodies make into vitamin K2 to build bones with calcium freed up by vitamin D3, has reduced autoiummune symptoms (even deadly multiple sclerosis brain lesions) by 95%.



Autism & vitamin D3


A lot of people struggling with addiction have ADHD and/or are somewhere on the autism spectrum, up to 8 times more than the average population.  They have higher anxiety levels in group situations than others and are more likely to take drugs & get addicted.

One study of people diagnosed with autism who had died upon autopsy found two thirds had the same autoimmune attack markers in the brain as people who had brain lesions from multiple sclerosis.  In MS the autoimmune attack is on the motor centers of the brain.

The autoimmune attack on the brain in autism would more likely be strongest at the sensory processing center and at the part of the brain that helps people understand other people, the two largest problems people with autism struggle with.

Getting vitamin D3 levels above 150ng/ml by taking 50K/1.25mg under the tongue daily w/200-500mcg of vitamin K2 or natto or organic kale or baby greens (we can make vitamin K2 from K1 in greens) if calcium goes up appears to reduce autoimmune symptoms (like 80% of people with autism) by 95%.




Wheat & dairy

Another indication that people with autism are dealing with autoimmune symptoms are that studies have shown both people with MS & people with autism often have a large drop drop in symptoms when dairy & wheat are avoided.  Brain lesions can go down with people with MS & people formerly mute with autism can start talking for sometimes the first time in their lives, have reduced sensory processing disorder & become more social.

Getting vitamin D3 levels above 150ng/ml appears to stop much of the autoimmune response to some foods in people with autoimmune disorders like MS & raise mood & reduce anxiety & increase social understanding & reduce sensory processing disorder greatly in people with autism who appear to have food sensitivity.


Cost of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 can be five cents for 125mcg (5K IU) capsules/chewables/liquid or far cheaper seven cents for 1.25mg (50K IU) capsules or bulk powder.  Getting someone at 200lbs above 150ng/ml until their autoimmune symptoms lower appear to take 500mcg (20K IU) under the tongue (much stronger) with a drop of butter or oil for absorption or orally/swallowed 1mg (40K IU) after a meal with fat/butter/oil daily.  That’s one 1.25mg (50K IU) every two & a half days taken under the tongue with a drop of oil or 150 doses a year at 7 cents each which is less than $10 a year.

This mimics what are bodies would make living at the equator with even dark skin.  Our bodies make up to 30,000 IU of vitamin d3 from the sun daily before stopping extra production.  So 30,000 IU daily appears to be safe from observing the upper limit gotten from natural sunshine & outdoors exposure in the middle of the day.

People may need less supplementation with summer sun exposure in the hours around lunchtime 11a-3p depending on how much they make from the sun (lighter skin = more) & how close they live to the equator.

People who are heavier need more vitamin D3 and get more health benefits from supplementation as their blood levels are often quite lower from reduced sun exposure & greater weight.

Eating dark leafy greens for vitamin K1 to K2 conversion or taking natto or vitamin K2 supplements to build bone with calcium freed up by extra vitamin D3 appear to help increase bone density, reduce osteoporosis and reduce hardening of the heart/calcification of the arteries & reduce heart disease & improve longevity & prevent high blood calcium levels that appear rare.



SKV (Indian herb formulation)


SKV may be effective taken daily to reduce alcohol use.


Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Volume 17, Issue 2, August 1986, Pages 171-182

An indian herbal formula (skv) for controlling voluntary ethanol intake in rats with chronic alcoholism

E.R.B. Shanmugasundaram and K.Radha Shanmugasundaram


Alcohol, Cell Membranes, and Signal Transduction in Brain

pp 185-193

Control of Alcoholism by Treatment with SKV, A Herbal Drug Mixture from India

  1. Nachiappan, K. R. Shanmugasundaram, S. I. Mufti




Noni capsules (not juice) for pain and for opiate & alcohol addiction


Noni is a fruit eaten by Polynesians.  It reportedly has multiple medicinal benefits.  It appears to be a COX-2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory, and work especially well to protect joints.  As little as 2 oz may last several days and work especially fast & effectively against pain because of it’s effects as an anti-inflammatory and its inhibition of MU receptors in the spinal cord like opiates do.  It may be as effective a painkiller as tramadol (Ultram), but without the side effects, addiction, or withdrawal.  In one survey of several hundred people using noni, 90% reported a significant decrease in chronic pain.  Noni appears to relive constipation by increasing peristalsis, useful for people also taking opiates.


Noni appears to reduce the desire for opiates & alcohol in addiction in multiple animal studies.  It also appears to speed up wound healing and reduce osteoporosis.  Noni has phytochemicals that have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, anthelminthic, analgesic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects


Noni is far easier to take in capsule form than in juice form for taste & amount of sugar used.


Exp Anim. 2016; 65(2): 157–164. doi:  10.1538/expanim.15-0088

Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit extract attenuates the rewarding effect of heroin in conditioned place preference but not withdrawal in rodents

Megala Narasingam, Vijayapandi Pandy, and Zahurin Mohamed


Front Pharmacol. 2016 Sep 27;7:352. eCollection 2016.

Methanolic Extract of Morinda citrifolia L. (Noni) Unripe Fruit Attenuates Ethanol-Induced Conditioned Place Preferences in Mice.

Khan Y, Pandy V.


Exp Anim. 2016 Nov 1;65(4):437-445. Epub 2016 Jun 21.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia Linn.) fruit juice attenuates the rewarding effect of ethanol in conditioned place preference in mice.

Pandy V, Khan Y.


Palu, Afa & Su, Chen & Zhou, Bing-Nan & West, Brett & Jensen, Claude Jarakae. (2010). Wound Healing Effects of Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Leaves: A Mechanism Involving its PDGF/A2A Receptor Ligand Binding and Promotion of Wound Closure. Phytotherapy research : PTR. 24. 1437-41. 10.1002/ptr.3150. 


Arabian Journal of Chemistry Volume 10, Issue 5, July 2017, Pages 691-707

Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A comprehensive review on its industrial uses, pharmacological activities, and clinical trials

Reem Abou et al.


Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines Volume 12, Issue 3, March 2014, Pages 204-212

Effect of Morinda officinalis capsule on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats

Ye LI et al.






Agmatine, a nootropic, may help alcohol addiction withdrawal.


Agmatine- may reduce pain, help with depression and anxiety, promote muscle growth, protect the brain from damage due to stroke, improve weight loss and prevent weight gain, improve recording of spatial memory, suppress tumor growth, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar, help with alzheimer’s disease, protect against hardening of the arteries, increase nerve repair, protects against seizures, protect against stress, reduce inflammation, help with alcohol and morphine withdrawal


Agmatine (10-20 mg/kg, i.p.), moxonidine (0.25 mg/kg, i.p.), clonidine (0.015 mg/kg, i.p.), 2-BFI (5 mg/kg, i.p.), L-arginine (100 microg/rat, i.c.v.), DFMO (125 microg/rat, i.c.v.), aminoguanidine (65 microg/rat, i.c.v.) and arcaine (50 microg/rat, i.c.v.) all helped anxiety in alcohol withdrawal in one study on rats.


Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Jul 10;637(1-3):89-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2010.03.058. Epub 2010 Apr 13.

Agmatine, an endogenous imidazoline receptor ligand modulates ethanol anxiolysis and withdrawal anxiety in rats.

Taksande BG, Kotagale NR, Patel MR, Shelkar GP, Ugale RR, Chopde CT.


Behav Brain Res. 2000 Jan;107(1-2):153-9.

Effects of agmatine on ethanol withdrawal syndrome in rats.

Uzbay IT, Yeşilyurt O, Celik T, Ergün H, Işimer A.


St John’s Wort & alcohol


St John’s Wort appears to help lower alcohol intake.


De Vry J, Maurel S, Schreiber R, et al. Comparison of hypericum extracts with imipramine and fluoxetine in animal models of depression and alcoholism. Eur J Neuropsychopharmacol 1999;10:37–42.


Panocka I, Perfumi M, Angeletti S, et al. Effects of Hypericum perforatum extract on ethanol intake and on behavioural despair: a search for the neurochemical systems involved. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2000; 66:105–11. 

Perfumi M, Ciccocioppo R, Angeletti S, et al. Effect of Hypericum perforatum extract on alcohol intake in Marchigian Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 1999;34:690–8. 


Perfumi M, Panocka I, Ciccocioppo R, et al. Effect of a methanolic extract and a hyperforin-enriched CO2 extract of Hypericum perforatum on alcohol intake in rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 2001;36:199–206.


Perfumi M, Santoni M, Ciccocioppo R, et al. Blockade of GABA receptors does not modify the inhibition of ethanol intake induced by Hypericum perforatum in rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 2002;37:540–6.


Perfumi M, Santoni M, Cippitelli A, et al. Hypericum perforatum CO2 extract and opioid receptor antagonists act synergistically to reduce ethanol intake in alcoholpreferring rats. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2003; 27:1554–62.


Rezvani AH, Overstreet DH, Yang Y, et al. Attenuation of alcohol intake by the extract of Hypericum perforatum (St John’s Wort) in two different strains of alcohol-preferring rats. Alcohol Alcoholism 1999;34:699–705.


Drug Alcohol Rev. 2005 Nov;24(6):473.

Natural medicines for alcoholism treatment.

Morris P.


Nutrition based alcoholism treatment (74% success rate)


A four years study of 922 men with alcoholism over seven hospitals found that only 7% remained abstinent after four years.  A nutrition based treatment program- The Health Recovery Center- has achieved success rates of 74%.


What it recommends:


Adding gamma linolenic acid  to diet, especially for people of Scotch, Scandanavian, Welsh, & North American Indian heritage.


Adding tryptophan, which is deficient after alcohol use.


Recognizing that chemical exposure from painting, hairstyling, printing, & other jobs with high chemical fumes, sprays, & dyes increase alcoholism.  Food sensitivities & allergies may also contribute.


Treating hypoglycemia can help.


Depression may result from alcohol induced candida overgrowth (Lecithin liposomal vitamin C (best) or Candex for treatment on empty stomach and full glass of water overnight).




For depression-


Amino acids L-tyrosine (500mg 4-10 capsules on empty stomach) or L-phenylalanine (500mg 1-3 capsules daily on empty stomach)


B50 vitamin complex 3x daily with meals


Vitamin C 500mg liposomal or 1000mg powder 3x daily with meals


For anxiety-


GABA 100mg 2 capsules 4x daily on empty stomach (calms, reduces anxiety)


Chromium picolinate 200mcg 1x daily with a meal


Vitamin C 500mg (liposomal may be strongest) or 1000mg 3x daily with meals


B50 complex 3x daily with meals


Vitamin E (mixed types) 200IU 3x daily with meals


Shakiness, tremors as needed-


Taurine 500mg on empty stomach


Calcium 300mg / magnesium 150mg  2 capsules 3x daily with meals 


B50 complex 3x daily with meals


Freshly ground/frozen organic flaxseeds  1 TB 3x daily with meals


Staying Sober: Nutritional Help for Recovering Alcoholics

Bill Asenjo

Well Being Journal Vol 11, No 1


Seven Weeks to Sobriety (revised 1997)

HRC 800-554-9155


Coconut/MCT oil


Some people with long term alcohol addiction have difficulty processing insulin.  Taking coconut oil which has medium chain triglycerides that are converted into ketones or MCT oil from a health food store may help brain metabolism in people withdrawing from alcohol and reduce cravings.  The longer someone has been drinking alcohol, often the better they do with coconut oil, MCT oil, & ketone esters.


Coconut Ketones: A New Approach to Alcoholism

Bruce Fife

Well Being Journal, Vol 22, No. 6



Ketone drinks


Pro athletes take ketone esters (stronger than MCT oil) for fat energy during athletic events that allow them to break their own personal records.  Many found that some specific esters gave them the relaxed “buzzed” feeling of alcohol.  So people who want to get a buzz on AND beat their friends at basketball or who have to drive or go to work after a social event have the option of ketohol that also helps blood sugar, weightloss, & in studies enhances cognition.  It almost exactly matches the “synthehol” in use in Star Trek: Next Generation/DS9/Voyager/Discovery(S4&5) where people would go straight from the bar to the bridge in emergency scenarios.





Ketamine is about 75% effective against depression, bettered only by MAOIs.  Perhaps by its antidepressant effects, ketamine administration appears to help abstinence from multiple substances of addiction, including alcohol.  It may be most effective where the withdrawal & abstinence includes depression.





Acamprosate (Campral) may work to reduce future alcohol usage and increase abstinence.   One recent meta-analysis of 64 studies found that acamprosate is effective in increasing abstinence.  Detoxification/a period of abstinence before the medication is introduced improves outcomes.


Acamprosate would be most effective in the Sinclair method on the days in between the scheduled alcohol use and every day if the person after six months chooses full sobriety (vs social drinking concurrently with naltrexone usage).


Addiction. 2013 Feb;108(2):275-93. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2012.04054.x. Epub 2012 Oct 17.

Meta-analysis of naltrexone and acamprosate for treating alcohol use disorders: when are these medications most helpful?

Maisel NC, Blodgett JC, Wilbourne PL, Humphreys K, Finney JW.


Increased efficacy and no negative interaction effects appear when acamprosate and naltrexone were used together other than higher blood levels of acamprosate (around 33%). 


Mason, BJ; Goodman, AM; Dixon, RM; Hameed, MH; Hulot, T; Wesnes, K; Hunter, JA; Boyeson, MG (Oct 2002). “A pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic drug interaction study of acamprosate and naltrexone”. Neuropsychopharmacology 27 (4): 596–606. doi:10.1016/s0893-133x(02)00368-8. PMID 12377396.


Rationale for combining acamprosate and naltrexone for treating alcohol dependence.

Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement, (s15), 148–156 (2005).

Barbara J Mason



Alcohol Alcohol. 2004 Nov-Dec;39(6):542-7. Epub 2004 Sep 29.

Combined therapy: what does acamprosate and naltrexone combination tell us?

Kiefer F, Wiedemann K.


Acamprosate should not be taken if the person has a damaged kidney.


Simeon, Daphne. “An Open Trial of Naltrexone in the Treatment of Depersonalization Disorder”. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Retrieved 2011-10-13.


Vignau J, Karila L, Costisella O, Canva V (2005). “[Hepatitis C, interferon a and depression: main physiopathologic hypothesis]”. Encephale (in French) 31 (3): 349–57. doi:10.1016/s0013-7006(05)82400-5. PMID 16142050.


Małyszczak K, Inglot M, Pawłowski T, Czarnecki M, Rymer W, Kiejna A (2006). “[Neuropsychiatric symptoms related to interferon alpha]”. Psychiatr. Pol. (in Polish) 40 (4): 787–97. PMID 17068950.


Naltrexone is effective in suppressing the cytokine type mediated adverse neuropsychiatric effects of interferon alpha therapy



Ondansetron for early onset alcoholism


Taking ondansetron before drinking appears to reduce alcohol pleasure & usage in people who started drinking at a young age.  It appears to work like naltrexone & in combination with naltrexone.




Aripiprazole is an antipsychotic that appears especially effective for people who also have high impulsiveness & low self control.




Gabapentin for heavy drinking


Gabapentin studies show consistent reduction in heavy drinking (but not abstinence).





About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.