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Spirulina is an algae that fish eat that gives them their EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids so prized
in fish oil. In the December 2009 issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, after a review of
many years of research Harvard psychiatrists concluded that fish oil was at least twice as
effective as any prescription antipsychotic in preventing & stopping emergent schizophrenic episodes.
The reason Harvard psychiatrists came to this conclusion is because the omega3 fatty acids in
fish oil, EPA & DHA, have shown repeatedly in the last 50 years to prevent & stop emerging
schizophrenia far better than the newer or older antipsychotics and without their often extreme
side effects. The main other effect of EPA & DHA fatty acids is an increase in mood and ability
to concentrate & reduction in mania, which improves the quality of life of the people taking it far beyond just the prevention of schizophrenic episodes.
Some researchers have found low EPA/DHA in autopsies of people with schizophrenia. Perhaps it is an inability to retain enough EPA & DHA for many people genetically predisposed to schizophrenia that contributes to the disease itself. People who enter studies & start taking EPA & DHA usually continue taking it after the study is done.

Spirulina, like the fish oil it is always in, needs to be taken with a vegetable for the enzymes to help break it down & for it to be fully effective.

J Clin Med. 2016 Aug; 5(8): 67.
Published online 2016 Jul 27. doi: 10.3390/jcm5080067

Supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Psychiatric Disorders: A Review of Literature
Paola Bozzatello, Elena Brignolo, Elisa De Grandi, and Silvio Bellino


Hsu M.-C., Huang Y.-S., Ouyang W.-C. Beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in schizophrenia: Possible mechanisms. Lipids Health Dis. 2020;19:159. doi: 10.1186/s12944-020-01337-0. – DOI PMC PubMed

Marano G, Traversi G, Nannarelli C, Mazza S, Mazza M. Omega-3 fatty acids and schizophrenia: evidences and recommendations. Clin Ter. 2013;164(6):e529-37. doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1651. PMID: 24424237.


Spirulina- more than 4x as effective as placebo

At seven year followup to earlier research comparing EPA & DHA fatty acids to placebo found
that those who had briefly taken EPA & DHA fatty acids seven years ago when they were
experiencing early symptoms of schizophrenia had progressed to schizophrenia at 300% lower rate of those who had gotten a placebo. The EPA & DHA fatty acids were more than 400%
better at preventing emerging schizophrenia, even after taking them for only a brief duration.
Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/ncomms8934


If you want to get the EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids that are great for the brain that are in
some kinds of fish oil without the off taste or worry about pesticides, mercury or radiation (in the
Pacific), you can get EPA & DHA from where fish get them- from taking the algae called
spirulina. At ovega.com is a good explanation of how EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids in fish
come from eating the algae spirulina. Ovega.com is the company inspected by the FDA that
supplies 99% of the baby formulas with EPA & DHA for supplementation. I use and trust NOW
Foods and Source Naturals. For spirulina Ovega.com is also reputable and they grow it in
stainless steel vats for purity.



Spirulina and vegetables


When I took spirulina I only got the full concentration & mood boosting effects when I ate it with
a meal with a vegetable (of any color). I got no benefit from eating it with a legume & grain. It
might have something to do with the enzymes needed to break it down. Only 1/4 teaspoon two
to three times a day with a meal with a vegetable is needed to significantly improve mood and
concentration, but as people with schizophrenia may need more and as there are little or no
negative side effects people can experiment on their own.


Here’s a great study showing EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids improves mood:
improves concentration & reduces ADHD:



lowered violence in prisoners:

reduced bipolar symptoms of depression and mania and increased mood:



Flaxseed oil as a spirulina substitute

For people who can’t take spirulina, flaxseed oil has the most ALA, the third omega3 fatty acid.
Because of the sensitivity of the polyunsaturated fats it needs to be uncooked, expeller pressed,
unrefined and organic may be best. The body can make some DHA & EPA from ALA,
especially if vitamin B100s, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin C are taken as well. Spirulina worked
for me, & when I discovered my food sensititivities I started taking ALA & vitB100s, zinc, magnesium & natural or lecithin liposomal vitamin C together.


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.