



To Jesus:


You can use this as an aide to your own research and share with your doctor.


You can use or other trusted health websites to look up the latest information on prescription & herbal drugs possible side & interaction effects.


For supplements/herbs having an independent testing certification is essential.  Pharmaceutical grade is the highest standard.




Autism & autoimmune disorders


In one study on autopsy over 2/3rds of the people who had had autism (died of unrelated causes) had the same autoimmune attack markers on the their brain as people who died of MS.  People with autoimmune illness appear to be able to reduce autoimmune symptoms to near zero & people with autism to increase their social understanding & happiness to near average & their sensory processing to normal with a combination of taking 1/2 ts of baking soda (if 200lbs) at least 1/2hr before & one houer after eating twice a day to stop neuroinflammation (especially autism), 50K of vitamin D3 (under tongue best) daily (if 200 lbs) to get blood levels to 150ng/ml (500k vitamin K2-or organic natto- for every 50K vitamin D3 will move extra calcium absorbed away from artery & to build bone) & see a 95% drop in autoimmune symptoms (including near average social understanding & sensory processing for autism) & taking the combination nootropic (brain enhancement) Qualia mind (no caffeine best) for four capsules after breakfast (not 7) if 200lbs to lower brain inflammation (especially for autism).


This combination seems to work as well as avoiding wheat, dairy, eggs, chocolate, soy & corn (especially nonorganic GMO).



Increasing social understanding & reducing sensory processing problems in autism



Injected aluminum & mercury appear to be the main cause of autism.  Injected aluminum are used in animals to create autoimmune diseases for testing.


Charcot & Tourettes examination of asylums in the late 1800 found no descriptions matching autism.  Injected aluminum & mercury in the 1900s appear to be the most common known cause.

Myelin attacked in MS & autism

Transcriptome analysis reveals dysregulation of innate immune response genes and neuronal activity-dependent genes in autism

Identification of autoimmune gene signatures in autism

Low-dose naltrexone for multiple sclerosis and autism: Does its benefit reveal a common cause?

The brain in infantile autism



Diet that reduces autistic allergies (70% increase in social understanding)


It may be an IGG allergy, not IGE allergies (like from ragweed).

Other research shows the autoimmune response may be strongest with the foods wheat, dairy, corn, soy, eggs & chocolate.  More than half of children taken off just wheat & dairy for a month often see a large improvement in functioning, like going from mute for years to talking up a storm, etc.  They both can have propionic acid that may increase autism symptoms.  p38




Going organic to avoid the large number of toxins like mercury, lead, Roundup/glyphosate added to hundreds of processed & nonorganic foods may help greatly. Mercury is added in processing of high fructose corn syrup (anything with nonorganic corn may have it), refined grains like white rice & white wheat, refined oils (say refined), & FD&C food colorings -red#, yellow#, blue# that also have lead added.  Roundup/glyphosate is an antibiotic used as an herbicide & appears to kill the good bacteria in the gut to cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, anxiety & leaky gut & gastrointestinal problems & is found in large amounts in all nonorganic grains & legumes (beans, lentils & some nuts).




To confirm the food sensitivities, total IG testing for food allergies catches the IG1,2&3 that IG4 only testing doesn’t catch.



What else may help autoimmune symptoms?


pressure cook all foods to stop leptin sensitivity

take antiparasitic mix yearly- wormwood, clove, black walnut, oregano oil

take 2000mg elderberry w/30mg zinc for half a week (clear hidden viral & bacterial infections)

spice with 20 organic mix including garlic, onion, italian seasonings, cinnamon etc. (Costco has one)

avoid or lower use of foods with autoimmune triggering alkaloid- potato skins (especially green/wrinkled), tomatoes, eggplant, peppers (all except black pepper)



Vitamin D3 stops autoimmune?


Studies show that the higher the vitamin D3 supplementation & levels, the higher the social responsiveness & the lower the behavior problems & negative autism symptoms.

“Vitamin D Supplementation is Beneficial for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Meta-analysis”

Randomized controlled trial of vitamin D supplementation in children with autism spectrum disorder


95% drop in symptoms?

Doctors in Portugal for 20 years have shown that if they help people get their vitamin D levels in their blood to over 150 ng/ml, they see a 95% drop in their MS & other autoimmune disorder symptoms.



They see a small drop in calcium levels on average, not usually an increase.

Safety and effectiveness of vitamin D mega-dose: A systematic review

Guide for patients on high doses of Vitamin D – Coimbra 2017


Reversing negative autism symptoms


For people with autism that appears to be made worse by some food triggers, up to 2/3rds according to the study above, getting blood levels of vitamin D3 above 150ng/ml may bring social understanding close/up to normal levels.


Raising vitamin D3 levels to 100ng/ml on average improves autism symptoms in 75%.


Cofactors for high vitamin D3 safety

Magnesium & EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids make vitamin D3 far more effective, and vitamin K2 (which our body makes from K1) is essential for taking calcium out of the bloodstream & into the bones. Spirulina (must be taken with a vegetable) has these and makes vitamin D3 far more effective & safe.  Vitamin K2 is cheapest & in large amounts in organic fermented soy product natto.


Most effective vitamin K2 in lowering calcium & reversing osteoporosis

35 benefits of Vitamin D – Self-Hacked June 2019


Mental health benefits with vitamin D supplementation


Vitamin D3 improves mental health & mood in studies.





The higher the blood levels of vitamin D3, the longer people live.



Weight loss


The higher the vitamin D3 supplementation, the higher the weight loss (over 3x).

High vitamin D3 increases sensitivity to leptin & feelings of fullness.



Viral infections & autism


Some viral infections appear to increase autism, & high levels of vitamin D3 appear to prevent up to 90%.  pg40





Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) & transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) (30% increase social understanding)


Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) used for a half hour works for eight hours or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) used for a half hour works for 12-18 hours are both placed on the left dorsilateral prefrontal cortex (LDPC) (at the hairline above the middle of the left eyebrow outward & are about 70% effective in helping depression (40% full remission), & also help social skills, irritability, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and eye-coordination.   TDCS is cheaper & one with a five year warranty can be bought for less than $100.  It works by placing the positive sponge/tens pad at the left hairline starting halfway in the middle of the eyebrow going out to the ear & the negative larger sponge on the right shoulder, sponges wet with baking soda water.  Easier to use & more expensive is TMS.  It has just a coil in the same left side placement & makes clicks.  Cheapest TMS is ICES-PEMF for $600 used 2x a day or $1400 used 1 or 2x a day, 2x stronger.  That also has the benefit of PEMF for injuries & pain & healing bone breaks 2x faster.


Gwynette, M.F., et al. (2020) Treatment of Adults with Autism and Major Depressive Disorder Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: An Open Label Pilot Study. Autism

Barahona-Corrêa JB, Velosa A, Chainho A, Lopes R, Oliveira-Maia AJ. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Integr Neurosci. 2018 Jul 9;12:27. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2018.00027. PMID: 30038561; PMCID: PMC6046620.



Low dose naltrexone (LDN) (20% better social understanding)

Naltrexone is a medication used for alcohol or opiate addiction at 50-100mg per day.  Researchers found that at 3-4.5mg at bedtime LDN had a large number of benefits that appear to be from a small resetting of the opiate reward system.

LDN at 3-4.5mg appears to significantly reduce sensory processing problems & increase social understanding in people with autism.  LDN also helps people with opiate addiction, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, & cancer. search for LDN

Naltrexone and other potential new pharmacological treatments of autismx


Here they have most of the information on LDN including psychiatric dosing levels: search for LDN

“75% parents of autistic children surveyed reported that LDN delivered overall beneficial results. There were significant improvements in communication, cognition, and socialization. Additional positive effects were also reported, such as decline in inattention, restlessness, hyperactivity, and aggression.  LDN can potentially help with self-injurious behavior as well.” “With that said, there was also a reduction in agitation, hyperactivity, temper tantrum, stereotyped behavior, and social withdrawal.” search for LDN
This is low dose naltrexone at 4.5mg at bedtime.  It has not only helped more than 50 diseases (including autism) often dramatically, at the lower dosage after two weeks few people note any side effects, and usually immediately if they’ve ever taken the full 50mg before.



Interleukin 4- IL4 (20% improved social understanding)


Interleukin 4

For people who have autism & aggression, reserpine (Respen A if in patch form) is the oldest blood pressure drug & it appears to increase social understanding by 30% in people with autism.

Interleukin 4 appears to work by the same mechanism in autism & is available online. One can add three more parts filtered water to the amount in the interleukin 4 bottle then boil the alcohol part of the tincture away if sensitive to alcohol.




Sulfuraphane, the highest amount being in broccoli sprouts, appears to improve social behaviors in autism (and be very strong against cancer as well).


Organic kale or baby greens

Kale has low oxylates, spinach has high oxylates, which cause kidney stones & other health problems.  Kale has 50% more measured nutrients than spinach, & 2x of any other dark leafy green.  1/2 cup organic kale or 1 cup organic baby greens as well as a dietary supplement during pregnancy appears to help prevent autism by over 40%.  p44



Prebiotics &  probiotics


Taking probiotics & prebiotics (B-Gos was effective) with the last meal of the night may help improve social behaviors in people with autism, especially L. reuteri & the bacteriairal bacteroides fragilis.




Spirulina is the source of all EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids in fish oil that are so prized for neural growth, mood, concentration, heart health, liver, inflammation reduction & heavy metal reduction like lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic (must be taken w a vegetable) at 500mg-8g/day. It helps people with autism, schizophrenia, brain injury, dementia & ADHD.


Carnitine (& acetyl-L)

Carnitine increases energy, concentration & mood and appears to help people with autism.




Folinic acid





Suramin, an antipurinergic agent, appears to improve social behaviors in limited animal & human studies.


N-acetylcysteine-NAC & autism

Both cysteine levels & glutathione levels appear lower in people with autism, both of which NAC raises.  A review of all studies up to 2020 found NAC supplementation improved social understanding & reduced irritability & hyperactivity in people with autism.

Lee T-M, Lee K-M, Lee C-Y, Lee H-C, Tam K-W, Loh E-W. Effectiveness of N-acetylcysteine in autism spectrum disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2021;55(2):196-206. doi:10.1177/0004867420952540


Vitamin B complex sustained release after breakfast


The vitamin Bs often work in synergy for helping people with autism as well as infections, migraines, mood, concentration.




Coconut oil or butter

Only cooking with organic unrefined oils, specifically coconut or ghee/butter appears to avoid the formaldehyde created by cooking oils with polyunsaturated fats & prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer & obesity as well as lower autistic symptoms.


MCT oil

Adding MCT oil (from coconut oil) to meals or every four hours under the tongue gives aa lot of mental & emotional energy & has helped stay in ketosis (fat burning) in a ketogenic diet, which has show signs of improving adverse autistic symptoms.


CBD oil


Taking CBD oil usually helps sleep, pain, anxiety, seizures & other issues in people with autism.


Gut repair


People with autism often get “leaky gut” where they eat GMO corn & soy & any of over 100 nonorganic crops that are sprayed with Roundup/glyphosate right before harvest, killing the good bacteria of the gut & increasing diabetes, heart disease, cancer & obesity and causing a thinning of the lining of the gut that wheat & milk proteins get through & cause severe inflammation.


Taking glutamine & Restore Gut Health Mineral Supplement may help along with going all organic & unprocessed.





Taking a multiprobiotic with the last meal of the day then only water overnight appears to increase probiotic bacteria in the gut the longest.  The probiotic feeds on the prebiotics in the food and by not eating the growth of the probiotic bacteria is unencumbered.




High fructose corn syrup/HFCS has mercury added often in processing & appears to increase diabetes II, heart disease, cancer, obesity, dementia.  Beet sugar is most often GMO & may cause allergy problems. Cane sugar like all sugar still increases candida fungal stomach infection so prevalent in autism.

Stevia & monk fruit are no caloria alternatives & raw honey may reduce diabetes & weight.  p42



Binaural beats/isochronic tones (BBIT)


BBIT played at 90Hz can increase calmness, focus, happiness, creativity and emotional insight into self & others in all people as well as people with autism.  For people with sensory & sometimes behavior difficulties, BBIT can help greatly.


Binaural beats are done with headphones, earphones or two speakers, each playing a different frequency exactly 90 Hz different, like 180 Hz one ear & 90 Hz another (best), or 200 Hz one ear & 110 Hz another.  Isochronic tones only need one speaker at 90 Hz carrier, 90 Hz beat.


Lots of apps can play binaural beats, one that can play isochronic tones at chosen frequencies is Meditation Treks Binaural app.






Toxins test


Getting a hair analysis or other toxins tests can show what to change to lower toxins & improve autistic difficulties.



ABA therapy


ABA therapy be very effective as long as it fits with the child.  Benefits can be very great but only if the child responds well & it is nonabusive.





Here’s a list of treatments that have been reported to have very large improvements in adverse autistic symptoms-

Methyl vitamin B complex sustained release after the first meal,

vitamin E mixed tocopherols

magnesium calcium, potassium (all three minerals best from dark leafy greens with low oxylates like organic kale or baby greens),

choline if low

avoiding zinc if high



Brain structures


People with autism have brain structures that are often different that people without.


Brain structure changes in autism, explained



Auditory integration training (AIT)


People with autism often have difficulty with audio processing that shows as P300 brainwave disruption.  Getting AIT appears to help the audio processing & P300 brainwave functioning.  Children with autism without audio processing difficulties may do well with ABA intervetion.





Spitting may be reduced by social stories of alternatives, rewarding alternative behavior after studying what child likes, having the person clean it up & experience logical consequences, redirecting “spitting is inappropriate/for chewing”, sticker reward chart, studying why & what purpose it serves, sensory alternatives including fidget balls/spinners, bubble blowing, chewy foods, and safe chewing objects.





People with autism that have chromosome 15q duplication syndrome appear to be at risk of sudden death & higher deaths from sedatives used for seizure control. ism-and-epilepsy-baffle-researchers/

Pickett J. et al. J. Child Neurol. Epub ahead of print (2011) Abstract

Shavelle R.M. et al. J. Autism Dev. Disord. 31, 569-576 (2001) PubMed

Hesdorffer D.C. et al. Epilepsia Epub ahead of print (2011) Abstract

Gillberg C. et al. J. Autism Dev. Disord. 40, 352-357 (2010) PubMed

Mouridsen S.E. et al. Autism 12, 403-414 (2008) PubMed


People with autism are at great risk of dying from epilepsy, drownings, suicide, heart disease & cancer.


How to end the autism epidemic

Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future

July 25, 2017 by Mark Blaxill (Author), Dan Olmsted (Author)



Low cholesterol & autism



If overall cholesterol is extremely low in a person with autism, the person may have Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS).  That is characterized by slight to strong intellectual developmental disability, autism, & low cholesterol.

Low cholesterol is characterized by “manganese deficiency, celiac disease, hyperthyroidism, liver disease, malabsorption, malnutrition…violent behavior, suicide, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, Parkinson’s disease, and increased mortality from cancer…tuberculosis, premature birth & very small heads… hyperthyroidism, liver disease, malabsorption, malnutrition, autism, alcoholism, lung cancer…hepatitus B”


Taking purified cholesterol supplements to get levels to normal appears to help greatly.



Sound therapies may help:




From “mute” to communication-


Overview of Spelling to Communicate

Spelling to Communicate – Growing Kids Therapy Center


Gregory Tino on S2C or Spelling to Communicate


An Autism Miracle


How to:




About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.