
 To Jesus:


Use this as an aide to your own research and share with your doctor as appropriate. You can use or other trusted health websites to look up the latest information on prescription drugs, herbs, foods or other treatments possible side & interaction effects often by typing in the name of two drugs or drug/herb and interaction effects into a search engine.



Opiate addiction


Opiates and pain


Opiate drugs like codeine, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone are only good for acute, short term pain. They are not good for chronic or recurrent pain because within half a week they start to increase pain sensitivity because while they block most pain channels, over time they stimulate one pain channel. They are a lucrative cash cow for drug companies (and doctors) because they cause their users to return for more, often long after the original cause of the pain is long healed up.


Opiod usage increases fractures, falls, heart attacks, constipation and erectile dysfunction. From 1999-2009, when doctors were being pushed to prescribe opiates more, Indiana saw a 500% increase in opiate poisoning deaths. The US had at 400% increase in opiate poisoning deaths during that time.

Morphine-induced L-type Calcium Channel Overexpression. Phytother Res.
2012 Mar 15. Epub 2012 Mar 15. PMID: 22422486



Opiates & infections, cancer


Minimizing the usage of opiates is imperative because opiates suppress the immune system & increase infections, cancer, & the spread of metastatic cancer after surgery to remove tumors.

Cancer Surgery: What You Need to Know Ahead of Time
By Dr. Steven Nemeroff, Oncology Health Advisor
Life Extension Foundation

Vallejo R, de Leon-Casasola O, Benyamin
R. Op1aq
ioid therapy and immunosuppression: a review. Am
J Ther. 2004

R. Melamed, S. Bar-Yosef, G. Shakhar, K. Shakhar and S. Ben-Eliyahu, Suppression of natural
killer cell activity and promotion of tumor metastasis by ketamine, thiopental, and halothane, but
not by propofol: mediating mechanisms and prophylactic measures, Anesth Analg 97 (2003),

Gupta K, Kshirsagar S, Chang L, Schwartz R, Law PY, Yee D, Hebbel RP. Morphine stimulates
angiogenesis by activating proangiogenic and survival-promoting signaling and promotes breast
tumor growth. Cancer Res. 2002 Aug 1;62(15):4491-8.



Improving opiates effectiveness & preventing opiate addiction


Methylnaltrexone (Relistor)


Methylnaltrexone is FDA approved for treatment of opiate constipation. It is different from naltrexone in that it blocks the effects of opiates but doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier. It appears to stop some of the physical side effects of opiates like constipation, itching, and even addiction, but doesn’t appear to stop the pain relieving benefits in the brain. It appears to stop the increased pain sensitivity & tolerance & need for ever increasing dose to get the same painkilling effects.

J Pain Res. 2015 Oct 30;8:771-80. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S88203. eCollection 2015.

Analysis of opioid-mediated analgesia in Phase III studies of methylnaltrexone for
opioid-induced constipation in patients with chronic noncancer pain.
Webster LR et al.
Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2016 Jan; 41(1): 93–98.
doi: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000341

Efficacy and Safety of Methylnaltrexone for Opioid-Induced Constipation in Patients With
Chronic Noncancer Pain
A Placebo Crossover Analysis Eugene R. Viscusi et al.
Corder G et al. Loss of μ opioid receptor signaling in nociceptors, but not microglia, abrogates
morphine tolerance without disrupting analgesia. Nat Med 2017 Feb; 23:164.



Getting off opiates


Treating withdrawal effects


Electrolyte w/vitamins

Through withdrawal sweat people can easily get dehydrated, & a lack of vitamins in the diet during addiction can cause heart & other problems during withdrawals. Electrolyte beverages with vitamins may reduce some dangerous side effects of withdrawal.  FD&C food colorings (yellow#,red#,blue#) usually have lead & mercury that causes ADHD & hurts abstinence & can be avoided.


Multimineral & magnesium glycinate


People using opiates can be very low in magnesium & trace minerals.  Magnesium glycinate is extremely effective in helping sleep durng withdrawal & reducing cravings.  Celtic, Real, & Himalayan salts have trace minerals essential for abstinence.



What appears to stop pain, inflammation, opiate withdrawal symptoms & speed healing (if injured & addicted)?


Alpha lipoic acid


My experience with people I’ve helped with alpha lipoic acid & opiates is that people who are on a regular high dose of alpha lipoic acid (2400mg/day was the highest dose used in studies, usually 600mg on wakeup, 600mg before every meal, last for over 12 hours) is that they stopped craving opiates & kept forgetting to take them.  It helped nerve pain better than any medication known. The only side effect of import is that at much higher doses it can lower the absorption of vitamin B7 (biotin).  Taking biotin or better yet a vitamin B complex in between doses prevents that.  Sustained release vitamin B complex helps cognition & pain all by itself.



N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may improve ALA response

Taking alpha lipoic acid in one animal study helped stop opiate tolerance & dependence & withdrawal symptoms. Concurrent ingestion of N-acetylcysteine helped more, while arginine reduced the benefit.



Migraines, sciatica, neuropathy & ALA


ALA appears to reduce migraines by over 80% in an hour & in prevention when taken in high enough doses before a meal, sciatica within a day, and neuropathy in half a week (Mayo Clinic).  It may also prevent side effects from withdrawing from SRIs .  It is also a major anti-inflammatory & pain killer & helps stop muscle & joint pain.


James Davies, John Read, A systematic review into the incidence, severity and duration of antidepressant withdrawal effects: Are guidelines evidence-based?, Addictive Behaviors, Volume 97, 2019, Pages 111-121, ISSN 0306-4603,



ALA & diabetes

Because our body makes ALA to turn sugar into ATP energy, after a month many people’s blood sugar gets so good their doctors take them off diabetes II medications.  After three to four months it may reduce triglycerides enough to lower blood pressure, clean out arteries, & reverse the symptoms of congestive heart failure.  It may reduce cancer by at least 1/3rd, & more at higher doses.  It’s side effect at high doses appears to be reduction in vitamin B7/biotin absorption relieved by taking biotin in between doses.


Role of oxidative stress and inducible nitric oxide synthase in morphine-induced tolerance and dependence in mice. Effect of alpha-lipoic acid.
Abdel-Zaher AO1, Mostafa MG, Farghaly HS, Hamdy MM, Abdel-Hady RH.
Behav Brain Res. 2013 Jun 15;247:17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2013.02.034. Epub 2013 Mar 5.



Low dose naltrexone (LDN)

Naltrexone is an opiate blocker that is often given in monthly injection to prevent opiate use from causing an addictive high by blocking opiate receptors in the brain.  When taken daily the normal dose is 50mg.  When taken at 3-5mg at bedtime it temporarily blocks opiate receptors during sleep, resetting the body’s immune system & causing an increase in opiate receptors. Since opiate usage causes the brain to reduce its opiate receptors, people often feel less pleasure in life when they stop taking opiates.  LDN brings back opiate receptors so people feel pleasure rather than depression & anxiety.  It not only helps people get off opiates but can eliminate chronic pain, lower autoimmune disease, improve autistic symptoms & fight cancer.




Noni for pain & withdrawal from opiates


Noni is a fruit eaten by Polynesians. It reportedly has multiple medicinal benefits. It appears to be a COX-2 inhibitor anti-inflammatory, and work especially well to protect joints.  It works on the MU receptors like opiates and is as effective against pain as tramodol, without the addiction & other side effects as opiates.


As little as 2oz may last several days. In one survey of several hundred people using noni, 90% reported a significant decrease in chronic pain. Noni appears to relieve constipation by increasing peristalsis, useful for people also taking opiates.

Noni appears to reduce the desire for opiates & alcohol in addiction in multiple animal studies, and to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of increased pain sensitivity & constipation. It also appears to speed up wound healing. Noni has phytochemicals that have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antitumor, anthelminthic, analgesic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing effects

Exp Anim. 2016; 65(2): 157–164. doi: 10.1538/expanim.15-0088

Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit extract attenuates the rewarding effect of heroin in conditioned place preference but not withdrawal in rodents

Megala Narasingam, Vijayapandi Pandy, and Zahurin Mohamed
Front Pharmacol. 2016 Sep 27;7:352. eCollection 2016.
Methanolic Extract of Morinda citrifolia L. (Noni) Unripe Fruit Attenuates Ethanol-Induced
Conditioned Place Preferences in Mice.

Khan Y, Pandy V. Palu, Afa & Su, Chen & Zhou, Bing-Nan & West, Brett & Jensen, Claude Jarakae. (2010).
Wound Healing Effects of Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Leaves: A Mechanism Involving its
PDGF/A2A Receptor Ligand Binding and Promotion of Wound Closure. Phytotherapy research :PTR. 24. 1437-41. 10.1002/ptr.3150.

Arabian Journal of Chemistry Volume 10, Issue 5, July 2017, Pages 691-707
Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A comprehensive review on its industrial uses, pharmacological
activities, and clinical trials
Reem Abou et al.

Exp Anim. 2016; 65(2): 157–164. doi: 10.1538/expanim.15-0088

Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) fruit extract attenuates the rewarding effect of heroin in conditioned place preference but not withdrawal in rodents
Megala Narasingam, Vijayapandi Pandy, and Zahurin Mohamed
Front Pharmacol. 2016 Sep 27;7:352. eCollection 2016.

Methanolic Extract of Morinda citrifolia L. (Noni) Unripe Fruit Attenuates Ethanol-Induced Conditioned Place Preferences in Mice.
Khan Y, Pandy V.
Exp Anim. 2016 Nov 1;65(4):437-445. Epub 2016 Jun 21.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia Linn.) fruit juice attenuates the rewarding effect of ethanol in conditioned
place preference in mice.
Pandy V, Khan Y.
Current Opinion in Food Science Volume 8, April 2016, Pages 62-67

Review on potential therapeutic effect of Morinda citrifolia L.
Aziatul Natasha et al.



Other noni benefits


Noni also may help against cancer, gout, nausea, heartburn, ulcers, high blood pressure, stroke damage, high bad cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, bacterial/viral/fungal/parasitic infections, and difficulty hearing high frequencies. The freeze dried version may be the most potent, and if unsugared should have a bitter taste.  Capsules may be easiest to take to avoid the taste.  Two companies also may have highly potent liquids but usually with a lot of sugar.



Noni & liver function


Noni has reportedly been consumed for several hundred years. It has high potassium, which may be contraindicated in people who have kidney problems or are on drugs that increase potassium levels.  While it appears to protect the liver in most people, people with liver damage may wait until after successfully treated (spirulina with a vegetable) before taking it.

Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research
Wang MY et al. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2002 Dec; 23 (1 2): 1127 -1141 ·1127·

A Safety Review of Noni Fruit Juice
B.J. West, C.J. Jensen, J. Westendorf andL.D. White
Journal of Food Science Volume 71, Issue 8, pages R100–R106, October 2006
DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2006.00164.x

World J Gastroenterol. 2006 June 14; 12(22): 3616–3619.
Published online 2006 June 14. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v12.i22.3616

Noni juice is not hepatotoxic
Brett J West, C Jarakae Jensen, and Johannes Westendorf
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences
Vol. 34 (2009) No. 5 October P 581-585

Hepatotoxicity and subchronic toxicity tests of Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit
West Brett J., Su Chen X., C. Jarakae Jensen
Dr. Richard Becker with Cindy Becker on “Your Health” 01/09/17, 01/30/17 #1459 Fruits of the
World Update

Acute Hepatotoxicity After Ingestion of Morinda citrifolia (Noni Berry) Juice in a 14-year-old Boy
Yu, Elizabeth L; Sivagnanam, Mamata; Ellis, Linda; Huang, Jeannie S
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition: February 2011 – Volume 52 – Issue 2 – p
doi: 10.1097/MPG.0b013e3181eb69f0

Hepatitis Induced by Noni Juice from Morinda citrifolia: A Rare Cause of Hepatotoxicity or the
Tip of the Iceberg?
Yüce B., Gülberg V., Diebold J., Gerbes A.L.
Keywords: Herbal toxicityAcute hepatitisComplementary medicineDietary supplement
Digestion 2006;73:167–170

Herbal hepatotoxicity: acute hepatitis caused by a Noni preparation (Morinda citrifolia)
Millonig, Gundaa; Stadlmann, Sylviab; Vogel, Wolfganga
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology: April 2005 – Volume 17 – Issue 4 – pp 445-447

Hepatotoxicity of NONI juice: Report of two cases
Vanessa Stadlbauer, Peter Fickert, Carolin Lackner, Jutta Schmerlaib, Peter Krisper, Michael Trauner, Rudolf E Stauber
World J Gastroenterol 2005;11(30):4758-4760

Noni. Review of Natural Products. Facts & Comparisons [database online]. St. Louis, MO:
Wolters Kluwer Health Inc; May 2011.






Corydalis is an herb that appears to both relieve opiate withdrawal symptoms & pain as strong as opiates.  When used before bedtime may help insomnia & withdrawal from other addictive drugs as well.





Conolidine, from the shrub Tabernaemontana divaricate (Crepe Jasmine, pinwheel flower), appears to be an anti-inflammatory & a painkiller as strong as opiates (works on the opiate system) with no addiction. It appears to help people wean off of opiates & reduce withdrawal pains & cravings.  It as been used for pain safely for centuries in China, Thailand & India.

Edinoff AN, Patel AS, Baker MW, Lawson J, Wolcott C, Cornett EM, Sadegi K, Kaye AM, Kaye AD. Conolidine: A Novel Plant Extract for Chronic Pain. Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Dec 8;11(6):e121438. doi: 10.5812/aapm.121438. PMID: 35291410; PMCID: PMC8908788.





Agmatine is a metabolite of the amino acid arginine.  Agmatine supplementation at 2.5g/day appeared to reduce neuropathic pain by half in a study, help alcohol addiction, & may help opiate withdrawal.  When taken in addition to opiates, it reduces pain greater than opiates alone and reduces the tolerance buildup to opiates & withdrawal symptoms.  When taking agmatine the amount of opiates used may be reduced by 50% by the prescribing doctor to prevent overdose.

Rosenberg ML, Tohidi V, Sherwood K, Gayen S, Medel R, Gilad GM. Evidence for Dietary Agmatine Sulfate Effectiveness in Neuropathies Associated with Painful Small Fiber Neuropathy. A Pilot Open-Label Consecutive Case Series Study. Nutrients. 2020 Feb 23;12(2):576. doi: 10.3390/nu12020576. PMID: 32102167; PMCID: PMC7071502.
People often take up to 500mg 3x a day after meals when withdrawing from opiates.

Agmatine may reduce pain, help with depression and anxiety, promote muscle growth, protect the brain from damage due to stroke, improve weight loss and prevent weight gain, improve recording of spatial memory, suppress tumor growth, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar, help with alzheimer’s disease, protect against hardening of the arteries, increase nerve repair, protects against seizures, protect against stress, reduce inflammation, help with alcohol and morphine withdrawal


Eur J Pharmacol. 2010 Jul 10;637(1-3):89-101. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2010.03.058. Epub 2010
Apr 13.

Agmatine, an endogenous imidazoline receptor ligand modulates ethanol anxiolysis and
withdrawal anxiety in rats.
Taksande BG, Kotagale NR, Patel MR, Shelkar GP, Ugale RR, Chopde CT.
Behav Brain Res. 2000 Jan;107(1-2):153-9.

Effects of agmatine on ethanol withdrawal syndrome in rats.
Uzbay IT%2

What else appears to eliminate withdrawal symptoms?


Lecithin lipsomal vitamin C


Taking high doses of vitamin C appears to reduce/eliminate opiate withdrawal pains. Lecithin liposomal vitamin C appears 5-10x more effective than regular vitamin C & needs a lot less for the same effect.



What eliminates cravings during withdrawal & abstinence?


DL-phenylalanine, D-phenylalanine, L-phenylalanine, or L-tyrosine



DLPA, DPA, or LPA are precursors for L-tyrosine (all are amino acids also in our foods) which is what the body uses to make the neurotransmitters epinephrine, norephinephrine, serotonin & dopamine.  Raising all these neurotransmitters naturally appears to avoid the adverse effects of artificially raising just one neurotranmitter very high. 


DLPA appears to work very fast for reversing even treatment resistant depression- 3 days- with much lower side effects than the SRI antidepressants.



DLPA phenylalanine may work best for depression & ADHD, D-phenylanalanine for pain & addiction, then L-phenylanlanine for depression, weightloss & vitiligo. If they don’t work then L-tyrosine is tried to see which provides the full antidepressant effect to stop cravings.  50-200mg were used in studies of the types of phenylalanine.





Selegiline is a prescription MAOI that also raises all these neurotransmitters for depression & cravings but is only safe is taken under the tongue, not swallowed because of the amino acid tyramine interaction effects that can spike blood pressure when taken orally anytime in the day in which tyramine rich food is eaten like bananas, wine, some meats, etc.



Mucuna puriens


Mucuna puriens from the velvet ben increases dopamine which can stop cravings all by itself (& help Parkinson’s).




Niacinamide is a type of vitamin B3 that doesn’t cause skin flushing.  It appears as effective as benzodiazepenes for anxiety without the adverse effects like withdrawal symptoms.  Niacinamide appears to turn on sleeping mitochondria to improve physical, mental & emotional energy that helps with withdrawal symptoms & abstinence as well as heart disease, diabetes & cancer.  Niacin may be better for depression, but may be taken at low doses after a meal 3x a day until the skin flushing effect is less (after a week) before using higher dosages.

Dosages around 35mg 3x a day or 1/32 ts in bulk are less than 1 cent a day, making niacinamide the most cost effective treatment for addiction.






Modified fruit pectin (MFP)


MFP is used to prevent cancer metastasis & also can stop diarrhea.




Anxiety alternative to benzodiazepenes that help sleep as well


Kava, chamomomille, valerian, lemon balm, lemongrass & passion flower are just a few of the herbs that are as effective as opiates for anxiety during the day & for sleep at night without tolerance or withdrawal effects.  Taking them in combination & in liquid form under the tongue can work very fast with just a few drops for anxiety during the day & insomnia at night.


Red light for sleep

Turning on a red light when unable to sleep floods the brain with melatonin as it mimicks the last rays of sunset.


Gaba, glycine, & theanine for sleep


Taking gaba (under the tongue), glycine (1-5g), magnesium citrate, theanine, tryptophan appears to help sleep as much as any prescription drug without interfering with sleep quality, depth & without causing tolerance or addiction.  Glycine also improved cognitive function in one study where it helped for insomnia.  Taking it before the last meal or snack of the night may also help blood sugar moderation.



Tai-Kang-Ning (kang ning wan), Fu-Yuan Pellet, & WeiniCom


Tai-Kang-Ning, Fu-Yuan Pellet, and WeiniCom are all Chinese Herbal Compounds. Tai-Kang-Ning & Fu-Yuan Pellet in a study each appear to reduce opiate withdrawal symptoms as well as lofexidine, allowing for possible rapid outpatient detox (in three days) when used with naltrexone. WeiniCom in a study was more effective than the opiate maintenance drug buprenorphine in preventing opiate withdrawal symptoms.

Tai-Kang-Ning, a Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula, Alleviates Acute Heroin Withdrawal
Lin Kang, Bing Li, Lei Gao, Suxia Li, Dan Wang, Min Hu & Jing Li
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Vol. 34 , Iss. 3,2008

A Comparative Clinical Study of the Effect of WeiniCom, a Chinese Herbal Compound, on
Alleviation of Withdrawal Symptoms and Craving for Heroin in Detoxification Treatment
Wei & Min Zhao
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Vol. 32 , Iss. 3,2000



Herbal anti-inflammatories and opiate withdrawal


Many doctors are now moving to using aspirin-like COX2 inhibitors lipoic acid, noni, turmeric (with a little black pepper), ginger, astaxanthin (with a meal-fat soluble), MSM, bromelain, resveratrol (Hu Zhang), PEA, mangosteen, papain, bromelain, wobenzym, Zyflamend (a mix of anti-inflammatory herbs), and/or boswellia (frankincense) pills for painkilling/antiinflammatory in place of NSAIDS like aspirin & ibuprofen because turmeric & ginger are Cox2 inhibitors (antiinflammatories) just like NSAIDS but without the negative effects on the liver, on bleeding & ulcers. Because of this lack of side effects patients can take as many of them as they need for pain, reducing the need for addictive and pain increasing opiates like morphine.

The anti-inflammatory effect may help to heal injuries much faster, rather than interfering with healing as opiates can do. Anti-inflammatory herbs, used both in powder in food and in capsules are being used to wean people off opiates. When people become dependent on opiates and they try to get off of them they can feel a significantly heightened pain sensitivity as well as nausea. These herbal anti-inflammatories help prevent the increase in pain sensitivity and ginger (& peppermint) is as good an antinauseant as any prescription drug.

Anti-inflammatories help boost the effects of antidepressants in people who are treatment resistant. Turmeric boosts mood in a number of people for whom it is as good an antidepressant as Prozac. Because of this, turmeric is recommended to try first in case it has an antidepressant effect along with it’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

Turmeric needs ginger or a little bit of black pepper (piperine), 3mg black pepper per 1000mg of turmeric in order to use the curcumin in the turmeric. Curcumin extract is more expensive than turmeric, but provides the same benefit as long as the tumeric has a little black pepper.




High dose ginger capsules may be the next most useful herbal anti-inflammatory for addiction because it not only helps against nausea, it also reduces cortisol levels and anxiety, treating two of the major side effects of addiction withdrawal.

Modulation Of Inflammatory Mediators By Ibuprofen And Curcumin Treatment During Chronic Inflammation In Rat
Manish Banerjeea, L. M. Tripathib, V. M. L. Srivastavab, Anju Puric & Rakesh Shuklaa
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology
Volume 25, Issue 2, 2003 pages 213-224
DOI: 10.1081/IPH-120020471

Kohli K, Ali J, Ansari M J, Raheman Z.
Indian J Pharmacol 2005;37:141-7
Ginger–an herbal medicinal product with broad anti-inflammatory actions.

Grzanna R1, Lindmark L, Frondoza CG.
J Med Food. 2005 Summer;8(2):125-32.
Curcumin: A natural antiinflammatory agent.

Astaxanthin: A Novel Potential Treatment for Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in
Cardiovascular Disease
Fredric J. Pashkow, David G. Watumull, Charles L. Campbell
The American Journal of Cardiology
Volume 101, Issue 10, Supplement, 22 May 2008, Pages S58–S68

Haematococcus astaxanthin: applications for human health and nutrition
Martin Guerin, Mark E Huntley, Miguel Olaizola
Trends in Biotechnology
Volume 21, Issue 5, May 2003, Pages 210–216

Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans
Jean Soon Park, Jong Hee Chyun, Yoo Kyung Kim, Larry L Line, Boon P Chew
Nutrition & Metabolism 2010, 7:18

Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Study of Oral Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane and their Combination in Osteoarthritis
Dr P. R. Usha, M. U. R. Naidu
Clinical Drug Investigation
June 2004, Volume 24, Issue 6, pp 353-363

Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthritis pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial 1 2
L.S. Kim, L.J. Axelrod, P. Howard, N. Buratovich, R.F. Waters
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage
Volume 14, Issue 3, March 2006, Pages 286–294

Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane supplementation on osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled study
Eytan M Debbi, Gabriel Agar, Gil Fichman, Yaron Bar Ziv, Rami Kardosh, Nahum Halperin, Avi
Elbaz, Yiftah Beer, Ronen Debi
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:50 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-11-50

Frankincense: systematic review
2008; 337 doi: BMJ 2008;337:a2813

Bromelain, the enzyme complex of pineapple (Ananas comosus) and its clinical application. An update
Steven J. Taussiga, Stanley Batkin, b
Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Volume 22, Issue 2, February–March 1988, Pages 191–203

Bromelain : an Anti-Inflammatory Agent
Bert Seligman
ANGIOLOGY November 1962 vol. 13 no. 11 508-510
doi: 10.1177/000331976201301103

Zyflamend, a Unique Herbal Preparation With Nonselective OX Inhibitory Activity, Induces Apoptosis of Prostate Cancer Cells That Lack COX-2 Expression
Debra L. Bemis, Jillian L. Capodice, Aristotelis G. Anastasiadis, Aaron E. Katz & Ralph Buttyan
Nutrition and Cancer
Volume 52, Issue 2, 2005
DOI: 10.1207/s15327914nc5202_10

The effect of Wobenzym on the atherogenic potential and inflammatory factors at the
rehabilitation stage for patients who have had a myocardial infarct
Riabokon’ EN, Gavrilenko TI, Kornilina EM, Iakushko LV
Likars’ka Sprava / Ministerstvo Okhorony Zdorov’ia Ukrainy [2000(5):111-114]–_Turmeric_and_NSAID_withdrawal.htm


Fennel and Black Seed Oil control the gas and bloating.


Holy Basil and Tumeric reduce the soreness, anxiety and depression.



Lofexidine or clonidine


Lofexidine is a drug used in the UK & approved in the US that helps to block norepinephrine & relieve some of the side effects of opiate withdrawal. It is in the same class as clonidine for opiate withdrawal but causes less blood pressure reduction.



Berberine and opiate withdrawal


Berberine from the Chinese herb Rhizoma Coptis Chinensis root (Huang Lian), Oregon Grape root, and barberry root, appears to reduce opiate withdrawal symptoms including withdrawal triggered depression as well as high blood sugar, its main use.

Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Dec;16(6):379-86. doi: 10.4196/kjpp.2012.16.6.379. Epub 2012 Dec 10.  Effect of berberine on depression- and anxiety-like behaviors and activation of the noradrenergic system induced by development of morphine dependence in rats.  Lee B, Sur B, Yeom M, Shim I, Lee H, Hahm DH.



American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

American ginseng has been shown to reduce anxiety & depression during opiate withdrawal
and may help prevent relapse to opiate use.

J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2011 Oct;21(10):1088-96.
Wild ginseng attenuates anxiety- and depression-like behaviors during morphine withdrawal.
Lee B, Kim H, Shim I, Lee H, Hahm DH.





Ashwaganda is an adaptogen that reduces stress levels that also may prevent the buildup of tolerance in people taking opiates.

Traditional Medicine in the Treatment of Drug Addiction
Lin Lu, Yanli Liu, Weili Zhu, Jie Shi, Yu Liu, Walter Ling & Thomas R. Kosten
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Vol. 35 , Iss. 1,2009



Ginseng mix


A mix of the adaptogens may be more effective than any single one in helping relieve opiate
withdrawal and may be found by searching for Ginseng mix online. The adaptogens include:


American ginseng
Siberian ginseng (Eleuthero)
Asian/Chinese/Korean ginseng (Panax)
aralia mandshurica/elata spikenard root
Holy Basil (Tulsi)



B vitamins for pain


B vitamins appear to help reduce chronic pain, including chronic back pain as well as increasing concentration. They can come in a B100 or B50 vitamins complex (coenzyme or methyl may be
Dr. Richard Becker and Cindy Becker on “Your Health” 01/12/17



Naltrexone for rapid withdrawal


Naltrexone is used to induce rapid withdrawal from opiates & lofexidine is prescribed to lower
withdrawal pains. The person withdrawing is usually able to get through withdrawal in three
days at home. If combined with supplements that help stop withdrawal pains it can speed



Multivitamin, multimineral & organic foods


A lot of craving for opiates can be reduced by nutrition.  Taking a multimineral, a multivitamin, & eating organic sweet potatoes, organic baby spring mix/organic kale & other low oxylate greens, can help stop the nutritional deficiencies driving people to crave drugs to feel better.



MCT oil


Taking an 1/8th of a teaspoon of MCT oil under the tongue every four hours can supply the brain with ketones it craves & reduce drug seeking behaviors.





American ginseng, eleuthero, ashwaganda, rhodiola, asian ginseng, maca are all herbs that are adaptogens when ingested.  If cortisol, the stress hormone is too high they reduce it, if low they increase it.  It helps people who are feeling sick, tired, exhausted to feel normal for a few hours.  Safest & most effective is to use each one individually to find out which work then use them in a blend.




There are multiple types of kratom. It works on the mu receptors like opiates for mild to moderate painkilling.  It appears to cause in some a milder type of addiction & has helped some people step down from opiates while retaining some pain relieving benefit & being easier to stop using than full opiates.



About the author

MD has worked through severe lifelong developmental disabilities (and a brain injury) with much more success than the medical press suggests is possible. He is motivated to share his research and personal experiences with everyone who wants it, and doesn't solicit payment.