PTSD, anxiety, depression & almost all physical, emotional, & mental problems?

My experience:

EFT- First use it helped to practice the taps first then focus on the problem, use the words “I accept the anxiety/pain/injury completely” while tapping (download tapping point pic to phone) & follow where the feeling goes as the anxiety/pain/emotional intesity around the injury dissipates.



Eye movement desensitization- EMD


EMD involves moving the eye back & forth while reviewing a traumatic memory.  It appears most effective when walking in nature while scanning the beauty around.


Tetris EMD

Playing tetris after a trauma appears to prevent PTSD.

Playing tetris while recalling a trauma that caused PTSD appears to re-encode the memory as no longer traumatic.

Word games like crosswords may also be useful (self test).



Emotional freedom technique-EFT


EFT has up to a 98% success rate in over 100 studies against emotional, mental & physical problems.  It involves tapping a few places on the head, neck & chest while accepting & reviewing problems and not only works against anxiety & PTSD but has relieved most physical, mental & emotional problems.

EFT is as much a psychological technique as physical, working like self psychotherapy.  People state they have a problem and accept it then listen to their feelings about the problem while tapping and go where the emotion takes them.  Problems not resolved alone often work out with a therapist who uses EFT


The Emotional Freedom Technique: Finally, a Unifying Theory for the Practice of Holistic Nursing, or Too Good to Be True?


Does EFT Tapping Really Work? Is It Evidence-Based?



98%?  What to do if EFT doesn’t work for a problem?


EFT is Just Not Working for Me

My experience:

EFT- First use it helped to practice the taps first then focus on the problem, use the words “I accept the anxiety/pain/injury completely” while tapping (download tapping point pic to phone) & follow where the feeling goes as the anxiety/pain/emotional intesity around the injury dissipates.

About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.