Tripping- hallucinogens




Traditional hallucinogens include (illegal in most of the US) psilocybin in “magic” mushrooms, LSD, ibogaine in iboga bark, DMT in ayahuasca- a combination of a hallucinogen & a MAO inhibitor (MAOI).


Ibogaine helps around 40% of people with opiate addiction to lessen or prevent withdrawal symptoms.  People who are addicted to opiates & are deficient often need to take magnesium & a multimineral for a few days to avoid side effects from the ibogaine.


Alpha lipoic acid or lecithin liposomal vitamin C taken frequently enough may each reduce opiate withdrawal symptoms near 90% with high enough doses, possibly even better if both taken together.  High dose alpha lipoic acid (600mg before every meal or more), high dose noni capsules, & high dose colonidine, high dose corydalis can help anyone getting off opiates who also has chronic/severe pain by taking them first on a time schedule & only taking opiates if they have pain or withdrawal pains.  Low dose naltrexone (LDN) 3-5mg taken at bedtime also helps chronic pain & weaning off opioids.



It is legal to purchase Hawaiian baby woodrose (HBW) & Heavenly Blue morning glory (HBMG) seeds.  It is not legal to chemically process them for their LSA content (works like LSD).


People soak HBW in a very small amount of water then squeeze the water out of the HBW & often take the water left under the tongue & gums (for taste) to avoid the gastrointestinal side effects of swallowing the seeds. It only takes a few HBW to start to get the hallucination & benefits as the other hallucinogens.


HBMG are small hard seeds that appear to be best for microdosing.  People usually chew them (with mouth facing down to prevent swallowing until they are chewed) or they can be ground in a coffee grinder then put under the tongue/gums for absorption or soaked in a little bit of water & run through a coffee filter.  People with autism may develop a sensitivity to either of these seeds.





While these substances are potent hallucinogens at higher doses, at doses 1/5th to 1/10th lower instead of hallucinations people get an improved mood, significantly improved creativity, improved focus up to a feeling like a flow state where everything is working & they feel in a groove in sport, work & productivity.  They often shatter personal records for sports like rock climbing & becoming (in studies) 2x more likely to find a solution to a difficult problem. Many if not most of the people who become billionaires microdose as it provides them creativity to stand out among others.


Microdosing is also the safest way to begin the preparations for a higher dosage psychedelic trip.  They start at a microdose to see if the specific hallucinogen works well with them at 1/5th-1/10th the dosage used for tripping.  It it gives them a pleasant microdose experience then they can increase the dosage to 1/4th for example & see how that feels, then 1/3rd, then 1/2, until they find the dosage that brings them the benefits of expanded awareness & permanent mood elevation they are looking for.


With HBW they may go from one seed, to two seeds, to three seeds etc. until they find the right dosage.


Heroic doses vs scaling up microdosing

“Heroic” doses are doses sometimes many times higher than needed for a psychedelic trip.   This can cause a type of burnout where people can have a “bad trip” that stays with them for days, weeks, even years.  Early practitioners in the 60s were encouraging people to take many times higher doses than needed for the emotional & mind expanding benefits & caused people a lot of mental health problems.

People taking too high of doses can have depression, difficulty concentrating, & just not feeling right after a heroic dose.  Starting slowly with microdoses & increasing gradually until getting to the dose that provides the permanent mood benefits can help prevent these worst experiences & as well as teach people what setting & times are right for getting the most benefits from the trip.





Mood elevation

Taking a full trip with the expectation that it will improve mood & ego transcendence & getting debriefed by a tripsitter can help improve mood & life outlook for the rest of the person’s life.



One side effect of a trip can be a breaking of the ties with old habits & associations.  If the person is three weeks sober or longer & has this desire, often a trip can stop the association with the people & places they past used so they don’t feel nearly as strong cravings when seeing them or even thinking about taking the drug.



Visual hallucinations may be increased/improved by dim lighting, eyes closed- rubbing eyes until visuals are strongest then keeping eye pressure with hands on eyes, alternatively eyes open in fully lit room & moving head back & forth while keeping eyes in one spot like carpet or wallpaper.



Negative effects


Bad trips

People can have “bad” trips where they become scared or depressed, lessened by using lower doses at start then increasing doses every trip & having a tripsitter keeping them grounded & helping them to interpret their trip the next day.



Less common, people can have flashbacks once, occasionally, or for the rest of their lives.



Even with microdosing, tolerance can build.  So most people microdose one day & take the next two off to avoid tolerance.  On the first day in a while of taking a microdose, the full benefits may be again felt.



If a person has a family history of schizophrenia, the use of any hallucinogens, even prescription meds with a side effect of possible hallucination like Vistaril, can trigger the first of many schizophrenic episodes in people vulnerable.


Daily pot use can cause a years long paranoid schizophrenic episode where anyone mentioning schizophrenia is believed to be one of “them” in league with the (usually) FBI.  Emphasizing the anxiety producing effects of the pot & the solution being CBD & spirulina (taken with a vegetable to get at the EPA & DHA omega3 fatty acids), the two strongest antihallucination substances, without mentioning schizophrenia can help end the years long paranoid schizophrenic episode.



People who do different psychedelics, even if they never heard of meeting other beings, find that each psychedelic sometimes allows them to interact with a specific group of “beings” who are the same as seen & talked with as others who use that specific psychedelic.





About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.