C60, buckyballs, fullerenes


To Jesus:


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C60 is a molecule where six hexagons (six sided shape) surround a pentagon (five sided shape).  It resembles the geodesic domes of Buckminster Fuller, so it is named fullerenes, nicknamed Buckyballs.  The group that proved it’s existence won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.  Animal Studies



In animal studies designed to see how toxic C60 may be, instead of killing the rats (horrible tests), they lived 90% longer and had no tumors even though the type of rat used were engineered to get cancer & always die from it around two to three years old.  They lived to five & six with no tumors & died of old age.

The study used only olive oil to bond with the C60, although now manufacturers use a handful of different oils.  Other mammals given c60 lived about 15-20% longer, with no cancer.  When given to mice, the presence of the C60 stopped the growth of injected cancer cells for two types of cancer.

Cats & dogs also seem much younger with much more energy when supplementing.



Test Tube Studies On Human Cells


In test tubes fullerenes in oil helped kill HIV & other viruses, bacterial infections, & killed two types of cancer & helped strengthen bones & protect against sunburn & liver damage.



What Do People Report?


Everyone I suggested it to who started taking it is still taking it.  I haven’t read of or heard of any adverse effects.  People most commonly say after a day or so that taking 4mg orally (or 2mg under the tongue) of fullerenes bonded with oil deepens sleep, then sometime within a week of taking it daily gives a big boost in physical & mental energy, with great productivity benefits. 


Taking enough to get the energy benefits regularly, people have reported feeling more confident & less anxiety.  People also report improved recovery from injury or workouts, & better eyesight.  Professional athlete’s sometimes use a month’s worth in just one athletic event.


C60 also appears to increase hair growth in balding spots when used topically.


Putting it on wounds & burns appears to halve the time to healing.  One company has found a 17% improvement in olympic athlete performance with their liposomal C60.











Every brand of every type of oil has worked so far, including the cheapest – Cheap & Good.


About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.


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