
I work to find the most inexpensive solutions to health problems- physical, mental & spiritual.  I’ve also found information on many other self help & general interest topics.

I have worked with people with autoimmune problems, stage four cancer (inoperable), diabetes, heart disease, migraines, sciatica, neuropathy, brain injury, neurological problems, schizophrenia, autism, bipolar, infections, relationship enhancement & more.  I’ve found solutions in medical journals that are often ignored by our profit driven medical industry.

I work to be open to learning new information as people share it.

Sometimes I’ve found medical solutions that seem like miracles, or magic, but are always rooted in medicine-  medical journal studies that don’t make the mainstream medical press. Stopping 85% of the symptoms of migraines in an hour can seem like magic & reducing their incidence by over 95% sure seems like a miracle to anyone who has suffered them!

I’ve had the experience of looking at much of life through a different lens, feeling apart before learning how to treat my own medical conditions.  Looking at medicine through an independent lens has helped me understand healing far better & hence the name, Alien Herbalist!

With caring,